If someone actually bought a large tract of land in Africa to build an Early European style town and the idea of being...

If someone actually bought a large tract of land in Africa to build an Early European style town and the idea of being left alone, would you go?

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What are you thinking of in Namibia?

Fuck no, as soon as it produced anything of value, swarms of niggers would try to steal it and murder everyone.


Refer to the history of America. They have destroyed every city.

Are you asking me if I'd go in an african shithole sourrounded by niggers and deadly animals?

^^^ This; not to mention Sup Forumstards would not be able to stand one another's presence IRL.
Eventually some meaningless, minor difference of opinion would come to light, & the slaughter would start.

Namibia was once part of South Africa, they've seen the things that Whites can build. They specifically have a program encouraging Foreign Nationals to invest and purchase land in Namibia.


>pic related

A small community like Orania centered around Agriculture, though without the racial exclusion. Not looking to create a "Whites Only" town, though obviously Europeans and North Americans would be greatly encouraged. Farming land is rather tricky to purchase in Namibia but it can be done.


Namibia is the 2nd least dense nation in the world. It has over 300,000 square miles of land and only 2 million people. You won't be rubbing shoulders with anyone unless you go out of your way to do so.

>these are the best pics they could head off their call for foreign investments with
Says quite a lot about the state of the place

There is also a number of spelling errors on their official government websites, which is noteworthy as English is the primary language.

>section of the Gov page explaining how to obtain a firearm permit has it spelled "fireamr" at one point

Suffice to say they need help and they know it. Difference between Namibia and most other African nations, they actually want the help and are willing to work in cooperation to get it.

>More, "please help us better ourselves" and less "gib me dat".

Explain why your LARP session would have a better chance of surviving than Rhodesia or white South Africa.

>sparsely populated land
>only 2 million niggers

that chunk of land has a very big potential

It still doesn't solve the problem of it being susceptible to overrun by gibs from surrounding african nations once it became successful.
There would be absolutely no international support whatsoever for a nation of foreign whites in africa.

Sounds nice, but if things go well it's only a matter of time before the next Mugabe shows up.

Because it's just a town without an attempt to subvert or control the authority of the Natives?

This isn't "Take over Part of Africa for a White Sup Forums Colony: Take number 341" This is, set up a small community of centralized autonomy while still adhering to the laws of the Nation. Basically just a nice gated community far enough away from anyone to be left alone while still actively participating in Agriculture and trade that benefits the local populace as well as ourselves.

It's a town, not a dictatorship of white minority rule.

This. Not only are there VERY few locals there is a tremendous amount of untapped land. You're looking at an average of 2 people per square mile.

>pic related

>overrun by surrounding African Nations

They would have to invade Namibia to get to us which would bring in the African Coalition to wage war on anyone that stupid. I'm not proposing seceding from Namibia I'm just talking about building a town.

Only under the circumstances that people who worked for more than 5 years in a single job.

No burgerflippers, no students that just got out of college. Only people that actually have work experience in real jobs.

>The dry land

You know you'd have more chance in Putins Russia and hopefully then the land has value the natives wouldn't bix nood all over you

Or even yankland on account the hate speech laws don't exist yet

>a town
In someplace like erongo it might work, given there's natural resources enough there to support it.
You'd still have to get Sup Forumsacks to get along, though.

Namibia specifically has a portion of their constitution setup to protect Foreign Nationals investments. If a new Mugabe stepped forward and rewrote their entire constitution just to fuck us over, they would already be in the middle of a Civil War or Military Coup and would have MUCH bigger problems on their hands.

I'm all for talking about hypothetical scenarios, and while there is risk in any overseas endeavor, Namibia is the safest one with the most stability and legally binding grantees.

Often times the ones with little to no experience are the most eager to find something that has meaning to them. I see your point of the limitations of NEETS, however with the right motivation even an untrained unskilled laborer can be the foundation of something bigger.

They literally have a constitution that was structured to prevent that from happening.

We did that once, nowadays it is being run into the ground by nogs and the whites that made it the only decent place in Africa get murdered.

