The Frankfurt School were the good guys - they hated artificial right-vs-left stuff - and click bait media.
There I said it.
>Their version of the MSM:
The Frankfurt School were the good guys - they hated artificial right-vs-left stuff - and click bait media.
There I said it.
>Their version of the MSM:
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, they wanted to employ the media for their own socialist goals. They succeeded. What is your fucking point? This reeks of pure bait.
They wrote the Authoritarian Personality which basically argued that European nationalism was basically evil and wrong because it resulted in anti-Semitism (the writers were all Jews who fled Germany) and that European culture could only be corrected by giving minorities special rights and privileges. This led to massive immigration of non-whites and Alinsky propaganda tactics to shame Europeans into thinking that hating themselves was inherently good and heroic.
They were the early SJWs.
That books against fascism dummy, not "european nationalism".
>The Authoritarian Personality "invented a set of criteria by which to define personality traits, ranked these traits and their intensity in any given person on what it called the 'F scale' (F for fascist)."[1] The personality type Adorno et al. identified can be defined by nine traits that were believed to cluster together as the result of childhood experiences. These traits include conventionalism, authoritarian submission, authoritarian aggression, anti-intellectualism, anti-intraception, superstition and stereotypy, power and "toughness", destructiveness and cynicism, projectivity, and exaggerated concerns over sex.[2][3]
>Though strongly criticized for bias and methodology,[4][5] the book was highly influential in American social sciences, particularly in the first decade after its publication: “No volume published since the war in the field of social psychology has had a greater impact on the direction of the actual empirical work being carried on in the universities today.”[6]
Sure, look at the Murdoch/Rothschilds/Bush investments in the Golan heights of Syria leading to yet another oil war.
You think that's socialism? You're an idiot.
bump for media literacy fans
Oh go fuck yourself idiot
They hated left vs right because they wanted the left to run around unapposed.
>Absolute BS
Those born in the 1980's and onward have not only been subject to Marxist propaganda through their schools, but are largely the *second* generation to be raised by parents immersed in the same propaganda... So the big red pill for our daily social lives is Cultural Marxism
In classical Marxism, the workers of the world were oppressed by the ruling classes. The new theory was that everyone in society was psychologically oppressed by the institutions of Western culture. The [Frankfurt] school concluded that this new focus would need new vanguards to spur the change. The workers were not able to rise up on their own.
The school published a lot of popular material. The first of these was Critical Theory.
Critical Theory is a play on semantics. The theory was simple: criticize every pillar of Western culture—family, democracy, common law, freedom of speech, and others. The hope was that these pillars would crumble under the pressure.
Crazy European Immigration Crisis:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Cultural Marxism in action.
The History of Political Correctness
Yuri Bezmenov: Ideological Subversion
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
THE USEFUL (((Marxist))) IDIOTS:
Feminist Pretends To Be Male..
Criticism without alternative reinforces the Narrative.
If the Narrative is internalized, any attack against it is an attack against you.
If you smiled at my first sentence, you're infected. Question that Narrative.
Shit you type ≠ evidence
>Critical Theory is a play on semantics. The theory was simple: criticize every pillar of Western culture—family, democracy, common law, freedom of speech, and others. The hope was that these pillars would crumble under the pressure.
Utter horse shit - Critical Theory simply examines the unexamined assumptions found in all ideologies. Just look at the idea of the surveillance state as having a kind of pan-opticon effect....
....unless you support the surveillance state?
P.S Bezmenov "subverted" india, dingus, not the west. Try doing basic research next time, rather than just watching youtubes.
Here's a clip from one of your dumb youtubes:
But its bullshit - it's a Pat Buchanan quote!
That's the point of this quote:
>"The Culture Industry not so much adapts to the reactions of its customers as it counterfeits them."
Critical Theory doesn't do the examining - that's Cultural Marxism's job - To assume an inherent and unchangeable oppression is taking place.
CT literally just critizises everything like a fucking kid, removing the vulnerability and communications required to actually address what they're bitching so much about.
