/GOG/ Golden One General

Europe should unite and we should make the Golden One our sole leader. Are you glorious-pilled yet?


Greetings my valiant brother.

Leftists will never be this natty

There is something really homosexual about this channel


Make a Swedish guy leader!



>inb4 proxy

Last time I was on GOG I saw that the sequel-ish title to Planescape came out. It any good?

fuck off with the celebrity worship

He is a based Swede who wants to defend his culture and heritage.

lurk more

That guy is actually retarded, and sounds like an insecure cuck, desperate to take roids to puff up and call his fellow betas "betas". He should stick to giggling like a fa/tg/uy while he plays pretend in Skyrim.

Why aren't you cycling yet?

than he should move on the streets and not in the fucking gym

greetings... true friends!

>not getting /ourguys/ to unite Europe

Dictatorships are for weaklings.

And instead make a German guy the leader?
AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Your whole country has been one big failure

Because i'm on HGH 6 months per year, i don't need your lame ass shit.

>claims to be a red-pilled person
>claims to be an Alpha Male
>sucks the cock of a literal LARP'ing faggot who narcissistically stares at himself in the mirror while listening to fantasy soundtracks
Exactly what I'd expect out of a German

he's not smart, wise or cult

it must be that natsocs are trully a pile of beta wannabes

>test enanthate
Sounds like you have a medical deficiency though bruv, is it manletism

Do you breakdance too

>fetal alchol face syndrome
>parades in faggot festivals
>muh muscles
yea what could go wrong !!!

fucking go back to reddo already you fagcunts


I want to have so much sex with him.

the dude is a fag. like a hollywood celebrity, he uses his looks to garner attention and push his own agenda.

when he has an actual original thought, we should start listening to him.

>praises the gods
>wear's a dirty fucking Skåne-flag with a huge yellow cross on it

This motherfucker make's my blood boil, he does way more harm than good. Also, look at him, he looks retarded/inbred as fuck.

Seriously. His content is mostly fine but every video has at least 2 minutes of gay ass bodybuilder worship, the fuck is up with that?

Haha, you are probably one of the "modern Swedes", my brown friend.

>Europe should unite


Thanks, I needed a fap

Real men rely only on their own hormones

We can use him, you don't have to listen to him, let's say he is there to red pill women, not man.

We should create some # targeted to women showing his muscles, make them follow him and then get redpilled.

This. It seems like he's supposed to be a poster boy, not any real influence. Fuck what he says, tell him to pose with a sword in front of a 1488 poster. Rest will fall into place.

I am not ugly enough to be that dedicated

No, dress him in nice clothes so women can get their juices flowing.
We have to do it slowly, posters should be as girl lovely as possible, then they can google him.

He should stop posting those gay ass sword-warrior pictures and concentrate on women viewers.
Man don't really respect him anyway.

>oh by the way I broke up with my aryan gf and went to Thailand for martial arts lessons, I s-swear it's just m-muay thai nothing else


I thought they were gonna kiss. Am I a gaylord nigger?

T.beta leftist
T.knight of estrogen

ghretings troo frhans

Video games are for children

What happened to the guy on the left, he's not doing vids with his brother anymore

/leftypol/ shills get triggered by him. I remember seeing a Golden One hate thread on that board. Needless to say they were using ad hominems, calling him ugly, whilst simultaneously mirin his gainz, and saying how they would fuck him.

He sounds actually awesome. Anybody have link to his channel and his websites?

stop lurking and start being part of Iran again

holy shiit. This fukin Iranian with daddy's money in Germany again. Will you shut the fuck up, you fucking cousin fucker?

>Iranian with daddy's money in Germany again
wtf are you talking about

He's literally an inbreed.

Also that chest is something wrong with it.

t. beta

literally just google golden one.

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn’t have to be the only factor of that. If you can’t achieve these things in your real life, then you are not ready to be a political activist, either anonymously or in reality.

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don’t. So work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for yourself. Because if you can’t make anything of your own, individual life, then how can you think you’ll be able to make a difference for the race, for the lives of many? Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life. Your time on Earth is short and precious. Start planning on making the most of it.

Nice loincloth Nancy. Back to jewtoob with this trash

Good post. This is the main thing I take away from his channel. He has quoted Jonathan Bowden, who supports the idea of the Byronic cultured thug. Even though I supported Trump and will continue to democratically support "far-right" democratic candidates, I am too blackpilled for politics desu. The only thing that can really save us as a race is some sort of military intervention or conflict, in order to break the status quo.

It's best to focus on becoming the ubermensch. Having that optimal balance of being an individual, yet having an identity from some collective. Get both mental and physical gains, Be prepared for anything, and reproduce for the future.

kose ammat,,, bache so sool. Oon dahane goshadeto beband.

When i mouse over flags the little text box doesn't appear anymore.

What the fuck, i've tried disabling all addons and shit.

>if I use a frog picture my post means something


It's gonna happen and we're going to fucking destroy your shithole. Europe vs (((switzerland))).

This. Just be a smart dude who can throw a decent punch. Make money, earn friends who you red pill and will stick by you and you will have done more than any NEET Sup Forumsack or stormfaggot.

Yes and yes, but he looks better with a beard and should probably put on some weight to even out that core.
>those lats
I am jelly.
>that core
I am less jelly.

I think he could do better if he got on the ball with finding a girl and having children.