I'd rather be Reddit tier centrist instead of being a far right wing SJW who avoids conversation by using "cuck" or...

I'd rather be Reddit tier centrist instead of being a far right wing SJW who avoids conversation by using "cuck" or some meme about me being Jewish.








you probably are a reddit tier centrist

They have become the 'He will not divide us" repeating echo chamber


Newfag! Get out.

Then you're in the wrong Singaporean Transcript Service, friendo.

Cuck :333333333333

Not new



I'd rather talk to a cuck or a jew than a fucking englishman

Shit. Now I'm convinced


>im choosing to be boring

ywn be white lol

Who the hell cares what you think

The centrists of today are the leftists of yesterday. Get out of your comfort zone of comprimising and think for yourself.

Not your blog, fuck off.

You should point me towards the source of this.

He doesn't have the same opinion as you, he better leave.
This is a safe space now

Why would anyone reply seriously to obvious bait?

I never call people who want to have a legit conversation and refrain from spouting memes cuckolds or cucks (unless they're actual cuckolds).


Jesus Christ newfags are insufferable

just stop being a jewish cuck first.

Stormfags are idiots.

Reddit called, they want you back