Japan need 200,000 immigrants per year ROUND 2

This is ROUND2.

You guys tried to prove me wrong but cleary you guys faild to prove that.
So I give you second chance

>Sup Forums say it is wrong to encourage Japan to take 200,000 immigrants per year
>Japan's GDP growth rate is lower than most of OECD countries for over two decades
>Debt per GDP is over 250%.
>monetary policy is ineffective to boost GDP
>Social welfare will force young generation to pay crazy tax ratio.
>We can not make a baby because it is too expensive for average couple

Here we have perfect solution.

Accept immigrants.

Accept immigrant boost economic growth.
so companies increase investment, and investment has multiplier effect on GDP
So our GDP will be relatively higher than situation when we don't accept immigrants.

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Remember to hide and sage all threads made by david kun

>Accept immigrant boost economic growth.

immigrants do not boost economic growth, they depress wages.

>immigrants do not boost economic growth, they depress wages.

Depressing wages makes multinationals more profit from hiring what basically amounts to slave labor....

These people do not care about the economy of a nation, only their next quarter profit margins.

Immigrants are not competitive with native people in most cases.

Especially it is thing in Japan.

Since Japanese is kind of rare langaugei in the world. they can not speak Japanese. As a result the wage is not much damaged by immigrants.

But our companies get help from immigrants.

Currently, our companies can not expand their bussiness because of lack of labor.

Accepting immigrants will solve this problem.

Eventually, politicians are going to have to learn that GDP growth is not nessecarily healthy for an economy or country.

I mean, just take a look at the Zimbabwe hyperinflation period, or the hyperinflation of the weimar republic.


and it crushed their nations economy.

And it is good.

Most of stocks in tokyo market is owned by Japanese organizations.

More profit of company=more profit for Japanese.

Everyone happy.


my sister saw my dick lads

Yeah, Real GDP growth and nominal GDP growth is different.

What is the point? then.
Everyone know it

>Currently, our companies can not expand their bussiness because of lack of labor.

Then why don't you just incentivize your own people to reproduce, instead of inviting in jihadists?

Do you have much understanding of foreign account deficits, trade deficits, etc?

What are you talking about exactly? Are you saying that the GDP is only going up because of inflation and not because of any real growth? Can I get a source on that?

>Are you saying that the GDP is only going up because of inflation and not because of any real growth?

No, i'm saying it would be foolish to assume that all GDP growth is because the economy is growing stronger.

Take what has been said in this thread about the difficulties of japanese affording to have children....

If their GDP is increasing, and increasing GDP means a stronger economy, why should this be the case that the people of japan cannot afford to have children?

>Problem B will be solved by causing Problem B in first place with Plan B to solve Problem A which Plan B can not solve because of Problem B

Did you fuck her in the ass afterwards?

fuck off false god

The thing I dont understand about Japan is, they are more willing to accept immigrants from places like Turkey rather than places like China.

I mean, seriously.

You'll become Sweden by 2100 if you keep this up.

Nice try Schlomo-san.

You dont need dirty communist chinamen. Import white westerners instead. If any japs approve of importing chinamen they should kill themselves.

If they won't be allowed to reproduce, then why not?

Consider the following scenario:

By some strange happenstnce (don't ask how, it's a hypothetical) The value of a nations currency doubles overnight.

Which means it takes half as much currency to purchase the same amount of goods.

So, while the real economy (goods and services) remains unaffected (people are still buying and selling the exact same amount of shit), the GDP drops by half.

>why should this be the case that the people of japan cannot afford to have children?

The problem with Japan is not that they can't afford children. It's because of the nations work culture where there are very little workers rights. Men are expected to stay at their workplace for basically the entire day, even if they aren't getting any work done.


Also, Japan has a very "sexist" culture where women are expected to become stay at home moms once they become married. Japanese women have their own ambitions these days and don't want to settle for being a homemaker so they abstain from marriage. Basically, Japan has created a culture of worker drones that only live to make profits instead of living for themselves.

I wonder how GDP will help when shitskin animals start raping children on the streets. like in other progressive countries. Oh yes, of course children of immigration perpetrators wont suffer because they will be save in wealthy gated communities, only common people will suffer.

Why is slow growth bad?
Why do we always have to be making MORE money?

