I propose the Hitlerian Blood Differential or HBD. HItler had jewish blood. I learned from 23&me i have 0...

I propose the Hitlerian Blood Differential or HBD. HItler had jewish blood. I learned from 23&me i have 0.5% Ashkenazi Jew. There must be an acceptable threshold of jew blood for someone NOT to go to the oven. If you reject my idea then fuck you, Hitler only killed himself because he was jewish then.

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Of course there is an acceptable threshold.

It's called 1 drop.

There's a one way train trip to Auschwitz just for you and your kind. Death to all jews, Heil Hitler.

1%? I don't care about the rest of you I just want to save my own hide? (Don't blame me, blame the 0.5% inside)

Hitler must come with me then. He was more than half a percent, fucking danishit


Do u japs still have to get it twice before u get it?

U wanna get cucked again by a cuck nation? They'll run through you again like bubba with some hot butter. Ha you fell before france

fuck off idiot, all the best danes are Jewish

Atleast we knew when we lost? Like wtf little Denmark vs Third Reich wtf were we supposed to do... HEIL HITLER

Jewish scum. But on the bright side, not muslim.

stupid bitch, you should've sided with them from the beginning then not put up a half assed fight for 5 minutes. Did you even have enough time to be polite and drop your pants?

Haha no there isn't, you'll figure out. Eventually you'll have to start breeding with a Jew because nobody will want your Jewish DNA to spread in their population.

my family has been in Denmark for 200 years, we're not going anywhere.

Yes indeed, we should've sided with the Reich to begin with. But after we "lost" we kinda supported them. So i guess we sided with them in a sense. Atleast we didn't have to get nuked twice and lose a hell lotta lives

You're own blood mights'va have some news for you goyim.

it's 2017. do you truly believe (((we))) don't learn from the mistakes of the past?
we are no longer vulnerable to feeble german attempts to remove us.
conspiracy theories aside we have recently discovered an artifact of such immense technological magnitude that we simply can't be shoa'd ever again, regardless of our genetic makeup or any specific political climate. gold and mohel knives carried us this far, but now we've decided to replace it with devices that are even greater for subduing the goy

you can already give up, there's just no way for you to match us anymore, never mind put in ovens

??? alright u are jewish i guess, big nose?

Pleb, I also took this and got 0.0% Ashkenazi. I was suprised too since my parents said we had distant jewish ancestors and I've always had a suspicious urge to save money by buying cheap shit.

200 years is absolutely nothing, the bare minimum is 1100 usually.

Can you share this with your Dutch brothers? After all we are the jews/merchants of the seas.

at least today we're not overrun by rapefugees and brownskins. We were able to rebuild AND retain our identity. they can't even heil properly without getting arrested by their own countryman. Heil my ass. He probably was in on the holohaux to unite the world against anyone antisemetic. A PLANT. You worship a false prophet and you ain't worth the shit out your own ass

Yeah I do have a pretty big nose, I'm also 1,95 though, so it doesn't look off in comparison to the rest of my body.

How come whenever you hear people talking about Asian performance in tests in the West. They never mention Brain Drain, ie that these are the best of the best of Asian countries, and aren't really representative of the rest of their population.

So you are effectively comparing the best of a population of a couple of billion to regular performing people in the West.

Well Jews weren't allowed back then,
one of my great great grandfathers was full Danish though, so in that sense one of my bloodlines has been there since the start.

Anybody dumb enough to give the jews their DNA goes straight in the masturbation machine.




>one of my great great grandfathers was full Danish though

Sorry it doesn't work like that, it would mean every mongrel bastard the Vikings created across the globe would be allowed in here.

well regardless of what you think, I'm allowed in my country and nothing will change

Dragon dildo?

That is very fucking true, those sand niggers should get back to their desert they call "home" instead of raping their way to money in Europe.



Not after Sweden absorbs Denmark.

>oven mit
based jew is based

I can relate, I am 99.5% European and .5% West African. But we all know .1% Juden = full JUDEN

okay new tactic. Does Israel still offer free money and visa for Jewbloods to come back and start a family?

