Syria General /sg/ - Here to stay Edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>E Aleppo Apr4
>N Hama Apr3
>Palmyra Apr3
>Mosul Mar30
>Raqqa Mar30
>Jobar Mar23
>DeZ Feb23

Developments Apr6
>US envoy:We are compelled to take own action if UN fails in Syria
>RU:contamination may have been caused by damage to a rebel chemical weapons storage site
>SAA denies chemical weapons attack in southern Idlib
>N Hama: jihadists retake Maardes town, hit SAA with suicide bombing
>DeZ:SAA advances 400m in IS held cemetery
>IS still holds it's ground in Palmyra, hoping to repell SAA advance en route to Arak
>rebels bomb largest Christian city
>Report:270000+ Syrians have right to bring families to Germany
>Erdogan:next stage of Operation Euphrates Shield will include Iraq
>At least 58 dead & over 200 wounded in rebel-held Khan Shaykun due to chemical weapons
>119+ Saudi soldiers and mercenaries have been killed by the Houthis in 2017
>31+ killed, 40 wounded in IS attack on Tikrit
>IS raid in Yemen leaves scores of Houthi troops dead

Other urls found in this thread:

There wont be any invasion just more proxy wars.
Russia and us didnt attack germany because jews were getting killed. Its because they were being land grabby

Previous thread -

>the heavier the allegation, the heavier the burden of proof
>investigation and proof goes before the conviction
What happened to these basic rules of law?

Britam is behind of all the gas attacks
Spread Britam to the Normie's
All this shilling is to keep info like this from leaking

they don't matter if (((they))) can get profit out of it

How many (((civilians))) died after the rebel chemical storage house was hit by the syrian plane?

450 retweets, pro-rebels comments
normies get duped in a new war for globalists

If pull that off will you die?

>lost his 19 family members

lmao. They had the rebel gas factory in their basement?

looks like Onurs missing son

Tabqa now completely besieged

(((Red Line)))


So if assad wins all of you will move to syria right?

If Israel wins will you move there, kike?


Oy vey goyim, don't support the antisemtic Assad!

Did you move to iraq after your country (((liberated))) it?

nope, i'll just be happy that theres an iron dictator not turning syria in a terrorism breeding ground


I'm not edgy, but this picture makes me laugh so fucking hard.
Don't know why.

Any chance of an updated version of the "Assas must go" Curse? It is definitely missing people, for example John Key, former PM of New Zealand.

The narrative that's being pushed will definitely triumph over what happened or didn't happen in the attack.

It truly is a post-truth world.

Countries already saying "TRUTH IS" when there hasn't even been a thorough investigation on the attack? More signs of a predetermined plan to coup Syria, and more countries, because of oil.

why is /sg/ supporting the reign of an autocratic theocratic dictator whom has commited many war crimes?

>protip: youre going to need a better argument than muh stability

Maybe its because its total bullshit

Because the rebels are islamists and Bashar is secular?



>Dear friends, we are beginning work on adding new campaigns to our game, "Syrian Warfare", and we'd be grateful for any help in gathering additional information. We are interested in two specific periods - Daesh's assault and capture of Palmyra in December 2016 and the continued defence of T-4 Airbase afterward; and one of the first Tiger Forces operations - a counterattack in Idlib and the capture of Ariha in 2013. We are looking for any photo and video materials, most specifically - stories and reports from the battlefield, action charts, the strength of sides involved and call signs used by them. If you can help us with any data, please contact us via personal messages or write to
[email protected]


fucking roaches

Oyyy veyyyyyyyyy

1. Fuck
2. You
3. Nigger

yes, because that would be the only consequent course of action.

I wish I could understand it

I still believe that this guy was actually a civilian

He is a nationalist secularist as opposed to Islamist extremist. The last thing we in the west need is an Islamist Syrian government that would promote terrorism that will directly effect us. Assad ruling a stable syria post war would be able to prevent such Islamic extremism

>Assad's Syria

Pick one.

So how long until we get Call of Duty: Syria

He has a comfy voice.


thruth has absolutely no value now, it's all relative the jews truly have won

Look at that face. Is that the face of a killer? The man is a saint.

So I get that it is puzzling why Assad would allegedly use chems now considering how he has advanced in the war, and I get the popular consensus here is that all the chem attacks during the war have been false flags, but out of curiosity, how was Assad doing the previous times chems were used? Was he generally winning or losing during those attacks?

>not backing the rebels

Engages the cerebrum.


The "moderate opposition" is the theocratic group here my cholesterol enriched friend

The most based man on the planet


OK, there's either a whole lot of shill accounts on twitter or the US population really is bluepilled.

somebody explain this shit

Reposting for Krautbro in case you missed it in previous bread.....
>if you can still be on Trumps side after the whole "bashar is ebil because he gassed syrian freedumb fighters and children" then you should lurk /sg/ more

>Trump supporters should disavow him if he says something they don't agree with in regards to Syria
Nein Hans. I still support Trump and do not in any way agree with his comments on the """"""chem weapons attack"""""".
As has been proven Trump is well known for spouting off prematurely about topics he knows little about. He may actually believe Assad used chemical weapons, or he may just be going with the popular narrative (((they))) are trying to push.
Think about it like this though, he is getting hammered by anti-Russia shills, if he doesn't address the situation the way they see fit for now it will help give the left more ammo to say "See? He's a Putin puppet!" Let's wait and see over the next few weeks/days where the cards fall, but know that a truly redpilled Trump supporter can still support him in many matters, but still legitimately disagree with him on the situation in Syria

>Country that practices Nazi Germany's tactics w/r/t to different people calling other country out for being literally Hitler.

