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>>>>>>>>>>Muslim ban


Good for her. She deserves some peace of mind after everything ((they)) did to her

I saw her on a british news program and I was all "oh HERE we go time for her to go on about how Trump is oppressing her and her people and how the mud ban was evil"

She said something along the lines of "Trump is our president and we shouldn't undermine him we as the American people should support him"

So she's bretty ok in my book.

Yeah...she deserves to be oppressed and told what to do.

Kill her.

Pretty sure she converted after the sheiks that shat on her face and mouth told her about Islam. I guess after a fuck, they try and Jew these women into Islam for shekels and the hope that if celebrities convert, other Westerners might think its cool

Lynch that fucking cunt.

>implying ((they're)) not behind this. When you become a celebrity you're entering a Faustian pact. You can be rich and famous, but in return you have to promote the destruction of Western society in someway - adopt black babies, become a lesbian, become a muslim etc.

And if you step outside the program they'll have enough dirt on you to destroy you, e.g. Bill Cosby criticises thug culture, all of a sudden 100s of women come out of the wood work accusing him of rape.

I can't wait for this islam fad to go away and the muslims start wrecking the shit of people they thought took it seriously.

Fuck I hope she blows herself up.

Just a cast away an island lost at sea-o
Another lonely day, no one here but me-o
More loneliness than any man could bear
Rescue me before I fall into despair-o

I'll send an S.O.S. to the world
I'll send an S.O.S. to the world
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my message in a bottle yeah
Message in a bottle yeah

idk I feel kinda indifferent towards her considering the shit she put up with being around jews her whole life.

Maybe this is her way of getting out and away from all the trauma bought on from the past, who knows really, very strange case.

What's her endgame is the real question.

Good excuse not to show your cellulitis

Anyone have that image where that couple went to Thailand thinking its ok only to get brutally murdered? The guy had to watch the thais rape his gf then bash her skull and stuff her somewhere


Lindsay Lohan was a child star and was 100% molested and raped as a kid which broke her.

I always thought she was a fantastic child actress. It made me sad seeing her descent into degeneracy. I'm glad she's found a new path in life, even if it's Islam

This is your famous "culture" america, HAHAHAHAHHA

why don't become catholic????????????????????

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

At least it covers her crack whore saggy tits and arse.

I swear, where do find these people burgerbros


That's the PR, the truth: she's a red head that can't tan which she's been fighting against in denial with fake tanning only to go this route to solve her problem.

Honestly I can see why she choose to wear one, men are dirty and say the grossest things, she just wants to have a good a time without dealing with that.

I would be happy for her if she weren't doing this for cynical brownie points.

I mean, better to be a Muslim than fucking 50 year old Jewish directors and snorting coke off their cocks.

Remember when women fought for the right to wear bikinis that showed more skin? Now they're happily regressing back to full body swimsuits just so they don't offend muzzies. I don't know if this is funny or sad

isn't it an insult for muslims to have this slutty crack whore as one of them?

Islam has been shit ever since the Mongols sacked Baghdad, prove me wrong.



Poor kid. No one deserves that kind of future.

We should burn Hollywood.

An unpopular opinion? In my Sup Forums?

lets not forget the real reason shes covering her body

This shit really can't be reversed can it? I see it all over people's facebook pages. Constantly posting about racism, islamaphobia, sexism, etc... This has literally infected everybody.


Hitler was our last chance.

>american women

It will fade like rave.

I don't think she is. I think her film career tanked so hard she went to a wealthy arab country to get boned senseless for money and toys, but she took it to heart and now this is the only thing in her life that matters. And I don't know if I blame her. Americans and the media treated her like trash to be exploited, just like we treated Spears and Jackson et. al.

There is one way.

