Did the CIA really distribute crack into poor neighborhoods?
Did the CIA really distribute crack into poor neighborhoods?
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Used to as an experiment
Black OPs don't fund themselves.
Indirectly. It's related to Iran Contra and it's important to understand Iran Contra and what it meant.
But essentially Reagan wanted to fund anti communists in Nicuragua(sp?). Through fund raising for them this wasn't an issue but eventually it was found out that these anti communist fighters were smuggling very large amounts of cocaine into America for extra funding using CIA operatives as a go between to help move the drugs into the country through customs. and border security.
Whether Reagan actually signed the go ahead that allowed funding to be raised that way is dubious.
However this got found out by congress and a bill was put in place to disallow the president the ability to fund these groups without congressional approval.
This leads up to the Iran Contra scandal proper.
Yes AusOp they did. Chemists cooked it down and uncle tom spread it 'round
No they sold it to Jay Z and he did.
>Black OPs don't fund themselves.
They get welfare.
No, one of their informants did.
They also brought back heroin from the golden triangle in body bags during Vietnam.
They have done far worse than that but if that's what you're concerned about the answer is yes.
Specifically to black neighborhoods. Yeah. No where near the most egregious of their crimes against humanity
This. They flooded the U.S. with cocaine.
Its unlikely. Sabotaging black communities would imply that anyone thought they were a threat in the first place. They are best left quarantined, they do a great job of killing themselves.
post real CIA stories please
>mfw MKUltra was real
It's much more likely rogue agents took confiscated cocaine, used their knowledge of how coke is diluted in other places and then resold it to the very same communities they confiscated it from. Because black people, they over blew this as a deliberate attempt to get black people hooked on coke, it's much more likely some CIA agents thought it was dumb to leave all that powdered gold lying around.
Having your poorest people hooked on the most expensive drug is about the most senseless strategy you could imagine. If you wanted to keep them poor, you'd just tell their favourite media organisation to glorify crime and paint any African American with a >90iq as an "urkel."
This guy has it right.
They didn't sell it to anybody, they allowed/facilitated the smuggling. From there it naturally goes down the heirarchy, from smugglers to gangs to big dealers to small dealers to street level Googles cutting it and manufacturing crack to cut costs
Rappers put out the idea that it was the plan to "sell it to poor blacks", when they didn't give a shit about them, it's just incidental
Yes, after you get them high on crack and heroin, and have Bergstein Records funding kill/drug-money/jail music. Before that majority of black cultural influence was christian nuclear family.
(((There))) "chemists"
So what, it was CIA agents being shady cunts trying to make cash and they weren't told to do it?
My questions are:
>How long it lasted?
>How much it impacted the communities?
>What states were affected?
Everybody claims so.
As if it was the source of the (((thug culture))) that is so harmful to them.
Doubt it was Ronnie.. probably that globalist neo-con George Bush senior
Crack isn't expensive.
>Before that majority of black cultural influence was christian nuclear family.
Lulz. You guys are going to have so much fun after your black population gets above 1%.
Actually it's because coke dealers could more easily self fund than weed dealers. If weed costed more than coke, you'd actually see reggae instead of hip hop as the dominant black music.
Actually, rastas chose weed because it's less violent and there's less violence associated to it because it's cheaper, so I don't know.
One thing is for certain, black people who like hip hop are about the most blue pilled people ever. You actually blame regular, middle class white men for your poverty when your music and culture outright bullies the intelligence out of young black boys? And you think it's our fault? Bro, I don't even live in the same country as you.
Coke is. Crack is just a dilution. The only illicit drug that's in any conceivable way "cheap" is weed and even then if you're smoking joints instead of using a vaporiser it's not even that cheap.
And, surprise surprise, smoking joints rather than vaporisers (or even bongs) has "prestige" to it, an association created by none other than hip hop.
Even the way black men smoke is blue pilled. A gram of weed can last a vaporiser user a week, a gram of weed lasts a joint smoker barely a night.
That's my point.
Crack from the cocaine rush was created by the free market (so to speak), niggas cutting costs.
No it's a little bit more subtle than that.
Reagan wanted the contras funded by any and all means and with basically those instructions left it up to the CIA operatives overseeing it to handle how they got funded.
