There is a lot going on right now. I am a long time lurker and lover of this board, however I am mostly familiar with the stereotypical 'pol lore' and less up to date with the here and now. I hate to sound like a fag, but can you guys give me a tl;dr of the current situation?
Help me understand
World is fukd.
U r fukd.
Now you're up to speed.
OP is a faggot
Sup Forums being invaded by outside interests for whatever reason from Reddit, 8ch and Shareblue. Shill threads and bait threads everywhere, it's the usual status quo of chaos that was briefly interrupted by the 2016 election.
There's also faction of Nazi ponies now.
>Sup Forums comes back up
>is immediately flooded with shills and redditors
user was right
Word. I'm trying to make sense of the mess in Syria but the clowns are making it difficult
There was a false flag gas attack against the syrian government involving sarin.
Pictures of the civilian casualties are on social media.
There's some evidence that it was completely fabricated, and Trump has condemned Assad for the attack. The US taking a side against the Syrian government puts us in opposition with Russia.
I think they're trying to get Trump to set up some no fly zones over Syria, like Hillary was going to do.
Assad denies that his forces launched such an attack against the civilian targets.
An Israeli attack made to look like a Syrian attack aimed at bringing the US against Syria again would make sense here, since such an event can only benifit Isreal's agenda.
Loud and clear brothers.
>That defeatist nonsense
What cuck writes this garbage?
>tl;dr of the current situation
>situation satus: HABBENIN
Why no youtube of gas attack though? Seems odd.
>no videos
>no pictures of jets
>was called a sarin attack at first, then changed to chlorine after workers stared touching victims bare handed
>Assad has no reason to gas civilians
>Rebels are probably fine
>Russia has better options than to undergo the BS of using gas
Hoping some kind user can help me out here
> Collapsed 3 days ago
> Currently bedridden
> Can't start new threads from tablet for some reason
> Completely out of the loop
> Consciously avoid MSM
Last thing I saw on pol was a happening about wsj fake news proof on monetized racist videos on youtube. Seems like something happened with assad. Can someone fill me in?
I looked on youtube and nobody in that neighborhood had a phone? All potato pics no video?
wow xkcd got dark all of a sudden
Anyone? I need a quick rundown on anything I've missed over the last few days, while I've been busy trying to not die.
Learn to Natural Law.
Just rebel cameras