Why Poles are so based and hard working?

why Poles are so based and hard working?

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Why do you hate slavs so much so you even brexited because of them?


Why are you island apes all related to each other? You crazy inbred monkeys.

white and masculine, unlike anglo freaks :^)

Poles are the niggers of West Europe but Sup Forums has too many delusional 1/32nd cherokee-irish burgers who've fallen for dumb memes to realise it or square the cognitive dissonance, wage suppression, violent crime and foreign culture is "based" in Burger Sup Forums land

Slav literally means slave. Of course they are hard working.

>why Poles are so based and hard working?
You can keep 'em. We are not taking them back.

Literaly dumb

Niggers? We have less violent crime than you. Also way less rape. Your tourists are known for chimping out here, because most young Brits literally can't handle their booze and start acting like apes once they're drunk. Your girls are total sluts. Our emigrants usually suffer a culture shock purely for this reason when they move to Britain. Your chavs are more degenerate than our hooligans. You're way more cucked.

You've got nothing on us aside from not being sold to soviets, which allowed you to build a better economy. But hey, we're getting there.

I've got nothing against Brits in general, but condescending Brits piss me off. Especially since the fact that we're in this situation is a direct result of your fuckup in World War 2.

Not the sharpest tool in the shed, eh?

Slav = "Słowianin"
"Słowo" = Word
"Slavs" literally means "people who communicate using words".

By the way:
Germans = "Niemcy"
"Niemy" = mute people

Germans in Polish are literally "the barbarians that fight instead of talking".

Pic unrelated.

>Britbong dmg control
Better get your ass to work chap

I'm talking specifically about Poles in West Europe you mong, no kidding you can drop violent crime rates by dumping your turds on someone else's doorstep

They say in Rome do as the Romans
Our poles are law-abiding and civilized, I guess once they get to your sad excuse of a country they realize it's just one big mess that not even the locals bother respecting

We had low crime rates even before they moved, but yeah, right now we're almost Japan-tier in this regard.

As for the quality of the human "resources" that moved to the West... well, we're sorry, but...
is right. We kinda don't want most of them back.

Not even because they're violent, but because a lot of them are commies who want free gibs. And commies who want free gibs aren't really welcome here.

I love you Poland do you love me?

>why Poles are so based and hard working?

Dunno. In Germany, they cost us €405 million in welfare per year.

They are basically discount Turks.

>Frogflag faggot
Could flip a coin to see if I'm talking to a nig or not
This is what you and Burgers don't get with your constant woofing about your home land. You're behaving exactly like niggers with no moral sense. There's nothing "based" about leeching billions from foreign taxpayers and abusing free movement to flood other countries with criminals and lumpen trash. The difference between me and you is that I am morally consistent, so if my country were doing such a thing I would sack up and take responsibility for it. You won't because you think in terms of pride like a nigger as do your burger friends. Stunted moral sense.

I love you it should be enough bby

Seems to me there's a mixture to the Poles in class and behaviour much like any nation. In my own personal experience, our cities have Poleswho are less inclined to work. I've met plenty of well adjusted. I'd like more of those people and less of the lazy ones like any sensible person would. A policy where we can restrict our borders to vetting for skills and quality is a sure way to allow this to happen, that we have the benefit of hard workers and less migrants who wish to attain benefit for nothing.

As a nation we kinda love everyone that doesn't infringe on our freedoms. Polish nationalists tend to hate globalist/commie Poles, EU beureaucrats and the German establishment. Most of us are highly suspicious of Russia, sometimes to the point of open hostility, but I guess I don't really have to explain why.

I'm pretty sure that if the EU collapsed and we somehow got on friendly terms with Putin, we'd just stick to hating sandniggers.

Poland: most based country on earth. Hates jews, hates Kebab, Hates commies, pretty religious.. I think I want to go on vacation there.

You got any polish qts for me? If I was england I'd be thanking my lucky stars we got more white people in the immigration deal instead of ALL pakis and africans.

I shitpost against Poles on Sup Forums a lot because they're bitter cunts and so easy to trigger, but the truth is that most Poles I've met in real life were really, really decent people, quite honorable and ambitious and happy to be in Germany. Can't really complain there.