The white house was funding the contras itself openly, but the contras realized they could get even more cash by selling large amounts of coke in the US. They conferred with their CIA handlers and made it happen.
Oliver Norths testimony at Congress on the later Iran Contra scandal is very telling. A big part of this was that HOW these contras and other anti communist fighters got cash wasn't spelled out by the white house, it was left up to the CIA operatives and MIlitary in charge so that there was plausible deniability by the White House.
>Crack isn't expensive.
you obviously don't smoke much crack. A 20 rock will keep you high maybe an hour if you pace yourself. As soon as it's all gone you crave it immensely. That's why crackheads resort to stealing shit to fuel their uncontrollable addiction, because it's fucking expensive.
Black men deliberately don't cut costs. That optimisation you expect from the free market is extremely dependent on high IQ, you have to both know how to cut costs and want to cut costs. Black men do everything inefficiently out of pride, prestige and social status. Again, it's a nerdy white boy thing to even know what vaporisation is.
These are interesting people because you just won't find anyone more blue pilled.
Lastly, any drug that lasts less than an hour isn't a high IQ drug. This is why when white people do shell out for drugs, it's LSD or pingers.
Yeah, it's the "rich man's" high. This is literally how blue pilled people think.
Stick to weed, guys. It's a beautiful, beautiful drug when you don't have a tolerance.
can't say that I do
Does McCain have arms like a little fat dinosaur?
>Stick to weed, guys.
You are a fucking un-Australian cunt, mate.
Don't listen to this guy. You want to live in this country, you drink beer, and you drink lots of it.
Should be made to skull a pint as part of the citizenship test.
idk, did you really lose an entire war to emus?
If you're asking did the CIA receive ill gotten funds from this...
Undoubtedly. They played the middle man to the deals and probably skimmed healthy profits from the sales.
if you don't drink vb & get on the pingas it's a left right goodnite
You need to get a few in you then get into the beer. Same rule applies with goey.
Alcohol is boring and literally feels bad if you're not mindful of your B vitamins. At best, alcohol is the accessible depressant you take because benzos are prescription and opiates (codeine for us) isn't good for you, brilliant liver fuck so I wouldn't rely on it as my go to depressant.
Weed is literally euphoric, as in it literally feels good. Can be a bit shitty if you have a tolerance and only smoking for a habit, almost like the caffeine of the psychedelic world if you smoke infrequently. The thing people dislike about LSD is it can be hard to handle, weed almost never is and when it is, have a few drinks and you're fine.
VB is tourist beer... I strongly suspect 50% of Australians are proxies.
Hipsters here drink Brunswick bitter, with a little more taste it's Matilda bay beers, after that it's an argument between coopers and Carlton these days. A boags is fine too.
Seriously, no one here drinks VB. No one. You're a fucking proxy and I'm the only Australian spergy enough to point it out. Everyone else is just looking at us awkwardly.
the coke came into bill clinton's arkansas under the cia direction off george bush 1
aka iran contra, it was distributed into the ghettos where it destroyed a generation
of blacks and found the clintons gifted
the presidency by george bush 1 for their silence and collusion in the matter.
the press ignored the situation.
If you ever find youself asking "Did the spooks do X?", the answer is that the spooks did indeed do X, and they also did Y and Z while everyone was distracted by X.
Ayo can I get a quick rundown on that my dude
>Seriously, no one here drinks VB. No one
You've got to be fucken kidding me. It's the only beer reliably on tap in any town.
You sound like some stoned hipster faggot. It's a dark day for this country when poofs like you are openly waltzing about.
no they just supply it to distributors
Yes, they also invented it
Yeah, because it's cheap and nasty and would do anything to attract tourists, thus the tourist beer. I'm sorry you live in a bumfuck town.
We're all drinking Carlton in the city.
Stop believing conspiracy theories. It's infinitely more likely by every angle that there were rogue agents who wanted to make side money, because a 6 figure government salary is nice.. but making yet another 6 figures selling hard drugs is nicer.
>naww dude da gubmint out to get us!
Which is why they pay your welfare cheques and create incentives for affirmative action? How do you expect white people to believe this?
blacks smoke 'blunts' user. wrapped in a cigarillo. joints use paper
>t. former degenerate
Distribute? No, but in order to raise support, in terms of funds and manpower, for the overthrow of communism in the islands, south and Central America's the CIA may have looked the other way when drug lords, that handled most of the rebellion, wanted to raise funds by selling cocaine.
