European Parliament supports granting visa-free regime to Ukraine by EU
Glory to Ukraine!
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good, now you will finally leave eastern Poland for Germany or something
nice, hopefully you will join soon (if that's what you really want)
congratulations anyways
Congratulations! Now you are free to leave your country.
To heroes goes glory!
You guys also just got another billion dollar IMF loan too. Congratulations, you've fought for this for 3 years and you don't even realize how much it's gonna fuck your shit up. Oh well, at least the influx will kill the EU as well so you'll all be fucked together.
Good for now gtfo of poland
I doubt it after you left EU, now he is your eternal enemy
I seriously doubt Ukraine will ever be allowed to join EU. They are 100x times poorer than likes of Greece, who leeches off money.
they will be in less than a decade
But after all, Greece is poorer at the moment in Ukraine.
Ukraine no! What the fuck are you doing? Have you fucking seen what the EU does to countries with blue and yellow flags?
Dammit you idiots, I was gonna move to Odessa next year!
I don't wanna get raped by a fucking Somali!
Do not say nonsense, we have long had a war in the eastern part of Ukraine. Already as 3 years there is a military conflict.
Sneaky fucking bastards.
It's a step to undermine the argument of Polish government that we should not take brown refugees because thousands of Ukrainians sprawled here.
>but Polan what refugees Ukrainians are here visa-free here take your sandpeople
t. jealous polish
just accept it, just like happened with spain, now is time for ukraine to get the gibs instead of you
And what has Poland done wrong, that the EU is now taking revenge on it?
Somalians aren't going to move to Ukraine, no free gibs there.
So what's going to happen to Crimea, and eastern parts held by Rebels? Do they get free travel too?
>EU loses Britain, gains Ukraine
our current government wants to suck EU dick a little less hard
Mother of God... Even MORE peasants from Western Ukraine will come here now.
>Political influence and agenda is more important than economical well beign of the union
>lel, what's a convergence criteria? Lets take everyone in because le russia boogeyman
Post 2004 Union was a mistake
The EU is implementing a refugee allocation program.
Enjoy the enrichment Ukraine
We are so poor in the country that refugees from other countries will not find a difference.
Yea, but you'll still be forced to take them in no matter how poor you are.
Basically the EU will pay you to keep them there.
Then you will have family reconjuction and they'll start having kids. Then the EU will bitch about muh human rights and force you to give them citizenship.
Why does EU keep letting in these Eastern Europeans shitholes? Things are already bad with Britain leaving.
it's about visas you toothy retard.
they are far worse off than they were in the 90s. Idk if it will ever come to an actual membership,but a sort of half-member like free association agrement and free visa movement def.
You do not understand, the refugees will not want to go to our country. At us such already was.
>the refugees will not want to go to our country.
It's not about what refugees want or don't want. It will soon be made into law.
If the refugees want gibs they will have to stay in the country they are assigned to, that's already how it works.
Once they start redistibuting them, those assigned to Ukraine will ahve to stay in Ukraine in order to receive gibs, and if they move to another country they'll get sent back to Ukraine or receive zero gibs
oh come on, how many refugees has poland taken? how many refugees has spain taken?
that's right, less than 100
they all head to rich countries like germany for economic help
They will most likely go to Germany and Sweden
Ukraine isn't in the EU, it's just a visa agreement.
>implying the EU will survive that long
There will be no mandatory qoutas of rapefugees. Stop larping
That's because there's no law for redistribution so far. EU parliment is pushing HARD to get that passed because they realize that they fucked up and now want to spread out and dilute the cancer that they imported.
And once you are accepted as a refugee in a country you won't be allowed to move to another one and get gibs
That's true. I was thinking more about a future membership
They seem to be hellbent on it. I hope you are right though
But we already got the diaspora thing going here + similarities in language. They will come and it will be smelly.
I see british have left this kolhoz of a "union" just in time to avoid having a real subhuman influx.
Good job perfidious anglo
Pic related is from before the war.
You are Africa tier.
gratz Ukraine, I hope you get membership soon
Soviet invasion when?
Greece has a GDP per capita of 22.573 USD.
Ukraine has 7.456 USD.
Greece has 3 times better economy than Ukraine.
Ukraine? Isn't that basically Russia?
Wow! Now Ukraine can decline in population even faster! What a good deal for Ukraine! Glory to heros!
Remember when we went to space and shit? Now it's just good to go to Germany.
Turks will slaughter them there.
they wont take no shit from any ukie
This could even lead to a Turkish war with urine
I'd love to see this desu
Allah Eckber
Great news actually, not like I'm going to be able to visit Europe anytime soon, but at least more people can visit normal countries and see that you can actually live differently.
Another Greece that Germany has to prop up before vassalising
That's a visa liberalization not a eu membership, can you read?