This. I have a lot of carpentry experience, but none provable. Be willing to work for something better.

I would be open to this.

>Eye worms

No, I would not.

>This piece of paper will protect you from the nigger

Despite warnings, Retief left the Tugela region on 25 January 1838, in the belief that he could negotiate with Dingane for permanent boundaries for the Natal settlement. The deed of cession of the Tugela-Umzimvubu region, although dated 4 February 1838, was signed by Dingane on 6 February 1838, with the two sides recording three witnesses each. Dingane invited Retief's party to witness a special performance by his soldiers, whereupon Dingane ordered his soldiers to capture Retief's party and their coloured servants.

Retief, his son, men, and servants, about 100 people in total, were taken to a nearby ridge, Hlomo amabuto, which means "mustering of the soldiers".[4] The Zulus killed the entire party by clubbing them and killed Retief last, so as to witness the deaths of his comrades. Their bodies were left on the KwaMatiwane hillside to be eaten by vultures and scavengers,[5] as was Dingane's custom with his enemies. Dingane then directed the attack against the Voortrekker laagers,[4] which plunged the migrant movement into temporary disarray and in total 534 men, women and children were killed.

Following the decisive Voortrekker victory at Blood River, Andries Pretorius and his "victory commando" recovered the remains of the Retief party. They buried them on 21 December 1838.

Too many unanswered questions to give an informed answer.

Under the right circumstances, possibly.

> ? location
> ? security
> ? size
> ? government
> ? immigrant population
> ? economy
> etc.
> ?

If it is some sort of Kekistan inhabited by Sup Forumstards derping around and forming a Dunning-Kruger "government," I'll just sit comfy at home and laugh while watching them all get nigger-raped on live webstream.

What about Pitcairn Island? I'm part of a group which was considering doing something similar, but there instead.

Nope, hellmoo sucks

>in Africa
I would feel safer in Australia among the roos and spiders.

Read this if you actually want to know why it wouldn't work and aren't just bored and throwing ideas around.


Russia would give you land for free in the far east

I assume they don't want the japs taking over there

Sure, if it was British. Last time this was suggested we went from white, to European, to a little non-white being ok, to you only having to be majority white.

If evetuone in said town was armed, trained and willing to lay waste to hordes of Niggers.. Yes. Yes i would.

I would be American as fuck and buy many miniguns. Build towers to mount them. Buy 50cal HMGs.i would be as american as possible.

>Pitcairn Island
Holy shit; the remoteness...
Would have to be 100% self-sufficient, import costs would be astronomical.

sounds like a sausage fest

Well, most of it is desert.

Anyway, this is a dumb idea. You're better off buying land anywhere outside of Africa. Because all you'll get is another South Africa/Rhodesia/literally every former colony of Africa.

This. Isn't that literally what happened in south africa after apartheid ended? Niggers just invaded buildings and said "this is our home now".

>Expecting a bunch of fucking Africans to respect property rights
Have fun getting your throat slit and your babies raped.

>The first three families in Russia's Amur region have received their free hectares of land under the program aiming to develop the country's Far East. The region’s Arkharinsky district, which borders China, was chosen as the pilot area for the initiative.

>"The first three applications were received from residents in the area, which for many years engaged in beekeeping. District authorities have already approved the layout of the land, and property boundaries have been registered," a spokesperson for the local property authorities told Interfax.

>Another two applications are being processed; one of them is a collective application from three families also involved in beekeeping.

>The Arkharinsky district is located at the junction of the border with China and with Russia’s Jewish Autonomous Region. The district is crossed by the Trans-Siberian railroad and the Chita-Khabarovsk federal highway.

>The area has 50,000 hectares of agricultural land and 500,000 hectares of forest.

>Jewish autonomus region

Kek fucking perfect

>if you build it they will come

Fortunately the Namibian dollar is heavily in favor to the US dollar. 1 USD = 13.62739 NAD. The minimum investment to apply for a Foreign Investment permit under the Foreign Investment Act is about $150,000. Obviously money is the huge hurdle and Sup Forums is rightfully un-trusting when it comes to some random person online. However, $150,000 is within a reasonable small business loan range and could acquire a fair amount of land.

