Young migrants beat up helpers and destroy their appartments because they only got a ps4 and not a ps4 pro.

>Nach SVZ-Informationen soll es dabei um mehr Taschengeld, eine Spiel-Konsole und die Verlegung in eine größere Stadt gegangen sein.
They wanted more pocket money, game consoles and a big city appartment.

>Die Jugendlichen hätten einem 44-jährigen Mann Schläge angedroht, sollten die Forderungen nicht erfüllt werden, so die Polizei. Für den Mann habe sich die Situation derart bedrohlich dargestellt, dass er sich bis zum Eintreffen der Polizei in einem Büro einschloss.
Threatened to beat up the 44 year old helper when he doesnt comply to their demand, he feared for his life and locked himself in his office until police arrived

In der Zwischenzeit zerstörten die jugendlichen Täter laut Polizei diverses Mobiliar. Nach Informationen unserer Zeitung sollen sie die Kücheneinrichtung demoliert haben. Der Raum muss jetzt offenbar renoviert werden.
>meanwhile the refugees demolished the furniture and destroyed their kitchen, which has to be renovated on now

. Die Flüchtlinge waren offenbar aus skandinavischen Ländern zurückgeschickt worden.
>the refugees were sent back to germany from scandinavian countries


Other urls found in this thread:


FUCK. I don't even have a PS4.
Really what the hell are our governments even doing to our countries and with our tax money?

Why is everyone blaming the germans and not the migrants?

because Germans were clearly not tolerant enoough

You will never win.

Migrants in germany are only here because germans wanted them in.
Germans want to be cucked apparently and german politicians and most men in general are so pussy they'd rather their country dies than some 20 something college slut calling them "evil white racist".

German women cried for more refugees because tv told them that its the "good girl" thing to do and they wanted to virtue signal and german men accepted it like the cucks they are.


>niggers noticing the difference between a ps4 and ps4 pro

I can't even see it.

Digits confirm that sweden wins the cuck worldcup.

I think you're a turk trying to make excuses for yourself

Sony consoles are all about status in the EU. Thats why they are most popular with shitskins

Soft bigotry of low expectations. Deep down they know the migrants are savages who know no better, and never will.

Better to appease them, lest they grow increasingly violent!

No, just bavarian.


Munich is a shithole though.
However bavaria is probably the best part of Germany

still in for a bavaria-austria-switzerland?
>tfw forgot proper name and don't have a flag to post


They aren't even talking about a PS4 they just said they wanted a console.

No mention of what console.

Delete this

I didn't even have a PS3 and they get free gaming consoles.

>you're a racist in Germany if you can't get your consoles right

Munich has been turned into one of the biggest shitholes in germany.
Cancerous leftists and north germans who fled their socialist run hellholes only to vote more socialist in munich.
I used to love munich but I HATE what it has become.

I guess you're trolling, but he's still right even if he were the son of a somalian and kurd. West Europe decided to let the lowest subhumans in the world live here. It takes a really rotten brain to come up with an idea like that. Like an entire brain pushed down a throat cause the tumor is larger than the brain. And an equal or worse state to accept this as normal.


Why isn't BW green on that map :(

>if he were the son of a somalian and kurd.
Close actually. Austrian and hungarian mix, born and raised in bavaria.

>44 year old helper feared for his life

This makes me happy, desu.

Think of it like that. its like a big youth home where you went with your class when you were still in school.
They got a communal room with a console its not that everyone gets a gov paid console in their gov. paid new home.

Other than that, kill em or send them back. ungrateful little shits.

>voting some shabbos goy green because he is (((really conservative))) for a "kill all whites, import muslim dick" green lunatic
>literally all the swabians you meet in munich or berlin are leftist to the core
>even the entire RAF facist leftist terror organization in the 70s was all swabians.
Face it, bawü is a shithole.

>They got a communal room with a console its not that everyone gets a gov paid console in their gov. paid new home.
They actually have their own consoles in their rooms.
And tvs.
Just go to any media markt near a refugee center.
They are the best customers because they take their daily allowance of 175€ straight to consumerism.

How many brown people are walking around in Bavaria? If I get out of the train in Northrhine-Westphalia and walk 100m to the bus stop I encounter at least 20 Arabs, a lot of them pregnant women with a shitload of children. I think I want to move somewhere else.

