T-trump is joking about going to war with Syria r-right? It's just a 4D chess move r-right anons?
T-trump is joking about going to war with Syria r-right? It's just a 4D chess move r-right anons?
sage all south america threads, they will not enjoy the war
I hope. If he goes full neocon then he' a 100% one term president.
Nah mate I enlisted as soon as I heard the news. The Assad regime must be held accountable and I am very glad to have a strong president with savvy advisors, particularly Jared Kushner.
>this begins the God Emperor's crusade
yes goyim nothing to see here pay attention to all these successful rallies instead
Doesn't really matter to me, but it will be embarrassing to have supported a complete retard :/
>they trusted a boomer
If Trump goes to war in Syria I will consider him a failure on all accounts.
speak for youself. im moving there when shit hits the fan.
have fun fighting for people that looks down on our servicemen.
shit bait
Good Goy!
The timeline where Rand is president is the best one
Good on you famalam. We must remember that Jews are gods chosen and know what is best for us, Trump understands this which is why he has surrounded himself with them for his entire life.
He never said he'd go to war. All he said was that this changed his opinion of Assad. What was he supposed to do, say "yes it's amazing to kill children with sarin! Very high energy!"
Nooo, he said he 'change his mind on Syria' and his mind on Syria before was "do not interfere".
We all know Trump is redpilled. He talked about how the rebels were ISIS all during the campaign. It's just now that he's president he can't reveal his power level to the media jews or they'll devour him. He knows the rebels are ISIS and he would never bring us into a war that forces Americans to fight along side ISIS.
this is all the (you) I can give you
Still never said that military intervention is the option. If anything ever happens it's going to be sanctions
The usa cant ho to war on syria because russia wants assad to stay. Usa is only a substitute in this war. Only way for usa to take actions on syria is to promise russia can keep what they are protecting.
you've done it poorly
I'm not paying you
>If Trump goes to war in Syria I will consider him a failure on all accounts.
Despite this coming from a leaf, I agree. Syria was meant to be stabilized. That's the only way ISIS can truly be fought.
Why do we bother with these conflicts? There's no reason to
Because there are industrial interests that benefit from conflict because they can sell arms.
If you watch this, the guest on for this video really knows his shit about the region.
this is literally all there is to it
Finally someone. Thats why the usa are so butthurt cuz they habe absolutely no chance to do something. Russia is already all in.
Trump doesn't play "4D Chess," and you're a fucking retard if you haven't figured this out 3+ months into his presidency. It's a meme that his equally stupid supporters spout to rationalize his failures and fuckups.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to just run it through Iraq? There's already east-west gas pipelines in Turkey.
trump general v syria general on Sup Forums
Daily reminder that Dubya campaigned on non-intervention.
>drops nuclear on chyna
>"very high energy"
It's 4d chess. He is doing it to make democrats become pro Assad and anti war.
It's the art if the deal.
the terrain in northern iraq is too hazardous
it's hilarious watching you fags try to rationalize anything and everything that goes wrong with trump administration and spin it as muh 4d chess. you're fucking pathetic
We put him in place with chaos and we will get chaos while he is there.
He is sitting in the center of a strategic wetdream to use this crisis as means to stage the forces necessary for a suprise attack on not only Saudi Arabia and other Wahhabist states, but also to take out Israeli nukes and demand Iran halt all nuclear development in return.
holy shit dude get real
hes literally not going to do any of that shit. hes pandering to our (((greatest ally))) even after years of promising the american people he would never go for interventionism
I don't think he is joking.
Mods are deleting threads supporting Assad now.
>have supported a complete retard
>a complete retard
It was incredibly obvious he's a retard, even during the debates it showed
>for a suprise attack on not only Saudi Arabia and other Wahhabist states
Ahahahaha. No.
What's actually happened is that he's been (((advised))) that controlling Syria is vital to US interests and has gone with the flow.
Trump was joking about everything he said. He's a con artis extraordinaire, and we made him president!
If he does, I'm not going to defend him anymore.
>yet another thing he will never do
Now we impeach the trump
You aren't very bright are you OP?
(((Red Line)))
>get elected thanks to Russia
>betray them few months in office
Fuck that orange retard.
>Trump will soon join this list
I liked the guy better than HIllary, but no US president is better than any US president.
Except for Jill stains, the demilitarazing foxy gramma
>You know...
>I know some guys, some very good intelligence agents, they really know their job.
>And they tell me... they tell me, we need to deal with Chyna! That's it, we have to deal, with Chyna!
>And they built this bomb, this.. great, nuclear bomb... I like this bomb, *very* high energy, you know.
>And we gotta drop it! Drop it on Chyna!
>I don't like this, you know, but this is how it is.
>We *need* to drop a bomb on Chyna, we need to do something about this, something with a lot of energy
>And you know, no one builds high energy bombs like these guys, *believe* me...
>checks flag
What a surprise.
As long as libcucks remain insufferable faggots Trump can literally do anything and ill follow him to the end of the earth.
What can you expect from a american zionist puppet?
He is so desperate to be one he married all his children to kikes.
I can bet he will turn into a neo-cuckservative like Regan and Bush's soon and nothing will change in the land of the slaves thinking they are free.
>2.88 MB, 2724x5151
>leftcucks in charge of persuasion
He better be.