Why was the EU created? what ideeas came to form the union?


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To compete with the USA

You mean that Germany wanted that? Or whom


In contrast to North America, Europe is a historically divided region, yet wished for the same level of economic and political cooperation. That's how the EU evolved.

Is is run by jews? Or was it taken over by them recently? and if so how? Was there ever a time where the Top EU officials had a good vision for the union?

I have heard it was a CIA ploy, tell me about it

writing an article come with your redpills now

The mere fact that people don't know why it was set up just goes to show what a stupid meme the whole project is.

Watch it collapse and piss on the rubble.

What was the biggest force of Interest Country or group that drove The EU in its formation

4th Reich/Superstate that will expand and expand untill the entire world is under her miserable cloak.

It's going tough now, but the devilish globalist will not give up so easily

Fear of Irrelevance

To centralize power.
North American Union
European Union
African Union
Asian Union

The EU is but a part of the Kalergi Plan.

Next step: Create the "race of the future", also known as Eurasian-Negroids.

This. I doubt OP is serious but this is a good answer.

The exact opposite. It was created to get a good hold on Europe and especially Germany, so we couldn't get too cozy with Russia.

Was it like this at begining? or did jew infiltration happen later?

This. NWO.

The Kalergi plan is actually a meme, friend

Hey, Finlanders....

Do you guys tip at restaurants and bars?

I need to know, ASAP.

Nope - if u must do it discreetly and make it sure theres no doubt that it actually is tip

It was created for this very purpose.

Merkel recieved the Kalergi Prize for her miltikulti rhetoric back in 2010.

European Union was created from a trade agreement but was transformed into an European political union to prevent wars in Europe like ww1 and ww2.

What was the flag of the original EU of trade agreements? & name


I wasn't asking Swedistan. I was asking Suomi.

prevent another war in europe

>Why was the EU created?
Fear of the next great european war
>what ideeas came to form the union?

To get quickly run down by extremists from morocco and other north african countries.

European Coal and Steel Community ECSC

>Why was the EU created?
To finally end wars in Europe. And it worked.

Control. The vision is to dismantle nation states of their soveriegnty and unite into one nation led by business corps by introducing political change via policies disguised as economical.

Never. It would be impolite to suggest even.

Hello, Reddit! I'm Junker, AMA

To keep Germany in check. After 2 world wars, the French and the Bongs realized they needed a way to keep Germany in check so they took American advice and made the Union. Eventually, Germany beat them at their own game and now they want out.


So, no tip for waiter... Just thank them for my shot of kossu and stab them with a puukko?

>that's why my country tried to get into said union for decades just to throw a hissy fit some years later
ahhh yes very interesting

>muh sovereignity
that was part of the deal lad, not a secret "vision". It's simple, ECJ>natiounal courts, if you like it you're in if you don't don't even apply to be in the EU.

it was just planned as economic union/marketplace NOT as political catch all that they pretend today its always been like that.

Yes goy, just a crazy conspiracy theory
>The first Charlemagne Prize was awarded to Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, the founder of the Pan-European Movement, and the founder of the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan.
Straight from the horse's mouth

A quick thanks is enough. Finns try to minimize social interaction. The stabbings is a swedish meme.

It was created to rebuild Western Europe after WW2, but at first i was just an economical partnership. Then, as time went on, it became what we now know

>that's why my country tried to get into said union for decades just to throw a hissy fit some years later
ahhh yes very interesting

Brexit was never meant to happen. The EU globalists wanted us to remain and join closer to the union. The British people were enabled a referendum which has finally lead to the triggering of article 50.

>that was part of the deal lad, not a secret "vision". It's simple, ECJ>natiounal courts, if you like it you're in if you don't don't even apply to be in the EU.

Which itself was disguised. The public was originally misinformed in the 70s since it was the proposal to join a trade union, not a political one. Hence the agitation that was culminated to last year's referendum.

