Trump willing took the bait and is blaming Assad for what is clearly a false flag without any evidence whatsoever

Trump willing took the bait and is blaming Assad for what is clearly a false flag without any evidence whatsoever.

It's easy to admit we were wrong, but what do we do next?

Protest? Trumpanzees will listen to anything their master tells him. Leftists are now beginning to support Trump over this issue.

Other urls found in this thread:

I knew he was too good to be true.

Good luck with your thread, the previous ones kept getting deleted.

were fucked now that he bought the BS about syria, what the eff who is manipulating him with the disinformation willfully and with malicious intent?

Well who do you think?

How about we push the agenda that this is a trick by putin to drag america into another middle east war? That war the us will get bogged down while putin conquers ukraine more easily.

That way*

>what the eff who is manipulating him with the disinformation willfully and with malicious intent
Who else but Kushner

(((Red Line)))

There is a small possibility that this is a trap for his intelligence agencies. If enough evidence comes out that the rebels did it, he would have a justification for cleaning house in the intelligence agencies. So I wouldn't condemn Trump until the bullets and missiles start flying, at the same time we should definitely be vocal about our opposition.

He's being a good Christian serving the people of Israel. What more do you want from him? What about Putin? Claims to be Christian, then helps the Iranians and Syrians even though they are the enemies of the chosen people.
Doesn't he understand the Jews made his God?

Trump is working for (((them))).

The real president of the US is Jared Kushner.
As ordered by Lord Jacob Rothschild.


Bump. Fuck this is a big happening.

on point

we aren't going to invade Syria you idiots, the most will do is go before the UN and say "Assad bad, genocide bad, chemical weapons, bad, everyone else..... GOOD!"

Probably do some food/medicine aide, if they wanted war Obama would have done it and he had numerous opportunities to do so.

Also that

Blame it on Putin as a war hungry lunatic looking to drag us in so he can take Ukraine

I see the Brits are good at this stuff

>Leftists are now beginning to support Trump over this issue.
What issue? All he said was "bad". It's not like we are going to war over it.

That's some pretty good shitposting m8, you're making our country proud.

>we aren't going to invade Syria you idiots

Looking back at recent US history, that sounds unlikely to be honest.

I enlisted as soon as I heard the news. The Assad regime must be held accountable and I am very glad to have a strong president with savvy advisors, particularly Jared Kushner.


We got Bush 3.0

The next options will be Bush 4.0 (regardless of Republican or Democrat).

But at least we had fun last year.

Now it's back to the status quo.

>leftists are supporting Trump

the fuck is going on? my cuck professor was going on about how trump won't be so bad, week ago he hated his guts. Trump better just be running his mouth and not actually this gullible.

How happy are Trump voters with his performance so far? His healthcare bill failed. He's taking a shit on net neutrality. And now he's reversing directions on Syria. What do you even have left? The wall? I guess we'll see. Sounds like an awful hell of a lot of trouble just for a wall.

Literally the Jews (according to Roger Stone).

Kushner has edged out Bannon as his go to man because he's an "expert" in the Middle East.

Get ready for Iraq/Afghanistan 2.0 this time with Syria and Iran.

Only this time the liberals will be cheering it on rather than half assed protests.

Obama tried but couldn't get it past congress.

Trump won't have those problems.

He hasn't done anything yet, so let's wait before we judge.

If a virgin neckbeard in his mom's basement realizes it's a false flag, sure the leader of the free world does too.

Trump came out and said he wanted to bomb the shit out of Christians/Shiites so that Sunni jihadis can run riot all over the middle east.

Naturally leftists are now in love with the guy.

Please leave Sup Forums and never return.


Your kind (((liberals))) aren't welcome here. Spread your emotional decisions and hallucinated thoughts elsewhere.

I'm pretty happy senpai

>the fuck is going on? my cuck professor was going on about how trump won't be so bad
Because he's now serving Israel.

