Hollyjew Redpilled people Thread
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Don't ask me how I know, but it's very very true.
Kek obviously agrees
Didn't he come out as an anti Trump shill along with his libcuck father?
"You need to have public and private positions"
Hillary is right about this you know
is mel gibson /ourguy/?
>once openly said that Jews are too fixated on the Holocaust
>leaked emails showed her talking shit about the Israeli government
>criticism of Trump seemed low energy, was probably paid or blackmailed into doing it
He was /ourgoy/ before Sup Forums existed
If he's back into it it's because he sold out.
>being anti trump
Now why would that make him not redpilled?
Hollywood is full of pedos, why did you think they went all out on him? Do you know how much of Sony he owned? Did you know his "doctor" gave him a dose of propofol large enough to kill an elephant?
he's anti trump and also he is part of the hollywood pedophile elite ( or was) he has aids and wasted his youth doing drugs.
The only reason they have Madman Mel out there is so they can make him dance like a marionette and apologize for being white. Reality is hes just a degenerate homosexual playing a role. All Hollywood actors play a role on screen and off screen. None of them are anything like what their image is. The "real them" they show is used to get you to connect with them so you are susceptible to brainwashing.
I miss old Sup Forums
I also think Emma Stone is sneakily 14/88
>the guy who larped as a texan ranger must be redpilled
Any evidence he as a person is?
He's right you know
I know, I don't even hafta post Clint, but I'm gonna
Clint Eastwood
nice of the photographer to crop out Linus' blanket
Fucking tripfags, always with the most absolutely wrong statements possible. Natalie (((Portman))) is one of the biggest heebs in Hollywood, and that's saying something.
whoah wasn't expecting an MJ redpill
'Cept he believed that taking land was right. So no doubt he'd be a globalist.
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