This coloring book for children is currently sold by a Dutch drugstore chain. :^)

This coloring book for children is currently sold by a Dutch drugstore chain. :^)

Explain yourselves, Käsköppe! Wollt ihr heim ins Reich?

(Anybody know which drugstore chain? Maybe Action? We got one of their shops nearby, guess I'll have to check if they still have it on stock...)

Other urls found in this thread:

*being sold, sorry

Come on Sup Forums, this is fucking hilarious. Gimme a bump, will ya?

waar dan?

Are Fascist and Communist symbols legal in Holland?

Both are banned in my homeland :(

Bumpu desu sempai

Is that king nigger?

>waar dan
Kruidvat, Kaaskop

>Implying we need to explain ourselves to Germans
Give us back our bikes first, not even niggers steal that many bikes as you did

Is alweer uit de schappen gehaald.

your country is so fucked its unbelievable

>Give us back our bikes
As if Germans just stole fietsen

Poland is not fucked. Shut the fuck up Burger, we have suffered under communism and fascism.

What a shame, I was really hoping for Action. Don't have Kruidvat shops here.

>Is alweer uit de schappen gehaald.

WHAT the fuck are you talking about Poland for you are form Germany

You know there are countless immigrants from Poland in Germany, right?

I live in Germany, you stupid Murican bastard.
Why do you think I would highlight "in my homeland" when I answer another poster with a German flag?

I don't get it, what am I looking at?

i did not know that how was i supposed to know your homeland

Looks good to me - the Eternal Teuton must not be allowed to forget the crimes of his blood

Take a closer look, user.
Poland is based why are you in Germany?

Is it meant to be Uncle Adolf though?

Most came to work here in the 70s (and to escape socialism).

Ding ding, we got a winner. Didn't the swastika give it away instantly?

Because my parents fled from communism and I earn around 6 times as much as I would earn in Poland.

>(and to escape socialism).
We came as refugees, my mother told me that the life under communism was not worth living

Commie symbolic is perfectly legal though