>mfw leftypol are talking about migrating here
Mfw leftypol are talking about migrating here
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Hopefully, keep all the cucks in one place.
I was a lefty until I came here.
We will have a discussion, they will either convert or our beliefs will be strengthened.
It's a great opportunity.
lol, let them come
So they'll all become redpilled as fuck within a week?
No, the board owner freaked out and tried to destroy her own board
This should be fun.
They get made fun of and btfo every thread they make.
I, for one, welcome it because it brings their methods and intentions up to scrutiny
I'm into it, and I welcome them.
It'll be an accurate representation of stupidity, instead of trolling...
They should take over Sup Forums because Hillary won the popular vote and this is the people's board.
The few smart guys in leftypol would destroy you people in any argument
The rest of them is on the same level of buffoonery as you guys, meme-tier knowledge
I see it already started.
whoah-hoh look at you taking an outside perspective from within Sup Forums!
aren't you something special?
my god that picture
You have to go back
Lol their communism generals gets laughed out everytime, even the ponybros btfo them.
Let them come, shitting up their generals is fun.
>The few smart guys in leftypol would destroy you people in any argument
"Communism has never been tried"
Didn't use to be like that , brah.
Mabye a good challenge would inspire us again.
/leftypol/ thinks they can supplant Kek's chosen.
If they were they wouldnt make a cripplechan subreddit in the first place
Except they came from here. On /leftypol/ you have the highest concentration of people who have been on Sup Forums a few years.
a chance to debate politics and not be an echo chamber?
>thinking that /leftypol/ are liberals
By Allah I have seen posts on social media that directly cause cancer
Why is leftypol so fucking stupid? Why can't they see the only time their ideology of economic socialism worked was when Nazi's did it?
I thought Sup Forums was for free speech, shy do you people want a right wing echo chamber?
I don't give a fuck if they come here. Let them and we might be able to have some constructive debates that both sides can learn shit from. Echo chambers are fucking cancer.
>but user, I'm redpilled I have nothing to learn
t. brainlet or agelet who doesn't realise learning is a lifelong journey
>Implying that it would even be a debate
As if Lefties can apply logic and reasoning.The lack of both is how they became leftists in the first place. All of their ramblings are just really elaborate justifications for why they get to steal resources from people who produce.
That's just bullshit and everyone knows it, othewise they'd have been here agitating and arguing with us to start but lo and behold! Why
is it that such intellectuals had to have a separate board to fit their world view unchallenged?
I'll tell you why because all socialists alike discuss speculative theories due to the fact that every one of their tried methods has failed historically, while conservatives base their world view off of historical precedence, that's the dividing factor and that is why socialists have always failed to produce any sort of valid points/facts without any massive speculations or imaginary boogeymen, they live in a alternative universe and are convinced that their new "revolutionary" form of this notion will work.
The only thing the socialist idealogy has ever done successfully was use social tensions to latch themselves onto movements as parasites like the jewish creators that conjured it up to start.
That's why they needed to flee to a safe space, because they are so good at having arguments?
Are any posts in this thread arguing against them coming?
And Norway, Finland, Denmark, Libya, most third world countries...
Also there are lots of NatSoc on leftypol. Germany was very good at leftism.
But we want them to come here, in fact we're challenging them. This is just you setting up a strawman and attacking it. If they have something of value to add to our knowledge pool, that's fine as long as they're also willing to admit that they can be wrong.
You know, the first axiom of philosophy. Accept that you might be wrong, then evaluate what the consequences of being wrong would be?
>redpilling leftists
you need to have some brain tissue before you can be redpilled
beats debating with ironic pol
That would defeat the purpose lol. They segregated because commies get BTFO at every turn. They can't compete
fuck off leaf
Most of them are social constructionist retards.
>Sup Forums cucks are scared
you have been btfo so many times by /lit/, it's only natural
They are probably gonna leave like they did in the past. They need a safe space, not open discussion.
If they stay good for them. It's not hard to debate communists
>getting mobbed by mindless hugbox drones who can shout louder than you
The OP specifically implied he doesn't want it. I'm telling him to fuck off with his echo chamber:
>tfw to intelligent for Sup Forums
>go there anyway desperate to be a part of it
if we were scared we'd be rallying to become mods so we could ban them like they do on their board
leftypol is notorious for stifling any dissent because they can't handle debate, they're too dumb to do it. the only way their ideology works is when nobody can argue against it, just like real communism.
As long as they can debate their opinions, I am fine. Too much T_D shitposting.
We're already here :^)
True. I once pointed out how mass migration benefits only large corporations and the 1% at the expense of the workers. I got banned because of "trolling"
>keks chosen
you know who else calls themselves the chosen people?
Yeh, you're a fucking kike
>commie pole
Back to Katyn with you
As with all extremes , leftists are very jaded and stubborn individuals.
I was one when i was in highschool.