>you can get 40,000 acres for 1.3 million

So $150,000 would still go a long way. If one person was willing to take upon the sole financial risk and burden and prove something tangible was purchased, I think many people would be interested.

Namibia is one of the few places in Africa that realized the benefit of having Whites and other non-Africans. See If you're not looking to try and fuck with their laws or sovereignty, they are legitimately trying their hardest to get Foreign Nationals to come to Namibia.

As pretentious as it sounds, Sup Forums truly has one of the largest talent pools of a single collective community, be it online or otherwise. Hell, the Shia/HWNDU endeavor really showed how quickly and easily we can combine our efforts to a single goal.

There have been 0 reported cases of Ebola in Namibia. You have approximately a 0.0063% chance of being infected.

>pic related

it wont be you

>Well, most of it is desert.
Look at him and laugh.

For the nth fucking time, Kek's country wouldn't be fucking muslim.

>. According to the Namibian Defence Ministry, enlistments of both men and women will number no more than 7,500

nevermind. Intentional military gimping is stupid.

At least here, they have to cross a fucking ocean or go through the USA and all of of shit america to get to me.
Whereas africa, niggers can just walk to me.

>By appearances, only available to Russian citizens
>Yakutia is known for its severe climate and the coldest temperatures recorded in the Northern Hemisphere at −71.2 °C (−96.2 °F)

Bump cuz i want to see what other pol tards say

How to contact you if interested?

have a discordapp server or site?

For the n+1th time, Kekistan bans any religion of peace.

It was clearly founded by the religion of peace.


Honesty we'd need to save our shekels and then...what about this

>Sup Forumsacks buy up a neighbourhood in detroit on the down low
>All move in at once
>Improve properties
>Property prices soar
>Sell houses to hipsters

Buy something nice in the rockies or nova scotia

Would need to turn the entire place into a gated community with serious security.

Its a meme you dip

Nah we're good. The Russian Embassy supports helping with our plight.

This. This is the reason US cities are the shape they are in. This is the reason why 99.9999 percent of Africa is like this.

its hilarious that you /pol shithead racists want your nightmare dystopia libertarianism in Africa of all places

Yeah and the meme's muslim.
What kind of retard names their meme country for their meme god after a fucking muslim country? May aswell call it Kekrael.

Or maybe you've been lied to.

It is the birthplace of Kek...


True Sup Forumsacks believe in a loose ideology; which anyone can have.

I'm down. New Rhodesia when?

Holy shit, Namibia sounds like an amazing place to start fresh.

What's the downside other than being n Africa?

And the Mormons executed over a 100 settlers passing through Utah to get to California but you don't people boycotting or refusing to buy houses in Salt Lake City.

If you're going to refute this idea use a better argument. I encourage debate but at least put effort into it.

I'm just spitballing ideas here but with a proper plan this could be doable.

> ? location
Namibia. Regionally, this would depend upon available land for sale and funding.

> ? security
Anyone with at least a 4month visa may legally purchase up to 4 firearms in Namibia. Min age for a Firearms license is 18.

> ? size
Ideally at least 1000 acres, though much larger tracts of land can be purchased for a reasonable amount of money.

> ? government
To be determined though clearly essential before any real steps are taken. A local city council likely a mixture of democratic republic, while still adhering to the Laws of the country itself.

> ? immigrant population
While consideration is taken for Foreign Nationals that wish to better Namibia and provide jobs for locals, this is not a requirement. If we sought, we could essentially be an enclave without immediate outside inclusion, instead choosing to immigrate from outside of Namibia.

> ? economy
Agricultural, hunting, tourism. Namibia has a booming Big Game Tourist industry that brings in wealthy Europeans and Americans.

Wow, what a shitty ID I got.