Leave it to the ausfag to side with Syrians. Fucking piece of shit I hope you burn with assad.

>for what is clearly a false flag
What makes you say that, OP?
And your fake news pic. Why?
If leftists really believe what they claim to believe, why all the lies?

>No Muslim migration reform
>No immigration reform (either on illegals or HB1)
>Tough new stance on marijuana but no stance on radical leftist domestic terrorism groups
>Killing off the internet
>Wall and Infrastructure probably never going to happen
>About to go to War in defense of Israeli and Saudi interests and at massive cost to the U.S. and the rest of the world

At least there will be tax cuts for the rich, right?

It isn't even that complex. Trump can't publicly question the gas attack narrative without being accused of being a Russian shill right now.
Instead he just tossed the press some meat to chew on without making any actual commitments.

I find it funny when paid Russian proxies turn on Trump.

You guys have been trying to get Sup Forums to suck his cock for months, but now you turn on him because "MUH SYRIAN WAR CRIMES"? I seriously wish you guys had enough integrity to kill yourselves.


Support Trump now.

>Uninronically being a good goy civic nationalist who wants to bomb Assad in defense of ISIS (nice 30 day plan there)

You actually honestly need to return to reddit, where blind Trump worship is acceptable.

>Because he's now serving Israel.
Tell us a story, user.
Tell us about how you dindu nuffin and dem whit...I mean, stealin yo moneys.


This gay earth can't be saved, Jews always win, one way or another. The only redpilled option is to hope for an apocalypse and hope aliens on some another planet do not repeat our mistakes.

What lies?

Trump literally came out and said he believes in Al Qaeda propaganda and hints he wants to go to war to defend them.

$0.02 have been deposited in your shariablue account

Notice how the anti-Trump shills have switched course and are now shilling for him?

>What makes you say that, OP?

Terrorists announce the false flag 24 hours before it happened.
>I find it funny when paid Russian proxies turn on Trump.
Nice narrative inversion. Notice that the anti-Trump shills are now egging him on.

As long as he doesn't go full scale war and try to eliminate assad in some way I don't care. Which I don't think he will. Russia is waist deep in Syria right now and it would mean a war with them. I think Trump is just grand standing to get more justification to have more marines involved in the YPG and Raquih, however you spell it. The public will forget about this in a week but get ready for the MSM to ride this story of Chem weapons and Assad for years to come.

>Shariablue tries to emulate Sup Forumsster and fails

Pretty much.

At least this took a few months to crumble. Brexit went to shit days after the vote was held.

(((Gee I wonder??)))

>anti-Trump shills

They're just regular Trump shills from reddit.

The """""civic nationalists"""""

Holy fuck we are about to enter WW3

I can't believe it, Muslims and Jews are literally going to end the fucking world.

I can't believe this shit.

Here's an idea:

If Trump didn't play along, he would be attacked even more.

Now he plays along, but not to the point of supporting military intervention. Instead he points to Obama for failing to stop this.

Those who say Assad did it have to accept that Obama did something wrong. King nigger's armor is pierced.

Meanwhile, people see how Trump is suddenly held up positively, and it redpills them how much it matters for the media portrayal whether you support or oppose the narrative.

Playing along with the official version for now, without leading it or going too far, is 4D chess.

>No Muslim migration reform
There were two tries, both illegally blocked. And they can't be appealed until Gorsuch takes office.
The rest of your post is equally nonsense.
Again, why all the lies? Is it because your positions can't be supported any other way?
>At least there will be tax cuts for the rich
It's really just because you're stupid, isn't it, user?

Sounds to me like he doesn't care about ISIS/Al Qaeda anymore and just wants to do exactly what Obama and Hillary wanted to do.

We can all now agree that Trump was nothing but a Jewish stooge all along, gathering up the dumb conservatives for the Neo-Cons.

