Autopsy results show chemical weapons used in Syrian attack: Turkish minister
Explain this retards
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>Turkish minister
Oy vey
How the fuck can He know if He's in another country?
Niggers out here spreading fake news.
Hitler doubles called you on your bullshit.
>le turkish stronk broscience
Since when did roache's learn how to type?
Explain this, OP.
Chemical weapons are less effective on roaches.
maybe syria is poor and putting all its got into stopping ISIS?
Made me chuckle. Explains all those videos where the "dead" opened their eyes and moved around.
>White Helmets
>Stopping ISIS
O, I am laffin.
Assad and Putin have gone too far this time, they will pay.
Also, said white helmets have been getting chem protective gear a month prior to this attack.
Oyyy veyyyyyyyyy
(((Red Line)))
How about you go bother "r eddit" was your war mongering, CIA.
Also, taking a (((Turkish Minister's))) word as justification of war.... nigga please.
>No suits, no gloves, no masks
>Both dudes helping the injured/dead have masks on
>Also hosing people off to remove the contamination before moving/treating
Autopsy results can't show WHO used the chemical weapon.
Remember the terrorists themselves have chemical weapons, while Syria's has been dismantled.
>turkish minister
>no masks
Those are dust masks, they wouldn't do shit. Also do you not know what the fuck is sarin gas or something?
Maybe they dont fucking have special suits in a fucking desert?
Why the fuck should the US give a shit? We should not get involved and let Europe sort this shit out.
>Explain this retards
Either air strike on jihadist weapons dump containing chemical weapons or mossad poisoning jihadist's prisoners with sarin injections.
Injections would explain why bodies delivered for autopsy have sarin in them yet retard jihadist doctor is sniffing nerve gas residue into his lungs from patients skin and proudly proclaiming:"Since it does not smell like chlorine, it has to be nerve gas!"
They received them a fucking month prior, you dipshit. And even if they hadn't they'd be fucking dead. Do you fucks even know anything or do you just blindly make contrarian assumptions?
>Dust masks highly effective against deadly neurotoxin
>just like hose those chemicals off bro, you'll be fine
>it was totally a barrel bomb of sarin
, Yes, Chemical weapons were used but not by whom we are told
Published on Apr 5, 2017
The White Helmets, an al-Qaeda affiliated group funded by George Soros and the British government, have reportedly staged another chemical weapon attack on civilians in the Syrian city of Khan Shaykhun to lay blame on the Syrian government.
A day prior to the attack, Gulf-based Orient TV announced “Tomorrow we are launching a media campaign to cover the airstrikes on Hama country side including the usage of chemical warfare against civilians.” This shows clear foreknowledge that the rebels were going to stage an attack by Orient TV.
The White Helmets filmed much of the footage being released on the chemical attack. They have also been known to stage “rescue” videos in the past. However, this time it appears children were indeed killed in the making of this “media campaign.”
Several children appear in the videos suffocating from an unknown chemical substance, while others appear to have unexplained head injuries. It is known 250 people were kidnapped by Al-Qaeda last week from the nearby city of Hama, which is the same number as the current body count of wounded and killed civilians.
In another “coincidence,” a Pakistani British doctor who at the time of the attack was taking interview requests instead of helping the injured who were flooding in, and additionally received gas masks from a British organization three days prior to the attack.
The doctor, Shajul Islam, is being used as a source by US and UK media, despite facing terror charges for kidnapping and torturing two British journalists in Syria and being struck off the medical register. The organization responsible for sending him equipment is under fire for using donations meant for refugees.
>turkey which casually supports (((moderate rebels)))
>Turkish minister
the source is the shittiest it can get.
turkish state is the friend of ISIS,
erdogan is against assad.
he even went further to blame isis attacks in turkey on kurds.
Doesn't really prove how they got there
If they had suits, then why didn't they use them for better "fake" photos?
I seriously doubt this guy was itching to take one of these.
>turkish minister
>shot down russian jet
>buys oil from isis
Nice source faggot.
