Texas should have it's own flag here. It's basically a country in it's own right, having a good economy...

Texas should have it's own flag here. It's basically a country in it's own right, having a good economy, self sustainability, lots of land, and lots of guns. I mean, when people ask me what country I'm from, I say Texas. "Uh, you mean America?", no Texas, the lone star state. Also it has Whataburger, so that's a plus. And cowboys. Damn I love Texas. God bless Texas.

>basically a country in it's own right
No. You got assraped by the yanks so sit your redneck arse down. Good lad, continue to get TACO'd because you lost. We winners haven't got time for losers.

Texas also has its own power grid.

God I love that state.

Your flag is Poland and Somalia mashed together

Your flag isn't much better. Europoor flags are just so plain. Anglos have the best flags.

I will never unsee.


>assraped by the yanks

What did he mean by this?

Oh please, we are more relevant than either of those countries.

I'm not judging. I just thought about it when I saw the thread


But it has tornadoes and hurricanes. Fuck that shit desu.

The british flag is a cluttered mish-mash of colors.

Houston is a half flooded shithole full of minorities, terrible criminals and the Katy suburb sprawl which literally doesn't count since there is nothing out there but houses anyway.

Austin is a fucking liberal Mecca. The NEW San Francisco. It's only going to get worse.

Dallas? I dunno
San Antonio? I dunno

Galveston? Shitty brown beach but the only beach for thousands of miles for most of the country, the true beaches are near Panama city/Miramar. Galveston is ugly compared to those.

Lubbock? The panhandle might as well be a different country altogether. It's nothing like the rest of texas. If you live up in the panhandle you really do live in a different country. There's nothing up here, it's a flat wasteland that people inhabit. There's only scrub and grasses up there.

Let's not even mention all of west Texas is literally a desert wasteland.

Texans in denial. Texans think their shithole is so great because its too big to leave.

Americans are stupid. It's a state

/hubcity/ here

Numbers don't lie nigger, we are the best.

Stay mad.

Although you are right about some large cities, but that goes for most large cities in countries that actually matter.



Same as Houston

>San Antonio

Same but the Mexicans their embrace their "American" more than their "Mexican".

For a period Texas did have it's own flag here, but that was when flags could be selected rather than based on your IP.

What state is better? AZ?


Of course the large cities are no good, that's an inherent trait of all large cities.

The only reason I would ever move to Arizona from Texas is because I can legally own a fox without a permit their and we can't here in Texas. BUT you can't have sex with animals in Arizona where as here in Texas that ass is game.

I would want to live in either a comfy Dallas suburb, or perhaps a PHX suburb.

Fuck rural, fuck urban, the burbs is where it's at.

t. ruralfag

I miss when Cedar Hill was tiny. Had a Whataburger to worship but had no Walmart. Once one was built, shit went to the dogs. Even though it actually went to the nogs first thanks to Katrina.

Now it's Frisco and those towns that are nice. Fucking niggers, after every development is built, white people move in. Then after 10 years a few niggers have moved in (subprime mortgage), then in 15 years it's infested. That's why cities are just being pushed out and pushed out. Eventually there won't be enough land yet to keep the white flight going, what then?

>What then


Whites GTFO and build entirely new cities


Then we hopefully have nog season. That or pray that Wichita never goes dark. Too much land up there that should not be molested by cookie cutter housing.

I was just badging into work in Dallas the night that BLM vet put down our cops. I'll never forget how some of the most hood niggers in the building was going "shit I hope he get more of them". Meanwhile I'm talking with a black guy who was born in Sudan and went "why are they cheering? Cop shows up in Sudan and they start shooting everyone.".

Fucking hell. There won't be enough capital in the future.

>Also it has Whataburger
You mean water burger just like the flavor. Get real. Go to bagger daves

That episode is banned in Texas btw

>Shitting on Whataburger
Literal blue gums detected and tagged. Go back to your banana tree, nigger.

The wall starts here, Pablo.

Wait, for real? That's actually pretty funny.

Apparently hating on whataburger makes me a nigger and a spic? I never got the hype. Even 5 guys makes much better burgers

>what is bantz

Red Robbin is too legit as well, but you just don't shit on Whataburger. Them's fighting words.

>5 guys

>Make good burger

>Grab burger with tongs

>Dip profusely in grease

>Lay on table

>Wrap on foil

>Smash the ever living fuck out of it with wooden mallet for about 20 seconds

>Hand to customer

>Refuse to give extra napkins

Disgusting desu

Texas has never been defeated in any war.

Texas rejoined "The Union" quite a while after the "Confederacy" lost and pussied out.

You come down we'll be happy to shoot you.

>lost most of "empire"
>get fucked by shitty trade union, throw hissyfit and leave
>ignore opportunities to bend union to your will
>currency collapses

Sure yeah, a winner. The pound will bounce back when muh jerbs aren't being taken by all the sandniggers right?

Texas befriended the U.S to entice current citizens to colonize without renouncing citizenship while gaining some recognition of independence. This ultimately culminated in the annexation for legal and economic reasons.

England should've backed the Confederacy before the war ended. You lads wanted cotton to keep flowing but were too lazy. Now look what happens when the carpetbaggers win. Blacks vote Democrat for more gibs and forever beat the bongo drum of slavery.

>American regionalism

even fucking WALES has more of a national identity than Texas

>Texas should have it's own flag here


You're 200% right. I see nothing but Wales threads and people go on about Wales and representing.

Fuck off Nigel, the only whales anyone cares about are the ones harpooned by Naruto.

>even fucking WALES has more of a national identity than Texas


England stopped backing them because they were able to get more cotton at a cheaper price from India. The English at the time never assumed their cuck grandchildren would give up the sub-continent because some wog used MUH FEEEEEEELS to protest.

Was waiting for this

>dumb spic can't even identify his own flag

Lay off now, it's still a fine looking banner.

North-Rhine-Westphalia should have its own flag

Yes. Cuck Central.

No shit. They've only been there for 2000+ years and have their own elf language.

Nice post chile