> Everybody who is not a complete retard and is able to work will flee to other countries
> Just dumb people stay in the Africa tier shit hole with an lower life expectancy than Libya, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria,...
> somehow thats good for Ukraine
Everybody who could and wanted to flee, already fled in last 25 years, so nothiing will happen.
Why do you guys hate (((them))) so much, hohol?
But the freedom fighters on Maidan demonstrated because they thought that they will immediately get EU membership if they get some EU puppet in power (like they did 2005 with the orange revolution... and it failed... but who cares about the past?).
So do you want to tell us that the people on the Maidan were just dumb fucks who got betrayed by the EU?
It seems we are going back to /ourteam/ if Le Pen will win.
>"But the freedom fighters on Maidan demonstrated because "
You know people aren't ants and bees, they don't have hive mind, they can have different views, differnet reasons to protest, your generalization is just retarded, but what else could you expect from a russian shill.
Is Jamaica Africa? You are drunk?
Do not worry, we are not in the EU. But only we have a guest visa.
what kind of visa are you guys getting? and what about Ukrainians who have already left Ukraine for the EU?
Ukraine bailout by EU fucking when?
IMF is getting really nervous.
Just a guest visas for 90 days. No work permits.
depends on government actions
ukraine has some unrealised potential t b h
At this point it just would have been a bigger gain to let Turkey into the EU instead.
But I doubt even Turks have any interests in this socialist whore orgy at this point after seeing everything play out.
fuck off funny guy
you know what poland was before joined eu
never had any experience with visas, can those be renewed so they can stay indefinitely or is it just 90 days and then they fuck off?
Didn't the Netherlands vote against this?
Why so rude? Poland was okay before EU, not so rich but on the right tracks, they progressed thanks to economical reforms not because they joined EU.
fuck you subhuman
I hope you do get a taste of this "union"
you think it's goign to be good old times like it was in the USSR?
haha you fucking idiot
get killed by a Turk subhuman ukie scum
The Netherlands is full of assholes, imagines themselves judges.
that's been getting said by hohol diaspora since 1989 and with each passing year the "dormant powerhouse" gets worse and worse. there is no potential there, there's more potential in Moldova.
>the last ukrainian to depart via plane please don't forget to turn off the lights in the airport
You can visit europe for 90 days in 6 months. Then you have to leave and wait for 6 months for the next entry. And it's not a visa actually, you just get a stamp in a passport.
fuck off "nonsubhuman" retard
I starting recognize you by every word
Nah, that treaty was far more insidious, although it will probably still be rammed through one way or another.
It was in essence a legal excuse for the EU to bailout the Ukraine whole. Which they and the IMF desperately need ... Ukraine is going to default on IMF loans soonish. The EU has to bail them out before it happens or the IMF is toast.
Do not burn, psycho.
The Soviet Union was a complete shit in the beginning.
Ukrainians do not like the Soviet Union now and that it looks like it.
Or are you offended, because your work places were taken away by Ukrainians? Ha ha
fuck that's pretty bad, why cant you subhumans just leave us alone?
They ran out of syrian rapists?
Difference now is you wont see graffitti in the UK with "fuck off ukranian scum" because they sure as fuck will not let you in.
looks like all you will settle with is for france or germany who are filled with muslims that hate you pinko kaccap asses and as I've said, will not be fucking around with your subhuman kind.
Fuck no. It will be awfull. Imagine hohols fight with Roma about the better begging spots. And criminality will surge even more.
While you're barking here, your workplaces are taken away by Ukrainians.
because ukrainian diaspora tied up by actual hohols (smallrussians)
Because we wan't to fuck your wifes, daughters and sisters and impregnate them with our subhuman genes. You wouldn't mind, would you?
> Said the gay people
Implying that filthy Polish scum will be accepted in the UK after Brexit.
Technically malta is the first safe country after libya, all boatpeople should be taken by malta.
Ukrainian acusing Swedes for being gay!!! You faggots even bring your dildos to battle.
Stay home you shitty faggot hohol.
Real Polaks didnt immigrate to the UK in the first place, only subhumans like you that have already infested this destroyed by your kind, country
serious question cos there is one ukrainian girl at uni and she's a fucking husk with no emotion.
What happened to your country that made you guys fuck up so badly that you have a nigger-tier government?
Seriously even a minuscule barren island state surpassed your development
Have you nothing to say in justifying your gay people? Better be silent and suck.
do you really need explanation?
urine is practically run by the jewish mafia
thus its why not a real country
lampedusa kinda screwed you guys with that argument
that island should be maltese clay tho desu
Isn't it obvious? We don't have an experience in self governing and we are anarchists by nature.
More precisely orcs, but we are used to it.