So, who EXACTLY would benefit from an ever increasing amount of currency in circulation?

Especially at the expense of that currencies purchasing power?

Super cheap labor sounds great until they overstay their welcome and start costing your government money to support them. Just look what happened with the negroid slaves we released.

On top of that they will not respect or assimilate to your society or culture.

>Why is slow growth bad?
>Why do we always have to be making MORE money?

So the banks can loan out more at interest, you see?

forgot pic.

Also, video.


Jap women love Chinese men. Everyone of those bitches talking about gajin boyfriends are talking about their Chinese lovers.

How fucking new are you retards

The problem with current economic theory is that Keynes sold the politicians a pipe dream...

A way to have free money to spend on getting more votes.

And this causes inflation, sending all real wealth to the bankers.

IT's a stealth smash and grab.

They love men they can get. Japanese men aren't dating or marrying, and China has a surplus of males because OCP. The Japanese government needs to make sure they're importing the right husbands for their women instead of dirty commies.

GDP doesn't help average people. Most wealth created goes to the elites, not Satou. If there is a labour shortage then what will happen? The price of labour goes up and wages increase for Satou who can now buy more anime kyaragoodzu and stimulate the economy.


Because we need 18years to raise such future worker?

argumentum ad ignorantiam

>plan B cause problemB


>implying Muslims will get jobs
>Implying Muslims will boost economy
>Implying Muslims will make the slightest attempt to accept and blend into society
>Implying Muslims are a good thing

Increase of consumption itself have impact on GDP.


Your propaganda won't work, proxy-kun.

As I said, ⊿Y=1/1-c⊿C

It's simple. And if you look at correlation efficient of immigrants and GDP growth among OECD nations. there is positive correlation.

>implying Japanese are not smart enough to notice that Immigrants are solution.

Oh yeah. Probably most of Japanese are moron and ignorant about economics.
But I am different from typical moronic Japanese

Yes, yes, you need 200 thousand American autists with yellow fever and 2 million Pacific island jungle monkeys a year!

>it's alright to shoah my entire culture because Goldstein-dono told me we need to grow forever like a fucking cancer cell.

Fuck off.

>Because we need 18years to raise such future worker?

Better late than never.

>argumentum ad ignorantiam

It wasn't an argument, it was a question.

Well, It's misunderstanding.

First of all, GDP is just Gross domestic product.
So yes. It's just word like GDE.

Probably you want to talk about gdp growth. right?

GDP growth is good for everyone. because it has positive multiplier effect.
Once someone or company increase consumption of investment, it cause chains of increase.

Do you really think typical american people's life is better in 2008 than 2006?

Also most of pension funds buy stock. it mean, you will be rewarded after retire, if stock price goes up.

>Increase of consumption itself have impact on GDP.

Who cares?

GDP means jack shit when your currency devalues at the same rate.

The only winners in that scenario are the banks who loan the currency at interest, and take full advantage of its pre inflated purchasing power.

>As I said, ⊿Y=1/1-c⊿C

>It's simple.

Don't give me that Emperors new clothes bullshit, sell that to the stupid politicians who don't know shit about econmics.

Keynsian economics is a ploy by the banks to rape a nations economy.

>no growth

Okay, you can imagine early 20th century Argentine.

It was actually one of economically advanced nation. Their life was better than some of west european nations.

Now what happend to Argentine?

Or, You can look at Africa in 1960.

Most of african nations had better life than South korea.
South korea was worse than countries like Congo and North korea.

Now look at what happend to them.

Now, South korea is better off than such nations.


Because they embrace market economy. And show respect to economic growth.

>Because they embrace market economy. And show respect to economic growth.

I think it has more to do with mechanization and industrialization than anything else.

oh. so how is your "mechanization" and "industrialization"? Mr stalin.

I hope USSR still exist in 22nd century. oh wait

you jewed yourselves trought monetary policies

summoning money out of nothing for decades to sustain a broken debt based bubble economy has a cost

enjoy going broke, enjoy losing welfare, enjoy losing everything

>pro tip: buy gold

>oh. so how is your "mechanization" and "industrialization"? Mr stalin.

I'm American, yo...

All around the world, industrialization has increased nations productive output.

