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5% Rand could never make it, sad! Had to settle with Trump
LMAO Rand could never win. Same with Cruz.
The media would eat them alive.
Have you fucking seen what Sup Forums has become you naive cuck?
Half of Sup Forums's threads are by shills or dumbasses extolling the virtues of authoritarian governments. How bending over and letting the government intrude on your private life is awesome.
We're a board of fascist shills and idiots now. There is no room for libertarians.
because he can't win shit, and libertarian is gay
Rand is an idiot.
Sup Forums needs to be restored to Ron Paul 2012 days. That starts with getting the Trump dick suckers the FUCK out of here.
>tfw we will never get the non-interventionist we deserve.
>wanting another manlet in a high office
every shitty leader in history has and will always be the eternal manlet
I don't even know why Sup Forums has been worshiping people like Putin or Assad for years now.
Isn't Paul a cuck on the Islam issue?
I honestly think it started as an edgy meme and some societal rejects couldn't parse the irony and took it at face value.
true, but now that Trump has become an UAE puppet there is no real difference between them in that regard anymore
We had the chance to stand with Rand and we blew it. Good job, Sup Forums
Because lolbertarians will just sit on the fence and do nothing while liberals and communists fuck the country over. lolbertarianism = political cuck
There are two kinds of libertarians. Rothbardians and Gary Johnsonites. Rand and his father are Rothbardians, the only ones actually trying to fight Central Banking which is the root of all evil.
Libertarianism and the NAP are incapable of solving our demographic problems, therefore they were discarded.
In Sup Forumsspeak, I believe the proper lingo is:
>into the trash they go
Perhaps we'll retrieve them one of these days, but right now we need heavily armed police and a surveillance state monitoring Arabs. I'd rather the state initiate force against me than a bunch of rabid low IQ chimps.
both putin and assad are powerful elements against the zionist/israeli vision of the world
if you can't understand why Sup Forums would like that then you need to get back to t_d and stay there you nigger
wtf i hate trump now
Hey I did until he dropped out
This. The man hasn't nearly any guts as a leader in comparison to his views should. Also liberals bitched around enough that people were vying for more of a "fuck you" candidate.
Sorry for the gramaticl cancer
Rand didn't have the media savvy necessary to win. In many ways he was a superior candidate, but he would have lost the general election.
Probably that. I understand that military interventions only destabilize these regions and it's better to leave these dictators in place but there is no reason for people on here to worship these authoritarian governments.
Well America has to work with countries like that. SA is an American ally sadly. The mistakes of former American presidents.
he did the koch. no kockheads
Shills going full D&C today
You realize without welfare all immigrants who didn't assimilate would be dead within weeks right. Ass-sucking statist.
Yeah, let's trust the same fucking idiots who brought in these mudslimes to "monitor" them. Good fucking idea faggot.
There is no reason to worship these corrupt authoritarian dictators however.
Even if he'd won, he would've been attacked as badly if not worse than Trump, and do you think he could've handled it? No-- he would be either ousted already or a puppet by now.
Yes it can. Once one can exclude anyone from their property for any reason demographic problem is solved. This and abolishment of welfare state.
Pick one.
What is your point then? We all want to cut off their welfare, but you'd need fucking aerial assault to put down the ensuing riots.
Have you ever seen what happens when the EBT cards don't get their funds on time? Niggers literally just take shit from Walmart and leave, they have no conception of how things actually function, the magic card stopped working so I guess that means I can just take what I want, I'm not even sure why i swipe the magic card anyway.
And the Arabs are here, regardless of whether or not they should be, should we grant them "civil liberties" to plan to blow shit up? We're just cucking ourselves with abstractions if we do that. Civil liberties are great when the right people have them.
It's no that bad mate. There are libertarian generals and therads quite frequently and if the latest polls are to be believed half of Sup Forums is libertarian. The problem is all these /r/the_donald plebbitors that have invaded here and suck Trump's cock constantly.
Rand can still run for president and be much more successful starting in 2024. His already rising popularity will skyrocket if he helps Trumonsoearhead a successful health care bill.
*Trump spearhead
They wouldve spied and tried to dig up dirt on rand too
Trump was nearly bulletproof and may have been the only won who could've won
Maybe once the God Emperor has slain our enemies and made the world safe for people like Rand he can come in and continue our work, but he never would have made it on his own.
>why didnt you join the losing team?
OP = faggot
>the McAfee quote is real
Just fuck my shit up
Lets listen to Trump himself.