We were very close in my childhod and watched Sailor Moon together and I helped her with her homework. We were inseparable.
But now this every time this nigger comes into our house, our house reeks of weed and he listens to loud gangster music and I'm sure they're fucking too. I always have to lie and say I was smoking weed, because she is only 15 and I'm an adult.
How do do I red pill her, without sounding like a racist? I don't want to be an asshole and tell my parents about it.
This has to be fake. No actual user can be this retarded as to not redpill their own fucking sister before they start dating.
Wyatt Phillips
Kill the nigger.
>get that tard arrested for smoking weed or some shit
Nolan Torres
don't lie about the stench and who is responsible.
Alexander Perez
This. Give love a chance.
Isaac Watson
Lost cause, end all contact and get out of there.
Adrian Cruz
I hope she fucking dies. From America with hate.
Nolan Cooper
David Morgan
>Another one of these cuck threads
Ethan Jones
Well maybe he's a smart nigger. Sit down and have a chat with him, ask him his opinions on BLM / Trump / Putin, agree with everything he says, if it turns out 'he a real hood nigga'... then I don't know. Watch that movie where the white family capture and torture the nigger.
Matthew Thomas
Are you serious? I don't want her to get pregnant and having to raise a kid alone because he ran away. You know how it is.
Also one weekend she came home with a blue ey. That never happened before. Maybe he was responsible.
I simply don't trust this guy. Should I really give them a chance?
Kayden Murphy
>I'm lying to defend my weed smoking nigger fucking sister >help me Sup Forums
Fuck Hans, you are destroying her life you moron. How is lying and allowing this to continue helping her?
Stop being a dumb cuck and end this shit asap.
Aiden Anderson
I mean black eye. It's just called blue eye in Germany.
Blake Reyes
Haha your parents will disown her.
Adam Williams
maybe send her this?
“Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers,” Tiffany Calloway
1. At the time of your child's birth were you and the father married Caucasian: 97% NO Asian: 85% NO Hispanic: 95% NO >whores
2. Did you and the father of your child eventually marry? Caucasian: 80% NO Asian: 92% NO Hispanic: 99% NO >give the milk away for free, why buy the cow?
3. Number of children the participant has Caucasian: 1 50%, 2-4 49% Asian: 1 86%, 2-4 14% Hispanic: 1 15%, 2-4 80% >asians learn their lesson, whites + hispanics can't keep their legs shut
4. For women with multiple children, do the children have the same father? Caucasian: 82% NO Asian: 75% NO Hispanic: 81% NO >wow, look at these worthless fucking whores
5. Annual earnings Caucasian: 15% unemployed 75% once you go black, you're a single mom
9. Does your child have a good relationship with their father? Caucasian: 94% NO Asian: 89% NO Hispanic: 98% NO >black "men" = horrible neglectful fathers, probably abusive too
But in all honesty if she's dumb enough to fuck niggers she'll probably say, "He'll be in the 10% that stays with me!"
Charles Walker
>came home with a black eye Beat the tar out of him and tell him to fuck off
Easton Baker
If this isnt bait. NIP IT IN THE BUD BE A MAN
Justin Morris
Thomas Thompson
You take the blame for smoking to save him. You are the problem in your family.
Brandon Bell
Cut off all ties. It's the only way. If she has kids with a black guy those kids won't be sharing genes with you. Burn this bridge before it drags you down.
Blake Hughes
>"I'm an adult" >gets mad about his sister getting some BBC
you're a little bitch kevin
Christian Morgan
Beat the nigger and warn him if he ever so much as speaks to your sister again you'll kill him.
If your sister objects, honor kill that traitorous whore and yourself for being a beta failure.
William Wright
Quietly tell her that her children with him will look nothing like her.
Then quietly tell her that you will disown her and not come near any of her mongrel spawn if she chooses him.
If you guys had blonde hair when you were younger, tell her that her children will not be born with beautiful blonde locks, constantly refer to negro spawn being ugly as fuck, because they are.
Tell her that she is dead to you and you will not have anything to do with any half-breed nephews or niece.
If she chooses badly, that's the end, mudsharks must be ostracized and as close as you were, this is something that needs to occur in order to deter any further mudsharking, cut them off from the family.
Leo Clark
>I always have to lie and say I was smoking weed, because she is only 15 and I'm an adult.
Why would you do this you fucking cuck!? Where are your parents? Are they really ok with their underage daughter dating an adult drugusing criminal? Just call the cops and say they he uses drugs and that you've seen him sell drugs. Leave an anonymous tip so that the ape doesn't come back and try to murder you. God I hope you're fucking trolling.
>I don't want to be an asshole and tell my parents about it.
Cuck cuck cuck cuck.
Noah Howard
holy fucking shit
I would call it fake but honestly I don't know at this point.
