>Govt.'s always put their cronies in positions of power
No, this is cynicism. It doesn't have to be this way, look at the British civil service. Meritocracies are possible. Cronyism is insidious, but not inevitable.
>Please dont insult my intelligence, protests are brutally put down even in Western "democracies" . Remember the beatings Occupy Wall Street got? Remember Oakland Riots? Remember Ferguson where National Guard deployed?
And don't insult mine. That is not a valid comparison, heavy handed riot control is not the same as using live ammunition, air power and tanks.
>Al-Qaeda formed a Syrian affiliate that had a broad base within the opposition within months of protests starting.
I admit this is true, in fact they were present in the country long before the war started. However, they would not have been able to get into the position they are in without legitimate grievances to feed off. This is the responsibility of Assad.
>Also, while Assad was from a minority sect, the regime NEVER bothered religious muslims who didn't stick their noses in politics
This is patently untrue. Abuse was common, Islamists were frequently imprisoned. besides, you don't have to directly imprison a group to be guilty of discrimination. Locking people out of power is just as bad, as someone from Lebanon you should understand this better than anyone.
>The international community is against Assad. the rebels are all foreign-backed and armed from day one. By what right does the "International Community" judge who is the rightful ruler of Syria?
And Assad was foreign backed from day one. Only one country is currently bombing in Syria, aside from against the Islamic State. And that is Russia, with Assad's permission. Russia is part of the international community. So what right do they have to say that Assad should be the rightful ruler of Syria?