How do we solve the Mental Illness problem?

How do we solve the Mental Illness problem?

I have a friend who sexually abused his mentally I'll sister and their parents don't care because she's literally retarded who cannot speak and has the mental capacity of a feral animal than a person. My friend would strip her and slap her small tits and cum on it though he denied when I asked him if he penetrated her. To my friend, he's just a plaything to fuck around with and to his parents, she's just a huge monetary burden.

My question is this; how do we solve this issue realistically? In the long run I'd think detecting mental illness before birth is a good preventive measure but what about the existing people with mental illness?

I know genocide is on everyone's mind but let's be realistic

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gooks don't have souls desu brah

This is way too fucked up to be real. But then again you're Asian so it checks out.

you need to kick your friend's ass but you're obviously a faggot since he's your friend in the first place

fucking sick degenerate gooks

What kind of person do you have to be to abuse a retarded person, and his parents don't even care? What teh fucc... your friend should get linched and you too for being friendly with that animal

>strip her and slap her small tits and cum on it though he denied when I asked him if he penetrated her
hot t b h f a m

Why are you not joining in? What's wrong with you?

>1 post by this ID

slide thread is slide

Why would you feel pity on a genetical mistake?


Gooks are a genetical mistake too, your empathy is nowhere to be seen.

its b8, huefag

remember to sage, lads

If you do nothing about that shit then you're just as bad as he is. Even your country has to have some laws against that shit right?

>NÜpol cucks get disgusted over a literal meatbag with not a functioning brain

I want reddit to leave

nah, I don't like when other people try to tell me how I should post. Eat shit

>this coming from a literal monkey

How retarded is she? I'm sure she has a functional brain she's just dumb like a dog or something

Pinoys aren't really gooks though, they're more like Mexicans of the sea.

Just grunts and howls and salivating. Usually dormant staring into the abyss. When my friend comes to interact with her she'll be a bit excited though I can't tell from her facial expression whether she's scared or happy because she frowns and smiles at an interval. She doesn't seem to be afraid of him because he gives her chocolates like a pet.

Hwite supremecists have no connection with Reality.

Checks out.

Man that is one fucked up tale you have there, can you provide a picture for uh... research purposes? Thanks bizarro Poland!

what's wrong with singapore

She could be autistic. Does she look normal? If she's autistic she probably thinks a lot like normal people but is just too fucked to communicate, you should wife her

How is genocide not a realistic option?

link to vid?

>implying cripples are still people

As someone with schizophrenia, I'd be down for incinerating everybody with a mental illness. The highly functional illnesses such as what I have fucking suck, especially once you exit the psychotic state and realize what you are. Mental wards are sad places.

Is she hawt?

>nu-Sup Forums doesn't realize how fucked up the rest of the world is

there's a reason we're trying to keep America great.

>I have a friend who sexually abused his mentally I'll sister and their parents don't care because she's literally retarded who cannot speak and has the mental capacity of a feral animal than a person. My friend would strip her and slap her small tits and cum on it though he denied when I asked him if he penetrated her.
You gave me a boner
Now I'll have to jackoff to incest porn, thanks

I tried to find a picture of her in my friend's facebook but no dice.

I mean, only Americans take picture and unironically be proud to be a parent of a mentally incapable child.

It will never be stopped. Since old fucking women keep having babies you'll see all sorts of birth defects.

If he gets her pregnant the shit's really gonna hit the fan.

Pictures of her?

Where's the picture of Nevada-tan. That bitch even looked detached and crazy! I was hoping she would have been doing JAV by now.

Killing all retards is inhumane, but sterilization of ones with severe genetic illnesses is OK in my book.

>the chocolates he feeds her are birth control pills

Dude she needs to be fed and if she eats herself it'll be like a chimpanzee eating from a dinnerplate.

Down syndrome isn't a mental illness, it is a genetic disorder of the chromosomes.

There is no way to screen a fetus for "mental illness" because they are spectrums of behavior that have significant overlap, can't be measured with instruments, and are not very well defined.

That's fucked up, even if we see her as a non-human. Your friend needs help.

This is his other sister but they look very much alike except the actual retard salivates and doesn't wear glasses.

What's with chinks and those chinky eyes? What sort of genetic propose does it fulfill?

Retards prove God doesn't exist. Debate me.

Your friend is mentally ill too.
Even if the retard is a burden, abusing your own sister is sick.

