>Christfags will defend this.
Why aren't you an atheist yet, Sup Forums?
Why is civilization still governed by ancient fairy tales filled with contradictions and inconsistencies?
>Christfags will defend this.
Why aren't you an atheist yet, Sup Forums?
Why is civilization still governed by ancient fairy tales filled with contradictions and inconsistencies?
Other urls found in this thread:
>the bible is literal and written by one person
point out a few on that meme chart you think are irreconcilable
also: all 'skeptic's annotated bible' """contradictions""" refuted here:
also:that image is just a plagiarized recoloring of a Christian infographic where it showed all the places where the bible references itself, those red lines don't match the numbers
Most of the contradictions could be resolved by reading context, knowing when the bible uses a metaphor, and knowing theology. I've never seen most of these supposed bible contradictions but I'm certain that they're just that, only supposed contradictions.
I noticed this is one of the topics mentioned by your meme chart
nobody can tell me religion is bs and believe in the string theory lol
i remember one day i went through all of these for giggles, some of them are repeats (323, 324)
some of them point to chapters and verses that don't even exist
none of them are actual contradictions
Christianity doesn't treat the bible as the literal, infallible word of God. That's muslims you're thinking of. The bible was written by hundreds of people over literally thousands of years, all offering the best of their wisdom as they understood it at the time, trying to pass down something of worth to future generations.
Stop being autistic.
t. agnostic
>Not knowing that the old testament is moot once Christ, our Lord and Savior, made the ultimate sacrifice for us
Fuck off, heretic faggot
Your (((civilization))) maybe.
>marcionite calling people heretics
old covenant was fulfilled, but the writings and teachings within the old testament are still valid and worth reading for Christians today.
psalm 14:1 for instance
>over literally thousands of years
Try hundreds. If Jesus was real, he lived in the 10th or 11th century. The Book Of Revelation contains a horoscope that pertains to the 1400's. Any history over 1000 years old is propped up by fake ruins and artifacts. So many lies!
>It's another 'Atheist takes aim at the most docile Abrahamic religion' episode.
When will atheists grow a pair?
>If Jesus was real, he lived in the 10th or 11th century.
this is the dumbest shit i've heard an atheist say all year
we have biblical manuscripts that date to the 2nd century.
where do you people get this nonsense?
>It's another jew buttblasted about christianity
yeah gas yourself
#115: Who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?
>For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it.
(Genesis 19:13) God's angels
>Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;
(Genesis 19:24) God
>atheists actually think this is a contradiction
even lot knew what was going on:
>And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law.
(the next verse, Genesis 19:14) God
I cannot read your silly picture so give me your best inconsistencies. What is bothering you, user?
They would try to explain this through their chimera of textual criticism. They forget that these beings are the messengers of the Lord to do is direct bidding. When God says he destroys the city, it is his servants who destroy it. Atheists forget that servants never do anything for the king. Everything they do is the kings will and bidding.
And then god turned his wife into salt for looking upon the destruction rained upon their family and friends.
She looked back longingly on a city full of wickedness.
There is a day coming soon when people are going to have to make a choice between God and the world. If we for one moment turn our heads back, then we will suffer the same fate.
I like the sand book better, it says i can bleed out animals and bash kids and lie to or kill anyone I disagree with, also if i suicide i get 72 sluts.
>atheists can only attack dumb down Evangelical and Calvinist
>Cannot tackle the real thing
This is reddit r/dataisbeautiful tier.
>Wow dude look at all of these lines and words you can't even read, i have no idea what it means but it makes me look intelligent
the arches are from this image, the bible referencing itself.
it has nothing to do with contradictions
(((sam harris'))) group, 'project reason' just copied it, colored it black and red because atheism is edgy as fuck
Whoa no wonder why it made me change my whole world view on things. I want to be a pastafarian! haha.. Spaghetti in the sky! Stupid Christians.
the bible is p fucking amazing tho tbf
I'm not even christian
anybody else got any more of these bible related infographics?
they really get me off
this site has a ton of cool ones