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They gotta sort themselves out.
What would be really interesting is if this continued rape of Sweden gave rise to an Ultranationalist cadre of Swedes who take over the Government and overthrow the EU.
Sorry, i dont understand IKEA
>passerbys did nothing
Fucking hell
it's the same shit that happens to your sisters when they try to walk home at night you fucking manlet
And like clockwork...
>walking home
>implying im some cholo that has no car
>implying i have sisters
>implying ive even seen rape reports in my city
Ooga booga
I don't speak snow monkey but I'm guessing that says "The problem is men, not islam"
Maybe they thought it was a prank or social experiment.
Invasion of Swedenistan when?
Sounds like Swedish heaven.
Fascinating how similar it is to english.
You lying fucking wetback
Yeah, valdrens. Really similar to English!
hispanic male here
i want to go to sweden
>when Political Correctness becomes so embedded into your society, that you don't know if rape is okay or not.
You just afraid ICE might scoop you up at the airport or what?
The old wolf lies wounded by jackals and circled by vultures.
Worried to death by a thousand tiny, vicious mouths.
Brought low by your own arrogance!
These are the death-throws of Sweden.
The light of civilization dims and gutters.
And you've such precious time left to hide your women, for your children to cry.
Even at the moment of your final defeat you will take no-
in oblivion.
be nice Poland
The worst of the worst in Sweden, they are pure filth, no wonder they did nothing. If nuke drops, drop 'em there first please.
HATA brynäs, HATA kk, små jävla horungar.
Translation from snownigger :
> Passersby intervened not on gang rape
> Domestic. A woman should have been gang-raped by several men in central Gävle weekend. Several people passed by the incident without intervening.
> It was at 02 o'clock at night on Sunday, April 2 that a young woman was gang-raped in central Gävle.
> The woman, who is in his 20s, to have been forced into an alley between Kirkkokatu and North Beach Street by three men, police writes on his website.
> Meanwhile, the rape was going on the woman tried to get help from people who passed by the scene, but no one did anything.
> "It passes both men and women past the crime scene but no one helps plaintiff despite her cries for help and find themselves in a difficult situation," the police.
> One of the offenders should have calmed the people who passed by the place that it was his girlfriend that he and his friends were doing.
> The rape occurred near a tavern.
> - I myself hard to see how they would react that way, but it is not I police and know how people can behave in the tavern, said police spokesman Mikael Hedström told Aftonbladet and points out that it is extremely tragic for the victim that no intervened.
> Police now want to get in touch with the people who passed by the scene of the crime in order to get a clearer picture of the event as well as descriptions of the perpetrators.
> Witnesses are asked to call 114 14th
they were busy fondling their feminine penis
" A woman should have been gang-raped"
they arent even hiding it anymore
"Värld" comes from verǫld, which literally means age of man. I'm guessing world comes from the same word
"The woman, who is in his 20s"
Because I think scandis interchange V's and W's I bet that stands for "world".
Either the Swedish men :
- weren't sure if it was consensual or not, would have helped but didn't have the balls to do anything
- were not Swedish and didn't care enough to stop or report the rape
- were Swedish but stopped giving a shit after everything swedish women have done to their country and people
Wait, one of the offenders literally told passer-bys that he and his friends were gang banging his gf who was crying for help and no one thought it was weird?
They probably felt guilty for not prepping them first.
Why do socialist countries always get bent out of shape that this shit happens? We had a minister complain about this sort of thing a few years ago, too.
Yeah, if you disarm the people to the point where every criminal will outnumber and outgun them, and then throw the book at the people who DO intervene as a matter of course, what the fuck do you expect? No-one is such a good person that they are going to sit in jail for a few years and generally have their life ruined forever. Especially not when there's every chance of being proscecuted for a hate crime, and becoming the target of violent immigrants and socialists who the socialist government will not even attempt to stop.
So the headline reads then, "the problem with (in?) the world is men - not Islam" ?
>your full name and personal details will be released to the public as part of the police protocol
>fugees and their friends will know who you are and where you live
>end up like the man and woman in hallonbergen who got their throat slit and stabbed 20 times in the street in the middle of the day
>to protect a F! voter
How about no
Verdens menn - literally the world's men. Just means men all around the world
part of me thinks the refugee crisis has been designed to stoke right wing sentiment and anti-muslim views. that way a new great war can be had, and Greater Israel will be the winner :^)
Accurate. I google translated the title and it's about right
>being this cucked
If that happened in Croatia, there wouldn't be a single non-Croatian person in the country by tomorrow morning
Like mankind in English?
