There is a program in which helps Arabs from across the Middle East to travel to Spain easily, have a look at their website at
Arabs In Spain
Thanks. I will do this. Peace be upon you.
Kendrick > Drake >>>>>>>>>>>> Cole
Spain was once the most cultured and advanced place in the entire Muslim world also happens to be in Europe . makes you think
spain has a relatively low number of immigrants and not a single successful extreme right party
it needs a few million refugees so that spanish phalanx can rise again
EU's fault.
With Franco this didn't happen.
Fucking kill me, this nation has become a German colony and we are EU hyper-cucked.
We even had gun laws and commies and traitors used to be executed in the most gruesome way.
Reconquista when?
Welcome to the club.
We wuz nazis n shieet.
>spain has a relatively low number of immigrants
Nonsense. "As of 2016, there were over 4.418.898 million foreign-born people in Spain, over 10,2% of the total population.[1]"
The only way this country can go hyper-fascist is if:
1) A worse than 9/11 terrorist attack
2) Rapefugees raping everyone
3) Go Greece levels bankrupt.
if you only count african/arab immigration the number is 6.02%
they're basically arab already
isn't 2 and 3 already a thing in Spain though?
2 isn't. We just a very mild version of 3.
pic related, my own data
Have a*
>Be Spain
>Completely conquered by Muslims
>Few whites resist
>Take the land back by force
>Expel the Muslim invaders.
History repeats itself. I wouldnt worry so much bout them.
And then they'll go and conquer half the world again, huh? Spanish colonies on the moon when?
A lot of those are just retired bongs though.
Spain loves them because they are a net gain, as all they do is sit around enjoying the sun and spending their pension money.
I am awaiting that Russian anons that always posts about how Spaniards are 1%nigger and Arabs lol
It's as if the government is cooperating with the jews to subtly genocide us.
>Pro-LGBTQWDdjdjdjdjjg laws
>Men are treated like jews in Nazi-Germany due to feminist laws
>Sky rocketing taxes
>Become an entrepeuner is almost fucking impossible
>Kids have a shitty education and spend a total of 11 hours of work including homework
>Parents have work a fuckton of hours to get a shitty salary and then help their children.
Coup when?
That's just 1M of them. Then like 2M are gypsies and Moroccans in Andalusia and the rest are Latino Americans.