No Op, it was black gangsters with chemistry degrees who were flying their jets down to Colombia, using their deep understanding of radar and satellite surveillance to evade detection and fly tons and tons of cocaine over international borders.
>The family that brought crack cocaine to America’s school children now delivers Afghani heroin at even lower prices. When the farce of 9/11 led to two invasions, to Afghanistan to put the drug lords of the Northern Alliance in position to kick out the anti-opium Taliban and to loot Iraq’s oil resources, there was no independent CIA left.
>What is key to understand is that the CIA only runs drugs, nothing else. Drugs are a source of capital and endless political power, all untraced, all attributable and utterly unstoppable during a period of endless war when the CIA runs its own airlines and lives in a world with no frontiers and no oversight of any kind.
Opiates is the new business. And for some reason whites seem to prefer opiates, so they are the new cash cow.
Little know fact but dindus cant think abstractly enough to understand the concept of a carb or a perc.
Second you say bowl, downstem or vaporizor you are in the PhD area of nugology.
Blacks are forver stuck within 1st grade nug school.
Yeah, I know, but blunts are basically the same thing, with different paper and even more weed crammed into it. Nerdy white boys who have less than 0 prestige amongst blacks will pick apart a gram of weed over the course of a week.
I think the fact that real degenerates brag about how much they smoke is telling. They want to smoke inefficiently, that's prestigious. If you're smoking like that though you might as well use hard drugs.
There was never a conspiracy to get black people hooked on hard drugs. Weed, most definitely, weed is brilliant because it's cheap, accessible and illegal, so you can basically arrest anyone you want because you can be fairly sure they've smoked weed over the last month. Not hard drugs though.
I don't doubt rogue CIA smuggled heroin or sold confiscated coke, I'm fairly certain there's even government disclosed evidence of this. Regardless, there are accounts from people being sold drugs by law enforcement officers. It's key to keep on mind that they're rogue, this means they're just making money in the side.
There is no conspiracy, always believe the most likely explanations with the fewest assumptions attached. I assume only that people are greedy and opportunistic.
Also, I assume Australians talking up VB are proxies.
I always assumed the invasion of Afghanistan was a smoke screen to limit heroin, not loot it.
Australia sells legal opiates, if you're connected you don't need to do illegal things, Victoria and Tasmania are filled with opium farms.
Taliban burned poppy fields
Once we got involved ive had buddies tell me personally how they guarded new fields.
>I don't doubt rogue CIA smuggled heroin or sold confiscated coke, I'm fairly certain there's even government disclosed evidence of this. Regardless, there are accounts from people being sold drugs by law enforcement officers. It's key to keep on mind that they're rogue, this means they're just making money in the side
Dude, you are either dumb or a shill. Reagan gave Oliver North's "Enterprise" carte blanche to import cocaine (to fight communism in Nicaragua). That's what the whole Iran-Contra scandal revolved around.
I wonder what could've occurred in Afghanistan around 2002 that caused opium cultivation to skyrocket..
really makes me think.
The stories they told me are literally mind blowing
And the fact that the gen pop has no fucking clue is sad af.
We need a culling of the airheads who dont have any idea of what we are up to.
Probably to appease local warlords who were a little more friendly to the Americans, I'm fairly convinced the Taliban would sell heroin. Tommy Robinson has accounts of Islamic gangs selling heroin in the UK, I assume this comes from Afghanistan (or maybe Turkey?).
Muslims definitely don't mind selling heroin to westerners.
Claiming dumb.
I'll research it.
Hey I could be wrong! Or maybe the UN decided Afghanistan's only real economy was illicit heroin? I don't know. On the other hand, the reverse Google image search of that graphic is a Twitter account, a few WordPress sites and a 9/11 conspiracy site.
I'm still sceptical. Besides allegiance to local (friendly) warlords I couldn't imagine what NATO and allies would gain by allowing the global heroin market.
google "opium afghanistan post 9/11"
there are tons of sources.
A fuck load of money??????
