"Assad gas attack was a false flag!"

>implying Arabs are competent enough to keep strict tabs on all their chemical warfare agents
>implying they can tell the difference between a regular bomb and a gas bomb when they load them up in their planes
>implying Arabs haven't used nerve agents as recently as 1988 in warfare
>implying there is a strategic ammo dump full of sarin that they bombed despite literally no evidence pointing to any such thing
>implying even if they did bomb this imaginary depot full of sarin agents that the agents don't dissipate quickly enough due to sarin's high evaporation rate which is sped up intensely by the dry Syrian desert

I have doubts about Assad personally ordering a sarin attack on civilians but not questioning the Syrian armed forces' is just as retarded. You faggots need to learn to start asking questions. You think the SAA is some uber evolved white secular force equivalent to Aryans and that they are magically different from the sandnig rebels they are fighting?

The most likely scenario is some fucking idiot member of the SAA loaded up the wrong bomb on his sortie, it dropped, happened to be sarin and now his higher ups are telling him to shut the fuck up until Russia can come up with an excuse.

Other urls found in this thread:


Does this look like a false flag victim to you?

that was pretty racist

>I'm a faggot and I havent seen the white helmets leaked video put out no doubt because even some of the rebels are disgusted with their leaders gassing children.


The CIA wants Assad gone and will do whatever it takes to get Trump to make the mistake to go deeper into Syria.

Want to defeat a lie? Demand proof.
>Want to defeat a lie? Demand proof.

Who fucking cares?

I live in the US, which is 2/3rds of the way around the fucking world from Syria. It's not my concern if Assad sprays his whole country with poison gas. I don't live there. I don't want my goddamn money going into another bullshit pointless neocon war.

Let's try the same shit again

They are innocent Caucasian brethren getting gassed by a dictator (or someone else but probably him)

Link to vid

Shut up bitch.

Gas yourself, shill.

assad did nothing wrong

>lol guys Saddam is le evil
>jk turns out we lied
>lol guys Gaddafi is le evil
>jk turns out we lied
>lol guys Assad is le evil
>jk turns out we lied
>oh wait I mean seriously Assad is evil this time

if you buy this neocon bullshit you should just move back to Israel where you belong.

They already lied about Assad using chemical weapons multiple times

why would this time be any different

kys you stupid kike

>They are innocent Caucasian brethren getting gassed by a dictator (or someone else but probably him)
Prove it.

What specifically?

/sg/ shills are out in full force.

Notice I never said in my original post that the rebels didn't do it. I only opened up the possibility of discussion that the Arabs in the Syrian Air Force were incompetent and unintentionally used a sarin bomb.

Here is a real redpill

You question EVERYTHING

That doesn't mean only CNN, that doesn't mean only UN investigations, that doesn't mean only Jewdailynews.com/shlomo

That means fucking everything. Even pro-Russia sources. Pro-Assad sources.

Anyone arguing against that is a shill, plain and simple.

You mean the fuckers that were supposed to be helping but once the victims, immigrants, and refugees were questioned about them no-one knew who the fuck they were

>implying they can tell the difference between a regular bomb and a gas bomb when they load them up in their planes


>implying Arabs haven't used nerve agents as recently as 1988 in warfare

25 years ago, really makes you think they would use nerve gas to kill 20 people in mop-up operations when Assad has already won the war

>implying there is a strategic ammo dump full of sarin that they bombed despite literally no evidence pointing to any such thing

Yes, not like rebels like pic related must have a place to store a tiny amount of sarin gas enough to harm those immediately around the building when it's blown up


how about no lol

Assad and his father don't care about their people
Assad's army knew what it was doing when it launched its gas attack

>t. Abdullahi

Why would they do it though? Are they so nieve as to think USA would have just gone with it?

It's not a false flag, it's a genuine accident caused by rebels' dangerous storage of chemical weaponry near the civil population


Wow, you're a fucking retard.

The OVERWHELMING narrative being pushed across ALL OF THE WEST is that there is no need to question because ASSAD DID IT

Sup Forums is saying: Hey, he might have, but it's really unlikely, so let's not destroy an entire country and kill massive numbers of people based on suspicion

And you're here to...... fight some false Sup Forums narrative that we must not rule out Assad?

Did it occur to you to spend your time instead fighting the narrative that ASSAD WAS CERTAINLY BEHIND IT which is about 100000x as powerful and dominating in the airwaves? Instead of fighting hints of a straw man narrative here?

>Saddam: dictator
>Gaddafi: dictator
>Assad: dictator

the US has always fought for Freedom

Assad has been using forbidden weapons for the last 7 years
Russia is providing those weapons
Trump will remove Assad and give the middle finger to Putin


shills on full alert


Yes, we do. Your post was just pure speculation, though. Also, UN reports are some of the best sources for information on the war.

