What did I learn in Sup Forums today

Dwellers (of you know which kind) are pushing what Russia """"significantly contributes in science, arts and philosophy"""".
So I asked them to point out any specific contributions.
And what do you think I've got from them (besides google yourself)?


That a spirit, Russia! Keep it up!

Other urls found in this thread:


WTF i hate Russia now.


That guy is Grigory Perelman. He turned down the 1 million prize and the fields medal for outstanding contribution to mathematics.

he contributed more to the world more than you ever will.

Before he got a shitty salary and had no fame. But was completely satisfied. Once they hit him with medals and money everything turned sour for him. He was interested in work alone. Long story short: We live in a degenerate superficial world and that includes all scientific prizes like Nobel, Fields etc.

>Russiaboo avoids the fact his scientific contribution is in not way relates to Russia
LOL, and why I'm not surprised?

>But was completely satisfied.
Well, finally he moved out of shithole. I'm glad for him.

Maybe so but how many memes has he made?


Бля, ты дaжe aнглийcкoгo нe знaeшь и пиздишь paзнyю хyйню. Иди oбpaтнo в шкoлy yжe и aнглийcкий yчи.


>be jewish
>turn down money
He's up to something.

Perhaps didn't want to share 13% income tax with commie crooks.

>He doesn't even know why he declined the Nobel prize
Yeah, you totally know what you're talking about and not trying to grasp at straws to shill your Soros puppet.

>declined the Nobel prize
I'm actually enjoying the butthurt of this Pidorashka

>Nobel prize

Nigga you fucked up.



>The Fields Medal and the Abel Prize have often been described as the mathematician's "Nobel Prize".
From the same article. Are you guys pretending to be retarded or are you just that fucking stupid?

"The equivalent of a Nobel prize in mathematics" isn't actually a "Nobel prize". It's called the Field's medal. Nobel didn't like mathematicians so he said the prize shouldn't be for mathematicians.

It's not actually Nobel Prize though.

Eh the space race? You guys did some of that right?

Tetris could give us world peace.

How the fuck do these semantics change the point of what I said? Everyone back in 06 referred to it as such, fuck if I give if I called it correctly 11 years later.

yeah, good to know that whites weren't first in space

Are you serions? That work was done by Helmut Gröttrup and team kidnapped and held prisoners.

>who is Korolev

>>who is Korolev
A warden, duh.


Its not semantics you dumb nigger, its like saying the world soccer cup is the equivalent of the gold medal therefore an olympic gold medal swimmer is a world cup winner.

Yes you sound that fucking dumb.

>Everyone got the point I was making
>Multiple sources claim it to be the Nobel Prize of mathematics
>Even it's own wiki article claims as such
>Still need to make a retarded comparison that doesn't even compare to what's being debated
Don't you have some emu's to go and fight with?

>world soccer cup
Pootin wants this!

Hey look it's the wet rag

Pretty much scientific, artistic and technological achievements in Russia were always made by German, Polish, Jewish, Baltic, French etc. people. Then the commie jews murdered or chased away all the intelligentsia, leaving only jews.