>Why do sandnigs do stupid shit
How the fuck should I know?
Not gonna lie, former false flag waver here...
But seriously guys we cant let him not invade pipelanistan...
Well if they do stupid shit maybe they don't know the dangers if wearing no protection??
Do you know what is sarin gas and what it's affects are?
>Government wouldn't lie.
People who post conspiracy theories about this gas attack get paid to post. You can't reason with them.
>Turkish minister
That's all I needed to hear
Thanks for correcting the record. $0.02 has been deposited in your account.
Seems like you need large doses on the skin and one of them is spraying the child with water to try and decontaminate him. '
Also, the sate it's in matters. Liquid state seems to be the most hazardous when it comes to skin contact.
Syrians probably bombed a rebel ammunition dump.
>Seems like you need large doses on the skin and one of them is spraying the child with water to try and decontaminate him. '
Depends, they're working soonly after a strike near the striking position. Even in open space, it would be enough to stick onto them, considering that the gas is quite heavy.
>Liquid state seems to be the most hazardous when it comes to skin contact.
Technically, when they water the people affected by the gas, they create puddles with all kinds of shit.
Also, at the end of the day, White Helmets are just Al-Qaeda/ISIS and have no real credability.
the same turkish ministers who gave al-nusra sarin gas in 2013?
>trusting a Turk
It's basically like trusting a nigger
Why aren't the responders dead?
I don't know how much I can trust your opinion on things when you really don't source check your shit
Since the toxins have been diluted to a level were it causes no deadly harm.
Who called this an attack? Oh that's right the (((media))). Spinning a rebel weapons dump explosion (rebels that were created and funded by the same people whose interest involve giving you the (((news))) into a false flag attack to overthrow another government. Where have we seen this before?
I'm sure the double digit IQ muslims knew when it was safe.
I trust turks as much as I trust jews.
Isn't Turkey at war with Assad?
That's like saying Saddam confirms US are targetting civilians
>I don't know how much I can trust your opinion on things when you really don't source check your shit
Actually everyone had already known this mannequin challenge for a good while now and it gives 0 credibility to white helmets.
I'm just posting it to freshen the memories of fags who try and suck on their dicks.
Or did you think that linking that video that you linked would somehow make the White Helmets look better?
white helmets can't be bad they got an oscar!
If we let europe sort this out, they'll trigger NATO article 5 when they engage Russia. I agree with you but europe's military is incompetent and if they chose to have a proxy war with Russia in Syria It would quickly grow. I still think you're right though, fuck'em! Let the bleeding hearts in europe send their sons to die for their lofty ideals.
Yes, how could I ever doubt Hollywood?
It could have been chlorine gas you moron.
Then why the fuck does everyone keep saying it's sarin gas, you dumb fuck?
Cause of death =/= whodunit
>trusting erdocucks
Wasn't it Turkey who gave ISIS the Sarin used in the 2012 false flag? Why would anybody take their word on anything?
yep. a couple articles here talked about that specifically.
i don't think anyone's denying that some form of chemical weapons were used
the magnitude and source are up for debate though
anyway answer the fucking poll
Well the attack in Tokyo was done in and enclosed space "subway" and sarin nerve gas was used.
As far as I can tell this one in Syria happened in the open air and the gas used was chlorine.
>Turkish minister
I don't doubt that chemicals killed those terrorists, but nigga;
>Turkish minister
Just please go back to faceberg.
I think you screwed that poll up buddy you put Israel on there 3 times
>Cause of death =/= whodunit
This is too difficult for most humans in 2017 to understand.
It's like giving someone an image of a dead person, they all start crying, then pointing to someone and saying they did it.
I love you Australia
>Complaining about chemical weapons being used
Oh I Am Laffin
The Jew probably typed all of that with a straight face.
isnt chlorine gad made by mixing bleach and ammonia
like what the fuck lmao
t. former methhead
same country that gets money from the (((EU))), weapons from USA and Russia.
This cunt can't even get the locations right in her post (2 different incidences).
obvious false flag.