No matter the governmet or economy type.

Democracy, republic, socialist, etc...

Industrialization increases productivity.

Fiscal voodoo does not.

well, Japan is shit.

And that's why we should look at REAL economy and our potential GDP growth.


nah, Gold has lower return of rate than S&P index.

nope. allowing tons of niggers,and muslims into japan will turn it into a garbage rape dump like sweden. it would be better to die out than do that.

Ahh its this thread again.

Every time you get blown the fuck out multiple times OP yet you still make it.

Plus this is like the 4th or 5th time I have seen it so round 2?

TLDR its a troll thread.

>As I said, ⊿Y=1/1-c⊿C
if highschool economics worked you didn't need to study economics u idiot...

nah, you are wrong in 21st century.

Now, current manifactualing industries only dominate 10% of America's GDP.

Most of advanced countries shifted to service secter economy.

Are you coming from 1930s or something?

You don't have to reply to him anymore, by using fancy latin in an incorrect way he outed himself as a LARPer. SAGE

oh. so SELL stock when CPI rise and BUY stock when CPI go down.

I am pretty sure that You can make ton of money.

Economic model is not perfect but it is true for certainly degree.

>Now, current manifactualing industries only dominate 10% of America's GDP.

Yeah, no shit.

But how much of real economic growth do they dominate?

I keep telling you, GDP doesn't necessarily equal economic growth.

If you have to pay twice as much for bread on tuesday as you did on monday, your GDP increased... but you haven't gained a damn thing.

never go full retard

do you even know the relation between monetarism abd the stockmarkets?

>Yeah, no shit.
denying fact for your autism is simply pathetic

>But how much of real economic growth do they dominate?

Yeah. do you want to know about endogenous growth theory?
You surely don't know about it.

Idea is KEY. NOT "manifactualing".

Also you need to understand mathmatics.

>The ratio of manifactualing secter is declining
>how much of real economic growth do they dominate?
SImply stupid.

and you clearly don't know about real GDP growth rate and nominal GDP growth rate.

WTF. even dumb freshman know the difference between these two.

Yees Japan, you should accept somali muslims in your country, it will surely help your economy in the long run.

You do realize that currency is a commodity, subject to the rules of supply and demand, right?

If you have more currency, and the exact same amount of goods and services, your currency is necessarily worth LESS than it was before.
The value isn't in the fucking money; The value is in the goods and services.

and Economists invented how to caliculate real GDP growth rate to remove inflation effect.

Real GDP(rate)=nominal GDP(rate)-inflation rate
Nominal GDP(rate)= Real GDP+inflation rate

come on. fucking stupid

OPEN the text book of economics

everyone notice what you think the problem is.

And it is not mainpoint. because we can remove its impact from nominal GDP growth rate.

>And it is not mainpoint. because we can remove its impact from nominal GDP growth rate.

So, hows your Keynesian economics going, japan?

Your people still can't afford to reproduce, so you are talking about replacing them with 3rd world immigrants, yes?

How Wealthy of you.

>So, hows your Keynesian economics going, japan?

man, This is not "Keynesian" economics.

This is classical economics(Not even new-classical) level knowledge.

>Your people still can't afford to reproduce, so you are talking about replacing them with 3rd world immigrants, yes?

More immigrantsmore growth.→ people now afford to have kids

this is good. win-win.

Cultural diversity is our strength.

Japan wont be Japan if you keep accepting immigrants. Your culture will be taken over by Africans.

So destroy Japan by trying to make an extra buck. Sounds worth it.

You're fucking retarded, Japan's problem with reproduction isn't a simple economic one you damn English teacher.

Where in the fucking world of economic information did you get the faintest idea that a country with a G8 economy cannot keep a stable reproduction quota because their people can't afford children.

It's the dumbest thing I've heard all day.

>And if you look at correlation efficient of immigrants and GDP growth among OECD nations. there is positive correlation.

And if you actually look at them and don't trust retarded libfag propaganda spins you will see the GDP growth in any of these cases is not the result of working niggers and sandniggers, if they work at all, but retardedly massive debt spending into aid of these future welfare queens such as housing and other infrastructure, cathering, skill and job trainings, European and Anglo migrants and to a miniscule extend East Asian migrants and could be just a much achieved just building some fucking roads into nowhere.

