ITT: We discuss Assad's monstrous crimes against humanity

ITT: We discuss Assad's monstrous crimes against humanity

Including, but to limited to:

>ordering police to fire on unarmed protesters
>mass incarcerations
>mass rape
>summary execution
>forced starvation of civilian populations
>use of chemical weapons
>use of unguided bombs on densely populated civilian areas

Ok Sup Forums, I want you, without resorting to the tired old "lesser of two evils" argument, to explain to me why this man is worthy of my respect.

Other urls found in this thread:

>crimes against humanity


Explain why we should respect you enough to give you an explanation.

OP is a paid shill from ShareBlue and the mods should perma rangeban him

We're building a wall, fuck the middle east. We're over, we're changing our facebook relationship status and we won't answer your 300 text messages this time


Oh god, anything but the chemical weapons.

His biggeat crime is not having anti kike superpowers

Kill yourself.
We don't care unless they're in a civilised country

shill/slide post .. eat a dick, ahkmed-

Sources and ill shill against assad with you

I know your explanation, I've been on Sup Forums for about 6 years. I've seen it all, heard all the arguments. I even supported Assad for a bit.

But all the arguments come down to 3 points, all of which I have refuted satisfactorily to my mind:

>the Middle East needs strong dictators to keep Islamism in check, or it descends into chaos

The inaccuracy of this argument is self-evident. Assad has been fighting a civil war against Islamism for 6 years. He is not strong, quite the opposite. He is grossly incompetent, only the interventions of Russia and Iran have saved him.

>Assad is smeared by the Western media, he is not a monster

No, I am sorry. I have seen photos, reports, footage. Assad is a brutal man, there can be no doubt. Journalists, highly respected ones who have dedicated their lives to reporting the truth, agree on this. It's not a conspiracy, it's just fact. Dictators have always had a thin veneer of respectability, Idi Amin spoke English. it didn't stop him from being inhumanly cruel.

>We should ally with Assad, he can be our man, he is secular and Westernised.

No, he is a Russian/Iranian man through and through. Assad has no reason to ally with us. He is part of the resistance axis of Russia, Iran and Iraq. He is our enemy through and through, not merely because he is absolutely opposed to democracy.

>I've been on Sup Forums for about 6 years. I've seen it all, heard all the arguments.
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Bane post up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" CIA agent guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a capeshit movie. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Banefag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "FOR YOU FOR YOU FOR YOU." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.



shilling now its silly, its all over. you look just retarded

>I have seen photos, reports, footage
guessing white helmets..?
Your approach of intellectual/ethical high ground is sophomoric and limited in scope. stop shilling for something you have limited perspective on

I notice you don't post any sources. Fuck off.

No, I haven't seen that actually.

I have seen these pictures though, and many more. I have thought about them and reached my conclusions.

Refute my arguments if you can. Or just dismiss me as uneducated because you cannot.

ITT: We discuss socialdemocracies monstrous crimes against humanity

Including, but to limited to:

>ordering police to kidnap and shot if there's hard resistance people for doing their own shit
>mass theft
>mass rape of your income and savings acount trought taxation and money printing
>two legal systems, one for breaking government rules and other for inmorality/real crimes, slowing, making expensive and saturating the second
>forced starvation of civilian populations trought labour legislation, priviledges to some guilds/unions and corporations, preventing plebs from fair competition
>use of welfare state to dilute the locals' parasitation between inmigrants and scumbags
>load unbeilable levels of debt upon future generations, to pay today's mistakes, delusions and unresponsible budgets
>build roads

Most of those allegations come from unreliable "rebel" terrorist sources
I don't believe in you shill

I subsumed the Jews position so I don't care about either or you guys can fight if you like its just profit to me.

