Styx is a retard


Other urls found in this thread:

>alt-right e-celebs and their fans in one image

That's about all

WTF is wrong with this guy

better than varg

>alt-right in a nutshell

I hate this subhuman.

If you look like him and then call your videos like that you do nothing else then fat feminists who say nobody wants to fuck them because of "every other reason other then being fat or ugly"

the alt right only exist as a strawman to lump together every trumpsupporter, rightwing supporter and opponent of the corrupt establishment though. they created it and then proceed to discredit them as a whole based on a few negative examples they likely fabricated them self. so now they dont have that all the people from all kinds of social backgrounds, ethnicity, income, with all kinds of different reasons opposing hillary, but only that racist bigoted alt right.
everyone identifying as alt right as a usefull idiot or a shill. if you consider yourself to be alt right without getting payed you are a usefull idiot

truth is he always goes commando and his favorite music is Italian 70's synth music.

he is a poor fag who cant afford to wear tshirts everyday!

Fake and gay. Styx is wise as fuck

this ignore sharia blue

Styx don't give a fuck

based styx is the man.

Peace out!

Fuck you on about, Styx is the hottest thing outta Verm' since Ben and Jerry's!

If you genuinely think that's a legit screenshot you need to hang yourself.

that's not saying much

It's actually quite funny, that shop still has his YouTube channel in it, so when normies check it out they'll see this:
Their narrative is dead in the water for anyone who cares enough to look.

Anyone notice Styx pronounces a lot of words incorrectly?

>We should have amnesty
Gas everyone from the degenerate state of Vermont


He's an effeminate and weak nerd. A true cuck like his fans. Fuck you all.

Its fake you retard.

Somebody needs to kill him quick.

kill yourself cringe faggot. reported

prove it. Not shareblue but:

>90 pound weakling
>faggy hair
>Leather jacket
>Rome poster.

He just comes across as a pathetic poser.

How the fuck is this guy popular? LOOK AT HIM

Thats like saying dog shit is better than dog vomit

reasons to hate styx number 1 he's a Satanist
2. he laughs off pizzagate
3. he defends spirit cooking
4. he's an alt lite civic fag
5. he "likes" 15 year old kids

Except that's real.

>divide and conquer thread

You know what to do

White people are the problem.
They need to disappear

I think this must an American thing senpai.

6. he loves abortion

You paid shills are fcking retarded


7. he is bisexual



woah, we got a badass here talking shit over the internet about someone who will always be more popular than him

Sup Forums's solution:
1) We are the most intelligent
2) We know that the JOO is behind it all
3) Gas everyone we don't like
4) Everything is degenerate and we are perfectly capable to judge
5) Hitler dindu nuffin
6) But niggers saying "dindu nuffin" are sub-human apes
TL;DR: The world is full of retards and Sup Forums nazis are the pinnacle of wisdom, body aestetics, and morality.

This is literally Styx

Yeah this, styx is god-tier analysis and is always on point, shills are scared

t. guy who watches almost every video he puts out

Maybe, but he gets paid for it.


8.molests cats
9. does minecraft let's plays
10.looks like a bum

hahahaha GAY



11.he thinks its halloween every other day
and does a retarded occult video

12.lives with mommy

except that's a parody of the global warming argument

Couldn't have anything to do with exuding faggotry

13.literally believes he has magic powers
and that he can summon his bestest
bum chum stolas the demon
14 he likes cross dressing

he looks like Herr Flick with aspergers

15.has a pickle dick

>alt-lite e-celebs and their fans in one image


>8 posts by this ID

Shilling hard today!

Ten seconds later
>10 posts by this ID

this meme has never been funny

This. Thank you for understanding my German friend. Ive tried explaining this to burgers but they don't seem to understand or even care that they are being used to shill for free

Fake. Styx is awesome.

11 posts by this ID

You're just now figuring this out?

Looks more like the neckbeard weirdo from that one epuside of king of the hill that tried to get bobby join his nerd cult

>actually having these pictures saved

gas yourself. styx > you

I honestly dont get why you faggots like retards like this or Varg. Retards rambling about magic and shit.

Damn Hans, you hit the nail on the head. Divide and Conquer

Styx is alright