> he doesn't drink VB
you're not one of the boys m8
Yeah, but the Australian (and Czech) government will sell you all the opiates you want and you won't have to risk your cover being blown, this is meant to be common knowledge: the Australian government (and Czech and probably a few others) is selling opiates.
I'm finding a few... Actually.
Huff post and salon are the ones that show up on my first page of Google, they're actually reporting much the same thing. This doesn't necessarily mean the American military is officially selling Afghani opium on American streets.
Again, I never denied the invasion of Afghanistan was predominantly about opium in some way. I simply assumed it was about limiting opium. Again, Australia will sell you all the opium you want in an official capacity.
If NATO intended to limit opium production they didn't do a very good job.
>I'm still sceptical. Besides allegiance to local (friendly) warlords I couldn't imagine what NATO and allies would gain by allowing the global heroin market.
This is kind of tinfoily, but the argument is that the CIA controls the major drug trade, especially to the US. Drug market is worth hundreds of billions a year and the CIA can use that money any way it pleases.
THe intelligence community in general has little in the way of checks and balances. Billions dissappear into a black hole, you have a group of people with massive resources who are above the law.
Thus they form the American Praetorian guard which influences the country from the shadows for their own benefit. T
Hey are not the only power base, finance, MIC etc are of course also powerful, and voting does matter to some extent.
>that pic
Varg is talking out of his ass. There is nothing more ignorant than a European using America as a scapegoat.
Look into Barry Seal while you're researching. There was allegedly video of Jeb and George Bush making a run in his plane in 85. Seal was killed by 86.
>Did the CIA really distribute crack into poor neighborhoods?
Do you know what would happen if the oppressed people in America sobered up all at once?
Man you must be dumb
Seizing fields and being a manufacturer to fund off the book ops is a no brainer.
Spoils of war fag
Well.. they rarely do. I'm now wondering if I've gotten the UN/NATO backwards, they're also meant to be stopping sex slavery in Africa but they're clearly not doing a good job there either. For all we know they actually are trying and actually are failing, rather than any "spoils of war" thing, maybe the Talibans decision to burn all the opium was so disastrous to the Afghani economy that an invasion was invited? It does seem somewhat credible that soldiers were guarding Afghani poppy fields, but there could be other reasons than keeping the black man down.
Fuck off, this is some exit level red pills. I'm just trying to reason out what's most likely here and sift through media sensationalism and Sup Forumss obsession with having red pills that others don't have. It's too easy to believe bullshit you heard on Sup Forums, here is where you must be most sceptical.
If true, this is the kind of red pill that would end the drug war. It's completely unjustified if there's definite, inarguable proof that governments are playing both sides.
People don't want to be sober, the fact that there's a chance everything in this thread is true is enough.
You must be young
>but there could be other reasons than keeping the black man down.
The Taliban banning opium was just the cherry on top of a long list of reasons to invade the middle east. As for keepin the black man down, heroin is a billion dollar industry, I don't think they set out to destroy black neighborhoods, that's just a byproduct. Alot of white people buy heroin too. They probably don't give a rats ass who buys it or what it does to the communities.
Yes. Freeway Rick Ross, the real Rick Ross, industrialised it. The CIA flooded the hood with it.
Blacks like crack, heroin is hitting white America. It's about the money and the power that comes with it.
>Drug overdoses are driving up the death rate of young white adults in the United States to levels not seen since the end of the AIDS epidemic more than two decades ago — a turn of fortune that stands in sharp contrast to falling death rates for young blacks, a New York Times analysis of death certificates has found.
>Prescription painkillers and heroin are thought to be driving the increase in drug deaths.
Pharma is of course making money from this too, pushing opiates to people to get them hooked.
>Did the CIA really distribute crack into poor neighborhoods?
Technically, no....
The CIA distributed Cocaine, which the "Urban Demographic" cooked into crack.
I think you misunderstood my use of "you" or I used it falsely. I meant "you" as in the general non-specific type... like if you were hypothetically belonging to a group of people targetting blacks, that's how it would work. Nixon was in on it for sure
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Iran contra?
t. retard
They apparently also protect dealers and maintain a constant flow into "poor" areas.
No cops will stop them, they get called off.
Wanna eliminate a violent dealer and his murderous pedo friends? No. You get to find out why the local government has so many "gun control" (self defense) prohibitions. And since you legally own a gun, but are not a protected group actor or related to one, HOW DARE YOU legally own a gun? You just want to kill children.
