Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump & King Abdullah II Press Conf 4/5/17
>Pres Trump meets King Abdullah II of Jordan 4/5/17
>Pres Trump remarks at 2017 NABTU Conf 4/4/17
>Pres Trump @ CEO Townhall 4/4/17
>CEO Townhall on American Business Climate 4/4/17
>Pres Trump meets a sissy 4/3/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #10 3/31/17
>Pres Trump signs EO on Trade 3/31/17
>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>The Story behind MAGA hats
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
I love communism. Something about carefully worded feudalism gets me in the bones.
Oh boy I can't wait to see another thread full of retards calling each other shills endlessly
Morning, where are the best? With friends.
If he implies that regime change in Syria is good it's merely 4D Chess don't doubt Trump. If Trump says Assad must go, then he must go. We need to trust trump no matter what.
Why is (((Drudge))) posting fake news
Why did you not announce you were making a thread and why did you not see that someone else was already making one because you did not say you were making one?
Are we using this bread first Goys?
Gas the trump administration revolution against revolution now.
For the (you)s I'd say
LBJ Vietnam, GWB Iraq, Obama Libya
naw no more regime change
rightwing buzzfeed needs clickbait m8
Use the other one
No, the other one. It was made before this one.
you created isis you deal with it
Nevermind about
It is best to drop it when someone says that they are making once you have been gone too long, but it was a simple mistake. Nevermind.
>If he implies that regime change in Syria is good it's merely 4D Chess don't doubt Trump
Holy fuck the shills can't be more transparent in their intentions.
NO you fucking baboon, Trump got popular precisely because he wasn't a neo-cohen.
This is the thread that last OP made so we will use this one first and then recycle if the other one is still up.
On top of that the link was posted first.
use either idk
This was going to be my last thread anyway
If you don't support Trump you can GET THE FUCK OUT.
What do we do about Syria then?
Most people agree. But wait until it happens to jump
To the leftist livestock still here:
You aren't special... You aren't clever. Since the beginning of /trumpgen/, we have seen -quite literally- THOUSANDS of leftist shills (just like you) enter these threads armed with clickbait narratives and an air of smug superiority, certain that they could outsmart us. Every last one of them was shit out the other end of /trumpgen/ having made no impact whatsoever.
You WILL fail, just like the rest. This is not a prediction; it's a statement of fact. You won't change any minds. No one will remember you. These threads are still going strong, which speaks volumes about the ineffectuality of past shills.
You can't argue against this, all that you can do is sarcastically dismiss it. Whether or not you choose to admit it, we both know that I'm right. No matter what you say or do, you'll be getting fucked for the next 8 years while we laugh at you. Go fuck yourself.
P.S. this post is pasta - I wouldn't waste any real time on you.
I or the spaniard will get you next then. No worries.
We are using this thread first.
Use this first, then recycle mine later if it's still up.
Aren't you the faggot trip who spergs out about baking threads and makes /ptg/ even more autistic than it usually is?
it's a false flag for starters
and it's being drummed up by the left wing to distract from Susan Rice wiretapping Trump for Obama
Fuck off.
Guess I'll stay in this one, maybe all of the shills will go the other bread.
The tweet that broke the back of the freedumb cuckus
Good Morning East Coast!
As you noticed, shills are hard at work today and everyday.
They seem to forget that the left is watching the most powerful republican legislature ever and in 2018 they will have over 20 senators at the chopping block vs. 8 from the republican side.
Here is my answer: to rub salt on their wounds and remind them of who has all the power
Isn't it sad that Trump detractors like the shills in this very thread have nothing else left but fortune telling and wishing for him to failure?
Think about it: for this whole campaign those guys at least had hope
> polls were at their side
> media was at their side
> betting houses were at their side
> pollsters were at their side
> celebrities were at their side
And yet, their side (meaning the anti trump side) lost and lost big.