Make me money with more of your fake chemical attack videos wez iz gunna change da wurld nigga

Wtf does that prove beyond the fact people die in wars
You're getting me pissed get the fuck outta here

>unarmed protesters
there were unarmed protesters that got shot, but there were also armed protesters being shot because they opened fire on police. It was chaotic
>mass incarcerations
So? Britain had so many incarcerated people at one stage they had to ship them all to my Country. Locking up criminals is no crime against humanity, besides I bet you don't care when the Turks do it.
These people are mass raping and slaughtering people whilst destroying his Country. You want him to make sure their pillows are fluffed and they have a warm glass of milk before bed? Fuck that, melt their skin off and find where the rest of them are hiding out
>mass rape
proof, I know there is plenty of evidence of opposition groups mass raping people but haven't seen any evidence of pro-gov forces doing it. It would have no advantage to Assad to give such an order
>summary execution
What you think they have the time and resources to setup fair trials for all? They are barely maintaining control over their cities due to suicide attacks and constant militant offensives.
>forced starvation
no they don't. Government held area's are fully supplied with what little they have. The rebel held area's can't expect the Government to give them their food. The rebels would just take it and would make the population dependent upon them even though it's the Governments food.
>Use of chemical weapons
again proof. There is proof of rebels using chemical weapons in an attempt to garner foreign support but no proof of Assad Government
>use of unguided bombs on densely populated civilian areas
Just how many Countries in the world do you think has state of the art weapon guidance systems? Syria is not one, that is for sure. It has improved with the help of the Russians but really they still have quite primitive weaponry. Which is one downside to having a President who isn't militarily obsessed.
PS: US airstrike other day killed over 200 civs

Wow, that's powerful stuff there.

I kind of agree

All mudshits are the same to me. Shia and Sunni, Turks and arabs. They are all scum. Probably one of the most disgusting collection of peoples of this age. I don't give a flying fuck about Syria and I don't give a shit who is in power as long as they pose no threat to our western territory.

If they do, bomb the shit out of them then fuck off, let the country finally sort itself out for once in another 20 years or so.

It's not our war and I couldn't care less.

>Wtf does that prove beyond the fact people die in wars

A war Assad is responsible for.

>You're getting me pissed get the fuck outta here


All of the people he killed were sunnis. We should all respect that, he makes the world a better place.

I have a question for all the Westernfags, and I'll use OP as an example.

Lets say in UK today, there was millions out in the street to protest May, violently rioting all over the country. They refuse to stop protesting until her entire political party is criminalized and she has to step down to go to jail. Lets say that simultaneously armed insurgents (I will keep religion out of this, as Im trying to offer a logical, reason-based question) suddenly take over Manchester and Brimingham, terrorizing the local populace with car bombs and suicide bombings before they attack all the police stations and execute every policeman. Also, lets assume these insurgents have been armed and trained secretly by Germany and Turkey (just naming random foreign powers) for years.In addition, a large proportion of the British Armed Forces in these cities and other whole governates under rebel control mutiny and decide to join the insurgents against the government in a power grab. Throughout all this, the rebels are executing everyone who differs from them in their viewpoints, and are setting up arbitrary security rules in areas under their control. Lets say this situation lasts for 8 months, and every major and strategic city in England has fallen in rebel hands, and the rebels now surround London, and even within London itself there are districts where the government is fighting desperately against rebel forces who surprise attack them every few weeks.

How would the UK government react to all this? Does anyone really believe that any self-respecting government would ever simply pack their stuff up and go home when hundreds of thousands of foreign-backed foreign powers fighters have decided to force the government to surrender to be beheaded?

ok but how is He responsible for the war he didn't even want to be leader of the Nation..............

nice try though

stop working for neoconservative zog agenda that shit will get you an early grave.

Shia kill many people also.

Fuck off kike scum

Assad is a gud boy, he dindu nuffin wrong

kill yourself

Since when is taking out the trash illegal?

Nuke Syria now... nuff said

Fuck off Achmed. Take care of your own shit and stop insulting my intelligence with your petty, transparent bullshit. I'm not helping you. In fact, I hate you. Suck my dick.


>ordering police to fire on paid shills

Literally NOTHING wrong with that.

geeez did it make them starve too? whats with this fakery?

Assad speaks English you mong. He has even done extensive 1on1 interviews with Western media. Search them on YouTube, fucking shill.

A more comparable situation would be if May was a member of a tiny religious sect, say a Muslim in our Christian country. She gave top official positions to other members of her sect, stuffed the upper ranks of the army with them, all while cracking down on legitimate forms of protest. Meanwhile, the economic situation is dire, the capital is nice but the rest of the country is going to shit. Eventually the brutalised majority of the population rise up against her, but she is backed by other Muslim countries. They import thousands of fighters and she begins killing her own people. After the international community fails to stop her, the rebels turn to the only available resource they have left, faith. The rest of the world vilifies them as extremists.