OK lads.

WHEN exactly is the collective mass cognitive dissonance going to break down

>Assad, like hitler, doesnt drink alcohol

Nothing to see here goy

he has blue eyes, and an endearing lisp


they don't even try to hide it anymore kek

That's a girl!

Last Chen attack i believe was in East Gouta, which was proven after that it was indeed the rebels that did it, at that time i believe in 2013, Assad was somewhat on the backfoot, rebels had control of more areas especially in Damascus suburbs

Where's the moustache?
Checkmate nusrats

From the upper angle eye looks closed. Filmed from lower angle, the eye appears only half shut.


>which was proven after that it was indeed the rebels that did it
No it wasn't. No conclusive evidence on who is to blame has ever been brought forth regarding those attacks, but based on the trajectories on the only two rockets that could reliably be traced, they were fired from an SAA controlled area.

Daily reminder for those newer to /sg/ not to engage shills like this.

no, you can clearly see as he pans down that her eye was completely closed until he panned away.

>it was proven that it was rebels

>Every news agency pushing "Assad is literally Hitler" simultaneously'
What the dog shit fuck I hate these globalists

Everyone knows Assad wouldn't do this as it would be counter-productive for his cause in the long term. So the options are
a.) Bombs hit a chemical storage area
b.) Rebels let off chemical weapons (intentionally or unintentionally) after the area was bombed
c.) A rogue element within SAA used chemical weapons (highly unlikely)

Eh, I like to argue, and who knows, instead of a shill it could just be a bluepilled fuck. I used to be bluepilled too. It doesn't really hurt anything to engage with the shills and if they're not shills it might help redpill them like I was redpilled

The UN spokeswoman specifically said based on evidence they have it was the rebels

i tried to go frame by frame and that was not my impression.

Fuck off, those posts get the finniest replies.

Just imagine how much more fucked we would be right now if Hillary was president

I cringe just thinking about her reaction



She, as Obama, was just talk and no action.

What's even sadder is that they just bombed the last hospital in Aleppo.

That is true. I'm hoping this turns out to be nothing. But yeah, with hillary we know things would be a lot worse than this.

LOL you mean Carla Del Ponte? She was referring to a different attack.

This was months before Ghouta.

My hope for Trump not going into Syria are close to 0



That's bullshit. The only reason obama didn't do anything was because he was anti-jew pro-muslim

Syria: Are people reacting to the pictures of children or from EVIDENCE?
The more potent the pictures, the less you question the evidence.

What attack?

Not the Ghouta attack, dingus. What evidence there is of that, incriminates the SAA.

i don't remember exactly but i think it was somewhere in Aleppo. Google it.

>check the narrative from both sides
>msm: assad is literally el hitler invade syria now!!!! look at the children.
>syria: we have no reason to do such thing, also we can help with the investigation.
i wonder who is telling the truth...

Syria denies & condemns use of chemical weapons – foreign minister

I'm not googling your proofs m8

Assad must go

Why are you edgy teens ITT supporting this ineffective cunt. Hes responsible fof syria. He couldn't contain them in his own fucking country.

Imagine if trump couldn't contain a faction of terrorist and in fact stood by as they grew and killed the innocent.

Assad must go.
Syria needs to be nuked or taken over by non Muslim trash, which assad is no matter how you try and pretend he isnt.

Hes working with ISIS and its coear as day

Assad must go.

Do you never get tired of repeating the same shit in every thread?

I would kill all shills with by bare hands if I could...

It's so frustrating to see how this is unfolding. None of what happens (what actually occured) matters. This isn't about finding out the perp.

It's about pushing a narrative in the collective conscious to condition people to believe in it where that will become the truth.

It's not even that I'm sure Assad didn't do it. This is just about how there is not even a fair chance for them to prove or even cook up evidence to point finger to rebels - this is all, at least how it looks to me, a premeditated attack on Syria and they're pretty much caught with their pants down.


I'd legit consider visiting in the future

Check out reddit, I'm getting some spicy downvotes asking for definitive proof that it was Assad instead of a desperate rebel group on their last legs.

They are quite literally calling for intervention...

what fucking proofs? i already pointed out that carla del ponte was not talking about ghouta when she said rebels might have used chem weapons.

Imagine if foreign governments were supplying aid weapons and medical care to terrorists

>It doesn't really hurt anything to engage with the shills and if they're not shills it might help redpill them like I was redpilled
Then let them lurk and learn, don't fall for their obvious b8.

are the rebels good guys or bad guys

reddit seems to think they're a popular uprising or heros

Wow that sounds awful, wonder if Wikileaks had something on that

Fuck off Kerry, go inject your face with more silicon.