A pisspoor way to resolve any-- OH WAIT THAT ISN'T THE GOAL OF MARXISM AT ALL
YOU JUST WANT TO DESTROY WHAT ORDER WE HAVE BUILT (mostly fueled by daddy hate. get chocked cuck)
Backstory on this gif? Looks fake as fuck
>Critical Theory doesn't do the examining
You've clearly never read any Critical Theory ya dumb fuck:
>"unexamined assumptions"
Critical Theorists are arguing AGAINST identity politics (aka recognition politics) A DECADE AGO dumb ass:
...and still are today:
>still doesn't have a point
Why do we trust the government to nerf the world? Why should they be allowed to film and eaves drop on everyone in public? Why do we even need offensive wars? Why shouldn't the police be a taxi service?
>still hasn't mentioned The Frankfurt School directly.
Also; I guess because you're criticising me, you're a critical theorists and working for the soviets to take down America (fuk yeh).
Your own bad-logic stings, don't it bitch?
>keeps trying to counterfeit a reaction
"The Culture Industry not so much adapts to the reactions of its customers as it counterfeits them." -Adorno
ITT a leaf pretending to be educated
You're not wrong. That's cultural marxisms field. geez you've got things at least consistantly backwords 2/10
You mean the group of marxists that ran from germany because their schools and materials were being burned down because they were so degenerate? Yeah look up the origins of transgender, amuse yourself and others at your (in?in.)ability to read.
Nope, not how CT works. I'd call you a buzzword then move onto the next poi-- OH WAIT YOU JUST DID THAT CLEVER.JPG
>attempt at pop-psychology
Looks like this poor attempt died quick. I'll just leave this here.
Go on, show me your source for that lenin "quote" - or do you in fact have zero research skills in your arsenal.
Thought so.
(You) (pic related)
You lost man just stop.
it's gotta' be way past your bedtime kiddo
>Grown man posting Disney .gifs
>Claims everyone else is degenerate.
Lemme know when you have any actual evidence.
Dost Thou Even Hoist?
Thou Does Not Hoist :\
Critical theory developed by the Jews of the Marxist schools of cultural thought aided in pushing the precursors of "haves vs. have nots", marrying the concept with culture. It's an explanation as to why Marxist thought did not pick up in the US, because the culture was holding the impoverished back.
Your conspiracy theory bullshit isn't evidence. Besides, the KGB didn't fund The Frankfurt School, Felix Weil did - and it was formed under the auspices of Walther Rathenau dummy. It's in ACTUALLY books that have been fact checked. Dummy:
So you don't believe in rich and poor? Geez man. At some point you have to question your own reasoning and relative lack of evidence.
never asserted.
Answer is not to abolish the middle class, though.
I don't think abolishing the middle class was ever asserted either.
They were against the Culture Industry, and wanted to help the poor (which would build up the middle class):
>The idea of “fully exploiting” available technical resources and the facilities for aesthetic mass consumption is part of the economic system which refuses to exploit resources to abolisah hunger. -Adorno
Like I've been trying to say; these guys weren't bad guys.
>I don't think abolishing the middle class was ever asserted either.
Remind me the goal of Marxian economics again.
>They were against the Culture Industry, and wanted to help the poor (which would build up the middle class): The idea of “fully exploiting” available technical resources and the facilities for aesthetic mass consumption is part of the economic system which refuses to exploit resources to abolisah hunger. -Adorno
If that's helping the poor, I don't want to see them hurting them.
That's not them helping the poor - that's them pointing out a hypocracy.
They were basically the first leftists to point out the whole 'complaining about sweatshops on your facebook via your iphone" complaint.
It's not complicated or sophisticated by today's standards -
Hell dude, they helped the US government DEFEAT the soviets by doing cultural analysis for the US state department:
But yeah; they were democratic socialists, not orthodox Marxists.
They just want capitalism corrected, and they wanted soviet marxism corrected too.
Critical Theory = satanic
>It's another 'The Frankfurt School was based' shilling attmept.
>they hated artificial right-vs-left stuff
They were Marxists. They are on the left.
>That books against fascism
Where do you think you are?
And we are pro-identity politics which is based on the nuclear family and the homogeneity of white lands.
Don't be a basic bitch:
>Without defining ideology, Marx used the term to denote the production of images of social reality; according to Engels, "ideology is a process accomplished by the so-called thinker consciously, it is true, but with a false consciousness.