Hell they don't deserve anything. They have to go back.

I dont even know anymore.

cucked germans will STILL defend this fucking subhumans after all that happened. After every rape and murder, after Kön, after the christmas attack, retarded german leftists STILL cry for more refugees and are going to vote for Merkel.

I want to die lads, there is literally no hope for this nation

believe. have hope. something big is coming.

>still in for a bavaria-austria-switzerland?
Yes. Pls annex for alpine region megastate.

>tfw Rheinland-Pfalz

The media markt here was full of blacks waiting for their orders. Not a single german sitting in the waiting room. All diddling around on their iPhones. And there wasn't even a fucker center nearby.

Maybe for you ameriburgers and the rest of europe, but goymany (and maybe sweden) is forever cucked

Because that would be racist.

And you can say what you want about the nazi germans who even decades later are responsible for six million dead jews.

Hans get well, please dont let them take the eastern part

Most RAF members were from North-West Germany.
>people being leftist in leftitst shithole
Oh, wonders.

Just move ffs, you have neighboring countries that are less cucked and speak German. Just let your country become the kindergarten for refugees and wait for it to implode.

no, there really isn't.

leave. are your fellow Germans even worth fighting for?

If you really wanna get your despair up check this out:
Sums up a lot of the smaller enrichments that dont make it to big news sites.

I bet that is also the reason why they want all of these materialistic third-worlders in our countries, because they spent all of their money on goods every day.

The joke has gone on for long enough.
Can we kick them out now?

Let's go my lads.

>helping "rafugees"
you deserve it

And I thought we Germans were the ones without a sense of humor. I stand corrected.

Theres no daily allowance of 175€ you giantic fucking retard. Stop getting your info from some weird german stormfront sites.
they get something like that a month, at max.
true that.
Btw. come to cologne we can play ps4 together.
But bring some amnesia haze and jack herer, ty.

Sonyniggers at it again.

>Die Kommentare wurden für diesen Artikel deaktiviert

Komment opcion is disabled

Now where can I get this shirt hanz?

>destroy their appartments

I have a super nintendo I might donate.

I'm waiting for everything to break down to make a literal right wing death squad. These stupid fantasies keep me going

Now that's a nice little concentrated blackpill right there. FUCK.

>Theres no daily allowance of 175€ you giantic fucking retard. Stop getting your info from some weird german stormfront sites.
There is because of a loophole if they decide to live on their own and their (((caretaker))) mostly a muzzie himself gets a daily handout too for his troubles.
That's why the guy who raped and murdered that leftist chick in freiburg had a monthly allowance of 4000€

25 years and Germany will be nordic again.

>tfw having 20 kids and redpilling them to have 20 more and to redpill them
>tfw homeschooling includes college tier edu and military training
The nordic super race shall arrest the world.

Wasn't the number like 20 million now? I wonder if they'll try to raise the number past Mao's death count at some point, just to make Hitler look like the most evil of all.


Your lies are not helping the cause, at all.
Goddamn ape.

I suggest the dailystormer.

If you want a non degenerate German newspaper get the Süddeutsche Zeitung or FAZ.

You Germans are truly fucking pathetic. Just give us all those euro shekels and die.

I think that Canada might be a dark horse in this race

>20 something college slut calling them "evil white racist".
That's why we are slowly removing all of the public funding to courses like sociology, gender studies and so on.

I am surprised they can even read

communism was not a mistake, then?

We do not even have ONE party in the parliament that want to bring muslim refugees here. We have 2 that wants to bring christian refugees from syria. And still, not permanently, but temporarily. Ruling party recently refused to let some 10 year old christian kids from syria to come here for medicial treatment.

If want to go to Germany and find an actual traditional place where the women don't suck and actually have children and the men aren't huge cucks, where would I go? Bonus points if there isn't a Kanaken within 100km and if they are practicing catholics.

I've heard there was kind of a back to the land thing called the volkisch movement or something and these people have lots of strong German offspring.

Merkelreich btfo


I feel for you. In a just world its those faggots that would move somewhere else.