That's more comparable.

>yfw the syria war matches the biblical depiction of the war that triggers armaggedon

>you look retarded


yeah but they mainly like to kill Jews and Sunni's so that's cool. We shouldn't be so stupid as to have troops there in the first place. there is nothing there worth defending

Shareblue likes Assad, hes a Muzzie.
A sexy muzzie.

I know terrorists when I see them.
Thank you Based Assad!

That was my point. Speaking English doesn't make him a nice person, it just means he was rich enough to receive a Western education.

Anyone else think it's odd there haven't been any turkroach posters in these threads? Feels like a blackout, we're being fed a narrative and the people in the position to offer an alternate take are nowhere to be found.

>Muslims can kill Westerners if we go in their lands, that's just fair

When did Sup Forums get so cucked?

Poisoned Water and massive amounts of colleges trolling the youth frankly speaking what Assad has done is small time compared to what the clintons have done to the Americans.

the clitnons the obamas the bushes all are pushing to oust assad from power if these evil people that have done so wrong want Assad gone we have to ponder why that may be?

shut it! you Paki Al Nusra rat cunt.

>literally making up all this bullshit and blaming Assad
no proofs, no-one believes
fuck off and hang yourself shill

>Alt right closet homos paint Hillary as a warmongerer. Hillary = WWIII

>Trump jumps in with troops like a literal retard after 3 months on the job


Now, prove it

I believe it
He's a tyrant
And some piss-fucking Russian shill is not going to dissuade me

>A war Assad is responsible for.
Hes responsible for thousands of saudi and western backed jihadis invading his country?

Do syrians not eat?

His only crime is that he didn't barrel bomb your shill ass.


Haven't seen a female victim.

Nope, that's disingenuous
You can't throw something as antagonistic as Muslims and Christians in the equation. Alawites are shia muslims but muslims nonetheless. Your allegory could work with something like Anglicans and protestants.. sounds familiar ?

>A more comparable situation would be if May was a member of a tiny religious sect, say a Muslim in our Christian country. She gave top official positions to other members of her sect, stuffed the upper ranks of the army with them

I concur Syria wasnt a democracy, Govt.'s always put their cronies in positions of power. You mean to tell me Trump or Obama made their cabinets based on fairness to the populace and not based on the interests of the elites in the country?

>cracking down on legitimate forms of protest.

Please dont insult my intelligence, protests are brutally put down even in Western "democracies" . Remember the beatings Occupy Wall Street got? Remember Oakland Riots? Remember Ferguson where National Guard deployed?

>Meanwhile, the economic situation is dire, the capital is nice but the rest of the country is going to shit. Eventually the brutalised majority of the population rise up against her, but she is backed by other Muslim countries. They import thousands of fighters and she begins killing her own people.

Assad did not "import foreign fighters" until over a year into the conflict.Al-Qaeda formed a Syrian affiliate that had a broad base within the opposition within months of protests starting. The economic situation was dire, not to the extent the media wants you to believe. School/healthcare were free, there was industrial cities. while wages were low, local products were cheap. There was a class gap and between rich and poor, but thats in every country. Also, while Assad was from a minority sect, the regime NEVER bothered religious muslims who didnt stick their noses in politics

>After the international community fails to stop her, the rebels turn to the only available resource .... The rest of the world vilifies them as extremists.

The international community is against Assad. the rebels are all foreign-backed and armed from day one. By what right does the "International Community" judge who is the rightful ruler of Syria?

I preferred his 2012 work. It was far more original.

Not an argument

The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. By that logic we should support ISIS, because Obama started the bombing campaign against them.

That's because you're braindamaged schizofrenic lunatic who's fedora-tier "intellectual" who reads the latest MSM headlines without a hint of criticism.

Keep rambling on about Assad, nobody cares about you, a sad onely fucking loser who lives in a imaginary wonderland where Assad is the bad guy and gets ousted.

Just type sage in that opinion box faggots

Fake news.

Why are they naked

There are literally hundreds of documents and proofs describing his crimes in meticulous detail. Your only proof is his denial.

I don't understand how it possible to be so blind.

You misunderstand sorry my fault, I would kill Assad to find out why they where after him for more data to fight my Enemy.