Liam Davis
She'll get "redpilled" after getting knocked up, cheated on and beat then left to the welfare state to vote dem
Bentley Myers
>I always have to lie and say I was smoking weed, because she is only 15 and I'm an adult.
You're a fucking moron. Stop covering for her.
And show her this high quality leafpost.
Robert Morris
>sailor moon There are no easy answers here. You need to step up and tell this cunt to shape up, or ship out. He's already given you your options by disrespecting your family, the question is what are you going to do about it? Unless your parents are blind, they know whats going on, and they are choosing to ignore it. Its up to you. How much do you love your sister? Enough to get into a fight you'll probably lose? Discuss the whole situation with your parents, put everything on the table. You think she is in danger with this guy, don't even mention race. Cops in your country won't do shit from what I know of modern, enlightened Germany. Its going to come down to what you are prepared to do to help her. If shes madly in love with this cunt, talking with her isn't going to solve much. Just take a few of your mates and beat this guy within an inch of his life, get a solid alibi. If you aren't willing to risk jail to help your own family what kind of person are you?
Sebastian Gomez
Okay never mind, this is definitely bait.
Noah Cook
>15 You better put your foot in the door OP before it's too late. I recommend testing this nigger by leaving money on the table or some shit, and if he steals it, call the cops and arrest his ass.
Jose Rivera
My sister would never forgive me if I did that, I still like her too much to get her into trouble with my parents. We made a pact in our childhood that we would never betray each other and always have our backs.
Jackson Edwards
You're taking the wrong approach
Show the nigger the black lives matter, make him hate white people, and tell him if he really wants to erase the black race by breeding with a white woman? he'll believe you
Ryan Allen
what movie?
Hudson Rodriguez
just show her this and she will stop
motherless .com/1F0A146
Jack Rogers
Kill the nigger Fuck your sister And run to Russia
Juan Adams
>His underage 15 years old brings dude to house >comes to bitch about it on Sup Forums Holy sheit, you infidels have no spine whatsoever. Forget, what the dude's skin color is, if my older sister brings random dude at home, you dumb sure she'd be slapped back to stone age, let alone 15 years little sister. Get some balls you infidel nazi scum, and kik that dude outta your home, or as you all cucks rub one out listening to hear moaning
Parker Miller
>fucks underage girls. Call the police. pedophilia or statutory rape.
Dylan Adams
This >also sage cuck b8 thread
David Evans
Buy a mask and gun and shoot him down at some place far from your '1984' surveillance shit,throw a patch of cocaine bag near his body and plant a gun.
Your state won't be spending detectives on a fucking dead nigger,its better here in India,once my friend sister was having an affair with a low caste guy,we tied him to the tree and beat the shit out of him,too bad I kicked his head in samurai style while he was hanging upside down,got his eardrum ruptured,told him if he didn't ran to his shithole village he will be dead next time.
Never saw him again,you can't deal with these niggers in civilized manner they ought to chimp out.
Elijah Taylor
>I always have to lie and say I was smoking weed Holy shit you are a cuck. Narc on him and get your dad to grow some fucking balls. Mine would literally kick out a nigger if my sister brought one home, and I'd gladly help.
Jeremiah Phillips
Fuck the nigger and beat your sister, cull your family
Brayden Morris
You have to cut your losses user. Your sister is beyond redemption. Find a nice German girl to continue the family line with and compensate for your sister.
Caleb Stewart
>An Indian >insuly another Indian fo rbeinh low caste >are you ok poo in the loo fellow shiteating pajeet?
Jeremiah Fisher
She probably blames you for the weed as well. Fuck that bitch, if you don't want to snitch say you don't know or it was her nigger boyfriend.
Joshua Hill
Black here here's my opinions
jewish plant/jewish plant/irrelvant dickhead
Jacob Richardson
Well said.
Levi Brooks
Anthony Thomas
Is this proof anime is causing degeneracy and interracial breeding?
Owen Russell
Everyone of you tells me to beat him up, but wouldn't it be better if I red pill her to leave him?
Even if I beat him up, they will still hang out together. Is it enough to print out some red pilled statistics and give it to her? But then again she will probably accuse me of being racist. Damn it.
Landon Hall
>Telling a nigger to shape up or ship out
Its still a nigger shareblue
Kayden Edwards
show her nigger hate thread
Mason Nelson
You are ABSOLUTELY FAKE ... with Fake Story ... Sup Forums is being Infiltrate by Fake People ..
Ryder Barnes
>I always have to lie and say I was smoking weed, because she is only 15 and I'm an adult. sister confirmed for sheltered fucking brat
SHE's smoking, stop being a cuck ffs
Elijah Wilson
>flag >lying to let his sister's bf get away with smoking weed Toppest of cucks
Jose Parker
Show her IQ map, women have a instinct to make their babies best they can, if she realises that her child might be 20 IQ points below her she will stop getting wet for him. Tell her that other girls will have smart kids and her son will be stupid compared to other kids and she will be laught at by other mothers.