After one year in Uni i came to my senses.
Getting a job is also a way to red-pill people.
/leftypol/ here. Literally nobody has been talking about us coming here. The level of discourse on this board has gone down so low that it's not worth trying to have a discussion because we get drowned out.
Where is the Commie General Spaniard? Could he give us more intel on this?
Oh yeah? Those smart guys gonna use the most powerful leftypol argument to destroy us?
>"Not real communism"
Kinda rare, hows Monaco?
women are always shit in a position where they have authority
Nice meme its getting stale tho
Besides id rather live in a nigger infested ghetto then anywhere in pooland
Sup Forums has always been about free speech. dont see anyone getting downvoted or banned for being "offensive".
OP doesn't represent Sup Forums like you claimed
>Besides id rather live in a nigger infested ghetto
You already do, it's called USA.
Pretty nice, at least compared to France.
I'm worried about what will happen in the future though, with France being the way it is now and us being completely dependent on them
Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on? I mean there's 8ch net Sup Forums, 8ch pl Sup Forums and 8ch net /leftypol/. When people are talking about 8ch Sup Forums are they talking about net Sup Forums or pl Sup Forums? I ask about 8ch Sup Forums and the replies are about leftypol. Some guys are saying 8ch /pol is dead. Which one do they mean?
8ch pl is dead. They're all talking about 8ch net.
8ch net pol is not dead. Neither is leftypol (generally around 50-100 pph depending on the day).
>You already do, it's called USA.
Believe it or not not all of america is a shithole
Dunno about eastern europe after the communists had their way with it...
the pl one is a facade and it's dead. The real one is the .net one
i literally derailed their entire board for three hours
I welcome the outside perspective.
I do not like echo chambers.
They have to go to reddit hahahaha cocksuckers
What were you doing?
They will just go back to their FB groups and subreddits.
>oil or white people
wow its clearly socialism that is doing this great prosperity
also your best 4 examples have less population combined than texas
should I go on
it's not hard. Just put on an anarchofeminist flag and troll the shit out of them. The whole board will go crazy. Also push identity politics, like how whites were the creators of fascist movements and thus whites should go extinct.
You'll see their brains explode as they try to concile they hatred of identity politics with the fact that you are technically right.
Also call yourself an SJW and pretend to be a long time leftypol poster.
doesnt /lit/ ban Sup Forums but Sup Forums doesnt ban /lit/?
really puts the onions in your bunions
>We at Sup Forums are so quirky, funny and epic lamo xD
that was made by /mlp/
but you are the bottom pic so who cares if you know who did what
No? Sup Forums are unwelcomed but not banned
That's a bit Jewish matey bloody hell
>mfw your country is a perfect mix between a shithole and european country so nobody want to come here
>mfw when jewish trics dont work on you when you live long enought beside them
>mfw jew cant out jew the polejew
>he thinks /lit/ is smart
EVERY fucking genuine leftist (not just faggots looking for attention on twitter) I've ever seen has either been autistic, a tranny, or both.
you know damn well their arguments get refuted on top of all the bantz
>mfw browsing leftypol
So are you pretty rich or does Monaco have a middle class? My image of that place is of F1 and Yachts
Call me a commie one more time a fucking dare you, you fat greasy burger fuck
Stop being buttmad about /mlpol/ it makes you look like a redditor or a commie
>inb4 fat American
I'm 5'9 120lbs, I'm thinner than you'll ever be
Stfu you midget
The whole point of /leftypol/ is retarded. We were not right wing neonadsies. We just said things that are, you know, politically incorrect. That's what Sup Forums should be and always have been. Regardless of ideology.
But discussion and all went into the shitter with pledditors and other scum swarmed this board. I mantain my position that we should create daily redpill threads and try to use more gore to assimilate them and redpill them.
Sup Forums should just mean "pol"itics. Leftypol, get in here, we're taking over!
didn't they leave, because we shitposted their every thread in the first place?
>all these salty commies
I honestly cannot wait for the happening to finally commence, I'll take any excuse to physically remove your filth from the genepool
I swear to go you are just as cringy as the commies jesus fucking christ
>few smart guys
Sup Forums has millions of hihgly intelgent Redditors ready to unload arguments at incredibly hihg spode.
No, what you say is true, /leftypol/ did come from here during Sup Forums harbor, but they do not have the highest concentration of oldfags, /leftypol/ is just a bunch of autistic memera who find commie Facebook groups not edgy enough.
>a few years
Kys newfag, try a decade, and even then, I'm considered a Newfag by some.
He means Canada.
Normally I would respond with
>lol that happened
But I honestly believe you
>Oh no, a picture that makes Sup Forums look like morons is getting negative feedback
>They must be commies you lads!
Then you go to predict a happening. Dude, you clearly are to delusional and paranoid to predict anything.
Sacrifice is needed, leaf.