Stuff some dude writes as his opnion ≠ evidence frenchfag
>A Marxist explains why his ideology is not an ideology but objectively factual
Marx was the first one to suggest that maybe ideology is the problem.
Formalized in the idea of "false consciousness"....
....come on man, do you really believe that either the Democrats OR the Republicans have an accurate view of the world?
No ideology does.
>do you really believe that either the Democrats OR the Republicans have an accurate view of the world?
Do you know where you are? No one believes that here.
>No ideology does.
Again, you're pushing the 'Marxism ins't an ideology meme'.
No, I'm pushing the
>"Cultural Marxism was the critique of The Culture Industry - not some communist plot to install a level of identity politics that would destroy America" meme
...I mean, feminists protested Adorno...
...and critical theorists who have been informed BY the frankfurt school; such as Nancy Fraser wrote AGAINST identity/recognition politics a decade ago!
I'm not making that up. These guys aren't the cause of Identity politics.
The "Cultural Marxism" conspiracy theory is dumb, and isn't based in facts. That's all I'm saying dude.
Did the Frankfurt School have an influence in modern day leftist academia? If not, what did?
Why is it that Marxist/anarchist fans of critical theory say there is no conspiracy theory thought out by the Frankfurt School, to challenge and change traditional beliefs and systems, yet they are against whites having a homeland for themselves and are pro-multiculturalism, pro-LGBT, pro-feminism, anti-nationalism and pro-globalism and internationalism
Adorno actually HATED the student protestors of the 1960s:
>So, to answer your question unambiguously: if you come to Frankfurt in order to have a discussion with the students, who have proved themselves, as regards me, as regards all of us here, to be calculating regressives, then be it on your own head, and not under our aegis. Whether or not you want to do that is not a decision that I can make for you.
He literally coined the term "regressives".
If you don't like someone because of their views. Do it directly. Don't do it this sideways indirect way via a conspiracy theory about things that happened 75 years ago.
Look, here's the left attacking identity politics head on (it can be done):
...and that's not the only video.
Likewise; Gays, Women, Black civil rights people - they're acting within their self-interest. You don't need a conspiracy theory to explain self-interest.
That's all I'm saying. Occam's Razor is best. Look at the historical context. Your real question is: Why do cultures change over time.... and that's just what sociologists ask.
You've got more in common with The Frankfurt School than you think!
God you are gay. No wonder everyone thinks you are a failure
No. They hated conservative white culture because they were communist kikes. Read a book nigger.
So? They were still communists and Jewish and major influences on universities and professors
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn’t have to be the only factor of that. If you can’t achieve these things in your real life, then you are not ready to be a political activist, either anonymously or in reality.
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don’t. So work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for yourself. Because if you can’t make anything of your own, individual life, then how can you think you’ll be able to make a difference for the race, for the lives of many? Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life. Your time on Earth is short and precious. Start planning on making the most of it.
So what was their end goal? Where did neo-Marxism and post-Marxism come from?
Marcuse was a hero to the New Left though. The Frankfurt School is not even really Marxist. They were all critics of Marx's emphasis on the working class. They tended to fetishize marginality, which is not Marxist at all. Kinda ridiculous to put all the blame on the Frankfurt School. ID politics was around before the Frankfurt School. Nor were they the only inspiration for today's ID politics.
Ironic that you linked a video of a feminist, after you spent so much time denouncing ideology and identity politics.
You can't deny that Cultural Marxism is ACTUALLY a critique of The Culture Industry:
I agree. The Birmingham School CULTURAL MARXISTS were more down to earth (more interested in what the actual working class wanted)... and their founders were WW2 vets.
I never denied that though. My point is that they obviously had some influence in the anti-western sentiment that is present in academia.
And it's influence on post-modernism.
The Frankfurt School were explicitly AGAINST post modernism.
Jurgen Habermas was both a member of The Frankfurt School AND
>THE KEY CRITIC of post modernism.
The west is based on criticism and debate. That's the nature of democracy.
you failed to provide any direct evidence mate
would be nice if you provided the "actual quotes from lenin"
It's also about remaining western. Not multicultural. Which means indigenous Europeans have a right to the absolute majority in their homeland.