Trump is Israel First, the Jews have manipulated you again Sup Forums, promising to remove Mexicans, why though? They're destroying the Blacks.

>The """""civic nationalists"""""
Jesus, is it really reddit? They have no idea what is going on.

>I think Trump is just grand standing to get more justification to have more marines involved in the YPG and Raquih, however you spell it
Which is an act of war either way.

> implying WWIII didn't already start with 9/11

I think Trump is trying to make a point that Assad going full dindu is not helping the situation.

Like North Korea. We're not really going to invade North Korea but by threatening invasion we're putting pressure on a china to get them under control.

I'm willing to bet this will be the last gas attack.

>Jesus, is it really reddit?

No, he's the shill

Taking Bannon off NatSec was a bad sign.

Trump has made a deal. Sad.

What lies?

>Illegally blocked

Right. So. They. Didn't. Happen.

He managed to fuck halfway fuck net neutrality without a hitch though.

>Is it because your positions can't be supported in anyway

I'm not the one who lied. I'm the one disappointed in a liar.

He's the one about the launch WW3 in defense of Al Qaeda after campaigning on doing the exact opposite.


The only people who use autism as an insult are Shareblue lefties from plebbit.

What a surprise.

>Trump is Israel First, the Jews have manipulated you again Sup Forums
I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I'm not disillusioned.

Nah, if you knew politics you'd know these are just empty words, and he has hinted even now that he won't do shit against Assad, however just wait for the UN investigation to finish and when it's know then that Assad didn't do it, expect a different statement from him

Liberals are starting to support Trump because of the irrationality of people like yourself.
No intelligent people want to be associated with the chimpouts your type is having.

Where is the middle class....

>fu-fu-fu-4-d-d-chess, guys!! my lord and savior Trump can't do no wrong!!

You are a FUCKING idiot.

With what exactly?


>but not to the point of supporting military intervention.
We have intervened.
You need to keep up with current events before taking a position so you don't look like a moron, user.

>Killing off the Internet

Top 'O the fucking class you must be.

America itself is the enemy, the sooner everyone realizes this, the better.

Where are these magical liberals 'supporting Trump now' ?

Most Lefties don't support Israel as it is

>76-D chess
i.e mental gymnastics. I'm not buying it anymore, sorry.

Wow, they're even more informed than some of the "posters" here.

I mean, I'm sure some of it is literal shills like this guy larping as Trump supporters.

But I'd say it's a ton of "LE GOD EMPEROR XD" fags who are defending this (not yet confirmed) shit.

Between this and letting his kike son-in-law pull strings behind the scenes, I don't know if I trust his judgement anymore

>Trump was nothing but a Jewish stooge
If you spent half the energy earning a paycheck that you do complaining about how taken advantage of you are...



Maybe it's the new Shareblue thing? Try and goad Trump supporters into supporting stupid shit like removing Assad?

I dunno. But it's kind of fishy either way.

War propagandists are already pushing for a new war
Make #SyrianGasSmellsFishy! trending

Your post doesn't make sense.

The Chimpout Liberals are the ones now supporting Trump because of his pro-war stance.

I can't tell if you're a liar or just confused.

Everything you type is too stupid to be taken seriously.
Tell us a story about how helpless you are, user.

Forgot to switch your vpn to usa

Go suck on my huge cock you beta faggot.

Trump's weakness is foreign policy because I don't think he knows any of the details of the ins and outs of geopolitics. This hurts him because he pawns the work off to others, like when he campaigned he kept saying 'I'll get the best people' this is the downside of that... some people he'll get are crooked.

Trump wants to just focus on the economy and I don't think he wants to worry about this and is just doing what's (((suggested))) to him.

He'll be great for keeping an eye on the homeland but bad on foreign policy and if he doesn't shape up, we'll just get more Clinton/Bush/Obama shit.

All over twitter pushing the "Syrian Gas! Dead Kids! Remove Assad!" meme.

