Socialism doesn't wor-

>socialism doesn't wor-

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how come all these ''based'' countries are usually shitholes? but cuck kingdoms like Sweden are incredibly succesful



>socialism wo-


this is probably bait, but what the actual fuck are you on about? our country is in shambles. your socialism that we have been practicing; everything for everyone, even people who are not swedes, or even swedish citizens and have not even paid a single krona in tax does not work.

I don't know, I don't care, enjoy your socialism and avoid our poor shitholes.

Sweden is like that pic of the ww2 German rifle covered in pony shit

Socialism works in racially homogeneous, high trust societies like Japan. It doesn't work in third world mud hut kingdoms like your cuck country.

It does work though. I have been to your country and it stinks. I bet you have never been to Sweden now have you?


kek at this swede trying to defend it

This nigga sad because he does not live in sweden

I guess when you're 99% Swedish. Have fun paying for niggers now

Come here in Québec, you'll see all socialist systems eventually fail, you'll run ou of people's money someday and not the niggers and sandniggers there will work.....

fr though, not even Swede and i love socialism

>Socialism works when almost nobody collects welfare.
really activates your almonds



It's been going on for 47 years, why would it stop now?


It works better in Denmark and Norway tbqh.

Socialism is compatible with societies where unemployment and sickness rates are low, the moment they go up, the system collapses.


>Anarchism doesn't wor-

Not for long Svenne. Sweden is more capitalist now than ever. You privatized your postal service for fuck's sake. Your hospitals are from the 70's. Old and dilapidated. Your "socialist" paradise is crumbling around you. Slowly so you don't realize it of course. I lived there for 6 years and have family there. Don't think I haven't seen it for myself.


> Have a capitalistic country

> Get rich

> Switch to socialism because the country's rich

> See? Socialism wo-

> Socialism inevitably crashes

> It wasn't real socialism! But we'll go capitalistic for a while while we rebuild

> Go back to Step 1


Ta livet av dig, ditt efterblivna, lata jävla helvete



no one has ever died in a capitalistic society

Why do leftists always hold up historically white countries as examples to emulate?

Are they racist? Why not hold up a socialist African country as an example to follow?

sideways polakk has a point.

>no one has ever died in a capitalistic society

damn you proved me wrong. I was fighting hard for that argument and you just destroyed it.

They're being ethnically replaced, theres no "gettng back"

Apparently it isn't working in Sweden. They are so scared of it's failure they are bringing in immigrants by the trainload thinking they will generate enough revenue to tax and continue it. They just never considered bringing in people who were a tax liability would kill it faster.

.02 refugees have been deposited into your home.

Murder was a comparatively rare thing in Sweden until relatively recently there hombre. Don't try and whitewash it. Things have taken a drastic turn for the worse since their enrichment began.

Sweden is one of the best countries I've visited. Happy citizens with easy healthcare access. So much optimism but Sup Forums makes it look it's a mess and is cucked because it doesn't fit their narrative. I'm pretty sure it's just a meme. I can't believe how insanely expensive healthcare in US is. Close to 150,000$ for a surgery plus few days of care for my grandpa only to see him pass away next year :(

You know very well that
>They are so scared of it's failure they are bringing in immigrants by the trainload thinking they will generate enough revenue to tax and continue it
Is not the reason to why they bring them here

>Aww having to pay others to work for me makes me sad

Murder still is pretty rare in Sweden when you compare it to American school shootings, Plus like 50% of America live in poverty, in the richest country on the planet.

What would happen if a muzzie was to decapitate a full blown Swede in the middle of let's say Stockholm?

What would the reaction be in this hypothetical situation?


Literally nothing of what you said is correct. We became rich thanks to social-liberalism+being relatively conservative view on the social parts of society... then the great cuckening happened

I don't know where you get your stats but I can tell you you're wrong. But even so, let's assume you are not. Do you want to end up like us? Because that's where you're headed. Quickly. The point is, Sweden is only getting worse and nobody seems to give a shit.

If we get poor, we can just redistribute more wealth idiot.

Then why do they spend so much time claiming it is? They even claim they need them to "take care of the old people". Fuck that noise! I don't want to wake up in a nursing home with a knife wielding arab standing over me. Great fucking idea, bring people who want to see you dead in as healthcare workers.

We have some bad ghettos and segregation issues

But god damn we have so many intergrated non natives they greatly out weigh the non intergrated

Most people on here only know the shit they read about in the news, and lets face it most media never tell you the good side only the bad

consider the following country

Ha ha nigg-tier mentality. You won't have wealth to distribute.

Thats why we gota steal it silly goose.


Using the Harry Potter wealth creation method?

Yes, lets finally face the harsh truth that the news don't report every single event that happens, as well as the current state of all things on each day

I will never understand why anyone would want a socialist/communist society. How much denial are you in? A system that has failed almost every single time. Just being installed over and over and over again under the excuse of "not real socialism/communism". The people that unironically think it's good despite every single attempt at making it work being a failiure should be thrown off helicopters

Hmmm, idk.
Why are they using that argument in ALL western countries?