I think they stopped caring. I could understand how some Swedish user would think Swedish women have brought this onto themselves and should begin by admitting to being wrong all along before you even consider helping them.
Dear god, it's worse than we thought!
if I drop by in Sweden mumbling "Ooga Booga Raga Tanga", while holding a quoran, can I get myself a beautiful blonde snownigger?
I can pass as a somali too, with my hue ways.
Please tell me I can sven.
This has been said here for a while, but you'll often get responses from asshurt Muslims that this somehow means they aren't shit and it's all the jews fault while others are more convinced it's merely about killing whitey.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all convictions, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Old English is pretty much 1:1 intelligible with Swedish. If you know a little etymology and phonology it's still quite close well up into modern times.
Nah, it's a strange thing to say, even in Swedish. There's no better translation for it
Jews don't have the manpower for that. The only way a greater Israel would possibly work is if all Jews and half-Jews globally move back to Israel, since then there would be about 20 million of them.
What the fug is that pic?
Does logic even use hex key?
Explain how greater israel would benefit them. If you imply that Jews are an ethnic group then you're full of shit and an idiot.
>with my hue ways
Looking black isn't enough, you have to also sport a huge set of fucked up teeth that resemble make-shift dentures, have a five-head and an ayy chin while constantly looking dazed and confused.
>fighting a nigger with a machete and losing your one and only life for some roastie whore who's probably taken 5 nigger dicks in her life and tweets about how evil racist white males don't want to take in refugees
Borders got closed but you might still have a shot until 2018
HWÆT, WE GAR-DEna in geardagum,
þeodcyninga þrym gefrunon,
hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon!
oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum,
monegum mægþum meodosetla ofteah,
egsode eorlas, syððanærest wearð
feasceaft funden; he þæs frofre gebad,
weox under wolcnum weorðmyndum þah,
oð þæt him æghwylc ymbsittendra
ofer hronrade hyran scolde,
gomban gyldan; þæt wæs god cyning!
Ðæm eafera wæs æfter cenned
geong in geardum, þone God sende
folce to frofre; fyrenðearfe ongeat,
þe hie ær drugon aldorlease
lange hwile; him þæs Liffrea,
wuldres Wealdend woroldare forgeaf,
Beowulf wæs breme --- blæd wide sprang---
Scyldes eafera Scedelandum in.
Swa sceal geong guma gode gewyrcean,
fromum feohgiftumon fæder bearme,
Yes this is the same language as Swedish.
This too, people thought the state was going to protect them 24/7.
And intervening in a fight between a man and a woman is always a risky proposition. Women can be very manipulative, some will cry rape and shit just to get someone to beat up their boyfriend.
they don't need the manpower, it's a war of goyim vs. goyim. they get to expand when it's over.
It's a thing in northern europe, trying to get men to pee sitting down. In Sweden, the green party even wanted a law to make men sit down every time.
Just wait until you beceome a first world country. Just 50 years ago the average American man would never believed you if you told him that race mixing, homosexuals, mentally ill people, a black president, etc. would be accepted by his country. Once the jews enter and brainwash your people by controlling all media croatia too will be cucked in a short time.
> They said the slippery slope wasn't real
Thankys goigle translattè..
to be honest, if I was on badoo that day and messaged a ton of women and none replied, and then i walked past some bitch getting raped, I think I wouldn't give a fuck. all women should be raped, serves them right. might make them a little humbler.
however i don't like that it's shitskins doing it, so id kill them and then rape the bitch myself
>I can't get any so all women should be raped
Bet you'd wanna watch too.
Want it to happen but can't even contribute.
but then her pussy would be dirty from shitskin dick. so id just kill her along with the rapists.
We're extremely Americanised, but we're also going full Poland now. Croatia is bizarroland
read the next fucking post bitch. id rape you and then kill you afterwards. bet your an ugly ass bitch though so id just kill u.
>Explain how greater Israel would benefit them
Land translates to resources translates to power. Hardcore Zionists would love to rid the entire Levant region and all neighbors of an Islamic influence because it takes out their closest threat and opens up exploitable land. Planning the long game, they could shoot for rabidly increasing population growths to just fill huge new portions of land with future Israelis in a long shot to become a super power, but they'd need justification to convince the goys.
Can't get the world raging against Islam until it feels cornered, hence creating a political climate where people turn a blind eye for "diversity" to slowly eat away at their psyche as it feels like their governments are propping Muslims up above their own citizens.