I refer you to

Alright then, I'll have to look for that

No bait. Nobody was wrong for supporting him. All you are seeing is the reality of the situation playing out. All you are seeing is the power of the Deep State, that Eisenhower famously warned Americans about over 60 years ago. A Cabal that has gone completely unchallenged since at least 1988 when former Director of the CIA, George HW Bush was sworn in as President.

I knew things were going to shit when Trump abandoned Flynn. Flynn was the General with the balls and patriotism to publicly speak out about Obama, Hillary, and the CIA giving birth to ISIS and supporting them for over 5 years.

This thing isn't getting fixed by working within the system. We even had a strong personality type in there, perfect dictator bait, but even Trump is getting punked now.

Challenge: type something that shows you follow current events, or something that vaguely reflects something real, or that you have a single male trait, no matter how recessive.
Your constant whining is a wonder to behold. How have you not killed yourself in despair?

It was obviously the jews


Wut up CTR? Still hard at it?

Your post still doesn't make sense user.

>tfw the only reason I liked Trump was because that might not have led to war with Russia that would have dragged my shithole into

I mean it's too early to tell what he will do but I don't have much hope it won't be stupid.

>supporting stupid shit like removing Assad?
This is pathetic. Trump plainly said that's not on the table.
Are you even conscious?
Is this another MS AI test?

>unironically supporting the most pro jew candidate in the history of the us

>lol I'll flip the beta and cuck insults on them

Try a sweetie post next.

People need to calm down. One of Trumps skill sets is called Pacing. This means he takes the conventional wisdom and amplifies it. When Hillary talked about how hard it is for Blacks Trump went farther saying our cities were war zones and hell holes forcing his critics to defend existing conditions and thereby weakening their actual complaints. In this case, he knows full well the deep state is pushing hard for war in Syria and he knows it is possible this gas attack was an ISIS scheme. In fact, I bet a million dollars that was his first thoughts. He cant be "soft" on Syria due to the intentional smearing of him as a Putin stooge...thats the whole point of the Russia smear, to box Trump in on middle eastern hes pacing..hes agreeing its a horrible and evil attack and he wants justice and it sure looks to him like Assad is a bad guy after all...then wait...the President of the United States is saber rattling louder than a neocon...based on existing evidence...over the next few weeks we will probably see more reports bringing into doubt who did the attack and some convincing reports that ISIS and its backers were behind the attacks...just like last time. last time the same exact thing happened...Syria was blamed but in the end the majority of the public believed ISIS did it themselves. Trumps not going to war in Syria. Youll see. And if he finds out we did it ourselves he will purge some more deep staters.

>I knew things were going to shit when Trump abandoned Flynn. Flynn was the General with the balls and patriotism to publicly speak out about Obama, Hillary, and the CIA giving birth to ISIS and supporting them for over 5 years.

Part of me knew back then too, but I didn't want to believe it.


>Greentexted in each post


That's a more intelligent statement than most Irish make, anyway. For whatever that's worth.
Even your flag is a monument to betahood.

What is your image supposed to represent?

(((They))) need to go soon...

>It was obviously the jews

YPG is not actively fighting Assad forces right now. There is some mutual understanding between assad and them that they need to hold hands for awhile or until after the war because the Turk roaches control a large sector of kurdish northern Syria and this is all just a guise by Turkey to help the rebels fuck with the army.

It was a warning sign. I was uncomfortable with it, but I understood how it might hamper him/embarrass him after Flynn's supposed transgression.

The public affront to Banon right at the same time as his straight-outta-Hillary stance on Assad is the first time I've been genuinely """"""""concerned"""""""

The other shit you can chalk up to difference of opinion (Sessions, the internet) and just getting cock blocked by cunts (the travel ban).

This is the first time where HE has come out and said something that's a worry.

Hopefully it's like many user's are saying - Just lip service to shut up the media and neo-con's.

we wuz secession n shieet