United and independent Europe. It would be great if we could remove kebab & pierogi first.

just like now the people were fed lies about the NHS money etc by brexiteers

my point is that demonising the EU as the ultimate evil makes no sense. It's got A LOT of problems and some countries should have never even asked to be member states

read his shit mate, he was pro-different cultures and imagined (not wished) a future with a single mixed race (yet keeping different cultures alive). Shit idea but different from what conspos say

labor camp supporting israel's agenda

It's not EUSSR, it's "hey grandfather, germany is being imperialistic again. They want German empire"

It was always meant as a foundation for a single European state, cucks. Every European person should be subject to the same laws. The only alternative is nationalism, which - let's face it - can only lead to German supremacy.

>German surpremacy
You have failed that more times than me getting laid

*French supremacy
even worse, they're even more degenerate than you

Yes, misinformation is on all sides of the spectrum. Who said EU was evil? It simply is, I call it out for what it is by what it is doing. Even without the motivations, it has made severe policy errors with no oversight and no sign of altering course. It simply isn't in British interests to be part of the union.

The EU was created to consolidate (((Leftist))) control over Europe and to pave the way for the eventual mongrelization of the continent.


To forge peace in Europe, making it competitive with US.

Leave your weak banter in the closet where it belongs. We're by far the strongest nation on this disgrace of a continent, so you'd hate a nationalist Europe much more than the EU. The former would seat the infamous Teutonic boot right up your ass. You'll wish yourself back to the times when Germans decided only your fiscal policies, I promise. Barking makes you look pathetic when everybody knows you'll never bite.

Good to know. I'm writing an incest story involving a Finnish cousin. Just needed to know the tip policy in Finland for a scene that takes place in New York.

That's what confuses me, it has shown progress in certain areas such as the CAP, but right now they can't deal with this refugee crisis at all and there's literally no sign of progress. Personally I'm hopeful and I hope the best for the UK, but I still think brexit was a very hazardous bet, especially if the UK gets even closer to rougue countries such as Saudi Arabia

Ahmed it is time to pray

Are you 12 years old or something?

Quit LARPing as a German Nationalist you Turkroach shiteater.

t. Pakistan

quiet norskefan, your a fucking vassal state

You quit LARPing as a superpower and/or country of historic significance first

Does Germany hold the most power/seats in the union?

I would be terrified if you didn't say the same thing and then proceed to get ass kicked. Let's face it, you and your country were made to be losers. You will never win no matter how many times you tty. Freedom and democtacy will always win.

The EU knows exactly what it is doing forcing immigration onto EU member states. They expected submission but East Europe in particular cries foul of their demands to accept quotas of immigrants.

Performing a cost/benefit analysis of leaving the EU leaves severe economic risk yet cutting political ties from the EU is and was the aim. Their policies are inherently anti-nationalistic and ill for their own citizens.

You're not making much sense Mehmet. I'm an user from the states, not the U.S. itself you subhuman cunt. But I am flattered you think that highly of me.


Dude, you're getting baited by a greasy kebab into saying stupid shit and hate Krauts. Don't fall for it.

Has the EU been good for trade however? in sense that European nations get more money

Good question! Most people ignore the truth because it's pretty inconvenient for them.


>Brexiteers should have been prepared for the shattering intervention of the US. The European Union always was an American project.

>It was Washington that drove European integration in the late 1940s, and funded it covertly under the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.

The problem is: This is pretty hard to swallow for Americans, Brits and all other Europeans since the already inetrnalized the meme that the EU was a German invention, a Fourth Reich - which is of course wrong. Consider that Germany had to be blackmailed to enter the Eurozone on threat of WW3:

As usual, Anglos love to divide and conquer. And Germany is always good as a villain, because everyone wants to believe in the German boogeyman so hard they ignore everything else. And since Germany isn't a sovereign country* and cannot and may not defend itself, they are perfect for this role.