Trump now has
> the presidency
> a red senate
> a red congress
> a supreme court pick to be done weeks after being innaugurated
> probably two more to fill before the end of this first term
> not impossible two more right in the middle of his second term
> all but one state legislature needed to start constitutional changes
And now here they are: fortune telling
> Trump won't such and such
> Senate won't confirm such and such
> Congress won't pass such and such
And every step of the way, much like in the election, they get proved wrong by the facts on the ground (when Trump delivers) and then they move the next fortune telling and the next wish for things to go wrong
It is sad, really. Most of the people on this board and on this general are having the time of their lives and their presence here makes them even happier for knowing someone on the other side is here to witness it
Shills: I salute you. Keep it up tho, I'm saving this text as pasta (so I can repost it often) and let what I just said sink in.
> you have no hope left other than wishing for other people failure.
> you have no power and no hope
Think about it
I used to be an Obama supporter but after finding out that he wiretaps his political opponents I am now a #TrumpMissile
Now, since I last made this series of posts many things changed. For starters, Trump is President.
Did you guys notice what techniques they brought to our humble congolese command and control bulletin board?
1) Forum sliding: any given time, specially when there are bad news regarding the democrats or anything at all that goes against their groupthink they they go overboard with it
2) Consensus cracking: see the "I voted for him but those remarks by his cabinet / this temporary setback / this MSM allegation will really get him impeached / such and such should be fired" that people are bringing here. I'm fairly sure the first time it arrive people actually felt the need to believe it but now it is probably just shills shilling shills
3) Topic Dilution: on Sup Forums in general (doubles as sliding): in general, wild gooze chases, on /trumpgen/, gossip, pitting groups against each other.
4) Information collection: seen only rarely in here, "let's make a lions guard for Trump / lets make ANTICOM" and "what would you do if Trump is impeached / is killed". Also "let's access this site / app / plugin for more info". Don't fall for it folks.
5) Anger Trolling: our bread and butter, just see any post with a Finland flag beside it. Actually, it is our main weapon too so it is all fair games in this matter. Just don't answer the trolls.
6) Happened on many boards on Sup Forums when the happening and GG broke out. I don't know about Sup Forums but Sup Forums and Sup Forums, for instance, that's a given. We are not very susceptible, being an anonymous chan anyway but on reddit, oh boy, I wouldn't touch that mess with a 100 feet pole covered in insulant and fire retardant. Social media in general, ever worse. Honestly, a mod got recently fired (in the rwss debacle) for politicising his enforcement of the rules so we are not immune to that either
Stay smart, stay safe, stay beautiful and stay out of trouble.
I still support him, but you have to realise that neo-kikes are trying to control him. I trust that he will realise all the people pushing for syrian war are the same people who constantly shit on him.
Someone forward this to Trump's crew.
>If you don't support Trump you can GET THE FUCK OUT.
If you support someone blindly then you should neck yourself m8.
Let the goatfuckers kill each other.
Boarder walls are cheaper than a military operation.
Here's a thought.
Trump said what he said because 1) let's face it, he would have been crucified for saying anything else and 2) to placate neo-con fucks, like McCain, in order to make sure they vote for Gorsuch
> There are several techniques for the control and manipulation of a internet forum no matter what, or who is on it. We will go over each technique and demonstrate that only a minimal number of operatives can be used to eventually and effectively gain a control of a 'uncontrolled forum.'
> Technique #1 - 'FORUM SLIDING'
> If a very sensitive posting of a critical nature has been posted on a forum - it can be quickly removed from public view by 'forum sliding.'
> In this technique a number of unrelated posts are quietly prepositioned on the forum and allowed to 'age.' Each of these misdirectional forum postings can then be called upon at will to trigger a 'forum slide.'
> The second requirement is that several fake accounts exist, which can be called upon, to ensure that this technique is not exposed to the public.
