Recreational Cocaine?

All jokes aside, how does Sup Forums feel about recreational cocaine?

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The pope has spoken



When are you guys gonna ask that dumb ass to resign?


You're here for the pedo or commie threads?

It's good when taken in very small doses, one or two days a week at most

See pic related, kike

It's common knowledge the church snorts coke lines and fuck children

It's not recreational cause you get hooked.
Even this commie Pope agrees

Stop touching little boys!

I dunno I'm feeling pretty good right now, the key is you gotta throw in some opioids and get a good speedball goin

I'm all for it. The government shouoldn't try to legislate morality or save people from harming themselves. Additionally, with cocaine legal and readily available through non-black market sources it will become way safer, so government ending drug prohibition would actually result in government helping save people from themselves in a sense. It doesn't matter who you are, what consenting adults do in the privacy of their residence is none of your business. That can be anywhere from doing blow to gangbanging consenting hookers with S&M.

Anyone ever read this?

I think it made a sensible argument in favor of it.

It ruined me for 3 years before i gott off of it. Lost my job and all my money and after 2 years im back on my feet again. It's degenerate and no one shiuld take it.


>unprotected sex ruined my life and ended up as a divorced bum, the government should enforce muh feelings and ban sex for everyone

Cocaine is shit. MDMA is way better.

But should your own negative personal experience determine my own choices? See


Cocaine is so shit, 10 instead buzz then rush off for more.
Booze is nicer.


Damn, the pope probably has some sick gabber parties in the catacombs

You had me until booze was nicer

There we go

Real quality cocaine is actually really good and you only need to do a line every few hours. The problem is 95% of cocaine out nowadays is cut all to shit and doesn't even give the same buzz while also making you feign and want a line every 10 Mins. Good cocaine is great, you feel energetic, euphoric, sexual, and can have great sex on it. Good cocaine is most of the times soft and almost sticky like. Fluorescent scale look in it is also a great indicator of good cocaine as well as a very strong chemical smell almost like diesel fuel.

Even with good stuff though you've got 30 mins to an hour tops from your last line till the comedown begins and on coke it's brutal.

Quality uncut methamphetamine is vastly superior imho, but to each their own. Been clean of anything other than wine and legal weed for a while but blow isn't on the same level to me. Probably just a matter of different peoples' brain chemistry.

Recreational is a waste and very negative health wise if you are drinking and railing lines on weekends

Small bumps intermittently every other day is the way to go. Always alert and focused

They still listen to gabber outsof the Netherlands?


Who gives a fuck

But why is GMM so good? I know their fan base is mostly 8 year olds, but they're good to listen to while doing other things. They've done a great job of focusing on pure entertainment while the rest of YouTube it's falling to shit.


Nigga what? Go back to plebbit

Cocaine is terrible you should never ever do it

Sad thing is that the Govt used to sell it (CIA) while simultaneously arresting and imprisoning those who sold it (police DEA )

the original pepe
but they called him poh pay

what you put into your own body is your own business
now. if you try to steal my shit (or fuck me over in any way, for that matter) as a result of your habit, it becomes my business, and i will shoot you.


Not too long ago I was extremely anti-drug and very far right, but I've recently acquired quite a libertarian streak.

In my opinion, legalize everything, and whatever damage that it does is the responsibility of the abusers.

>you get hooked
No you don't if you have some self control. Do it maybe ten times a year on average, sometimes with very long periods in between. People that can't handle it are just weak faggots.


Crack is bad and should be avoided at all costs.
Snorting coke might not be that bad though.

>cocaine makes you feel powerful, clear minded and get shit done
>weed puts you in a Zombie stupor
>getting legalised everywhere

This is a shit universe desu

It's the perfect drug for social retards, the likes of which you can find on here.


End the drug war. Addiction is an illness not a crime. People who can keep their shit together and contribute to society should be able to purchase whatever drug they want for recreational use. States may tax and regulate as they choose.

tfw you don't have real comedowns from adderall or coke

Never tried it out. How it is?

recreational heroin
recreational bullet to the brain my friend

Many people come across as arrogant try hards on cocaine. Depends on the individual, some are better on uppers some downers.

MDMA is probably the only drug that effects 99% of people the same when it comes to social lubrication.

Tell us the secrets of Vatican City

Same as you, everyone I know who does it complains about the come down. I myself have never had such problem.

Bullets get you high?
does it matter the caliber?

MDMA is the official drug of Catholicism

I'd literally give up a toe or something for complete access to their archives and library. Just imagine the incredibly juicy shit hidden there.

Never give in to the nose-jew

It just makes you feel like you want more coke. A completely empty experience.

okay, that's it. i'm building a rare flags folder. dammit.

nah, they're too busy selling afghani heroin now.

I only old speckled hen

It's addictive and therefore degenerate. Psychedelics are the only potentially redpilled drugs, but even they are usually abused rather than used.

Stop being such a cuck, papa
Your emberassing us

>tfw to smart to london

Last time I listened to a Papist, I was in the rectory bending over, my buttocks anointed with oil, and subsequently had a bad time. Fuck off.

Jews are trying to normalize cocaine now? When did this happen?

freedom, not freedom from consequences

Wasn't it a joke in GTA a few years ago? Parodies aren't supposed to come true.

the 80s

Cocaine is a shitty drug which makes you feel good for 5 minutes, then you feel like shit, even after you keep doing it. I never got addicted, but I know people who did, and cokeheads are the absolute scum of the Earth.