This wouldn't be a colony, just a modest sized community in a singular town. There is actually a lot of healthy farmland in Namibia, though it has to be approved by the Minister for Foreign Nationals to purchase, this can be done.

Fish Bowl? Is that Forum still up? There were a lot of issues with that concept, largely you run into the "Roanoke Island" issue of limited space and supplies and lack of growing room.

Fuck me nevermind I think it may have happened already

>Used to be able to find houses for 1000

Thats funny cuck did the mormans sign a document with them first saying specifically that they'd come to no harm first and slaughter them after inviting them to dinner?

yep, know what you mean and it could be a good way to build capital. We could still do it somewhere else though and do DA uplifts and renos...

>the biggest problem with a small new country

I stopped reading there. This isn't a "build a country thread". This is "build a city and follow the existing country's rules while having our own small enclave city with its own localized set of rules, thread."

I could care less about race. That was also the greatest hindrance that all of the Namibia and Sup Forums colony threads had. Well that and trying to illegally take land.

If you have skills and motivation to build something, your ethnicity is of the least concern.

Not going to happen here.

>buy land well enough away from the incredibly low local population
>they lack the resources to even get to you, let alone attack youi

The government wants you and those that would wish harm upon you don't even have the resources to do so. A basic brick wall and a few people on night watch with hunting rifles would be more than enough to protect a small town.

are you still doing something with Pitcairn?

honestly it sounds like a good idea. Namibia already has a large white population anyway. I think its like 10%

You can connect on here in #memetic_principality channel
to connect with a similar project in process.


Why not just learn Afrikaans and start a revolution in South Africa for Die Volkstaat? Whiteopia.

No experience? Great now you can train for 3 months on guerrilla warfare and tactics to be part of the town defence force and serve your people

Only if the highest order of the land was kill any non-white within 2 miles of the giant border wall.

I want a position in the tower and a 1000 rounds. Then I'm in. I can build a house, also.

I'm sure you are more than welcome to :)

No, I was just gauging support this go around. Feel free to email me though.

[email protected]

That was basically the point of this thread. Feedback.

Namibia is over 300,000 square miles with an average of 2 people per square mile. They would have to walk DAYS to get to you if you set up your community in the hundreds of thousands of vacant acres of land.

>Sup Forums is one single mindset

Wrong, this endeavor isn't exclusively white.

Not here, as amazing as Rhodesia was, it would take a very large global calamity to even consider true autonomy or secession. For now, just a small Farming Community is up for discussion.

Yes, many of their skilled job positions are held by whites while the government itself is run by blacks. They DON'T have a "Zimbabwe" approach towards whites and are actually happy to coexist. They got Black majority rule and now they just want Foreigners to help them build up the nations infrastructure, educate their people and basically Make Namibia Great Again.

>start a revolution

Because I don't want end up beaten and tortured in a South African prison like what happened to the Mercenaries attempted to overthrow Equatoria New Guinea en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Equatorial_Guinea_coup_d'état_attempt

Not going to happen here. This isn't a "Kill Niggers LARP".

Having an actual "Town Civil Defense Force" would be very important for the purposes of the city's defense.
>keyword being defense, not offense

where ever the town will be. Do it as a roman or greek design. That shit looks good

>Fuck no, as soon as it produced anything of value, swarms of niggers would try to steal it and murder everyone.
This, the only way to ensure that your grandchildren and their grandchildren grandchildren stay white is to live in a cottage in the woods. If there is no civilization there will be nothing drawing in them in and your children won't turn into pampered leftist cucks.

Same here on all fronts.

>where ever the town will be. Do it as a roman or greek design. That shit looks good
It would obviously have to be built with what ever material that is around. So white washed stone and mud houses built in euro style.

That style combined with German architecture would be easier to protect and aesthetically pleasing.


>if I build nothing I have nothing to lose

Believe it or not Namibia actually has construction companies that you can procure building supplies from.


>>if I build nothing I have nothing to lose
More like
>If i don't throw rotten food outside the rats and flies won't come.