Underrated kek

INDEED! Death to all jews! Heil Hitler!

There is an acceptable threshold.

To join the Nazi party you had to prove through baptismal records that no ancestor born since 1750 was Jewish.

That was their acceptable threshold or else you needed to apply for a German Blood Certificate.

THis is a whites only thread.


.1% nigger makes you a nigger. You're a black nigger.

damn this was actually kind of funny and made me almost like jews until I realized this is JIDF

>He probably was in on the holohaux to unite the world against anyone antisemetic. A PLANT
I think this too. The Holohoax seems too convenient. If Hitler hadn't done that shit, the Jews would have less to indoctrinate kids with in Western public schools. The only piece of history every western kid is taught about today is the 6 gorillion and WW2. Never mind the Armenian genocide or the millions dead in USSR.

Don't make me break out lil boy and fat man zipperhead

I didn't know about the millions of USSR from communism until Jordan Peterson came around.

yep, it's called sal klita
you get shekels for 6 months worth of rent and basic amenities like food and electricity, as long as you're continualy visiting an institute called Ulpan that teaches you hebrew

but 0.5% jew? unless you have at least one jewish grandparent you don't get an atuomatic right to move here
you can get an online reform course for conversion though, takes a few weeks and gives you an automatic israeli citizenship if you register yourself as jewish in whatever nation you live in - provided there's a rabbi that deduces you genuinely want to be a jew and agrees to add you to his community

there's just one little problem that needs to be taken care of with a knife

you'll get shot on the drive to the airport. Don't waste the gas, gaijin



Of course not,
If those things were focused on too much, the children might realize that communism is shit and Hitler doesn't deserve half of the flack he gets. He wasn't even the worst dictator at the time.

hey. Actually I believe Jesus as THE SAVIOUR. I know your people deny him and actually hate Jews that believe in Jesus more than the filthy goyim. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

You may need something smaller than a knife
Can I work at the iron dome? I like missile games.

Hooknoses get out

you know just bc you said that I'm gonna nut in this cute nip's wet mouth at school

I promise I'll think about her rigidly traditionalist father as I string her along, ruining her for her future beta asian hub

americanized nips are no use to us. Enjoy getting browned the fuck out by latinos. I know they hate you with a passion and are hopping the fence faster than your kind can reproduce.
Maybe you stop aborting the millions of nignogs and you may slow them down. Can you say HASTA LAVISTA BAE BAE?

hello ahmed. Have you impregnated your quota of swedish qts for this evening?

He is also part of the hooknoses

saviour of what?

and no, it's gradually getting fully automated nowdays. kinda like trophy for armor

THere must be someone to lube up the machines and turn out the lights at night

pay no mind broheim, we americans also act before it's too late

Mankind. The Messiah. Have you even read the Tanakh? Prophecies are in there.

your wise Rabbai Yitzhak Kaduri may know

Sweden all about absorbing enrichment from other countries

But how do we market this? Or aren't we going to sell it?

One drop rule, faggot.

>who is the semen demon for $500?

your goy asses do know that the Knights Templar were betrayed, robbed and burned at the stake by their fellow catholics, right?

and the the reason Constatinople was conquered by the muslims is the fact crusaders sacked it, killing other christians literally for shekels
a goy's heart holds demon's of greed and betrayel darker than any jew. If Christ is your Lord, he didn't do a good job at tutoring you

>U Leave!

Test your mothers line for kikehood
Your mother, her mother, her mothers mother
If you find a kike in that line, you are a kike
If you do not, even if you have everyone else in your familiy tree as a kike, you are not a kike


I found this video of you getting assblasted by Ice Jewb

4 generations back and I"m good?

people keep saying this but I still don't know what the government could possibly do to me with my DNA that they couldn't do otherwise.

statistically this means a pretty big % europeans are kikes too

I've always wondered why they do this... It being a kike dependent on having an abusive upbringing and only a kike mother can guarantee that happening? There has to be some underlying reason for adopting such a practice.