Aus/pol/ - it was just journalism i promise Edition

>Police raid A Current Affair office
>Police arrested star reporter Ben McCormack over alleged child pornography offences
>Shocked staff members looked on as at least seven NSW Police officers entered the Nine Network’s Sydney headquarters armed with evidence bags on Thursday morning

Fucking lmao, self righteous pricks the ACA reporters are and turns out they're into CP


were they eating pizza during the raid?

>australian men actually like gooks

Why? How do we stop yellow fever? It's revolting. Asian women have the bodies of ten year old boys, and they have no souls.

The biggest threat to Australia is the yellow fever menace.

i was thinking the same thing when i opened this thread rofl

obligatory fpbp

Gooky gooky gooky gooky gooky

brahs im at the point i leave the tv off and don't do anything anymore

how do you even deal with the terrible state the worlds in

happenings seem to energise and excite people but it's just another blow to me

Reminder that only faggot cunts get gook gf. Also only faggots dont get married. Also only faggot cunts use meth. Support your local black market


Get an AM radio and join the Talkback radio masterrace.
That, or podcasts

Hey cunts can you mates tell me something in the aussie language?

>Also only faggots dont get married
why formally marry though

Reminder that when shit hits the fan all the cool kids will have ham radio

Australian girls are hypergamous STD ridden whores.

Fuck off cunt

I unironically have one. And a CB in the 4wd

You need some stamaril, son

Wow do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Yeah and whatever "Aussie" girl you want here you can find in Europe without the sun damage, drug use, alcoholism, masculinity.

me too m8, sick of the bullshit. it's everyday and constant, time to fuck off pol maybe.

does anyone even kiss their own mother? seems pretty fucking weird to me unless you use some tongue

ITT we pretend we're back to 2013 aus/pol/

Aussie girls are perfection you pussy cunts.

Things have really gone downhill since then, depressing.

I love punching eurosluts in the face when I go there on holiday

>have a skinny virgin asian wife with a degree in something like accounting who can help you achieve your dreams, regular nightly sex and a fun mutual relationship with the rare argument that gets resolved immediately. BONUS : you can watch anime with her


>have a fat ham beast ( she will be fat if she isnt yet ) white girl who has ridden the cock carousel , enjoys supplementing BBC and who has a degree in womens studies. plus you two fucking fight about everything and she witholds sex and other shit, ending in divorce where she takes all your shit. BONUS : you have to pay for everything

wow really fucking hard choice mate

Aussie isnt a race you fucking moron you can find whatever you want in an Aussie girl in Europe

dumb bitch probably took that while she was driving through a school zone lmao

Can I join the Army if I attempted suicide when I was 14 and have been declared mentally healthy years ago?

Oh look, it's the gay cunt from the last thread who keeps bragging about his flea bitten gook wife.



Hahaha fucking ACA get rekt


>he fell for the gook meme



i'm not 100% sure but i think if you've got any history of suicidal tendancies and they find out they won't recruit you. furthermore if they find out later they'll kick you out

it fucking sucks anyway



Oh its that cocksucker whos always here tripfagging

Whats the name of that meme page run by the right side?

no that's me I got bullied out of it

I can't fucking stand this country anymore. I need to get out.

it was for your own good

Rekt at least you dont have gook gf

>pic related

lurk more you fucking faggot i havent used a trip once in 10 years

best towns and why is it drysford, leeton and orange

>virgin wife
>regular nightly sex
>rare argument

Confirmed for not married to an Asian.

>splendour tickets went on sale today
>every year theres always fuck ups from the ticketing agencies end, like bank errors, website crashing, ect
>mfw browsing the festival jewbook page and reading the angry comments of people that missed out

this shit gives me a massive hard on every year. is it wrong to get off over other peoples misfortunes like this?

>not bailing after getting a HECS funded degee and masters

its like youre some kinda beta goy

It's funny you say that because I'm halfway through my Masters. I plan to leave at the end of the year. It's just so fucking shit waiting.

look at me i'm a tripfag lmao hey guys

can you still do this without the government fisting you at some point? i thought they cracked down on this shit

same lad, i'm in my last year of undegrad. ive gotta push through masters when im already burnt out

ex-add here. The common mistake cunts make is that they're honest during medicals. You didn't smoke weed, you didn't inject heroin into your blue vein and you didn't attempt to commit suicide.

the add will never know

Cracking down on what?

tripfags fuck off

>being this mad

people having a hecs debt and leaving the country for x amount of years


I'm 3/4 cut, I obviously meant ADF.

well youd have to come back for a problem to arise...

instead of them taking money off your principal income you can use the whole amount to invest/get interest and then pay it back faster

if theyre constantly cutting into your savings itll take longer to repay the thing

i passed officer selection ( but didnt take the job wasnt paying enough )

i admitted to weed, pingas and cocaine in my youth. made no difference.