Then you should kill her.
I fucking hate the way you cunts treat people, but if you're going to treat the unfortunate like literal shit, don't be half-assed. If it's a person, take care of it. If it's not, give it a dignified death. Be logically consistent in this.
If you sit there and FUCK it? You're just fucking gross.

Sniveling little yellow freaks.

>My question is this; how do we solve this issue realistically?
I don't know, call the police to start with.

If you have a pet slave, would you bully her and then treat her with chocolate?

Don't lie to yourself.

You shouldn't say that about atheists, they just can't do any better and don't even understand what proof is.

>being a soulless degenerate
totally surprised

They are bigger so they see gook dicks better, if they were normal eyes they wouldnt see that nano-dick at all.

O.P is clearly mentally ill.

Simple, stop caring about her and move on, if you so disturbed about what happen to her, maybe you should fuck her too. Embraced the degeneracy

Protection from the sun.
I'm not sure why sand people never developed Chink eye folds.

Windy enviroment = squinted eyes so you don't have too much shit in your eyes, same reason why people from hot enviroments are black or people from cold enviroment smart.

She is okay, I'd make a mentally ill slave of her sister too if she looked like that.

>pet slave
>with no human consciousness
It's more like a pet. Would you feed your dog after you fucked it? Though knowing your kind you would rather fry it.

> Would you feed your dog after you fucked it?

Ask a Canadian.


>or people from cold enviroment smart
Eskimos are real geniouses indeed.

I heard it's a great place to spraypaint cars and water towers and stuff, then get your American ass caned oldschool style!

I feed my dog before I fuck it
You gotta wine and dine a bitch

Fucking file name. I'm dead.

Hey there mei

She's only a cosplayer, this is her Twitter account:

Eh, I'd rather fuck the other sister though she's still 15. Gotta wait 1 more year. I pity her though. She's the one in charge of cleaning, feeding her retarded twin sister including wiping her ass and shit in her cage.

That kid was British, as I recall.

I'm immediately reminded that we only need an authoritarian state because these people exist. Hate to sound like the most typical left libertarian but if people were simply better they'd look after her without resentment or sexual abuse.

The people are what's wrong, the state is just a symptom.

Yeah but bet she wont let you go ass to mouth and deepthroat as fucking hard as you want. No lube buttsex is the shizz.
An Americuck

>her cage
Kek, she has a fucking cage?
Do they at least let her out and take her on walks?

My boner is unbearable. Fucking a sister and getting away with it... I wish my normie sister was mentally retarded instead.

What's up with nu-Sup Forums thinking this is ''fucked up''? At least the sister contributes in her way back to the family. This is much more sane than treating retarded kids as actual persons, like those kids with literally no brain.

>Unironically proud
Nailed it! Can you get a picture of them in the act then?

Sounds qt

I would fuck a retarded version of this too.

Don't you have to report for mandatory suicide duty at some point?

I'm even completely fine with consensual incest, but you have problems.

Yeah, then they can just be goofy living onaholes basically.

bizzaro Poland- i love it!

Bet you my left nut the roastie is asking for it, just she cant communicate her desires for cock, so he's just being a good bro.

Wow, if I asked my friend to bleach his retarded sister's hair with the eyebrows, we can make her Finnish!

But that's Indonesia.

lucky dude


Reddit normalfag please, just leave. Penis in vagina is completely acceptable. You think retards are not equally horny as real people? Sometimes they even act hornier, because they don't have the social understanding to hide their primal urges.

OP's friend is doing her a favour, girls like sex too, and who's better than your own brother.

Alright I get it you're just an edgy kid.

>thread I'd about solving mental illness
>it's bait guise
Go back to siesta

Yeah, she already lacks the ability to feel or speak. She'll be perfect!

History has an answer.
Family kilkings
Retards and elders have to die to save civilization.
The family members should be able to do it legally

Reddit/hwz faggot

>he thinks fucking your retarded sister solves mental illness

Do it faggot and send her to me. We have far superior chocolate, and also I probably have bigger dick than your friend so she'll like me.

There is no easy or good solution.

Earl Sinclair?

A rare moment of sense on Sup Forums.

Fucking Spaniards, killing is literally a national sport for you proto-Mexicans!

kill people

>genocide is on everyone's mind
Yeah, but I'd rather genocide all asians first. Soulless creeps.

We still haven't exactly established that she actually likes dick though. Better watch your junk around her mouth or you might end up Jewified like me.

you're not going to like it but euthanasia is the answer

Retards are just bodies which didn't get a soul because population grows faster than heaven's soul production.