Precisely. They are Western like me so we have common ground. It is behaviour of people and not people themselves I look for. Some misbehave and some do not same for any nation. I want less of the bad and more of the good.

Plus, their whores are desperate and cheap, what's not to like?

>I'm talking specifically about Poles in West Europe
You're still wrong.

>Rates of burglary, vandalism and car theft all dropped following the arrival of migrants from Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and seven other countries after they joined the European Union in 2004. But the opposite was found to be the case in areas that experienced an influx of asylum seekers from the late 1990s onwards, where rates of property crime were "significantly higher"


I've only met one Polish girl and yeah she's a whore. That's not a good sample though

As long as you are not hostile and help us remove kebab you are always going to be loved

I feel ashamed that such people are also considered "Poles", but I feel no connection with them. It's like liberals vs republicans in the United States, but our shittiest liberals tend to move out of the country as soon as they can, because we're still rather conservative as a whole.

And hey, in the end, it's not like our culture generated those people. They were produced by the soviet occupation by design (homo-sovieticus) and now they're being produced by the globalists. I think it's safe to say that our elites aren't leading the charge when it comes to cucking our entire civilization.

So yeah, I'm somewhat sorry it's like that, but the only thing that you can really hold against us is the fact that we haven't purged those fuckers. And trust me, there are a lot of people here that would simply love to do that, but it's literally impossible right now.

This really shouldn't be about Poland vs Britain. As I've already said, I really respect conservative Brits, I envy you for having Nigel Farage and I think we share a lot of the same values, particularly when it comes to individual freedom. This should be about us, the nationalists, conservatives and traditionalists, against them, the commies, the muzzies, the lefties, SJWs, globalists and all the other scum.

>Cherry-picking articles to argue Poles are law-abiding dindu nuffins while gloating about sending us your criminals
This is your brain on Poleaids

the only thing the poles in my town work hard at is emptying sainsburys basics vodka bottles and hanging around in the car park

I live in a medium sized town in the midlands and my brother works for the police, i saw his "wanted" sheet once. Sure was a lot of slavic sounding names on it bud.

Literally never had a single problem with a Polish person here, they're all pretty sound and I consider them friends, they integrate well. Muslims can fuck off though.

At least I'm providing some kind of evidence, while you're spewing vitriolic accusations.

Beyond the wage suppression and the seediness they bring here that we never had before, I have nothing against Poles. In fact they are as often victims of crime here as they are perpetrators. What really shits me is the hypocrisy of Burgers like who think mass immigration is fine so long as it fits some arbitrary definition of "white". Poles belong in Poland.

So are Poles law-abiding, hard-working dindus or not? If they are, then why don't you want them?

It's not fine and wage supression and rent hikes are certainly a real problem so make a case based on that nad I will have no problem with that.
As a nationalist I do want them back, I just have an issue with your unwarranted insults towards my people.

I understand. I wouldn't want Brits or God forbid Germans moving en-masse to my country either. But the bitter truth is we can't really do a whole lot about any of that until we fix our own countries.

In that sense, I wish every decent, right-minded European best of luck. Whether he's from Germany, France, Czech Republic, Britain or Serbia, I hope he succeeds in his endeavors.

In the end, these problems weren't caused by out nations. These problems were cause by the assholes that wanted to build the United States of Europe here. These people are actively trying to mix us all up in order to achieve that - and if that wasn't bad enough, they keep importing muslims to the West and bitching that we don't want them here.

We need to beat them back and all the problems we're discussing here will essentially disappear.

Why does it feel like the UK media is desperate to single out Poles, treat them as a non-white minority group and claim they are being opressed and try to seperate them from any nationalist British movement/involvement?

This is the kind of headline you see refering to muslims "the new replacement".

I have no problem with the Poles. Glad they are here. Every white nation on earth would be glad their immigration population were Poles and not sand niggers.
They are hard working. Bring a bit of spice.
The ones that drag Britain down are the sand niggers and endless druggies. Not so many sandies in Hastings but drugs are rife. It teally is a shithole AND despite a lot of eastern european voices i hear daily not a problem from these people.

Im of polish decent does that count?

Its more about your arrogant class system. Poles work very hard, you see them as scum because they do the labor your faggot teacup holding hands cant.