>naked feet
What a whore

I'm not quite sure if you made a typo or what but I'd be interested to see this

jesus christ


ye because the solution to left wing identity politics is right wing identity politics


ewwww. Was she pregnant?

of all people, YOU shouldn't take left-wing obsessions lightly

(nor I. but then again, I don't)

didnt she covert or am i remembering that wrong

>peace of mind
>taking the mark of the beast and going to the lake of fire for eternity

Also look at her posing.



so you are infected? Instead of lamenting how plebs are so easily led you should see it as an opportunity to take advantage of them, make bank off the suckers, fuck with them for keks. free bleeding, free peeing, microwaving their iphones were pretty good but it's time for the next level.

>they Jew these women into Islam for shekels
peak Sup Forums

don't you have a sheep to shag, or sumfin?

She was probably constipated due to drug consumption

Jews and Arabs are from the same region after all.
Both lie compulsively.

the mark of the rabbi

Bill always did that. His mistake was criticizing King Nigger.

nonono, you only lynch blacks
fuck, did you guys forgot the basics?

>What's her endgame is the real question.
inevitable death, of course. Much like everybody else.

>I think her film career tanked so hard she went to a wealthy arab country to get boned senseless for money and toys
Did this really happen? Top fucking kek

Stop feeding her attention. This is what she wants, she wishes to virtue signal to the maximum

I like how they pretend this was "soo natural" and totally not staged and choosing this pics


and why are you surprised at that? some women just WANT to be dominated by a strong man, and that share is quite high

so feminist cancer just spawns meak incapable men and wannabe strong but ultimately unfulfilled thus hysterical women

hence 50 shades of gray, hence recent rise of Islam popularity, including this ugly outburst

see above

>this slutty crack whore
only until the first few smacks in the face
then she's all good
doesn't even take much, really

and if she can deepthroat her Allah-given husband for hours on end, well, who says it's bad.

This is different. These are hands clasped together from nervousness. Notice how the palms aren't together?


I'm sure someone else has better sources, but that's all I could find on short notice. Jesus wept.

She'll forever be Catholic

well yeah, but only one is successful
that makes a world of difference

I mean, you can try and make a case that Sadik Khan is kinda sorta Disraeli equivalent (though he isn't really), but there's literally no Muslim version of Rotschilds or Soros, Saudis will lose all that sweet dough the moment oil dries up or loses worth

How long until she gets bored of it?

>"former" crackwhore and hollywood bicycle finds "god" and "reforms"

tale as old as time

take note ladies, this is the toll a lifetime of drugs/partying/binge drinking takes on you.

They're completely different.

jew: lie, cheat, steal from, enslave, kill the "goym"
mud: lie, cheat, steal from, enslave, kill the "kafir"

she did that for attention and shekels
don't fall for false idols


That's the opportune time to cum in her mouth.

semen is good for them after all.

Phuket, Thailand

Fuck it, indeed.

>whore goes to modesty
if you think that's bad, you're a cuck.

She hasnt been relevant here in forever, we all consider her comically washed up

nonono, fuck, you still don't get it
jewish version is not "kill the goyim"
jewish version is "make goyim kill each other", that's a whole other level of mastery

killing is trivial, any Mississippian moron with M16 can do it
fuck, even Oakland dindu side-gripping a pistol can succeed
given enough bullets

manipulating people into killing each other is an art
you underestimate (((them))), you still do


Houellebecq was right.

fucking this they get us all to hate each other, when its really the jews we should be killing

if you think she became modest and stopped being a whore, you're... naive to the point of moronity

>implying she isn't just virtue signaling

Listen to this Ivan, no one knows the jew better than an actual russian.

better than what she was before.

It would be funny to shoot a burka chick with a pellet gun when they're not looking.

modest and Lindsay Lohan don't belong in the same sentence

No. First i just didnt like her. Now I think she needs to die.

>1438 AH
>Not using the invasion of Europe as an excuse to LARP as a ninja

alshiggy akbary doo

>yfw Shia LaBouf snaps and goes on a shooting spree
>yfw Lindsay Lohan joins ISIS
This timeline is truly the best

But what Muslim man would ever want a used up old hag?



>in Thailand
>studying Islam
Uhh what

>in thailand
>studying islam

More shekels for crack