today he tweeted:

>WHITE PEOPLE must fight against the Left's new anti-white racism: @samdastyari and his grubby mates, Abdel-Magied

>STRAIGHT PEOPLE must fight the new militant Gay-Left, seeking to sack those who believe in God and man-woman marriage. No persecution!

For non-Aussies, here the quick rundown:
>Latham was an MP for our cuck left Australian Labor Party (good way back when but that's another story)
>in 2003 he was made leader of the Labor party and therefore Opposition Leader
>fought election and lost against cuckservative John Howard
>gets turfed by his own party shortly after and quits politics
>writes bitter memoir/published his private diary dishing the dirt on all his former colleagues
>becomes commentator
>recently became an open Trump supporter, would go on morning TV wearing his MAGA hat
>in the last few weeks he got fired from his job at Sky News and has been dropping redpills like crazy since
>he appeared on TRS a few times last year too

He is /ourguy/. I hope he starts a new far-right party

Pauline Hanson is a retard and probably a shill as well. She took a shit tonne of money from Gina Rhinehart and can barely string a sentence together.

Other urls found in this thread:

What a sick cunt

One of his TRS appearances

>He is /ourguy/. I hope he starts a new far-right party
This. Imagine One Nation but with actually competent leadership.

Has there been another appearance?

Mark Latham lead One Nation is our only hope

yeah I think he appeared another time

You heard it boys. We need to combine Nationalism/Conservstism with a form of Socialism.

Are Australians so good at shitposting because they are in close proximity to this man?

He sounds top tier.

He's a goddamned national treasure, Farage-tier banter

even when he was a lefty politician he was good:

>"Howard is an arse-licker. He went over there, kissed some bums, and got patted on the head."
- description of Prime Minister John Howard's trip to the United States.

>>in the last few weeks he got fired from his job at Sky News and has been dropping redpills like crazy since
longer than that, at least a few months as far as i've been aware of. fucking weird, hadn't heard from him since he lost the election, and i don't remember him being anything special back then. but suddenly he's back destroying feminism on morning shows and saying shit that would force a cringing apology from most cunts.

he's had the same redpilling as pewdiepie apparently, latham is based now.

About time someone dishes the left's insanity back at them.

He was Labor, but he was from the right-faction

Socialism in one country is the best ideology tbqh.

>Currently 2 years past when my NBN was supposed to arrive.

Houses 600m away from me on the same street have FTTP and I'm still sitting on like a 4mb connection.

>Gorillians of years later
>heat death of the universe about to occur
>still no NBN

tfw getting 100/40 on the 19th

I can apparently get NBN now, but I'm still not sure on the actual speed I'd end up with.
They're mostly priced by different tiers of download speed, and I don't want to pay for a 100 mbps connection if it's never going to even max out what a 25 mbps connection would manage.

Of course all the informtion the ISPs give you is
>100 mbps*

>*subject to external conditions, goy






Ben McCormack is a twin.

SOcial democracy isn't socialism

Not really. More like Latham magically got redpilled. Labor have been cucked since the 70s

We've got a really comfy /aus/pol/ discord server running since a few months ago, and it has a pretty large and active community by most communities' standards.

Come join us, we often have meetups and discuss real-life strategies to improve the Aussie political landscape, as well as (mainly) just shoot the shit and enjoy our camaraderie.

Latham is a moron. Is he your leader? LOL

t. /u/lordbyrne

lmao I never have to move now

Fuck off, Melbourne.

Time to embrace the gookpill lads, the future is WMAF and it's beautiful.

lol, this really is a site for rural bogans isn't it. Where do right-wing people who aren't retards go?

Right wing australians don't exist on the internet outside of Sup Forums

They don't waste their time on the internet

To work, then they come home to their loving, loyal asian wife and beautiful mixed children.

latham has always been a working class pro white labor man

yeh we gook pill lads
have a listen to this little gem

I get 100/10 from telsta cable

your distance from key infrastructure components determines your speed not your vendor mate


I'm at the end of the street, Node is a bit far, I'm happy I'm getting 60+

(post more)

>getting off to whores
Fuck off cunt, only pure asian women are worthy of the superior white cock.

