>Who are Gary Cohn and Dina Powell?


Gary Cohn, the former Goldman Sachs executive (and registered Democrat) who serves as President Trump’s top economic policy advisor, is gaining clout amid the seemingly endless infighting at the White House, according to insider accounts via dueling stories in the New York Times and Washington Post.

Cohn is allegedly more liberal than most of President Trump’s inner circle, and along with former Goldman exec Dina Powell, has apparently gained the trust of — and an alliance with — Jared (((Kushner))) and Ivanka Trump.

But the Cohn-led cadre is also being derisively referred to as (((“the Democrats”))) by their more ideological peers in the White House, and the Post adds that the populist Steve Bannon has now found a new ally in former rival Reince Priebus, partially in response to the rise of the New York/Goldman wing.

>tl;dr: Cohn's a Democrat, Powell's a former Bush staffer, both Goldman Sachs (Mnuchin's also Goldman Sachs)
>Huge Globalists
>Kushner let these guys in months ago. Don't jump the gun, Kushner's not our target now
>Cohn and Powell have gone virtually unreported by the media, while as we all know Bannon was marked since day 1
>Bannon demotion may not have been entirely voluntary
>Goldman-Sachs may have taken over the White House




Lee Stranahan (former Breitbart) thinks this is a huge story, and wants Trump supporters to swamp the White House about this issue. On most days, they get barely any calls, so THEY WILL NOTICE if we do this. Look up their names, see if this bothers you, but as far as I can tell, this isn't a shill. Make your voice heard, keep this bumped, and spread the story if you care. If you're angry about Steve Bannon and the fake sarin gas attack, this may be our way to fight back.

Other urls found in this thread:


Seriously, look at these two fucks, are these who you want ruling over you?

Why is this being slid so hard

we need more info on what happened with Bannon t b h

I don't know but bump



This is being SLIDED VERY HARD.
We need to gather more infos on Gary Cohn and Dina Powell.

Am I the only one who doesn't know what this means? I don't get why it's a big deal or the relevance

Yeah, I'm off the trump train after googling these 2

user thinks bannon's departure from the NSC is part of a goldman sach's coup from within

Am I the only one not seeing any evidence of a Goldman Sach's coup from within?


Yup #goldmancoup is the right term. Deep rabbit hole enough to admit it's over

it's possible, but this shit just happened and the only info we have is shilling from the left and bannon's damage control statement.
i'm waiting for more shit to drop

bump wtf is this shit


upboat fellow 'pedes :^)

Well would you look at who Dina Powell is married to.


>Richard Powell is the President of Teneo Strategy and the Chair of the Americas Executive Committee. Mr. Powell’s career has included senior management roles in communications, public affairs, government relations and venture capital firms.

But wait, there's more...


>Then there is Teneo Holdings, a global consulting firm with deep Clinton connections. Teneo serves as a kind of private-enterprise satellite to Clinton Inc. Doug Band, Mr. Clinton’s right-hand man for many years, is a Teneo founder. Huma Abedin, Mrs. Clinton’s right-hand woman for many years, was a senior advisor to Teneo at the same time she held a top position as part of Mrs. Clinton’s inner circle at the State Department.

goddammit i just want reddit to drop the ban hammer on the colony so the roaches can scatter and bring down the rest of the site
they've overstayed their welcome

I think Trump's is in danger and we literally need to save his life

Watch the fucking video before saying stupid shit you ADD retard.

The guy was speaking in odd grammar it was hard to follow. But I just read some articles on this situation and I too now suspect there is a secret coup by SOMEONE going on in the White House. Trump is no longer in control.

>redditor spreading reddit links
>posts anime
Im starting to see a connection here

They fucking never stop, we were winning since 2 months and now they are already going full blown subversion.

Glad Dina Powell's Teneo link is getting out. That's a HUGE one, considering Bill Clinton was making something like $50K / month from them & they had Huma Abedin on the payroll while she was at the State Dept.

More here but mostly covered ITT:


bump for literal justice

>Trump trusted kikes
>turns out you can't trust the bastards
will Trump finally accept the redpill on kikes before it's too late?

Jews reeeeeeee

Trump is gonna fuck these kikes


is there a word for something that gets too big for it's own good and degenerates itself? EG. the EU


Way too Big Not to Fail

I thought there was a single word for it

This. You gullible the_donald newfag cucks need to stop jumping the fucking gun. Seriously stop fucking posting and just LURK it's not that fucking hard to learn if you fucking restrain yourself.

So easily ran by shills this isn't the fucking donald with everything manicured for you. It involves some fucking almonds being activated.

bump, we need to take this shit down

Nosferatu is literally based on them. Like a vampire, you have to invite in, but once you do, the entire tribe pours in and it's a blood feast.

Even that heavy handed analogy isn't brutal enough. They do this shit right in the open. It's like a bad dream. And sadly, most peoples' IRL business dealings support these impressions. They don't give af about Americans. The abhorrence is repelling, we're incapable of empathizing with it, so it throws us off again and again: alien.

I just wanted to make sure to get in front of the story, since it has a deadline, phone calls today. It's possible we're being herded in the wrong direction, although that seems unlikely to me considering this is literal goldamn sachs jews, but I needed to let weaponized Sup Forums see it.

>implying you are not using reddit spacing
>implying you are not T_D or a shille from another shareblue faggot subreddit

Things need to move now or never, if Bannon doesn't receive support and Trump isn't called out on this shit then it's lost.

I thought it was bad enough with (((Kushner))) and Priebus, but these two cunts need to be thrown out of the White House ASAP. Thanks to the user posting about Powell's husband. Gotta keep digging up shit on them.

But more than anything else, even if we're following a red herring, swamping the phone lines just feels like a really awesome show of force. I'm even more interesting in flexing muscle here than getting the globalists out of the White House.

Implying it was ever going to be anything else besides global RaceWar 2020AD.

You can't be redpilled without being black pilled these days.


Teneo..Teneo..Teneo...didn't FBI user or somebody mention them waaaay back during the run up to the election?


It's the opposite. They fucked him. Have you even read the news lately?

Bump -Trump's power levels seem to be depleting. Sad!

>not knowing that Trump knows

My fantasy was this whole presidency was Trump's 76D Backgammon way to get revenge on them for stealing his daughter... fantasy is fading fast


how is it a coup.... if Trump put them there?

so you mean to say, Trump is the coup against the american people? cuz that's what ur saying.

It's always happening, user.

have a bump

ill also call and put my best americana on

Don't forget about Steve Mnuchin, the Goldman Sachs alumnus and Secretary of the Treasury, he's certainly on their side.

Unbelievably fast, first this and now he believes the Assad shit.

I think we legitimately elected a meme

They are Kushner's assets, not Trump's one.
He doesn't micro manage every single placement and has probably (foolishly) a certain amount of trust in his son in law.

Mnuchin seems more like a kike for hire than guenine globalist, the fact he dropped his career in Wall Street to produce movies doen't indicate a real strong ideoligical drive like Kushner who frontally opposes Bannon.


Congressional Hearings are not subversion.

And he put Kushner in there. He also let kushner fuck his daughter. HE also is Kushner's child's grandfather.

Was being retarded part of your plan?

Either Kushner is a good guy doing the right thing, or Trump is a phony. You can't have both tinfoil

They've come up a few times - including the Wikileaks. They're evil as fuck.

Teneo was the holding company for much of the Clinton loot, which ended up in Qatar.