Exactly.... ALMOST every single time...
this time it will work
Why wont you let me have my Utopia

Accumulatus Wealthius

Socialism only works if you keep a true homogeneous society

Ironically people who can't afford the treatment get their debt reduced. In a way I am not only paying for myself but also for the poor people which I don't have a problem with per se but why not collect taxes and implement a system instead of leaving it to the hospital's discretion?

Fuck off cuck

Sweden is still riding on success of the past obviously, it won't last forever.

You're reversing cause and effect retard.

based Swede.

fucking leifs are the worst shit-posters

>being this much in need for (you)'s

>practice neutral capitalism ever since russians cucked your empire
>switch to socialism
>suddenly economy stagnates and country is infested with muzzlems
you tell me

Because they need an example where socialism actually works, and historically, it hasn't worked very well outside of western Europe.

Eh. Sweden IS a third world country. It's an outdated term.

Sweden isnt a socialist country though

This current Sweden are Radical Extremist Centrist Slightly Capitalist with a strong welfare system.

How in the FUCK can you be "radical extremist" centrist?

>Country was 99% Swedish and any immigrant who didn't provide for himself was kicked the fuck out, no exceptions
>Vast majority of the population worked
>Country was ethnically and culturally homogenous, people trusted each other because they knew each other
Back then socialism worked.

Now however
>20% of the population is foreigners, not counting children of foreigners, and are mostly uneducated and from the worst parts of the world
>Everyone has a shitty work ethic, kids are entitled and take everything for granted, immigrants just want to live on child benefits and read the quran
>No one trusts anyone, shootings and rapes are a daily occurence, can't even go into certain areas anymore
>Government is missing tens of billions in their budget, borrowed money is used to fill the deficit
Now it doesn't work.


>t. muslim

Centrist on economic policy, but radical extremist on some other dimension than economic policy maybe.

is sweden actually socialist or is it another Sup Forums 'taxes and welfare is socialism!' meme.
They have no private ownership and all companies are nationalized?

>he isn't a radical centrist
Way to be a cuck and have strong opinions fagget

Are you implying Sweden works?

Enjoy all the immigrants flooding into your country from middle eastern shit holes raping you women and eating up your welfare money.

Culturally enriched

It's okay user. The far right Swedish Democrat party recently rose from relative obscurity to being neck and neck with the social democratic party so all the problems that your country faces with immigration may soon go away.

Imam propose new diversity Party:
ISLAM "Among the very many Muslims today, they feel a distance both to the classical bourgeois parties, but even parties of the left. It is spoken more among both Muslims, but also among other minorities, about a third option. A party with a focus on diversity issues, a new political movement. "

It said Salahudding Barakat, Lebanese born imam works in Malmö who do not take women in hand , at the presentation of a report by the think tank Timbro on Muslims' political leanings. See 36 minutes into the Timbro clip .

He referred to the fact that Sweden has lots of feminists and environmentalists, so it would seem natural with a variety of party. However, in more detail than that was not his proposal, although there is a role model in the Netherlands where the party Denk recently received two parliamentary seats.

The report , "Why vote Sweden's Muslims are not bourgeois?" The economist Alen Musaefendic goes through four areas of expertise; halal slaughter, mosques, religious schools and religious holidays. His debate in Aftonbladet has attracted some attention.

Kike's, no gusta. There is no hope for us.

I would rather be run by kikes than people who want to let in more Muslims into the country. Somtimes you need to pick the lesser evil and in my opinion the Jews are vastly better than mudslimes.

>I would rather be run by kikes
>than people who want to let in more Muslims into the country
The difference being?



Pick one.

People here have no idea about politics or political terminology.

Speaking generally across all countries, Things do get reported, but they aren't front page, so it's easy to miss a lot of times. Additionally, like 3/4ths of the western world do not pay attention to the news be informed. Of the 1/4th left, how many of them are even focused enough to form an opinion rather than a reaction?

It's taken years to inform people in sweden on what is actually happening, and what people actually think. It's naturally slow, people in sweden have lived the best lives in the world, almost completely free of violence and crime and selfishness. They had not acknowledged that people who grew up in sweden had a fundamentally different outlook on life. To change that took time.

There are two main reasons why all the nordic countries have been so great. There have been few people, and wealth distribution has assured that people afford to live great lives. nordic countries never stopped being capitalistic, but they aimed to fix problems with wealth inequality and public utilities with more or less success. Calling it socialism is a stretch, and is more an attack on the idea of socialism than a statement about nordic countries. Thanks to US and UK propaganda machine, people love to hate it without an understanding of what it means.

Sweden was amazing pre-African immigration, Sven. Enjoy your delusions.


Murder is still very rare in sweden.

When people get murdered in Malmö, the worst immigration infested city in sweden by a long shot, people still know who got killed. In America, you count how many people got killed that month, and nobody cares unless black lives matter gets involved.

How they can even think that. That is so racist to the refugees.
Swedish culture at its best

>Maoism and Stalinism with seized means of production?
>Wasn't real socialism
>Sweden without seized means of production?

>Socialism works
>Swedish flag

yeah nah