No, my point is that plenty of places already have NBN "speeds"

What an almighty waste of money for a slight upload increase for everyone

the point of the nbn was to get everyone on glass mate, that way we had unlimmited upgrade potential. liberals fucked it up.

what is this red star flagged faggot talking about lads, u aint even australian mate

I was getting 6/0.8 ADSL, didn't have the option of getting cable. NBN has been a god send.

It's just a spectrum bro

mate australian posts are fucking everything
-with just the right amount of sass and bants
get this shit out of here

if the future is white man asian female what do you think al the white girls will do?

they will fuck black and brown men. is that what you gook fetishists want?

At least we made our own flag, you useless cunts just copied ours.

mate the stars arent red 2bh so i dunno what u r talking about

post more cute asians you fucking maori dog

That's why your people are sheep fuckers ,

You start fucking mustard coloured cunts then your on sheep arsholes

Only soft cuck males go for the Asian invasion.

your flag is ugly as fuck though


Oi mate, what's the fuckin sauce on that slut


Hear me out, because i hate the cunt. I hate ACA. But just listen.

Police released video of his arrest and it's extremely out of character for nswpol to do this. He also had 2 tweets on his twitter account calling out notorious kike david gonski and some other guy called nick bolkus who also seems to be a globalist (anyone know more about him?)

He is being framed for being a pedophile and tried in the media, WAIT AND SEE FOR HARD EVIDENCE before you assume the man guilty.

If you are white you believe in fair justice and won't let the globalists get away with this AGAIN. That's right, they did this once before in australia.

See this guy? He was the only man to speak up for lindy chaimberlain and get her a fair trial. He was then raided right as his car had an (((accident))) under extremely suspicious circumstances.

He had a lot of globalist enemies and its strongly believed they framed him.

I believe ben mccormick is a slimy ACA reporter, but he is innocent and being framed by our globalists.


ahhh generic asian with a tit job m888 just google it ay

Fuckin Julia what? Takashi? Kimono? Sasuke?

There's too many generic Asian bitches with titjobs, googling it would be impossible

got more?

Post tweets and I'll believe you

He sounds pretty dodgy tho. Textbook predatory homosexual (but I repeat myself).

>A former colleague of the high-profile journalist said the volunteer Bondi lifesaver had been warned by friends about his interest in younger men.

>“He’s always on Grindr and having dates with young-looking men. He was a bit of a Peter Pan, didn’t want to get old,” a source, who declined to be named, told News Corp Australia.

>The former colleague claimed “he would often show photos of guys he was seeing and they would always be baby-faced teens but a legal age.”

>“His life is lifesaving, but he mentors and trains young boys there.”

Saw them in an earlier thread, can an user post the screencaps please?

Also who is this nick bolkus dude, anyone got a redpill on him?

Mate just step back for one second and think. Who are you getting this information from? Globalist media.

Do not let this be a media trial, that's all i'm asking. If he's guilty, he's guilty but we need evidence.

He deserves a fair trial and by the way the media's been smearing him i would bet the globalists want him SHUT DOWN.

m8 he is just some sleazy tabloid reporter, not a threat to anyone important.

I could not agree more but look at the way he is being smeared, even the police releasing his arrest to make him look guilty.

I loathe to defend him as i hate ACA so fucking much, but something's just not right here. If there's hard evidence, i'll admit he's guilty. But we should wait for that, not be niggers who chimp out and behead someone without any proof.

Do not trust the MSM.

I find it hard to believe that a 42 year old guy with a stable job in such a shitty disrespected tv show would be going after the deep state.

Far out man!

Well we will wait and see what the evidence against him is.

Was it released by the cops? I mean with him being a reporter and all wouldn't he have been with a camera crew?

Fuck off with that shit

He could have just pissed off the wrong globalist, who knows? It's important we respect our own justice system and make sure someone's guilty, trials by media are fucking dangerous.

We're not niggers and we should not be so easily manipulated by globalist media.
Look at fucking port arthur, so many cunts ate that up without questioning shit and now we're cucked with nogunz.

All i'm asking, so far it seems to just be smears and accusations.
It's just fucking suss.

was this the guy who did the meme handshake

Yes, NSW police released footage of their own arrest, it was not a camera crew.

