Reminder that The_Donald is wanting to intervene in Syria and Sup Forums is wanting to leave Assad there
Reminder that The_Donald is wanting to intervene in Syria and Sup Forums is wanting to leave Assad there
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Reminder that any US placed leader would be better than Assad. He's still a piece of shit even if he's helping to fight ISIS
Reminder that noone on here gives a fuck abou plebbit
reddit detected
trips of truth.
I had to have a browse over there after this, yeah nah you are full of shit.
I really need to go wash my eyes out now.
>Sup Forums is wanting to leave Assad there
No, Russian Shills pretending to be Trump Supporters don't want us to interfere with Putin's Plans.
Not gonna lie, former Assad supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Syrian children thrash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man keep the chemical codes!
US installed dictators actually have a glowing history of being pretty bad at their job.
I'm not a Russian Shill and I still don't want the US interfering with Putins plans.
The United States has no business or obligation to do anything in Syria. Putin's motivated by greed, but at least he has proximity to them. It will be a lot more costly with very little to gain for the US to continue fighting in that region.
>Anybody would be better than Saddam!
>Anybody would be better than Gadafi!
Fuck off, shill.
Why does The_Donald support Saudi funded sunni islamists? I don't understand the logic.
How new are you? Trump's stance on Syria is one of the main reasons this board supported him to begin with.
Hello there, rabbi
The_Donald is run by Israelis so is this any surprise to any of you?
When Obama drew red lines, the majority of Americans were AGAINST intervening.
None of this matters to me because I see the pattern of Trump A/B testing policies, and this is clearly the beginning of that on Syria. He'll get the feedback he gets and act accordingly.
This is what I hired him to do.
Assad is a much better leader than Trump.
That's not true, even t_d is against war with syria.
the_donald wants to intervene because it is an easy win for trump. they just want positive press for the guy that they have bet everything they own and stand for on. Sup Forums doesn't want to intervene because we know that the reason for intervention is an outright lie and boots on the ground means staying in syria for another decade and being endlessly involved in middle east drama for the rest of our forseeable lives.
i always thought the_donald were kind of stupid, but at one point i at least believed they had good intentions. guess i was wrong.
Nah mate I enlisted as soon as I heard the news. The Assad regime must be held accountable and I am very glad to have a strong president with savvy advisors, particularly Jared Kushner.
>Trump's stance on Syria is one of the main reasons this board supported him to begin with.
We're with Assad, not against him like Trump is
Both ethnic nationalists and civic nationalists are united against a war in syria.
American Revolutionary War!
The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now.
The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now.
Stop America's doing its all wars now!
I love American99% and the U.S.
China, Germany and Japan must loosen Germany's, Japan's and China's monetary policies now!
China, Germany and Japan must stimulate Germany's, Japan's and China's domestic demands now!
Japan and Germany must issue a lot of construction bond now!
Japan and Germany must reduce Germany's, Japan's and China's taxes now!
The U.S. must tighten its monetary policy now!
As a result, Dollar value will rise!
The U.S. will have trade surplus!
Japan, Germany and China are evil empires.
Islamists' true enemies are Japan, Germany, China, FRB, top1%, Wall Street, American Military Industry and DOD!
Japan is the country which has been promoting Globalization!!!
American Revolutionary War!
I know. I meant his original stance on Syria that he campaigned on for over a year, which was non-interventionist
how do I explain to normies that assad is the good guy
Reminder that you should stop to manipulate Sup Forums
Trump is NOT a Kremlin puppet
Trump made his mind about Syria and a US intervention is certainly under way
Trump will wipe the terrorists out of the middle east
Trump will start a new era of peace
Watson is a cocksucker and gets Kremlin's money
Kremlin's shills on mass damage control watch
Fuck off shills, why are you blatantly lying?
i didn't even check to be honest, was going off what other posters said. my mistake.
Eh practice makes perfect right?
>redditors are globalist cucks and Sup Forumstards aren't
Reminder that The_Donald is also against a Syrian intervention,so it means that op is either a fag,a typical australian shitposter or another McCain shill
To the anti-assad livestock still here:
You aren't special. You aren't clever. Since the beginning of /sg/, we have seen -quite literally- THOUSANDS of anti-assad shills (just like you) enter these threads armed with clickbait narratives and an air of smug superiority, certain that they could outsmart us. Every last one of them was shit out the other end of /sg/ having made no impact whatsoever.
You WILL fail, just like the rest. This is not a prediction; it's a statement of fact. You won't change any minds. No one will remember you. These threads are still going strong, which speaks volumes about the ineffectuality of past good goys.
You can't argue against this, all that you can do is sarcastically dismiss it. Whether or not you choose to admit it, we both know that I'm right. No matter what you say or do, you'll be getting fucked after the civil war ends and assad wins while we laugh at you. Go fuck yourself.
P.S. this post is pasta - I wouldn't waste any real time on you.
Not only do I want to leave him there I want to help him. Its the quickest way to end the war and he's basically fighting al-queda anyway.
Yes, not like the Syrian rebels are using nerve gas and storing it in their heavily fortified areas where it would spread into a small local area if bombed.
I mean, Assad wants to ethnically cleanse his opposition.
Sup Forums has always been a board of hatred and evil. Their latest position on Assad is no different. To support Assad is to support Satan.
If we go full Baghdad on Assad, who do we leave to rule?
A radical Islamic brotherhood fully empowered sunni dictator?
This bread needs more sage for my taste...
>None of this matters to me because I see the pattern of Trump A/B testing policies, and this is clearly the beginning of that on Syria. He'll get the feedback he gets and act accordingly.