You dumb fuck
Assad sent the majority of his chemical weapons to Russia
The small amount left was probably looked after with utmost care to prevent the US from invading on the chemical attack pretense

Wake up you overweight war mongering sheep media loving Amerifag

>I'm a faggot that doesn't realize the white helmets video was actually from November
It's the first thing you see when you Google White Helmets mannequin challenge, retard

Being such a pleb that he believes those shits
Travel to Syria so will be removed by the US army


Actually yes, that's exactly what a false flag victim looks like

I can't tell if his face is melted from chemicals or this is a vine style photoedit

Shill thread. What rhymes with gauge goes in all fields

This isn't the CNN comments section, you absolute fucking mongoloid. The problem this place has is that it is overwhelmingly pro-Assad and doesn't question anything he or his inept Arab soldiers ever do.

Even the possibility that this was an accident seems INFURIATING to you because you believe it was 100% a rebel staged false flag attack.

You're brainwashed and closeminded. I'm not even advocating for any military action yet the minute I suggest, oh Idk, maybe the SAA isn't exactly the most professional armed forces in the world and they may have made a mistake, your autism SHOOTS UP like a bomb crying about muhh neocon wars muhhh mainstream meteor.

You're just as closeminded as the CNN narrative.

>white helmets

my fucking sides

The Earth is a sphere you mongoloid. If you're 2/3rds the world away, you're only 1/3rd the world away.

The US themselves oversaw the destruction of Syria's stockpile. Don't go
>what if they didn't hand over anything
because Americans are obviously monitoring the chemical weapons stockpile long before they take it to the UN

fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Right because they would never lie about things like that, right? Because during a civil war people keep tabs on every armament and shell? Because Arabs have the efficiency and record keeping of Nazis?

I'm 2/3rd away from Antarctica
Am I also 1/3rd away

>The problem this place has is that it is overwhelmingly pro-Assad and doesn't question anything he or his inept Arab soldiers ever do.
Yes we do. We're all waiting for the investigation. Don't try to talk about the war if you know nothing about it.

the sarin gas... turned him into a meme...


Yfw the nazis didn't and that's just a Jewish lie that they had records of all the jews


You wish

I ask questions, just not the ones CNN want me to

Bullshit. Americans were still buying chemical weapons from Iraqis after the invasion of the war.

Look up Operation Avarice and redpill yourself.

Lets be honest. It could have been as well Israel, who has the technology to produce Sarin and use it to bait the US in a war against Syria.

>they loaded up the wrong bomb
>they just have sarin bombs lying around

That is your logic

What do you gain from using chemical weapons on your own people?

I dunno, those sneaky ay-rabs have tricked you once before.

>implying sarin just gives people a light cough
Fucking hell, sarin is a nerve agent. The symptoms being reported scream chlorine. Trouble breathing is a good indicator you're about to die when you're talking about sarin. If it's chlorine then it's almost certainly not the government, at it's pretty much the shittiest and least effective commonplace chemical weapon, and also the easiest to make. Impure sarin could also cause a lot of what's being described, but I'd imagine the government is capable of producing chemical weapons properly and isn't making it in the presidential palace basement

>Oh geeze all this armament secured during the stages of a civil war from a country that was proven to stockpile chemical arms in an area where middle easterners regularly engage in chemical warfare CAN NOT AND NEVER WILL BE A CHEMICAL WEAPON

This is your logic

Why would Assad pull a boneheaded move like this when the US just changed it's position to non interventionist. It finally looks to be the beginning of the end of all the shit in Syria and Assad decides to turn the whole world against him again? How does this make sense to anyone?

I am sure (((white helmets))) were behind this.

Take the dick out of your brain and actually read what he said. No one is by default siding with Assad, he literally just told you that he/we aren't going to follow along with what is dominating the airwaves because hurrrrr they've been wrong before. Clearly you're not educated on the fact there's an entire other side to the Syria conflict that you are utterly ignorant on. "Lurk more faggot" is a phrase I don't think is used enough, because clearly you haven't. Lurk /sg/ and find the videos about life in Syria that isn't the exact opposite of what's plastered in the MSM. Same exact thing with Gaza. "OMG po0r Gaza is in ruin!" When literally it's an absurdly small percentage of Gaza that was strategically targeted, and you can find plenty of Instagram/Twitter accounts of people in Gaza showing pictures of what life in Gaza is actually like.

There's a large faction against Assad and the Syrian government that is aligned with Daesh that spread misinformation.

Hell, you idiots are falling for old pictures being recycled and propped up as new. Then again, you're a mindless sheep who's new here, enjoy being a useful idiot.