Moving to texas or London the moment I get my post-grad shit sorted, so keen to get out of this shithole

too bad most of them are degenerates

You can still leave the country with a HECS debt. They can't stop you from moving overseas.

The problem was that, because HECS is repaid via the ATO, people were leaving and not paying Australian tax, hence never paying off their HECS debt. They've tried to introduce measures to force people working abroad to pay off their debt.

pic related is the real issue 2bh

>not jumping the fence

lineup isn't really that great anyway.

alrighty that makes sense, thanks fellas

they are so fucking fat around here though i see some guys that i'd have considered to be like 7/10 (no homo i'm guessing here) and they've got some complete whale hanging off their arm

yeh its fucking disgusting mate
skinny woman from another race > white fat woman

its probably the best lineup in years

i wouldve gone if my friends were keen, but they are only interested in sideshows. ill probably hit up qotsa / lcd soundsystem sideshows if they do them

Aussie is a race. Aussie girls are a particular combination of Anglo and Celtic, and they are beautiful perfect brunettes.

The arrest of the ACA reporter looks suss.

He has been busted for "talking about CP" with an adult male.

The police invited the media to film his arrest.

Looks like the police have a vendetta against him. Maybe one of his stories on them and their excessive speeding tickets or whatever.

you dont need to invite the media to channel 9 HQ

i half assumed that maybe he was trying to catch the other guy out for another story or something

but that's probably bullshit

they should stop offering HECS for degrees that are useless.

Arts and Sociology students get a free degree because they'll never earn the amount required to pay it back

does he have a family/kids?

i dont give a fuck unless they are skinny, have blue eyes, blonde hair + blue eyes. and even then they have had 50 dicks by age 20 and are studying meme degrees. just fuck my shit up senpai a lam.

fuck that... saddle morons with 100k debt

make unis public companies so i can get rich off these retards

>you dont need to invite the media to channel 9 HQ
Why not? You think channel 7 and 10 are permanently parked outside?

Skinny is bad you idiots, thicc is where it's at.

And I'm glad Aussie women are thick. I'd be unhappy if they were ugly skinny Asian stick figures.

all of these cunts know each other

to be fair now even decent degrees don't guarantee shit

i remember entire throngs of engineering students who were counting on the mining boom to continue forever and now they're all broke

>thicc is where it's at.
are thicc posters the new footfags?

because aussie women are fucking bogan trash.

Asian women are far superior.

fuck off. fat is ugly.

Plenty of Aussie girls are virgins even at 20.

>studying meme degrees

Who cares? Most girls are happy to be stay at home mums and in that role their degrees don't matter.

Do you realise you're honestly contributing to the downfall of Australian society?

Asian sluts are acceptable to root, not to marry. End of.

based broke autism engineers working in shit conditions for 10 years and taking on huge debts they can no longer service and they still work in shit conditions

>falling for the STEM meme

>Asian women are far superior.
japanese ones tend to be really nice, specifically if you can talk to them in nip well enough that they don't need to struggle using english

>Plenty of Aussie girls are virgins even at 20.
hahaha come off it i don't even care about virginity and even i know that's total shit

>Plenty of Aussie girls are virgins even at 20.
no they arent. i had fucked 3 white girls by 13.
( two virgins)

>to be fair now even decent degrees don't guarantee shit

True but generalist degrees provide you with little to no chance of getting a job. There's an over-saturation of uni grads in every field, though.

There is not a single good politician in Australia

I have no hope for this country

Fuck you you dog cunt, ripping off australians.
The police should be able to extradite fucks like you and put you in jail

Would you (this goes for all the gook lovers in this thread too) be okay with white Aussie guys fucking black men because "they have bigger dicks" and "they aren't fat" like Aussie men?

Would you be okay with them saying they're okay to root but not marry?

The double standards are fucked. If we want white girls to be loyal we must be too.

Doesn't mean anything.

>Plenty of Aussie girls are virgins even at 20.

I've never met one. Most I know have lost it pretty early. Even with the more conservative girls, it's usually late teens at the latest.

I got my electricity bill today...

450 dollary doos

I live in a one bedroom apartment by myself.

fuck south australia

some1 post that gif of the aussie doing a retard jig for the rest of the anglo nations

thx, ur friend, canada

i dont care what they do because they are literal trash for the most part. they can fuck off and die on a bbc for all i care.


that's fine though
everyone knows boys are for lust and girls are for procreating
have some fun before settling down