>Video footage of the arrest — released by police in an unusual move — shows McCormack standing on the side of the road while investigators search his car.

This just set alarm bells off in my head, combined with the fact the media's been wording shit like he's guilty all day long.

Fuck Sup Forums, why are there no white ethnostates? Why is there no where a white man can be happy?

I'm sitting here doing my uni readings and I read bullshit like

>Core values comprise those that are considered to be held by members of Australia's multicultural society, taking into account certain shared values that are distinctive to aboriginal culture.

All these buzzwords. I came here from the UK, and for awhile I thought I'd escaped but realistically its not much different.

Is this the white mans punishment for centuries of colonization, all this forced intermixing. Would we be free if it never happened?

tasmania is a white ethnostate

If you are not happy now a white ethnostate will not help you.

Happiness is a state of mind, not one of external circumstances.

Your outlook on life is largely hereditary anyway.

what you studying to put up with that senpai?

>police releasing his arrest
It couldn't have anything to with him being arrested at a fucking TV studio could it?

Why would the deep state want to frame this guy anyway? Just checked his twitter, it's got fucking nothing on it.

Or is this a fake account or something kek. Not saying there's no chance you're wrong, but is it so unlikely that a dude's just fucked up?

Pic related was his last tweet.

Has he stumbled onto something he shouldn't have?

Something (((they))) don't want the public to know?

Teaching. It's fucking thinly veiled socialism.

The women in charge (its 75% female) of the field want teachers to be politicizing, moralizing, molding forces on the young minds. Shaping them all towards forced equality. Thing is most people just eat it up and regurgitate it.

I'm happy. Mandatory topics on multiculturalism offend my intellect.

I'm not saying he's innocent, but i won't say he's guilty.

He could either be a sicko or a innocent victim, put yourself in his shoes. Would you not want a fair trial free of media bullshit?

Ben McCormack confirmed for faggot pederest:

Reminder that ALL gays are pederests.

>I'm happy
He says while posting extremist political views on Sup Forums.

m8 come on.

If only we knew when he was running for PM what we know now, now we know why the media were desperate to destroy him.

>>Video footage of the arrest — released by police in an unusual move — shows McCormack standing on the side of the road while investigators search his car.
Right, okay, that is a bit strange. The investigation sounds a bit strange too, like he was talking about it online to "someone"? Obviously we're not getting the full picture, but it is strange that they'd release the footage themselves

>If you are not happy now a white ethnostate will not help you.

I don't want a white ethnostate for my own personal happiness.
If my personal enjoyment of life was my goal, I'd just want a shitload of money.

this is a joke right?

>If my personal enjoyment of life was my goal, I'd just want a shitload of money
I don't doubt that is what you'd want, but it wouldn't bring you what you think it would.

See this
If you actually look at his twitter its basic bitch normie shit

He's a faggot m8, therefore it's confirmed he's a pederest. 99% chance he was talking about little boys on grindr to a police account.

He also """"mentors"""" males nippers at Bondi Lifesavers.

>extremist political views

Is wanting your own country an extreme view?

See the Sup Forums disclaimer m80.

>but it wouldn't bring you what you think it would.

All I'd want is a distraction, and it'd make that a lot easier.

These days, yes.

want to suck my ass?

>Believing msm smears

Come on mate, just cause its convenient and you want it to be that way does not make it true.

He could be a victim of globalism, read the thread. There's suspicious shit going on.

It's very strange, it's almost like they released it so the msm can run with the footage and people will see him arrested = guilty in their minds and it marrs his chance of a fair trial.

It's a fucking perversion of justice and sets off big alarm bells in my head that something's not right here.

Yes, he could be a faggot gay pervert. But he could also be a victim of globalism.

See above.

Also how do we even know he's gay? He has not admitted it himself, all we have the word to go on is fucking MSM media like

They can't even fucking spell half their articles right, they are not a credible source.

On Grindr. Faggot = automatic pederest. He's involved in Bondi Lifesavers with nippers/young boys, Police had to act.

He's a confirmed faggot. What more evidence do you need that he's a pederest? ALL gays are pederests.