>Believe it or not Namibia actually has construction companies that you can procure building supplies from.
>tfw procuring building supplies from local businesses in Africa

How did he write in italics?

Africa for Africans. If you are white, work to make Europe a better place. People who think like OP is part of the cause why the world is such globalist shithole.

This right here. What do you think South Africa was?

We could do it. If we bought the land and a bunch of guns and a few thousand of us were there we could hold it. Then we encourage other whites to join us and hire niggers to farm the land for us, but not live with us

There are already whites that have been born in SA or other parts of Africa.

I reckon we could do it. I've lived over there for a bit, we can get on with the locals quite well.

>tfw a chink is trying to jew whites into slavery on his 1000 acre farmstead in Africa

I find the Rhodes Colossus caricature extremely inspiring despite its original meaning.

On the subject... would YOU trust a nigger government? I wouldn't.

There was someone that has contacted me about buying land in Namibia. He's in SA and sounds quite advanced about getting this happening.

I'll send you link to forum or you can join discord here to get it.


You know that South African niggers are mostly not even native to these lands right? They literally migrated here after gibs became avilable (read: after the british conquest of boer republics).

4+4 chan.

I'm not saying to flee from the problems of one's homeland. I'm saying come together from across the world and build something together this is ours.

Ok, you made me chuckle.

It's possible to employ and educate local labor without incorporating all of them into the town itself. According to Namibian law each person may own up to 4 firearms, so having an armed community on a large amount of acreage is well within the law.

Within Namibia, that's entirely possible. While Agricultural land purchases to Foreigners must be a be approved by the Minister himself, if you are creating jobs for Namibians and selling a large portion of the harvest within Namibia, it's a win-win for everyone.


On the basis that White Namibians are treated as equals and since the nation's inception have not been "Mugabe'd" and Namibia's constitution expressly encourages foreign investment and land sales, yes.

Thank you.


Taking over a nation and building up the entire country's infrastructure might encourage that. However, a singular town in the middle of nowhere will hardly have the same effect.

If it proved to be profitable, the Namibian government wouldn't dare fuck with it as they know the value of hard work and success. They are essentially begging Foreigners to help them by educating their people and creating jobs. They have seen with South Africa and Zimbabwe what happens when you bite the hand that feeds.

>If you have skills and motivation to build something, your ethnicity is of the least concern.
Your city is doomed from the start. Why would I want to leave everything behind when I'll still have to see subhumans every day? Assuming we will have children and wives in the community, this is not safe.

>Let's rebuild Rhodesia and South Africa, what could go wrong?


>educating niggers
I get their govt (that is composed of the most intilligent nationals) wants to improve their country this way, but that's laughable. Direct control by the whites would help a lot, but the question is - will white politicians ever be elected here? How will be white migrants treated by common folk? Won't they (lol what are borders or the law) just seize everything once it turns profitable?

South Africa went to shit because they became cucked because of money

In the 1940s they were all "fuck niggers, deport them back to the bush"

But by the 1960s with the post-war economic boom causing the Rand to become more valuable than the Dollar the whites in SA were all "we need cheap nigger labor to dig more precious minerals out to sell to Germany and Japan, also we want some niggers to garden and clean our houses".

Over the next several decades SA went from being a white supremacist quasi-fascist state in the 1940s to being like any other cucked Western democracy- with the difference that being surrounded by niggers and actively encouraging them to come in means your nigger population increases a lot faster than if they have to fly on a plane.

Then they all drank the coolaid about muh mandela and even today the majority of whites are going "the anc is not TRUE to madiba's message!" instead of stockpiling weapons for the coming race war.

>the Namibian government wouldn't dare fuck with it as they know the value of hard work and success
The people in charge right now might now it. What do you think happens if there is a drought, famine or if the food prices just went up? What happens if every one sees the white doing fine because they built water reservoirs and used efficient methods of irrigation? Then you would have a ton of angry blacks going full Rhodesia on you, demanding that the government does something about evil whitey and redistribute some of the wealth that they stole from the poor natives.

You are living in a country with an average IQ of