Dutch men hold hands against anti-LGBT violence

They should start wearing hijabs

they might as well become fags because mohammud is fucking their wives anyways

Lots of pictures of men holding hands on twitter - everyone saying Aww how nice, no-one talking about 'hate crime' perpetrators should be found and punished.

Also, where are the imams ?

That's a bizarre jump in logic even for Sup Forums.

This kind of thing infuriates muslims, glad they're doing it.

Mohammuds are pretty much the least likely ''''people'''' to fuck our wives.

Some moroccans beat up a gay couple with a bolt cutter, they are making a statement for that in solidarity. I don't think there's something wrong with standing in solidarity with them tbqh famalam

How are gays so fashionable and of high position?

Whatever makes u sleep at night Piet. Tell yourself that while Mohamud and Abdel are fucking your sisters and girlfriends in a park nearby.

>yfw they did not mention the attackers' ethnicity

>yfw the attackers are now suing the fags because the fags struck first

I don't know where you live, but my sisters and girlfriend are absolutely repulsed by morrocans and the like.

It's retarded. Nobody in our country hates homosexuals except muslims. Why do we need to hold hands in solidarity? It's not the Dutch who kicked their teeth out.

first thing I thought was "who beat them up? It can't be the white cucks of Netherland obviously?" So do we have the names or pictures of the people who beat them up?

You think that makes them safe?


No, their pepper spray does that.
If it were up to me the problem would dissappear pretty quickly.

>inb4 a muslim is the one that beat them up

>inb4 the media doesn't mention it

No, you were inafter.

it was a bunch of morrocans

That's fucking gay dude

members of /polder/ can use this to redpill people.

>denounce anti-gay violence
>muslims throw gays off roofs
>muslims don't belong in Europe because they promote violence

Same here.

I hope they try that in front of Mike "Explore that cave, and dig your own grave" Pence

Do they ever question why the Moroccans were imported in the first place? Are they angry at your leaders for betraying your country?

The guy on the right looks like a Jew.

wtf kind of question is that? they came here to work. my sisters aren't mongoloids so they know that...