> To trigger a 'forum slide' and 'flush' the critical post out of public view it is simply a matter of logging into each account both real and fake and then 'replying' to prepositined postings with a simple 1 or 2 line comment. This brings the unrelated postings to the top of the forum list, and the critical posting 'slides' down the front page, and quickly out of public view. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and unuseful postings. By this means it becomes effective to keep the readers of the forum reading unrelated and non-issue items.
Nothing hopefully
> Technique #2 - 'CONSENSUS CRACKING'
> A second highly effective technique (which you can see in operation all the time at is 'consensus cracking.' To develop a consensus crack, the following technique is used
> Under the guise of a fake account a posting is made which looks legitimate and is towards the truth is made - but the critical point is that it has a VERY WEAK PREMISE without substantive proof to back the posting.
> Once this is done then under alternative fake accounts a very strong position in your favour is slowly introduced over the life of the posting. It is IMPERATIVE that both sides are initially presented, so the uninformed reader cannot determine which side is the truth.
> As postings and replies are made the stronger 'evidence' or disinformation in your favour is slowly 'seeded in.' Thus the uninformed reader will most like develop the same position as you, and if their position is against you their opposition to your posting will be most likely dropped.
> However in some cases where the forum members are highly educated and can counter your disinformation with real facts and linked postings, you can then 'abort' the consensus cracking by initiating a 'forum slide.'
>I still support him
fuck off, you outed yourself immediately
> Technique #3 - 'TOPIC DILUTION'
> Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN.'
> By implementing continual and non-related postings that distract and disrupt (trolling ) the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity. If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough, the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.'
> In this state they can be more easily misdirected away from facts towards uninformed conjecture and opinion. The less informed they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you would desire the group to go in.
> It must be stressed that a proper assessment of the psychological capabilities and levels of education is first determined of the group to determine at what level to 'drive in the wedge.' By being too far off topic too quickly it may trigger censorship by a forum moderator.
Fuck off faggot
If you come here to concern shill you need to go away. This isn't the place for that.
Fuck is his problem?
>tearing down signs make you a hero
True, that timing was pretty convenient. Probably still Obama holdovers. Hopefully Trump is listening to Rand.
So when the American-Syrian 10 years down the road when the "Syrian Gassing of Children" story is proven to be a false flag orchestrated by US-Backed Rebels a la the Gulf of Tonkin, will we learn our lesson about jumping into the Middle East again?
Anyone excited for the nuclear option soon?!
why are fags so fucking emotional all the time. drudge has too much estrogen.
If a bunch of NEETs on an internet oriental basket weaving board can notice this, I would think trump would know this
Mornings are better with friends
> Information collection is also a very effective method to determine the psychological level of the forum members, and to gather intelligence that can be used against them.
> In this technique in a light and positive environment a 'show you mine so me yours' posting is initiated. From the number of replies and the answers that are provided much statistical information can be gathered.
> An example is to post your 'favourite weapon' and then encourage other members of the forum to showcase what they have. In this matter it can be determined by reverse proration what percentage of the forum community owns a firearm, and or a illegal weapon.
> This same method can be used by posing as one of the form members and posting your favourite 'technique of operation.' From the replies various methods that the group utilizes can be studied and effective methods developed to stop them from their activities.
> Technique #5 - 'ANGER TROLLING'
> Statistically, there is always a percentage of the forum posters who are more inclined to violence. In order to determine who these individuals are, it is a requirement to present a image to the forum to deliberately incite a strong psychological reaction.
> From this the most violent in the group can be effectively singled out for reverse IP location and possibly local enforcement tracking.
> To accomplish this only requires posting a link to a video depicting a local police officer massively abusing his power against a very innocent individual. Statistically of the million or so police officers in America there is always one or two being caught abusing there powers and the taping of the activity can be then used for intelligence gathering purposes - without the requirement to 'stage' a fake abuse video.
> This method is extremely effective, and the more so the more abusive the video can be made to look. Sometimes it is useful to 'lead' the forum by replying to your own posting with your own statement of violent intent, and that you 'do not care what the authorities think!!' inflammation.