Why were critical theorists active in subverting the western canon?
*to be the absolute majority in their homeland.
Why do critical theorists buy into cultural relativism?
Why was polygamy allowed in christianity but isn't anymore ?
Ask a Christian.
>The Frankfurt School were the good guys - they hated artificial right-vs-left stuff - and click bait media.
Adorno had some good points on high culture. Other kikes like Marcusa were pure satanic trash.
>They wrote the Authoritarian Personality which basically argued that European nationalism was basically evil and wrong because it resulted in anti-Semitism
yeah, and Adorno shitted only on Euro natioanalism in that book not the Jewish natioanlism.
>Jurgen Habermas was both a member of The Frankfurt School AND
>>THE KEY CRITIC of post modernism.
he was the new school frankfurtian and one of the few goys there. coincidence? Marcusa was almost literally a proto SJW
Nope, ask a historian or an anthropologist
The answer is that cultures aren't absolute blocks of immutability but they do change depending on material and economic changes, and how they interact with other cultures. Your own culture is relative, depending on how old you are, your social status, who you're interacting with
The extent to which they buy into cultural relativism can be discussed, but the reason they buy into it in the first place is because if you want to research and analyze culture you need nuances and flexibility in how you view things
What do you think they fucking mean by fascism you dumb fuck
>Your own culture is relative, depending on how old you are, your social status, who you're interacting with
I see what you did here, and its very wrong. jumping from polygamy to monogamy doesnt allow the jump in conclusion you just made.
I possibly used the incorrect term. I was eluding to the research done by (((Franz Boas))) and his influence on 'muh race is not real' meme. Does critical theory push that meme?
Question for both you and the other user: Cultural hegemony, did critical theory or the Frankfurt School play a role in that.
>Utter horse shit - Critical Theory simply examines the unexamined assumptions found in all ideologies.
the only thing it criticized is Western values and Western ethnocentrism. Margaret Mead was also a scam.
anyone have that post explaining why gamers are immune to cultural marxism?
>why gamers are immune to cultural marxism
would be interesting to see it but J Bowden already explained that and fascims in comics.
The Frankfurt School were explicitly AGAINST post modernism.
Jurgen Habermas was both a member of The Frankfurt School AND
>THE KEY CRITIC of post modernism.
see &
No, The Frankfurt School criticized Nazi germany and soviet russia too.
Criticised Soviet Marxism
Criticized Nazi Germany:
Also Margret meed wasn't frankfurt school, or a critical theorist.
>The Frankfurt School were explicitly AGAINST post modernism.
so that is why protoSJW Marcus shitted against nuclear family? good ridance sir.
The real downfall of the west isn't Critical Theory:
It's people who can't take criticism at all.
Reasonable criticism is a vital part of western civilization, and The Frankfurt School "Cultural Marxists" were western academics.
It most certainly does
Do you think your elites have more in common with a croatian electrician or an anglo politician ? Do you think the kids in Zagreb have the same view of what Croatian culture is as the kids in Osijek ?
Think about that
To be frank the last time I delved into critical theory was during highschool and at that time I pretty much came to the same conclusion as OP, it's mainly a tool for analyzing ideology and media. It's possible that if I were to come back to it I'd see through some sneaky things I missed the first time and realize some stuff is sorta shady
Regarding race, I'd have to admit that indeed, the left is pretty much misguided and wrong regarding the subject, and left-wing thinking in general seems to push that trend, but somehow jewish people in particular are the most ardent followers
And regarding Cultural Hegemony, my own theory is that it's actual a byproduct of the anglos and burgers sending their products all over the world, and people consequently consuming their media as the next logical step of embracing the way of life. Again, when you look up the ethnic make up of hollywood, wel...
>The Frankfurt School criticized Nazi germany
yes, and Nazi history is Western historyweathe one likes that part or not.
>and soviet russia too.
relativly soft on russia they were. their critique also coincides with jews loosing power to Stalin and Lenin being thrown out.
Its nothing more than strategic shitting on the West.
