>Things Sup Forums won't admit
Things Sup Forums won't admit
Other urls found in this thread:
>a large portion of Sup Forums is composed of useful idiots under the influence of multiple Russian psyops
Jews are the master race.
That they aren't really nazis
>at least 10% of the users from third world countries are whiter than me
They worship Saturn without realizing it
That China is doing well because of how no one cares that they're scooping up resources in Africa
Hitler wasn't perfect
Blacks on average are faster than whites maybe even stronger. But we got the brains.
Nice proxy, Podesta
Muslims are better allies to fight the Jews
Thing you would never admit is slurping Brock's cock. Ctrl shill
That above all else the state of this board will never change unless we get better mods
But at least we have the blacked threads from Sweden
Pol is actually just one person under multiple proxies.
And that's me
Technology is the bane of freedom.
>including yourself
>Things Sup Forums won't admit
The Greatest Generation were useful idiot sheep that died for Israel and the European Union.
That someone is white.
That everything said here is a waste of time, and all the talk of race or politics mentioned here is like rats fighting in a sewer far from the eyes of anyone who knows what they're doing.
The kek shit isn't funny even on a seven layers of irony level.
biggest redpill on Sup Forums
This. I cringe everytime someone says Russia is the good guys or that they aren't trying to hurt the US or that Trump-Putin relationship is good. Can't believe this is a Swedish post.
That christianity is a sandnigger religion just like islam and kikeism and does not belong in Europe and the U.S
Hitler was a degenerate and pawn of the Zionists.
>The US needs a single-payer healthcare system
>Abortion for poors, junkies, undesirables, and minorities is fine and is perfectly ethical
>useful idiots
Shut up I am getting paid.
looks like at this point the don is compromised & under the influence of the jew
That the US invasion of Iraq wasn't over terrorism, but over securing oil interests. Where out soldiers died for nothing.
>any conspiracy portraying the US or the democrats in a bad light US is true
>any conspiracy portraying Russia, Trump, or Putin in a bad light is false
>anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-UN, pro-trump, pro-Assad
>only the CIA does bad things! Russians don't hack people!
>"Europe is succumbing to the sandnigger invasion, and only Based Russia can save it"
He is from Manhattan, he knows how to out-jew, the jew
>over securing oil interests
oh yes i completely agree
Hitler going to war was a big mistake, should have just stuck with the social reforms.
I don't get it
if we jews are so rich and fiendishly devious then why aren't you just joining us?
seriously why aren't you goyim just converting and moving here? half of you are americans with cut dicks anyway
no more risk of race mixing because israel's borders will NEVER open. plus you get 6 month's worth of free shekels for rent and food
That a large percentage of fag haters are incredibly insecure about their sexuality
That Trump was a mistake, and if the states had voted for Hillary or Bernie we could have been shooting niggers or killing Muslims right now.
That Slavs are white.
you should probably convince the rest of your own kind to come over there first
that would unironically solve problems all over the world
England is going down the shitter and I have a 1-2 inch uncut penis when flaccid and nearly 4-5 when hard
Colluding with Russia
(((they))) hate us more than they hate you
>plus you get 6 month's worth of free shekels for rent and food
That certain people in the media actually know who the fuck we are.
>haha dude just join a religion based on blood descent from an ancient people you have no relation to surely you will be one of us
If I kill you and transfer your blood and organs into my body does that mean I can be a real Jew?
Best summation of Sup Forums I've ever seen
Judging by the amount of responses by triggered shill, this is the correct answer.
Whites came from albinism, a disease
more proof here.
Blacks are genetically superior.
proof here
I don't agree with most Sup Forums points
All the Americans on Sup Forums are self-hating ethnics.
sal klita funding. literally "integration basket"
here here
t. leftypol
Black cocks aren't bigger than white ones.
Also this.
That a large percentage of muslim haters are incredibly insecure about their religion
How many shekels we talking here?
come to the country most likely to get nuked and start MAD with the samson option.
That funding is only for Aliyah. Let's say you found a job in Tel Aviv and moved there. As a non-Jew, would you be eligible for that?
That Assad used chemical weapons against his own people
Germans don't want to destroy Europe.
That the joo isn´t behind EVERYTHING that goes wrong in your life.
That the muslims gets you europe by their own will because they know they get a better living standard for less effort and not because some rich jew tells them to come.
