Trump's approval rating plunges to new low
>the d
Don't spend all your kopeks in one place now.
Nobody falling for your disinfo kike
Referring to BttF is the most Reddit thing possible.
If he gets us into war with Syria, he has lost his base.
Maybe Hillary will win elections? Polls are saying so.
Why do all of these retarded shills think everyone shitting on them is from r/TheDonald?
gtfo nigger
So trumps buying the chemical false flag commited by jihads to frame Assad, well that didn't take him long to side with the jihads like every other western leader. He even fooled me to be honest. Looks like it's world war 3 after all.
Impeach drumpf now!!!
Why do all of these cocksucking Zionist trumpfags think everyone shitting on them is a shill?
You have to go back
If he wants to (((install a democracy))) in Syria, he's a fucking neocon like the rest of them. Until then he's ok
Oh no, Trump is prioritizing American interests instead of Russian interests.
I now regret ever supporting him. I am now officially a #CruzMissile
Thank you CNN
literally who?
>American interests
It's in America's interest to start a war with Syria? That's funny, because he campaigned on the exact opposite policy regarding Syria for over a year.
>inb4 this proves that the only thing you can do is do what (((they))) say
you can probably do other things if you aren't a fucking idiot who just won a lose-lose election
Well no shit
>Bannon being targeted
>Believing the Assad gassed his people again meme
I know it's CNN so it's probably fake news. But a lot of us are pissed right now. We can't even vent about it on here because 90% of you will call us shills
No, he campaigned on rebuilding the military.
What's the point of a military if they're just going to sit there and push their fingers in their buttholes?
>No, he campaigned on rebuilding the military
Jesus Christ, you retarded fucking Canadian. You don't even know what his campaign was about, you clearly only support him for the memes. He ran an non-interventionist campaign. He said he was going to work with Assad and Putin to stop Isis throughout the entirety of his campaign. Now this obviously fake attack happens, and he's threatening war with Syria and completely flipping on what he campaigned on.
>Ivan Ivanovitch is butthurt that Trump did not turn out to be the puppet he was expecting so now he's desperately trying to regain control of the narrative
>r/the_donald is defending Trump completely flipping on a crucial component from his campaign early on during his presidency
You'd better hope he doesn't go to war with Syria, Trumpshill. The left isn't going to support him regardless of what he does, and the right will have zero reason not to abandon him if he starts breaking promises. He's on the fast track to being a single term president already.
>The left
Can't wait till his approval ratings reach -3 squared to the third power. going to be tough to continue this line of propaganda for 8 years.
.Russian shill!
Always seems to be the response from people who want America to be intervening in the middle east, particularly when on the behalf of (((certain interest groups))).
Trump campaigned on a platform of "Americanism not globalism". If he's considering a neo-con pro-foreign-war policy then he's considering betraying the trust of his voters.
Jesus fuck, when are the ponyfags coming back?
because in their reality trump eats gay Muslim babies.
Right here. 3rd GOP President to lose everything because of a ME war for the globalists.
Relax. Any first term president who starts a war always gets re-elected.
Fake news