Possible Happening?

The only highway connecting Alaskas largest city to the rest of the state is closed in both directions, and power is currently out in the entire area. Police say that there is "a developing situation", and multiple sources reporting in social media that they've seen swat vehicles, helicopters and city police rushing to the area


sounds like a possible happening, knowing alaska though, probably just some drunk nutter shooting guns in the middle of the road

they're probably going after one of those fugitives
there's more than a few of them that go up there trying to hide out in the woods with guns and alcohol

>possible happening
not if they've sent in the popos
maybe someone saw a black guy with a weapon
that'll turn them all into fukcing zoidberg to kill him

These weird robo tweets about Seward Hwy where it just trails off...



Any alaskanon want to be a legend and drive over there? Maybe aliums have finally made contact. What the fuck could possibly be happening in alaska

All that for some crazy guy with a gun? What if theirs more that they aren't telling us?

power isn't out
I don't know what's going on with a standoff- the cops will shoot dude, but it sounds like nothing
mile 110 is right outside of town- both directions closed is because this part of the hwy is two lanes oncoming without a median\divider

>"distraught male"
>calls SWAT


if it sounded like anything I would go


its probably a drunk guy with a pistol on the RR tracks shooting the inlet

I'm from gommiefornia and my mom's side of the senpai is very liberal. Her and my dad went to my aunt's house in the bay area for thanksgiving last year and she said one by one, they all came up to her and quietly asked who she voted for, we live in the central valley and my mom is pretty conservative. She kinda just deflected and asked them who they voted for
Every. Single. One. Said. Trump. Best part, during dinner, they all talked about how sad it was Trump got elected.


probably a sex offender didnt check in since their the most dangerous people in the world.

God forbid we get a list of actual effen terrorists and anti-fascists who hate america because their communists.

Nothing significant. Its fucking 12:30 am and cold here. you should go to sleep.

Wrong thread.

Russian hackers are reclaiming Alaska, we need to send in the nukes.

it's fucking balmy 30F

god dam you guys have lived here too long.

I just read the article- let me decode it for you:

a squirrel jumped onto a transformer down by the hippygranola ski town and killed itself because squirrels are dumb little shits
this knocked out power to some few hundred people that live south of the transformer
a power crew was dispatched to deal with this- HOWEVAH: some drunk kid just got dumped by his GF. he's young, he doesn't get it yet that in AK you don't lose your GF, you lose your turn. this dumb drunk ass probably ditched his car into the snowbank, walked across the hwy crying, and started shooting at an ice chunk in the inlet.
this is life here in AK

It's the greys. They're starting.

daily reminder meme magic is real

It's happening

Remember when there were talks about how aliens will fuck shit up if globalists keep abusing the majority of world? Well the given time to fix earth is over


Ayy lmao happening

digits confirm it!

It's probably just a moose on the loose or something.

But it's definitely time to go to sleep.
Just go to sleep Amerifat.


What building is that? Its extraordinary