I think that's mustard gas.
>Government who is winning the war uses chemical weapons to drag the UN into the fight
seems legit
I actually wasnt fucking kidding
Chlorine gas is an odorless substanced made from mixing Bleach and Ammonia it will suffocate you.
If this is a legitimate form and stance of propaganda then its retarded because every methhead is making Chlorine gas when they make methamphetamines. They should all be declared terrorists
who even cares if they do use chemical weapons
>Trusting the Turks
Wow, are you even trying?
I got $20 bibi's fingers are all over this.
(((Trurkish minister)))
so... who launched the chemicals? any proofs?
(reminder: weapon type means nothing, considering 3/4 of east europe countries have russian gear)
Ignore them. Literally nothing in this world would prove to them that Assad did this. Even if they had video of Assad grinning into a camera while giving the order, they'll call it a Zionist false flag
Conversely, if there was even an allegation that rebel groups used chemical weapons, they wouldn't blink an eye before accusing them of war crimes.
>Turkish minister
>Islamist Turkey constantly attempting to provoke Russia because they're "backed up" by NATO, via pokes and prods
>we should believe their officials
>I trust turks as much as I trust jews.
Bruv, they're largely the same thing.
>The Turkish word dönme is from the verbal root dön- that means 'to turn', i.e., "to convert", but in a pejorative sense. They are also called Selânikli "person from Thessaloniki" or avdetî "religious convert" (Arabic: عودة ‘awdah 'return'). Members of the group refer to themselves simply as "the Believers" in Hebrew (Hebrew: המאמינים ha-Ma'aminim),[3] or "sazanikos," Turkish for "carp" in honor of the changing outward nature of the fish.[4] An alternate explanation of this self-nomenclature is the prophecy that Sabbatai Zevi would deliver the Jews under the sign of the fish.
This Turkey you're talking about?
>Chemical weapons were used we swear
>signed Papa Roach
Is there anyone in the world you would believe then?
Assad would have to be retarded to do it, that's why. And there are many groups who want to fake a chemical attack.
I wouldn't trust a Turk with the truth, they are filth. They are currently threatening to flood Europe with Jihadists.
Erdogans son buys ISIS oil from Iraq, they funded Al Nusra and supplied them with chemical weapons back in 2013 with Saudi. Anything the Turks say should be discarded, they are in bed with Jihadists because they want Kurds killed and Assad gone.
It wasn't them dumbass
Russians hit a depo that was under rebel/SIS hands and it had chemical weapons in it.
If there was a false flag, there would be mountains and mountains of evidence to prove that
And even if it was fake news, why the fuck would Assad blow up the hospital?
Hence why you should have good ventilation system like a fume hood
I thought there were no hospitals left in Syria?
>Collage of no hospitals left tweets.JPG
>t. turkshit minister
so it's confirmed bullshit then
Tough one. Maybe because Japan is a first world country with many resources and not embroiled in a multi year civil war.
They also found Assad's semen residue with a possibility of anal rape
It's more the point that if you read any guide on the treatment of Sarin you would realise that you CANNOT go near a body contaminated with it because Sarin is absorbed through the skin. You have to wear a suit a like that otherwise you contaminate yourselves with the poison.
Have a read and you'll see why the rebels look silly.
Fug. I guess we better give more money and arms to the Islamic radica-...errr, I mean """moderate rebels""" fighting Assad, then.
Yeah, according to the reports, many of the folks that went in to rescue the fallen....they also died. Because they didnt have the appropriate protective gear
It is a false flag or an accident. No way Assad would use helical weapons when he was winning when he knows how much the US chucks a spaz over it.
What pisses me off is liberals act like we have to go to war over some morally supperior bullshit like how some third world era kill each other. CW or not people die there all the time. Are we seriously expected to side with ISIS and asshole Muslims that burn Christian children in cages just because Assad used Chemical weapons? The rebels aren't some moral high ground to support, they are fucking psychopaths.
I am not dying for Israel nor will I fight any white people for Israel.