> By doing this and showing no fear it may be more effective in getting the more silent and self-disciplined violent intent members of the forum to slip and post their real intentions. This can be used later in a court of law during prosecution.
>dead children is the same as the gulf of tonkin
ummm... no
Ivanka Kushner NOT Ivanka Trump
Not enough(everybody) know how close and who Jared Kushner is. Start normalizing in your heads this for informing.
> Technique #6 - 'GAINING FULL CONTROL'
> It is important to also be harvesting and continually maneuvering for a forum moderator position.
> Once this position is obtained, the forum can then be effectively and quietly controlled by deleting unfavourable postings - and one can eventually steer the forum into complete failure and lack of interest by the general public.
> This is the 'ultimate victory' as the forum is no longer participated with by the general public and no longer useful in maintaining their freedoms. Depending on the level of control you can obtain, you can deliberately steer a forum into defeat by censoring postings, deleting memberships, flooding, and or accidentally taking the forum offline.
> By this method the forum can be quickly killed. However it is not always in the interest to kill a forum as it can be converted into a 'honey pot' gathering center to collect and misdirect newcomers and from this point be completely used for your control for your agenda purposes.
> Remember these techniques are only effective if the forum participants DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THEM.
> Once they are aware of these techniques the operation can completely fail, and the forum can become uncontrolled. At this point other avenues must be considered such as initiating a false legal precidence to simply have the forum shut down and taken offline.
> This is not desirable as it then leaves the enforcement agencies unable to track the percentage of those in the population who always resist attempts for control against them.
> Many other techniques can be utilized and developed by the individual and as you develop further techniques of infiltration and control it is imperative to share then with HQ.
Don jr. might run for governor of NY.
Here is the list of candidates for 2018
tl;dr: Democrats have 23 senators up on the chopping block, with 2 Independent and only 8 republicans.
> At the absolute worst case scenario (all republicans lose their seats) democrats achieve a 54-2-44 majority, barely over what republicans have now.
> At the absolute best case scenario democrats lose all 23 seats plus the 2 independent and we are left with a 77-23 majority for the republicans
> my estimate is that democrats lose at least 6 seats, that republicans will have to defend vigorously AZ and NV and that Angus and Manchin may flip to R. Not too far from a majority
> Dianne Feinstein (California, since 1992)
> Tom Carper (Delaware, since 2000)
> Bill Nelson (Florida, since 2000)
> Debbie Stabenow (Michigan, since 2000)
> Maria Cantwell (Washington, since 2000)
> Ben Cardin (Maryland, since 2006)
> Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota, since 2006)
> Claire McCaskill (Missouri, since 2006)
> Jon Tester (Montana, since 2006)
> Sherrod Brown (Ohio, since 2006)
> Bob Casey (Pennsylvania, since 2006)
> Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island, since 2006)
> Bob Menendez (New Jersey, since 2006)
> Kirsten Gillibrand (New York, since 2009)
> Joe Manchin (West Virginia, since 2010)
> Chris Murphy (Connecticut, since 2012)
> Mazie Hirono (Hawaii, since 2012)
> Joe Donnelly (Indiana, since 2012)
> Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts, since 2012)
> Martin Heinrich (New Mexico, since 2012)
> Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota, since 2012)
> Tim Kaine (Virginia, since 2012)
> Tammy Baldwin (Wisconsin, since 2012)
> Bernie Sanders (Vermont, since 2006)
> Angus King (Maine, since 2012)
> Orrin Hatch (Utah, since 1976)
> Bob Corker (Tennessee, since 2006)
> Roger Wicker (Mississippi, since 2007)
> John Barrasso (Wyoming, since 2007)
> Dean Heller (Nevada, since 2011)
> Jeff Flake (Arizona, since 2012)
> Deb Fischer (Nebraska, since 2012)
> Ted Cruz (Texas, since 2012)
I didn't know he was gay
Can we have a rational discussion about this whole Syria thing? What would you do if Trump says we need to intervene to take out Assad? would you still support him even though he said he would leave him be?
