Assad must go

Assad must go.

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Fake news

We're gonna win so much that we'll be tired of winning

As expected from a kike puppet.

If he goes after Assad he's a kike puppet.

Trump voter here and I approve this. Fuck Syria and fuck those faggot Russians being all scared of Trump so they gotta shill extra hard on my pol.

we gotta save trump but what if he sold us all out to his masters since hes getting all this disinfo and buying into it?

This wouldnt happen if Flynn was around!!!


Has Trump, dare I say it, become a NeoCon?

You guys are worse than leftists with your muh kike boogie man. I fucking hate you Kremlin shills.

(((Red Line)))

>0.02 has been deposited to your MAGA™ account



Why is trump saying this

Fuck off back to The_Donald, fag.

Americans on Sup Forums:


Also Americans on Sup Forums

>Oh no, Trump wants to send us to war against some third world shithole, I'm scared :(

Well have to see in the end I want to assume Bannon is still guiding him but he is surrounded by fucking retards that want Pence to take over. He may have just given the speech against Assad because the media would do their shitshow if he didn't.

I agree, let's help out our buddies in Saudi and UAE and take down this oppressive regime and secure Saudi hegemony once and for all!

Even The_Donald isn't that delusional

Nice try CIA.

If assad goes down the same thing is going to happen as when Gaddafi did, there is going to st the tode of immigraton, no one left to hold back the hordes. The flood gates are going to open even wider and Europe will never be white again, any hope of reversing what has already been set into motion will vanish forever.

>Assad must go.
Waiting for him to say these words

The Jews are a problem. You SJWs want to talk about white privilege then look no further.

>Oh no, Trump wants to send us to war against some third world shithole, I'm scared :(

You're a complete fucking idiot and have no idea what is happening with Syria nor why we are against it.

If he wanted to go glass Saudi Arabia we'd all be cheering.

The fucking leaf meme is beyond real

Worse than leftists you whine just like a faggot commie. Can't wait for Russia to collapse

Shut up bitch.

>worse than leftists!

Says the faggot who has Trump's rock hard cock right in his asshole.

I think the real lesson for Assad is that chemical weapons are naughty

Unlike bombing hospitals, which is fine.

O yea trumps cock is in my ass right now alright...just like putin micro penis in your ass...
Idiot. You Don't even know how to argue. I'd smack the piss out your mouth if you were standing next to me faggoy. Kill communists for fun

We are. Everyone who voted for trump is exposing the cards in the hands of the deep state. They have had to reveal themselves in order to compromise Trump and take down his cabinet. The MSM is exposed as openly serving the deep state, and their obvious desire for war and regime change. The liberals have lost the moral high ground and are sowing the seeds of tyranny that they cannot see or comprehend. They are radicalizing their political opponents and using this as pretext to arrest/disband them. The deep state is pushing the refugee crisis into overdrive in order to create a fully integrated united european state and north american superstate. Shit is going into high gear because the globalists had to start rushing things into action. Your hand is exposed! You may be able to defeat us, and you may be able to kill us, but you will no longer subvert us, and you will no longer blind us. Truth is on our side.


I don't see how trump turning into a neocon is related to what you wrote

hurry the fuck up before he dies of fucking old age

I don't visit reddit I'm more pol than you will ever be faggoy. Fuck Russia fuck Syria and fuck commies

Go be a leaf somewhere else, real countries are talking


Israeli scum, piss off


>real country
>too scared to invade Syria


Leaf kike.

yes goyim overthrow another democratically elected leader what could possibly go wrong?

It means Trump was a globalist plan b. They are probably holding something over his head and compromised him. If hillary would have won, then the globalists could have had a bit more time to more elegantly lay their plans in place.

They are being forced to speed up their plan. We see through them. They might kill us, but they cannot deceive us. They might arrest us, but they cannot subvert us or pervert us.

Things are going to rapidly change. We are witnessing the end of the great experiment. It failed. Weep for her! Weep because you are living in the final moments in the twilight of the American republic.

The whole point of having an army is to go to war, not to pay a bunch of losers to sit around and play with their little guns and have gay anal sex in the barracks.

go suck a cock

You sound like a fucking Jew.

Guys we must stop Assad, /ourguy/ Bill Kristol the mastermind warhawk behind the Iraq war said so.

You sound like a pussy.

the point of having a strong army is to deter the people below you from fucking around not to fuck around ruining other people's countries

back to the /r/The_Donald with you scum. That fat orange faggot was the best of the shitty choices you got but stop pretending he is anything but a kike loving merimongrel.
As a Dane I am very supportive of Assad as he represent the about the last bit of civilization in that region and without him the human tide of shitskins will flood to my fair nation.

So fuck off. The middle east is none of your concern mutt.

assad is a demented evil loser who killed millions of syrians and turned syria into a shithole with that asshole putins backing. nothing more needs to be said.

>get him out of here

t. faggot


>Assad destroyed Syria

> Places in Syria where Assad rules look great, the rest is a shithole

Really makes you think

Said the Jew.

Assad did nothing wrong

Don't complain about the break down of your nation then if you don't recognise other people's rights to govern one

>democratically elected
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA How delusional are you

Yes. But Saudis family should go too.

Hey hey, ho ho! Bashar al-Assad has got to go!

If he goes after Assad I'm going to stop defending him.

but then the plebit shills will be angry with you! Dont you just want to suck his dick no matter what?


Fuck off you pussy, we must remove dictators.

no not really Leaf.

I do not care whether Assad is a dictator or not. I care only for what is best for my country. And more instability in the shithole of region will only lead to new floods of human waste to Europe and thus to my country.

Stability is the only thing that matters. Not muh feefees and muh democracy or even wores; muh poor brown children.

Because Assad has been bringing so much stability to the region.

Shut the fuck up.

Make #SyrianGasSmellsFishy! trending

oh he has. For over a decade.

if it was not for the fucking new worlder scum and your pathetic support of the "rebels" none of this crap would have happened. The "peaceful" mudslime protesters would have been put down and order restored many MANY years ago.

so how about you shut the fuck up Leaf. Its not you have to deal with any of the consequences of interfering in the Middle East because you are nothing but a new world piece of shit.

Oh no, you're right. What if Assad gets killed? Then we'll have a power vacuum that will get filled by extremist religious fanatics. If only there was some sort of weapon of mass destruction that could be used to completely eradicate everyone in the region and permanently solve the problem.

Oh wait, that's right. Nukes exist.

I guess that solves our little problem.

nukes have always been my preferred option. However nuking the middle east into a crater will sadly remain a dream for now.

Nukes would solve our leafy problem, too.

I fear he could do it
and he could actually win this

Then what?

Stop supporting Assad

Can't wait to see Burger blood spilled for the sake of the Great Israel.


Jews must go. Trump is a little kike bitch.