*even German politicians admit this now
etc. Germany is still an occupied country and cannot act on its own behalf.

On the surface it would appear that way, but in reality Jew-dominated banks are the ones who are actually profiting from the EU.

Germany defends democracy and freedom. You defend sticking your head up the ass of nationalism, which doesn't even make sense because your nation is worthless.

Cute that you think this, but it's clear you people will gang up like a pack of niggers the moment you see the German flag no matter what.

We were forced to join the EU to become 1 nation again...

Germany was united in the 80:s, Im pretty sure Germany was in the EU in the 40:s?

You're almost right Hans, except its not the Anglo-Saxon. Its the goddamn globalist kike. If it truly was an Anglo-Saxon dominance project, do you really think America and Britain would both be suffering from the swarms of shitskinned parasites we have to endure?

No, (((they)) want us to turn on each other and hate each other. Its convenient for the kike that Britain and Germany be at each other's throats, after all if they blame each other then the real cause gets off scot free and can count his shekels in peace.

> Germany
> calls others worthless
> lost 2 wars and is losing an union.

Fuck you.

Good one Mehmet. You're evolving right before my eyes, but you should try for the moral equivalent of an opposable thumb before you go for advanced shitposting skills.

>You're almost right Hans, except its not the Anglo-Saxon. Its the goddamn globalist kike. If it truly was an Anglo-Saxon dominance project, do you really think America and Britain would both be suffering from the swarms of shitskinned parasites we have to endure?

>No, (((they)) want us to turn on each other and hate each other. Its convenient for the kike that Britain and Germany be at each other's throats, after all if they blame each other then the real cause gets off scot free and can count his shekels in peace.
After WW2, it's cute you want to re.write history that way.

You are thinking of the Euro. Mitterrand blackmailed you in that regard - no Euro, no unification.

EUMU is Germany's real empire

To add: Hurting yourself to keep Germany down isn't new at all. You even allied the fucking commies some decades ago, solely for the reason "to crush Germany" to quote your president back then.

Matter of fact is: Ideology, honor, moral flies out of the window immediately if it goes against Germany. Quite frankly, I am still wondering why it had to be that way. This insane, self-destroying, irrational Germanophobia is inexplicable - especially since it still exists and also on Sup Forums.

>Political project.eu

See? will get ignored. Your own brainwashing is too deep. You love to blame Germany for things you fucked up yourself.

After all, to quote Caesar “Men Willingly Believe What They Wish to Believe”.

Hey you mean the Euro and not the union?
Pretty sure they entered the union much latter
And what year did they adopt the Euro?


>After WW2, it's cute you want to re.write history that way

There is no historical revision going on here my friend. Follow the money, you'll find Chaim at the end of the trail every time. And secondly, I just live here in the U.S., I don't follow every party line the fucking government tries to feed me.

The negroes and spics are literally destroying this country and turning it into a burnt out shithole one slum at a time. If white America was aiming for long term domination we wouldn't be destroying ourselves like this. We're all being subverted by the same shitheads who want to destroy us.

sure thing, Schlomo

No that was the trade block not the political union

The Deutsche Mark (German: [ˈdɔʏtʃə ˈmaɐ̯k] ( listen), German mark), abbreviated "DM" or About this sound "D-Mark" (help·info), was the official currency of West Germany (1948–1990) and unified Germany (1990–2002) until the adoption of the euro in 2002


Something wrong amigo

No arguments.

Revelations cannot occur until globalism succeeds and the world is unified under both a unified system of government *not necessarily a dictatorship... yet* AND a religious system of some kind, which we shall call Babylon.

The real game begins once these things are set into motion, Helel and his minions will do everything and anything in their power to ensure that as many people fall into the fires, and fall they shall.

Its allready here


>French political strategy
Not. Even. Once.

But you are correct. Here is an interesting piece in the BBC radio bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00p5qv6
I really recommend listening to this.