He could take a hard line saying whoever had the chemical weapons must be punished then after the left and McCain agree wait to see if it turns out the terrorists made the gas use it as an excuse to end them. I don't think he knows or cares enough about Syria to do that though. Or if it turned out to be fake use it to further damage the medias reputation.
Assad dindu nuffin
If John McCain wants it, it's bad.
It will just be another backwards Sunni state with no economy. All the non-sunnis will have to flee the country.
Assad is the only person there fighting ISIS.
Assad or ISIS? That's the choice we have.
The last template for what happens if you kill a secular dictator is Libya. Ask them if they think Libya was better before or after.
You can never convince many people Assad is a "good guy" by Western standards. But he's not ISIS, or teaching children to chop heads off, remotely.
I'm so fucking tired of this kremlin/putin smear. I'm not going to use Guatemalian proxy FU
Look guys we have 2 sides of shills arguing with each other on this thread
Trump will take Assad down
Trump will restore peace in the Middle East
>To support Assad is to support Satan
Fuck off faggot. Time to stop fighting everyone else's wars.
>restore peace in the Middle East
Fucking impossible. Maybe if you glass the entire region. Anything short of that is a waste of time & resources.
Yes because that has always worked before...
>Implying regime change works
segmentation Fault
Bluepilled french. Will probably vote Macron.
>The_Donald is retarded
wow, what a surprise
Mindblowing concept here:
Every single time we take one out, the one we install to replace is either too weak or ends up being worse & getting ousted anyway.
Time to accept that the people who come from there, who rise up to positions of power there, know what the fuck they are doing, & what is necessary for their countries in ways we never will, because we don't fucking live there.
>Let's kill a secular dictator being opposed by Muslim fanatics, that is good for a country
>t. Mehmet
Were we russian shills when we didn't want to intervene when Obama was actually planning the invasion? Face it nobody want's Americans dying for your special sand niggers. It's been proven by the U.N. of all places that the "Rebels" were responsible the first fucking time. So I guess being a little skeptical of their claims makes one a shill as well. Get Fucked.
Reminder that The_Donald is kike controlled opposition, probably CIA managing it.
They have nonstop threads about how much they like niggers and trannies, and they support Zionist wars. It's about as controlled opposition as you can get.
You've got it all wrong my friend.
Sup Forums is the autonomic nervous system.
the_donald is the parasympathetic.
First of all, the only thing that caused the all the conflicts in the first place (or made them 100 times worse) was Israel involvement, and American intervention. Things wouldn't be nearly as bad if Israel didn't exist, or America stayed out.
Second, no it wouldn't restore peace. Just like with Iraq and Libya, it would just empower groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda, the 3 million Christians would get killed (since Assad is the one protecting them), they would continue pushing for interventions in Russia and Iran...
The wars won't stop until the globalists and NATO get told to fuck off. They will keep manufacturing them for profit and power.
Also, post this everywhere.
If the rebels had sarin gas, they must also have had somewhere to store it. Like a warehouse in rebel territory with a lot of military around it.
When did the inspectors inspect the islamist stockpiles?
Or back when we supported Ron Paul, which had the same message of non interventionism. Newfags don't know board culture
They're not newfags retard. They're kike shills.
The kikes tactics is to call anyone opposing neocon retardation "Russian shills" or "part of the Kremlin.
>Jeff Sessions, who has been working in the US government for 40 years, is a Putin agent
>Flynn is a Putin plant
>Jill Stein is a Putin plant
>Trump is a Putin agent
>all of Trump's managers were working for the Russians
>Sup Forums is a Russian operation
>the FBI is a front for the Kremlin
>Le Pen is now working for the Russians
>the Russians hacked the election
>Bernie Sanders was working for the Russians
>Rand Paul is working for the Russians (yes, John Mccain unironically said this)
They do this everywhere, including on Sup Forums.
Nobody supports intervention in Syria. This shilling is futile.
>kike shills
This board supported Trump because he wanted to jail niggers, deport beaners and make it difficult for garbage people to vote, ensuring that the white man would keep ruling the USA and hopefully that the election of a pro-white politician would strengthen similar, more ethnonationalist movements in Europe.
Non-interventionism and Assad dicksucking is nice but again the primary reason his non-interventionism was nice was because it meant not escalating Ukraine further against Russia and focusing on China. Syria has never been truly relevant outside of Syria general and Assad's passionate fanbase on this board. It's always been about avoiding a major war with Russia.
warmongering europukes should be skinned and beaten to death
i am for the option where most people die
>It's always been about avoiding a major war with Russia.
Well, nothings fucking changed that makes any type of military conflict with Assad not include Russia.
>plebbit is full of jews
im shocked.
Because they aren't smart enough to realize this is a False Flag staged event.
you serious mutt?
So Iraq and Libya were fine since there was no risk of confrontation with Russia? Fuck off.
People supported him because he said "America First". Not "Israel First". Because he said "Make America Great Again", not "Make the Middle-East even worse than it already is". Because he opposed globalism (which people like Putin and Assad are fighting against) and pointless wars.
Assad is protecting Christians, there are 3 million of them in his country. Wasting billions to get him out, destabilizing the region, will make sure Muslims and ISIS kills them. Make no mistake, all those interventions have been bad for everyone except Israel (ESPECIALLY "the white man"... look at all those Syrian """"refugees"""" that flooded Europe as a result, look at the way millions of Africans are now moving into Europe because Gaddafi's regime isn't there to stop them from going in from Libya, etc.)
Zionist wars have always been the biggest enemy of white people, going back to WW1 and WW2.
you try to reason with the mutts Tysker? Ive given up on those r_theDonald faggots
Stop replying to Shills and slide threads faggots
a quality Leaf post
Let's be honest, trump is just another jewish puppet and we all got tricked, but it's not like there was a better option in US
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