You're fucking retarded as well.

No true samurai would accept immigrants. I'm onto you, shekelstein.

They only need immigrants if we can't build robots and automations to either to take care of their elders or free up enough labour so the youth can. This is going to be an obsolete narrative VERY shortly, < 10 years.

get a life troll

So they were all fakes?

kill yourself, your ancestors are ashamed of you. Your forefathers didn't die in WW2 as kamikazes for you to let gaijins invade your country. You should consider seppuku.

Sasuga eigo sensei

I lol'ed @ this thread. Anyways, if Japan were to accept immigrants, clearly the best choice are Eastern Asians (namely China (including HK and Taiwan), and Korea). Genetically these groups are the closest to each other.

Culturally, of course it's going to be different. You're going to be living in a multicultural society but it's not like it's radically different.

What Japan doesn't want to do is import non-Asian people. These people will destroy the fabric of your country. I know that Japan likes white people and hates other Asian people but at some point you have to get over it so that your people can survive. Non-Asians are not the answer.

There could be an issue with accepting koreans and chinese. They'll become bitchy SJW's over Japan's past imperialism. Even though they got stomped and reformed SJW's don't care.

*japan got stomped and reformed

Of course there's going to be an issue but I think that issue is mainly on Japanese. They have to accept what the fuck they did and they need to extend a hand to Chinese and Koreans.

>They have to accept what the fuck they did and they need to extend a hand to Chinese and Koreans.
What? they've issued formal apologizes,and given reparations several times. china,and korea will never let that shit go.

do you like blacku sausageu

I really hope you're LARPing. If Japanese actually think this way, the country is sorely in trouble.

Japan has no need for unskilled, low-quality individuals which the western left seems to have such a fetish for. Immigrating to Japan is actually fairly easy, IF you have a degree. That's the way it should continue to be.

Manual labour is in the process of being replaced by automation. What's going to happen to all these immigrants when they suddenly can't find work? Inevitable disaster.

There also comes the issue of integration: Japan hasn't been able to integrate its ethnic Koreans who have been living in the country for decades if not generations. How do you expect people who know nothing about Japan to integrate?

You are completely delusional.

Japan needs 200,000 KOREAN immigrants
Become East Korea
It is your destiny

You have under employed people living in internet cafes. Your problems will not be fixed with immigrants.

>let's poor some diesel on the tire fire, that will help.

You're an idiot. There is no automation in Japan. Muslims are the only answer.

>Muslims are the only answer
the only answer for Japan are North Korean refugees when NK collapses, which is very soon.

I've been seeing you around a lot.

Oh, you mean Debito Cardo. That bloke is a fucking tool.

That reminds me, Japan probably has the LEAST compatible culture with Islam.

They're hard-drinking, pork-loving, staunchly secular people. I can only imagine a Muslim's face in seeing something like the notorious Honen-matsuri.

I suppose the one similarity is the overt, unapologetic paedophile culture.

But honestly, having a civilised culture in existence which is incompatible with Islam to the core feels so fucking good.

there is more to a country than its fucking GDP. the need to increase GDP is going to be the downfall of civilization

Japan does accept immigrants though. Except its tightly controlled and they only accept the best who are willing to integrate, which is how it should be. Do you not realize that Islam is even less compatible with Japanese culture than western culture? Islam and Christianity are both sand nigger religions and they still fight each other.

Obviously the nips could handle/and/or/need some immigrants. nips are like 99.9999 niponese and becoming 99.999998 niponese wont kill their culture but it will provide stimulus.

even the most hardcore "muh whte genocide" fags should be able to see that some immigration can be beneficial... so long as its by people who MERIT being included in the society.

One look at the multi culti hell of west will tell you that is dumb idea. If it is too expensive to have a kid for the average nip, redistribute the wealth or give baby bonuses.

On top of that most Muslims who know about Japan think Japanese are idol worshiping irredeemable scum.

Well shit Japlady is back
Good to see ya m8

>no automation
What kind of shit you are hitting off? I want to know so I can avoid it.

Japan already accepts people with merit. Japan doesn't need to change anything about its immigration policies.

Can't wait for all those Japanese girls getting blacked desu