>Reasonable criticism is a vital part of western civilization, and The Frankfurt School "Cultural Marxists" were western academics.
its not reasonable criticism its strategic criticism.
>so that is why protoSJW Marcus shitted against nuclear family? good ridance sir.
Show me where The Frankfurt School even use the term "The Nuclear Family".
You're mistaking propaganda claims for fact. Don't simply believe; do research. Learn how to vet sources and gain media literacy.
Cultural Marxism was a critique of The Culture Industry. Nothing to do with "destroying America for the commies"
>the workers were not able to rise up on their own.
The Left is full of vulgar bourgeois imposters who hate the workers. I'd rather have aristocrats in charge.
>Nazi history is Western
So are The Frankfurt School.
>relativly soft on russia they were.
No, it lead to the end of the USSR. Also, Adorno RIPS on the jews:
>"[The Culture Industry is] a sphere producing a specific type of commodity which anyhow is still too closely bound up with easy-going liberalism and Jewish intellectuals"
>its not reasonable criticism
Yeah, it is:
Stop sticking up for the MSM because Trump propaganda tricked you into it.
>Do you think your elites have more in common with a croatian electrician or an anglo politician ?
general of army A has more in common to an opossing general of army B. they still have different loyalties.your point?
>Show me where The Frankfurt School even use the term "The Nuclear Family".
they dont have to use "that term"
Family&gender=repressive. Same litemotif of repression is in all Frankfurt players and West is the only object..
Freemasons faked most of the ruins we see today, around the time of the Renaissance onwards. Ancient Greece is a fraud. Plato's Republic is basically hard Communism. Fake like Egypt, to legitimize their nonsense beliefs. See how a Lewis looks just like an Ankh? That's what they used to move large stone blocks. It's as real as Disneyland.
Search that page for "family" and "gender" they're not fucking there dude. There's one source that uses it.
You need to deal with what they actually SAY - not what some propaganda has you convinced they were saying.
Don't suck cock for someone elses interpretation.
Marcuse is even sounding a little MGTOW here:
>"Sex is allowed for "the betters" (capitalists and others in power), and for workers only when not disturbing performance."
Ustase and Yugoslav partisans is my point. Loyalties can change and you know it very well, strawmanning won't get you far
Cultures change, and those changes can be arbitrary, deal with it pussy
It's actually a pretty sweet dream. Close to a society of makers, gourmet hipsters and kickstarters... so it's kinda come true:
>Freud claimed that a clash between Eros and civilization results in the history of Man being one of his repression: 'Our civilization is, generally speaking, founded on the suppression of instincts.'[3] Sex produces the energy, and it is repressed so the energy can be channeled into progress - but the price of progress is the prevalence of guilt instead of happiness.[3] "Progress", for Marcuse, is a concept that provides the explanation and excuse of why the system has to continue; it is the reason the happiness of people is sacrificed (see also pleasure principle).
>Marcuse argues that "the irreconcilable conflict is not between work (reality principle - life without leisure) and Eros (pleasure principle - leisure and pleasure), but between alienated labour (performance principle - economic stratification) and Eros."[3] Sex is allowed for "the betters" (capitalists and others in power), and for workers only when not disturbing performance. Marcuse believes that a socialist society could be a society without needing the performance of the "poor" and without as strong a suppression of our sexual drives: it could replace "alienated labor" with "non-alienated libidinal work" resulting in "a non-repressive civilization based on 'non-repressive sublimation'".[3]
good advice.
>Search that page for "family" and "gender" they're not fucking there dude.
I wasnt saying there were there. But is it that hard to read between the lines and conclude what happens when you apply Freud to the "repression of Eros from the Western family"?
>Ustase and Yugoslav partisans is my point
both croatian ex-ustase and both croatian ex-commies fought side by side in the homeland war in the 90s. Tudjman was a partisan general.
>Cultural hegemony
Cultural hegemony is a useful concept. I think America has a huge Cultural hegemony in the world... and that the left has had a slight Cultural hegemony for the past 10 or 20 years (and that's been a problem).
But it's really just a useful term. Antonio Gramsci came up with the term. But he's not of The Frankfurt School, they read him. But he was like at the turn of the 1900s.
(there's a street in Rome named after him)