>Blindly supporting someone because of memes
How is that any better than Bernie or Shillary supporters? Trump was specifically elected because he promised no more involvement and meddling in the middle east, besides destroying ISIS.
Call me a Russian shill all you want, but if he tries to go for Assad I'm dropping him, because I'm not a sheep.
thank you for posting this hopefully it scares off some concern shills
The left never ceases to impress me
republicans, 2008
> put forward a weak candidate, gets creamed.
republicans, 2010
> grassroots faction within the party goes rogue, organize and wrestle bits of power from the establishment, gets congress representation
republicans, 2011
> grassroots presents not one but two factions (Ron Paul and Tea Party) as alternative
republicans, 2012
> establishes forces forward weak candidate, chokes out an easy victory
republicans, 2012 aftermath
> performs a thorough analysis of the result, proposes changes
republicans, 2015
> grassroots presents not one, not two but three candidates (Ted, Rand, Trump)
> outsider defies orthodoxy, runs a wild campaign, takes it home in a massive victory
Now, let's see what the democrats are doing
democrats, 2016
> grassroots present a candidate
> establishment forces forward weak candidate, chokes out what should be a coronation
democrats, 2017
> having learned absolutely nothing, doubles down on said weak candidate, platform and continues crushing internal innovation
2018 won't be pretty for democrats
So why was Bannon removed from the security council again?
jeez, is the shill level like this everyday or just during the week?
He is. I just found this out recently myself
It's not blind when you know the truth, Trump has never let us down and we owe it to him to be faithful and loyal and stay UNITED. You're tearing apart consensus because you're a fucking shill. Now KYS.
i support trump and i also support the absolute eradication of islam and its followers. ousting assad harms both of those
> Bernie Sanders (Vermont, since 2006)
I would not be happy, but I wouldn't be something that would turn me against him. It would be a concerning development though
06 is when he became a senator maybe?
What's that? You want more Ivanka? Well ok Richard.
Assad is a typical islamic dictator, wanting him gone is one step closer to destroying islam. Nothing wrong with taking out Assad.
He wasn't, just removed from one part of it because he felt like his job there was done.
Now that I think about it, the autistic screeching from msm/dnc would be immense if he immediately said that assad did nothing wrong. He'll hopefully just wait and let it die down
>concern shill
Yeah, no fucking shit we're concerned. Trump needs to know this shit won't be accepted. We voted for non-interventionism
Left wing media are already rolling out the emotional blackmail material
This anons politics
you do it
sureeeeee islamic
Just KYS
I think you need to trust Trump to make the right decisions, he has access to intel and info that none of us do. He knows whats going on behind the scenes and is making the choices that will keep us safe. Implying that he's doing anything different is concern shilling you should take somewhere else.
>supporting a liberal whore because she makes your little pecker hard
Ha ha unless Trump starts an unpopular war. Oh wait.
No thanks
>[X]Defeated Hofer easily
>[X]Blocked cabinet appointments for months
>[X]Blocked first Muslim Ban
>[X]Removed Flynn
>[X]Revealed Sessions ties to Russia
>[X]Forced Sessions recusal
>[X]Blocked Trumpcare
>[X]Baited Trump into tweeting lies about President Obama without proof
>[X]Blocked second Muslim Ban
>[X]Defeated Wilders easily
>[X]Blocked wall funding
>[X]Trump caught lying about Obama wiretap
>[X]Comey unveils wide ranging investigation into Russian/Trump collusion
>[X]Remove Bannon
>[ ]Easily defeat LePen
>[ ]Remove Sessions
>[ ]Block Gorsuch Nomination
>[ ]Block tax cuts for the rich
>[ ]Block third Muslim Ban
>[ ]Full tax returns released
>[ ]BiPartisan support for impeachment
>[ ]Impeached
>[ ]Tried for Treason
>[ ]Imprisoned
>[ ]Dies alone, poor, and disgraced in Prison