He STILL enjoys popular support. His army is STILL majority Sunni (at last the SAA).
The US killed 500 in Iraq last week. Why te double standard?

assigning blame to someone when there's no evidence isn't proof it's called lying

>meticulous detail.

Okay I'll bite. Show me what you have.

And you read Sup Forums and watch infowars.

The MSM is full of bullshit, yes. But you don't need to read the headlines to understand the truth.

And Assad is not the "bad guy", as applying concepts of good and evil to such a complex situation is ridiculous.

That's why I asked why he should be worthy of respect, not whether he is the "good guy".

>journalists... dedicated their lives to reporting the truth

>reporting the truth

fuck off you retarded cunt

deffs a false flag, no question. Who stands to benefit? The globalist agenda moves foward if assad goes down, trump has to condemn the acts and play along for now but hopefully he stays strong and doesn't get involved

>Govt.'s always put their cronies in positions of power

No, this is cynicism. It doesn't have to be this way, look at the British civil service. Meritocracies are possible. Cronyism is insidious, but not inevitable.

>Please dont insult my intelligence, protests are brutally put down even in Western "democracies" . Remember the beatings Occupy Wall Street got? Remember Oakland Riots? Remember Ferguson where National Guard deployed?

And don't insult mine. That is not a valid comparison, heavy handed riot control is not the same as using live ammunition, air power and tanks.

>Al-Qaeda formed a Syrian affiliate that had a broad base within the opposition within months of protests starting.

I admit this is true, in fact they were present in the country long before the war started. However, they would not have been able to get into the position they are in without legitimate grievances to feed off. This is the responsibility of Assad.

>Also, while Assad was from a minority sect, the regime NEVER bothered religious muslims who didn't stick their noses in politics

This is patently untrue. Abuse was common, Islamists were frequently imprisoned. besides, you don't have to directly imprison a group to be guilty of discrimination. Locking people out of power is just as bad, as someone from Lebanon you should understand this better than anyone.

>The international community is against Assad. the rebels are all foreign-backed and armed from day one. By what right does the "International Community" judge who is the rightful ruler of Syria?

And Assad was foreign backed from day one. Only one country is currently bombing in Syria, aside from against the Islamic State. And that is Russia, with Assad's permission. Russia is part of the international community. So what right do they have to say that Assad should be the rightful ruler of Syria?

>I even supported Assad for a bit.
How do you do fellow goyim

>not merely because he is absolutely opposed to democracy.
Neocon detected

>This is patently untrue. Abuse was common
Looks like the FCO has sent one of its goons here.


The point still applies. If a leader did this is the West, they would face justifiable protests within weeks. In Syria, it took decades, mostly due to the extensive system of state repression.

Based response, fellow Ausfag.

>reminder that unless you're fighting a TOTAL WAR, i.e. Are willing to absolutely, positively kill every last motherfucker you're fighting against, to the point of extinction, you'll never win.

Paid Shill

How does forced starvation work?
Are they not allowed to raise their hands, surrender to the siege forces, and be awarded with a hot meal?

oh yes its the jews who want to oust a secular muslim and install a islamist government

This is your daily reminder to never trust anglo posters.

OP is 77th Brigade / JTRIG / HSOC

None of those " crimes" happened.
Every time the UN makes these charges and they are asked for proof, they are found lacking.
I'd you base your argument on facts, you'll find you have no argument.

This is but a fraction. Read it, without judgement. And do not consider I am trying to persuade you that Assad is a bad person, or trying to justify his removal. What I am trying to show you is what his regime does in an unbiased way. Everything else is up to you.

>He STILL enjoys popular support. His army is STILL majority Sunni (at last the SAA).

This is literally impossible to prove.

After Iraq, Why would Assad use chemical weapons with the US breathing down his neck and Israel on his back doorstep?

This is Mossad shit.

It doesn't, unless you mean to tell me that your current system of governance is not legitimate because it has maintained itself through brutality in face of revolts
You can't have it both ways

Assad is just like his father
A mass killer, a manipulator and a liar
He must be removed

Why did you steal the Polish flag, you terrorist?

Go watch some more TF1 moron

I'm not talking about Salon or Huffington Post. I'm talking about international editors who have always upheld standards of honesty and objectivity. The kind of people who refuted WMD claims against Saddam.

You're forgetting to add the part where you tell us why we should give a shit about any of this.