That it´s our politcians that are to soft and humane and open the borders because they see a pic of a crying kind and therefore everybody should get a free pass to get in
Because your race is neurotic as fuck, has a unique style of hubris, alongside other negative traits, that make you incompatable in the long run, with the white western world in general. This being proven instance after instance through history.
Your race being collectively self interested and self preserving, you belong in your own damned country, instead of running around like some sort of slow generational travelling, insular migrant gypsy-esque fuckers that ultimately piss off the natives and get yourself pogrom'd over and over by any group with the sense to do so.
Go fuck with the arab and dindu savages.
Check your tax form
The left has some nice points as well such as banning smoking and animal testing but I would rather be right wing than left, because I hate immigrants and my culture dying.
About $5000. ₪15,000.
>while literally inviting the goys to join
guess doublethink isn't just for leftypol
Banning or at least restricting smoking is fine with me, but would you agree to stop animal testing and move to human testing?
That's a tragedy that Slovenian culture is dying. Make more babies is the solution to that; then again our degenerate culture is exported worldwide. It's sickening
Honestly I would if I could. Would even do IDF service but I don't speak Hebrew.
you seriously think we haden't thought of that before a million russians came over?
you only get those shekels if you attend at least 6 months of hebrew language school
>but would you agree to stop animal testing and move to human testing
100% yes, but only on prisoners that have life sentences or are facing the death penalty. But you know they have more rights than the free folk.
>Make more babies is the solution to that
We have the highest growth in the Balkans or Eastern Europe but we started "importing" so many blacks and gypsies each year that it's mostly them who make them. And they only do it for the money that they receive from the government. For example I'm 22 and not a single person from my school has a kid, hell not even my former school mates have them. 20 years ago that was a different story
"Doublethink" yourself straight to damnation. I'm not your damned country's tax cattle, you fucking jew.
There is no requirement in the argument here that Israel is nor has to be some 100% jew ethnostate, for Jews to prove quite well and full that they are an innately and strongly insular race and culture.
Nor am I going to sign up to bulldoze some pally's shit, so you can set up shop. You do that.
I am not a Jew. I and mine wouldn't be the ones that win out ultimately by becoming residents in your nation.
Make your own bed.
That Drew Carey is a pedo?
because of role reversals during saturnalia
then don't bother bitching about jews pursuing their own interests at your expense, dumbass
The Rustbelt was the main force behind Trump's victory and pol contributed about as much as Reddit to it
Not easy, year minimum to convert with rabbi, but then they want you to "be a part of" a community here, yet I just want to move to Israel. Supposedly converts in Venezuela got denied aliyah cause they weren't part of a local community
that one's actually false, oddly enough
Delete this
I thought you guys only took in Jews?
I'll do what I want, Shlomo.
People have done more than bitch.
I fapped to shemales
So is there obligatory dick cutting?
Because I don't want to cut pieces of my dick off
>go to Israel
>accidentally drop pants
>everyone points "look he hasn't cut his dick off"
>religious police arrive and do it
I ain't a proxy.
Alex Jones is fake news
>n kuk.org
None ever aknowledged us. Ben Garrison the closest thing there is to a pol cartoonists acknowledged the Dolan not pol
Degeneracy such as legit parties and one night stands with good looking girls is a good thing and the only reason to dislike it is due to personal shortcomings ie: fox and grapes
That they're hypocrite retarded degenerates who are being played like a fiddle by the jews
well you have to
you need to get a rabbi's approval for conversion before counting as a jew and getting automatic israeli citizenship. technically there are online courses that teach you what you need to know for reform conversion in a few weeks, but no rabbi will take you into his congregation with a foreskin
Hmm I like that idea, especially for the serial killers etc...
>But you know they have more rights than the free folk.
RREEEE that happens here way too much.
I am only 26, but I feel like a failure in life because my parents already at 3 children at my current age.
I sincerely hope Slovenia doesn't become Germany with the "imports"
Hitler would have gassed them because 90% are degenerate MGTOW autists
hey, our Jews here are retarded. Do you know why they aren't like other intelligent Jews? What is wrong with our stock?
do you bully our Jews in Israel? Do you treat them like second tier citizens? Have you ever meet any of them? What's your impression? I want to know.
Alex Jones imo is in between fake news and real news. Some videos are spot on and others are nope.
>useful idiots
I'm not even that useful!
all jews in islamic nations are retarded
Are you the town rapist?