That will kill every girls nigg dragg.
Carson Foster
>because she is only 15 Jesus Christ Hans, just let her feel the toll that has to be payed when you burn coal, dont cover her.
Go into her room when he's at your house and bash his fucking head in with kitchen utilities. He'll get the message.
Ian Turner
>I always have to lie and say I was smoking weed You should not have been doing this. >because she is only 15 How old is he? >I'm sure they're fucking too I don't know German law, but in the US this would be statutory rape. >We made a pact in our childhood that we would never betray each other and always have our backs. You have betrayed her - you've let her ruin her own life. You failed to protect her. You did not have her back when she needed it most because you were too much of a coward to set her straight. Right now it doesn't even matter what his skin color is, he is obviously a degenerate druggie who is raping your underage sister. And you have not only been allowing this but even been covering for them. You have aided him in doing this. You have helped this man rape your sister. How can you call yourself a brother, or even a man now? Disgusting. Either fix things now or hero.
Aaron Lopez
show her how hard and big BBC and everthing well be good
Dylan Bennett
>implying women are capable of rational thinking female attraction is purely about instinct shit, if women actually gave a fuck we would be colonizing the stars by now.
the optimal system is one where the best men marry multiple women and the worst men are euthanized
Liam Thomas
>morocco >"the best system would be Islam" I am dubious of the sincerity of your claims sir
Andrew Wright
How fucking dare you mention betrayal you pathetic mother fucker. You are betraying your entire race by sitting idly by while this travesty takes places.
Chase Robinson
Joshua Taylor
im the origine u are the fake
Anthony Smith
>the best system is one where men marry multiple women I'm from a civilised, developed country, I'm not into that shit.
Nicholas King
she must have misheard coz now shes having her blacks nawmsayin
Christian Rogers
>I always have to lie and say I was smoking weed C U C K E D U C K E D
Jason Bennett
Stop lying and have your parrents deal with it.
Kayden Sullivan
giving women sexual freedom is a jewish meme, optimally women should marry young (16-22) and only the best men should be able to reproduce and the worst men die, so the future generations are better, this is achieved through polygamy, this is was what most if not all ancient people did.
Mason Jones
Also op friendly reminder that your sister is tainted. I literally with all sincerity wish that she would drop dead.
Leo Edwards
To become redpilled she needs to become a single mother.
That's the cost. Be ready to welcome your new nephew/niece.
Isaac White
Seduce the nigger, your sister will be mad and break with him. Aren't you European?
David Nguyen
either >Tell your sisters mother that shes smoking weed with her bad boyfriend or >arrest the nigger when hes smoking weed
Wyatt Harris
Is she fat and horsefaced like the others who date blacks? Lol , no seriously, stop LARPING
Logan Moore
Ask them if you can watch
Colton Myers
>But now this every time this nigger comes into our house, our house reeks of weed and he listens to loud gangster music and I'm sure they're fucking too. I always have to lie and say I was smoking weed, because she is only 15 and I'm an adult. Just rat him out.
Jackson Johnson
How do we stop these tanned germans?
Christopher Ward
I bet you were all raised by a single mother. It's now up to you to be a real man and call her out for coal burning. It is completely amd utterly unacceptable for a white girl to date a sub human nigger.
Jordan Martin
Try not to resent your new niece/nephew too much. They will likely grow up to hate niggers as much as you because of being abandoned.
Evan Williams
all of germany is a nigger, it's merkel's wish. shes literally worse than hitler.
Nathaniel Clark
Sad day when a German posts shit like this.
Levi Wilson
Fake as fuck story, come on man. I'll indulge you by saying "don't fucking lie about the stench and say what's going on then"
Cameron Cook
>talk to her instincts >implying women are capable of rational thinking
Found 85 IQ guy from Morocco.
Luke Smith
Matthew Thomas
She's 15 you fucking idiots.
OP, first of all stop lying to cover for her.
Kevin Myers
Give her the D.
Liam Barnes
>She's 15 you fucking idiots. Because 15 year olds are known for reacting reasonably when someone says not to date someone?
Aiden Lopez
>We made a pact in our childhood that we would never betray each other and always have our backs.
Cute, but she betrayed you the minute she brought Diddy Kong home. She's 15 she'll be able to hold a grudge against you for like 10 minutes.
Jack Thompson
i have a confirmed IQ of 129 bitch, i have abundant experience with women since i lived among them most of my life.
Jeremiah Collins
will be 100iq if we delete peasants
Brody Lee
don't have kids and we're good
Lucas Rodriguez
>I always have to lie and say I was smoking weed You deserve it. I hope the nigger also rapes your mother.
Ethan Bell
Two people from Morocco have Internet? How did that happen.
Sebastian Wilson
>being a civic "nationalist"
why dont you just pay black people to fuck your wife and get it over with cuck