Like a rubber band it would snap and western nations would be all for a massive Islamic purge.
I mean, if it was really about destroying culture and white genes there are far better ethnic groups to import in mass that would both have the "low IQ factor" but also not behave like warmongering savages and actually pander to the bottled up rage of endemic westerners.
Like hue-monkeys for example, just a big mass import of hue-monkeys into Europe. But instead they picked the pillage. rape. subjugate group that also happens to be the neighbors of israel, really making you think.
But this is all playing the devils advocate here since the "reason" for all of this mess Sup Forums has been talking about still remains to be seen.
>if I was on badoo that day and messaged a ton of women and none replied
Just use Tinder. Swedish tourists here are always down to meet up. Don't know why it would be different in Sweden
I will take pleasure in watching your world burn.
Let's hope they do.
Don't talk to burgerbro like that
Now run along, Mohammed-Al Akki Sharif wants his balls licked
Cant speak örk börk, what does it say?
But I got that pizza-shaped cranium!
They must let me in, otherwise I'll never experience the sweet, delicate touch of a female elfic snownigger
>why even live
"Everything is going great, don't worry!"
how has it come to this?
Both are Germanic languages. Världens mean "the world", 'ä' is somewhat similar to 'e' and we don't use 'w' in Swedish.
So Swedish Värld (werld) -> German Welt -> English World
fat british bitch, nobody would even rape u. i bet you go around begging to be raped. BUT NOBODY WANTS TO.
>i bet you go around begging to be raped
I'm not a Swedish woman.
You can be americanized but you are still traditional because you like Poland, Russia, etc. aren't first world countries yet, you are second world. When you become first world the jews will just buy up all your media and push their propaganda like did to us. Did you know in Canada just 50 years ago a woman who was pregnant with no husband went to prison? We literally imprisoned whores, now look at us we are the third most cucked country on earth.
There is nothing special about your people that makes them immune to brainwashing, it's just that the jews see no reason to begin their shilling when they are still subverting us first worlders.
i just knew you were a woman.
fugees only understand from violence, that's also the reason they become refugee in the first place.
Therefore if you're not strict against them they will rape, pillage, and kill.
This is the natural way of refugee and Islam supports it.
He's learning our secret......
Wat happen
Is Sweden even a real country? Does it exist or is it some fictional place the Onion invented?
When you become wealthy you'll fall into the same decline as us.
or they're cucks
I'm glad as fuck I don't have any sisters.
You're being fooled by orthography. The root language is the same.
Cyning = Kuning (c is almost always frictive in Old english)
þeodcyninga = tjodkungar
Scyldes = Skuld
Geong in geardum = ung in gård
Woroldare forgeaf = væruld (värld) fyrigefa
Ofer hronrade = yfir hvalreið (kenning literally meaning "whale-road" or ocean)
There are middle English songs that are intelligible to Swedes and Germans because they still use Old English verbs and nouns.
Silly toothpaste, clearly passersby could have been busy handing out leaflets to educate and raise awareness
Seriously though that's a cap-worthy rant.
We were too tolerant. Our ancestors looked at the watered down Western version of communism, and thought it sounded reasonable compared to the nuke-the-world-and-build-gulags flavour of communism.
They thought that if they gave them what they said they wanted, they would be placated. They thought they were honest in their intentions.
But worst of all, they allowed them power, thinking follishly that they would use it as responsibly and reasonably as one should expect of leaders. Instead, the left has used every bit of power to entrench itself, and lift up its own ideology as the law of the land, like some strange, choking extremist religion.
The truth is, we were at war with communism, and their Western allies were just another weapon being used against us. We should have treated them as such. Socialist parties should be as illegal as fascist parties. It's an ideology that's the enemy of our Western society.
is this miss Helsinki?
Kek Sweden is becoming like China, though even chinks don't stand by when their women are getting raped.
>Did you know in Canada just 50 years ago a woman who was pregnant with no husband went to prison?
Did you know that abortion was legalised in Croatia in 1952?
Our media are shills and no one trusts them, everyone consumes American pop culture on a daily basis, we have a multiethnical history, etc. - we're just intolerant to 3rd wave feminism and cultural Marxism. For fucks sake, even my liberal g-f hates rapefugees and wants to massacre all Arabs
>English songs that are intelligible to Swedes and Germans because they still use Old English verbs and nouns.
Do you have a link? really interested if it's true