I'm of the same opinion. Either A) Assad isn't a rational agent or B) there's more to this than we'r being told.

the MIC shilling is shit tier.

when you guys want to incite a war for real, gimmie a call.

After all, I am the goddess of tragedy


because he is a cunt who takes pleasure in ethnic cleansing.


Under Saudi Arabia

>The most likely scenario is some fucking idiot member of the SAA loaded up the wrong bomb on his sortie, it dropped, happened to be sarin and now his higher ups are telling him to shut the fuck up until Russia can come up with an excuse.

There is no evidence of Syrian chemical weapons program having developed in flight mixing of binary agents. The US chemical weapons program experimented with that and the results weren't really good. If they can't do it well. Syria can't. You can't really accidentally mix the precursors to make sarin gas and then arm a plane with the bomb.

>implying even if they did bomb this imaginary depot full of sarin agents that the agents don't dissipate quickly enough due to sarin's high evaporation rate which is sped up intensely by the dry Syrian desert

It is even worse since you'd want to store the binary agents not sarin itself which degrades fast. One of the agents is isopropyl alcohol which definitely would go up in flames.

>No one is by default siding with Assad
>just go to the most pro-Assad section of this board to get your facts

You are an absolute fucking moron.

In case anyone has forgotten Assad surrendered his stockpile to Putin in 2014.


>The problem this place has is that it .. doesn't question anything he or his inept Arab soldiers ever do.

No, that doesn't describe this place accurately at all.

The probability is OVERWHELMINGLY against Assad behing behind it.

But when you claim that "this place" "rules it out 100%", you just show that you don't know "this place" at all, whatsoever.

>Even the possibility that this was an accident seems INFURIATING to you because you believe it was 100% a rebel staged false flag attack.

Yeah, no, that is not how Sup Forums works, per the above.

>You're just as closeminded as the CNN narrative.

Except that

a) you're wrong when you say I 100% rule out Assad as I have already pointed out, it's just the overwhemingly probability based on looking rationally at the evidence, so you're basically a false-flagging lying shill,

b) You admit that the CNN narrative is closeminded 100% "ASSAD DID IT" -- yet instead you spend your time here because somehow "The Problem" is your false representation of Sup Forums.

You make a great case for Breivik. Society is infected with shills like yourself, and there is no other way that has worked to remove them.

>Assad is known for having used those chemicals in the past.
>Survivors describe bombs being dropped from planes which directly contradicts the Assad regimens take on the event

The normal tactics of the Assad armies when besieging is usually to bomb and starve entire city sections if they know rebels are in there. It's common for them to use chemicals to speed up the process. Everything points to a standard Assad approach.

late night quads


>lol guys Saddam is le evil
>jk turns out we lied
Halabja was a false flag now too?

>use artillery shells laced with sarin and attack positions being bombed by assad's forces
>blame assad for using chemical weapons

>Overwhelmingly pro Assad

I don't give a shit about Assad.i give a shit about the US being sucked into another multi trillion dollar black hole where we install our guy and call it liberation. And I'm calling bullshit until I see proof.

posts by this ID: "because he is a cunt who takes pleasure in ethnic cleansing."

>I will ethnically cleanse my vanquished opponents with gas, it pleases me

>Deploy the planes with Sarin gas bombs over the heavily civilian areas

>Commander, do not fail me, I will have you executed unless you kill at least 20 of them

My point is that they stated themselves they had destroyed Syria's stockpile.

Assad doesn't even have sarin and even if he did, he wouldn't be dumb enough to use it when he's already winning with conventional ordinance. There's literally no benefit to him if he does as it just provokes further international interference with his war effort.

Now FSA/ISIS/CIA on the other hand, would just love the opportunity, not only to move more reinforcements into the area under the confusion, but milk the publicity and outpouring of charity and foreign aid.

Is that why he's supported by all the ethnic and religious minorities of Syria? Have you ever wondered why only Sunni islamists are angry? Ever considered they were tired of being the majority in a country but not having the power? You see this everywhere.

Living conditions in 1960s Belgian Congo were pretty good, natives want to govern themselves, Belgians leave and everything goes to shit. Living conditions in Rhodesia pretty good, communists rebels want power in the hands of blacks, Rhodesian government, lacking support, capitulates, new government ruins everything. Over and over. Regardless of the quality of life, people always want power. When you have existing tensions between the two groups like Shias and sunnis it's only made worse.

Anyway the real reason Syria is a big deal when there's other conflicts across the globe getting no attention is that it's yet another proxy war. Syria is key to Russia's strategic interest, which means without exception they will support the government and we will support the rebels. This song and dance happens every time. Regardless of which side is right, this will be the pattern

So your argument is that the planes just happened to be flying over at the same time? Ignoring how it fits the practice of the Assad army in the past, including the type of rare chemical.

umbrella term

No, you see they just had chemical weapons lying around and loaded up the wrong ones loaded with sarin.

