What the fuck Trump? Why was he kicked out? Is kushner next?
Bumping for answers
He got kicked out of what?
who gives a shit
Why was he removed from a position that he was only in because of Michael Flynn and he only attended one meeting for? Who knows?
is the news just now reaching australia? man i guess u guys do have some internet lag
>Flynn gone
>Bannon gone
>Trump 180's on Syria
He he goyim ... get ready for Iraq 2.0
National security council today. I don't know whether he's still an advisor to Trump, probably not
Maybe I don't go on Sup Forums everyday, fatass
Because Bannon is redpilled as fuck. Him and kushner led Trump to victory
I only got a glimpse of it today at work, Sky News plays on a TV 24/7, so I naturally didn't watch for too long.
Is the National Security Council even relevant, or is it a meme like some other elements of Washington?
Fuckign retarded shills.
He out of council since his job was watchign over Flynn. He's still advisor, and can still attend the council, he's simply not a official member anymore.
Now sage so this shit concern trolling thread can die
Bannon is not gone, he just resigned from an ethics board.
He still has his seat on the NSC, not that it really matters.
And all this syria stuff is simply neocons having wet dreams. Trump won't do anything it's an obvious false flag.
Stop watching fake news
Except because of this demotion he's threatened to leave the White House. Stupid Canadian fuck.
What demotion you mongoloid fuckign cuck ?
He still fucking council to the president, you god damn mongoloid asswipe
National Security Council
he's basically a small lackey now
Bannon isn't gone he is just off the National Security Council.
He is still the chief white house strategist.
His seat on the NSC wasn't meant to be forever either, and with the appointment of McMasters he has no reason to stay on, so he stepped down from that position.
Kushner is the number one man right now, he's the one who pushed Trump to condemn Assad.
No, Kushner is the one who had him kicked out and made Donald do what's necessary regarding Russia and Assad.
>seriously getting your info from Roger Stone and infowars
Jesus you're a dumb kraut.
This then begs the question why did they knowingly need to watch Flynn?
They're grooming kushner to be president and Bannon has overplayed his influence and usefulness.
>believing the administrations bullshit spin
how fucking naive are you?
You literally know nothing about Bannon if you think he doesn't support the war in Syria. Listen to his speeches from before the election.
Is it possible that Bannon was opposed to the stupid war with Syria that Israel wants to start?