If Christianity is true explain this

if Christianity is true explain this

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the thing is, the hole is not so much christian doing as collapse of the Roman empire.

How do you measure scientific advancement

no way

>Scientific Advancement (wut)

What did he mean by this?

ebin comeback XD

t. Aquafresh

The plague, moral decay and bad leadership in the Western Empire, as well as an army spread across all of the Medeteranean.


The Dark Ages was in Europe only. What's the rest of the world's explanation for not having flying cars?

It's bullshit, not much to epxlain.

Science per year

>t. I now have hardback copies of the stoics thanks to Roman Catholic monks.

It's also the effect of the Mediterranean becoming dominated by muslims, stopping all western trade.

The picture is nonsensical and you're retarded if you think it's anything other than laughable.
There's your explanation.

If it wasn't for christianity there wouldn't be universities, it is thanks to them that Europe dominated the world

What the gap show is simply the fall of the roman memepire

What is the standard used? Have you ever considered the possibility that the rest of Europe conquered Western Rome as a bunch of savages and remained largely that way? You know, Byzantium held much knowledge for a long time. They lost quite a portion of it in Alexandria and Aleppo to Arabs who had their little Renaissance there and then.

If anything christianity helped by establishing the first forms of public schooling, copying and preserving books, pushing the development of art and architecture, pushing back the mudshits and cleansing europe from the cancer of islam.
They were a pain in the ass in some regards they were mostly a positive presence for europe.

>Please travel to another timeline and bring me back some names of scientists that would have been there if there was no dark ages

Holy shit this could only have been written by some angry, angry catholic.

Implying that graph means anything at all

>completely true a verifiable graph pls believe me
>yes i do know what life would be like if history was completely different



Tbqh fucking Romans are in fault of lackluster advancement of science. Fuckers couldnt even create their own stuff, fucking pillagers took tech from others and coulnt even create steel

Partly, but mostly the hole is a result of the graph being complete bullshit.

Civilizations collapse because their people embrace a philosophy antithetical to the principles of civilization. Then invaders pick at the corpse.

Christianity was a kike psyop to weaken the west, and egalitarianism is a modern, secular form of the same peasant philosophy. And look what is happening to the West because of it. As look who the chief peddlers are.

not an argument

>name a famous scientist from the dark ages
Whole point of dark ages was there was no scientific advancement. How do scientists exist if they're prosecuted and their shit burned?

> Exponentially-weighted moving average of fedora ownership

Not really. Too arrogant about it to be a Cuckholic. I love it.

Using a lack of scientists to explain away a lack of science is actually making our point for us

>doesn't even go back to the ancient Finnic Empire

Wrong. Tim O'Neill is an atheist.

Fun fact: scientific method was created in middle ages
