Why is belgium shit compared to the netherlands?

Why is belgium shit compared to the netherlands?




I fully believe it's the national food
Belgium: shirty tiny pancakes. Basically cuck pancakes. It symbolises that this country could have so much more of the deliciousness that is life, but because of various senseless laws, they've settled on these ting shitty pancakes

Netherlands: those chips with mayonnaise. Fuckin good shit.

Because it's a non-country that should be split up and given to you and the french

why is beer from the netherlands pis?

Belgian cookies are great though

It's a country divided in half by French and Dutch speakers (and some others)


>Belgium couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
Oh believe you me, the Belgians are ITCHING for a war with USA. They will fucking ANNIHILATE my dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once their airforce and navy is done bombarding our defenseless country. Then, their army boys (they'd send the maghrebis and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping our women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Belgium's done with us, they will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

>Netherlands is better than Belgium because of their fries

You can't believe how much you just triggered every Belgian in this thread, cunt

one is a muslim shithole, the other one is a faggot shithole

> poland
> not a shithole
Shut up jakub. Kurwa mac

You know it to be true

There might be Belgians above me right now

Ik wil gwn Vlaanderen...

>our national food
no, pls enjoy our national vomit + meat dish
(it's actually delicious)

>maakt de mayo zuur
>gelooft dat het beter is dan Nederlandse mayo

i'm not mad, his post doesn't even make any sense

What's the difference ?

Oost Vlaanderen is beste Vlaanderen.

Neuk de westies en hun domme accent.

Belg choose fun, beer and good food over autistic german working life
+ most African migrants already speak french.

Communist/socialist Wallonia
If the northern part didn't have to cough up billions for the southern ghetto's it would look much better. Remember, the only part that matters in Belgium is Flanders, the north.

You should be part of Germany then.

Because belgium is not a country.

The walloons are ruining our country.


Can't wait to visit this summer


Flemishes. They're the ones who came up with the steel regulation bullshit to secretly collapse walloonia.
Regulations which ended up in the clusterfuck that is known as the EU
>aquafrech sayin this

This guy knows what's up

Idk, Flemish people are a lot like Germans. Maybe a little bit less autistic

i took a bus from amsterdam to paris which stopped in antwerp along the way.

im sure the park and ride we stopped in was in a shitty part of the city, but it looked really bleak and dirty. most of the stores had arabic writing, and i saw few white people walking down the street we were parked next to. Didnt think it would be that bad.