Sorry, Hawaii rant over. Come to Hawaii if you like meth and raping children. As long as you have a secret handshake and special apron and ring, terrorists, uh, I mean HEROES with badges will protect you if one of those lesser people you choose to prey on can protect themselves.
The cops give out surveillance info to their E.J.K.
(Read the leaked emails, nigger. Extra Judicial Killings. They do this in the USA too.) groups here, they try to murder witnesses and the vulnerable as in escaped pizza.
I don't know about regular users, but when I tried crack I was high for at least 3 hours. Better than coke, which last like 20 mins, although the high is different.
>quick rundown
this is a TL;DR version, but everything there is verified.
They're drug dealers. It's how they make their money.
Sort of.
The CIA were aware that the Contra's and various other Right Wing Safety Squads financed themselves through cocaine sales and made no real effort to assist the DEA or others with their investigations.
One large scale supplier (who supplied the suppliers who supplied Freeway Ricky Ross who introduced crack into nigger neighborhoods) was arrested and then given a desk job at the DEA after intervention from high up the chain.
There was some guy, forgotten his name, who was a cartel hitman in Miami WHILE also working (as in hired officially as an officer) in the CIA running Safety Squads in South America.
No. The CIA would assist (the level of assistance is unknown and greatly debated) or at best looked the other way, as their assets (anti communist groups) smuggled cocaine to finance arms purchases (this is where Iran came into it - the whole thing was a mess - you had the CIA looking the other way as Israeli's sold guns to Iran who then sold those guns to Lebanese factions to use against Israeli's and Americans and so on and so on).
I can't remember how/why Ricky Ross started selling crack.
I know they were all in to PCP originally and then his PCP dealer showed him a way to turn coke into rock to get a quicker/more efficient high.
Coke in Australia is the worst meme. So fucking expensive. Basically it's for rich people who want something soft/pleasant to keep them standing when they're drunk.
The rest of us will just rack MDMA.
Further down the food chain are the guys who like the shard.
The bought/sold bulk.
They didn't know exactly where it would end up.
Why are burgers such sticklers for nigger-tier naming of variations for weed?
>why do other people know the correct terms for things I don't know about
I just drink soda water when I go out.
Emu export bud
Fucking hell mate you know fuck all about your beers. VB is one of the most popular beers by volume sold in Australia. Australia does have one of the largest per capita craft beer markets in the world but Brunswick is average, Matilda Bay is overpriced and Coopers is solid. Carlton is owned by the same brewery who makes VB. Get Burleigh Brewery in you, literally god tier.
i deadset have not heard the term goey in a good 5 years
good one ay
like back in the old days
$30 all night vs $80 for 45 minutes
Its pretty much common knowledge.
Anyone who thinks these people just stop because, "thats just wrong" dont know anything about the CIA or federal government.
Anyone who doesn't think they are constantly pushing products and ideas on every social class is delusional and blind
>We smoke while we flip the bird.
See these baggies? These are fucking huge for meth bags. AND the bags inside have residue too. This is shit left on my elderly mom's steps the local junkies claim as their gang territory.
The cops protect the local dealers.
They give them people's personal info and surveillance info and use them as a proxy force for illegal violent actions.
These fucks threaten to murder me and laugh about it. Daily. They try to claim this is their "hood" until they get scared I might have a gun and be able to protect myself, then they CALL THE COPS. This is not the first time this has happened to me, I am homeless. They have groups of these sick shits in different areas. They did this to me when I was younger. (I am escaped pizza, hard to work and live a normal life when police snitch "gangstas" will break in to your place when you go to work, and then the cops refuse to do anything, AND the local corrupt detective squad trying to say they are a "secret police" force tells your boss you are a meth addict, then claims you are a terrorist for trying to get legal help and telling people what they did... )
This is not the only area this happens in here. The local traitors and terrorists are cultivating criminal groups as lynchmobs protected by the cops and courts.
you sure those aren't your meth baggies?
Why don't they just smoke meth? Its cheaper, lasts forever, and better in every way.
Keeps the poor from launching revolutions in the Ivanistans. Aren't drugs awesome? They prevent political turmoil.