>Who are Gary Cohn and Dina Powell?
Gary Cohn, the former Goldman Sachs executive (and registered Democrat) who serves as President Trump’s top economic policy advisor, is gaining clout amid the seemingly endless infighting at the White House, according to insider accounts via dueling stories in the New York Times and Washington Post.
Cohn is allegedly more liberal than most of President Trump’s inner circle, and along with former Goldman exec Dina Powell, has apparently gained the trust of — and an alliance with — Jared (((Kushner))) and Ivanka Trump.
But the Cohn-led cadre is also being derisively referred to as (((“the Democrats”))) by their more ideological peers in the White House, and the Post adds that the populist Steve Bannon has now found a new ally in former rival Reince Priebus, partially in response to the rise of the New York/Goldman wing.
>tl;dr: Cohn's a Democrat, Powell's a former Bush staffer, both Goldman Sachs (Mnuchin's also Goldman Sachs)
>Huge Globalists
>Kushner let these guys in months ago. Don't jump the gun, Kushner's not our target now
>Cohn and Powell have gone virtually unreported by the media, while as we all know Bannon was marked since day 1
>Bannon demotion may not have been entirely voluntary
>Goldman-Sachs may have taken over the White House
Lee Stranahan (former Breitbart) thinks this is a huge story, and wants Trump supporters to swamp the White House about this issue. On most days, they get barely any calls, so THEY WILL NOTICE if we do this. Look up their names, see if this bothers you, but as far as I can tell, this isn't a shill. Make your voice heard, keep this bumped, and spread the story if you care. If you're angry about Steve Bannon and the fake sarin gas attack, this may be our way to fight back.