No you retard, I mean they could have timed their artillery shelling to match the bombing run of the Syrian airforce.

>muh decades old massacre using weapons REAGAN GAVE HIM

wow that was totally worth destroying Iraq

great call you dumb Mongol

You think they have access to that shit, shithead? And why do you link an account that proves nothing. If I was dropping bombs and wanted to spread some misinformation to retards like you then I to would set up a fake account like that.

Woah, nice argument. Not.

Like I literally just said, it's not by default. You're crying over spilled milk and using it as blanket judgement.

Are you essentially telling me you support Daesh and the other moderate beheaders, cough I meant rebels sorry. I'm sure the people of Syria would love that wouldn't they. Dumbass. Educate yourself and/or stop being such a piss-ant with your garbage replies.

Here's an idea:

For the rebels to use nerve gas, they also must have nerve gas

Of course, they are not likely to have great quantities

And they would probably store them inside rebel areas in some location with lots of military forces

Could such a storage location be bombed? What would in that case happen?

what business is it of US that Saddam and the Kurds had been fighting?

you know what really fucking pisses me off? how we are frowned upon for enforcing our morals on muslims here in the west but the government enforces morals on shitskins in their countries as an excuse to make the countries worse.

yeah, good fucking idea guys, lets remove secular dictators so they can get their islamic governments in power.

>another multi trillion dollar black hole where we install our guy and call it liberation
Russia will not allow that, you'll finally attack someone who can fight back. Unlike all the other cowardly ME wars.

>rare chemical
Ok this is starting to really irritate me. Sarin isn't hard to make. Fuck, some Japanese shitheads managed to release some into the metro. It's hard to make pure sarin though, which is why it's usually a government actor. This incident is not consistent with pure sarin though. Sarin is a nerve agent and is unlikely to cause respiratory problems like those we saw in reports unless it's impure or it kills the victim soon after. Chlorine, mustard, some others are more likely to cause the sort of injuries we've heard about.

You're wasting your time on this idiot.

They already started recycling old photos from other wars that don't belong to the Syria conflict and we have this shill ignorantly shouting nonsense.

>b-b-b-but y-y-you guys support Assad!

I literally cannot fathom the level of cognitive dissonance these people possess.

bop (1)

fuck, this video is brutal.
are they legit/trustworthy? don't know who they are

bop (2)

sarin gas was not used. there is footage of (((medical officials))) touching victims with their bare hands, and sarin gas is highly toxic to the flesh.

I don't see why Assad would use chemical weapons in this situation. Assad isn't stupid and would know the world of shit he'd be in if he used chemical weapons. So unless there was either a massive strategic gain to be made(in this case there wasn't) or it was an act of desperation (again not the case here) there's no real motivation for him to risk the international retaliation that would come with using gas after he was suppose to have surrendered it all.

Assad's been terror bombing rebel territory for years with ordinary munitions, the only reason I doubt he'd start with chemical attacks is that it'd be really retarded. Still seems more likely (either ordered from the top or by some people in the air force loading weapons they shouldn't) than a false flag.

We should leave him in power given that the alternative is al-Qaeda and likeminded groups turning the country into another Saudi Arabia - even the SDF made a truce with the regime for a reason - but the regime is certainly capable of committing its own atrocities.

It's possible but just unlikely. This seems like a case of of it looks, feels, sounds, etc like an elephant then it likely is an elephant. The Assad armies wouldn't blink an eye at doing it if they think they can get away with it.

It was a combination of nerve agents and chlorine gas. It's just not something you have lying around and it takes money and supervision to stock. Not to mention how hard it is to get for an average rebel.

>Assad ordered the gassing of civilians because he is a cunt who wants to ethnically cleanse them!
>No wait he did not do that at all it was simply a mistake

Yes, there's so much Sarin gas lying around in Syria that a structured army accidentally just messes up and grabs a bomb from the Sarin gas stockpile right next to the conventional bomb stockpile!

Not like they just had inspectors running around the country and declared it free of chemical weapons and even the facilities to create them:


UN Chief commends Special Coordinator and her team on successful completion of OPCW-UN Joint Mission

1 October 2014- Following the closure of the OPCW-UN Joint Mission on 30 September 2014, the Secretary-General expressed his deep gratitude to the Special Coordinator, Ms. Sigrid Kaag, as well as all the staff members from both the UN and the OPCW, who worked under difficult and often dangerous conditions to complete the elimination of the declared chemical weapons programme of the Syrian Arab Republic.
The Joint Mission has successfully conducted its work over the past twelve months under extremely challenging and complex circumstances.