Country side east Germany green. What the fuck. When I was riding the train through it, most towns were abandoned, destroyed and looked more like shanty towns. Fuck the east.

Sounds a lot like the poo's excuse.


Read what he wrote and tell me hes not retarded. I dare you

(middle name Hans btw, so no jewish or shitskin genes here kamerad)


>4k Euro allowance

Are you retarded Son?

I'm just memeing brah

Looks like he is. Sadly.

anyone post this on Sup Forums? lets redpilled Sup Forums

I don't know about all this,fellas. I'm starting to feel the itch to ethnically cleanse Europe of these undesirable elements.

>Die Kommentare wurden für diesen Artikel deaktiviert
every time, can't let the stupid plebs even talk about it

t. guy who is tired of preping the bull.

It's true.

You can do the math yourself you dipshit baboon.
Hamburg with it's 50.000 refugees already payed north of 900 million.
That's upwards of 50 BILLION for all of germany.

>refugee children cost 4000 euro per month
>Die Kosten pro Jugendlichem beliefen sich auf 4000 Euro pro Monat. Diese muss aber nicht der Kreis Göppingen bezahlen, sondern das ist „Länder- und Bundessache“. Regionen in Deutschland, die keine Minderjährigen zu betreuen haben, müssen den betroffenen Kreisen Kompensation leisten. Eine Art Landkreisfinanzausgleich.
> Das ergibt in der Summe 4500 bis 4650 Euro im Monat. Der Träger entscheidet sich bei der Unterbringung für eine private Familie.

Even the bluepilled media has a hard time arguing that fact away.

Hey maybe Identitäre Bewegung will swoop out of Austria and save you. They seem to be doing well there.

They're doing VERY well here.

yea, Poles need Lebensraum and it will be easier without muslims there to get it

>goymany (and maybe sweden) is forever cucked
wrong order, sweden is already lost

somewhere near Poland

> cleanse Europe of these undesirable elements
Yes, I think we should get rid of Swedes.

because the discussion would look the same like on Sup Forums Far left and far right idiots throwing shit at each other and my opinions> your opinions.

How about Mittelreich, or Alpine Republic, we won't even need to build a wall since we live in a huge one.

It's true.
Only cucked bluepilled germans put their fingers in their ears and go

I don't know, haven't heard much about them here expect the usual le ebil nazis

and what's bad about this? It sounds fun to me.

Interesting math you got there. still says nothing about fugees getting 4k for themselves to spend however they like.

Are you actually that dumb or are you LARPing?

Good things happening in poland these days, senpai. You guys are doing good work with PiS. MAybe with 500+ you'll get those birth rates up and make many strong Poles.

>communism was not a mistake, then?
Bavaria was only ever communist for a week and then they shot the kike who tried to overthrow their natural order.

that doesn't mean he gets 4k euro to spend that it the overall cost of 1 of them.

Do you think the apartments are for free , someone is making money with renting his apartments to the country.

Seriously no 1 can be this retarded.


If you are like this move to Czechia

>le smug middle grounder meme

literally Middle Earth, I'm super jelly

>Interesting math you got there. still says nothing about fugees getting 4k for themselves to spend however they like.
In the case of the refugee from freiburg.
His host family who was afghans too got 4500 euro for him per month and directly handed it out to him.

This happens literally all the time you retarded bluepilled cuck.

Look, dont blame me for you being a retarded cuckservavtive with your head so far up your own ass and the bluepill (((msm))) narrative that you discard everything that is not from spiegel or bento as "stormfront lies".

Now go and go back to /r/cuckold where you belong.

Well, don't give up mate. Germany is an important part of western civilization. Just because ya'll were indocrianted by amerifaggots in the 60s and 70s doesn"t mean anything.

Also, after the revolution can you guys rebuild your parliament building? It's ugly as fuck. Actually just demolish anything you've built since 1950. We need to do the same in France.

Fix abysmal birthrate. Get rid of degenerates. Restore strong czech republic. Change to czeh kingdom.

Do you even have guns? Your laws are almost as cucked as ours.

I feel sorry for what's happening in Germany. We need a strong far-right leader that supports EU, so that we can have a huge world superpower of only white people. But that's not going to happen, we fucked up lads.

>niggerkike calling others out

oh huh
