Dumping every single iron pill comic / meme / info pic I've found
Take the Iron Pill
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Bump if you're lurking
mfw i study at Aarhus University
Well that's all. I have some other "pills" but i consider them more like jokes, and less to be part of the "iron pill" canon which is relevant to the comics.
bump because this was a pretty good meme of the week back in the day
I love these comics, every few month I go back and read them
Thanks for the reminder bro, ill strive towards volkisch once more.
well this is gay
Thanks OP, I do wish the Iron Pill would become big again
best meme
Iron pill's friend.
Some iron pill music
where the fuck is part 4
f-forced meme?
It's a comic that takes several years of higher education to understand.
Not bad, would ditch yogurt and pasta however. Needs mushrooms.
why is he wearing a fucking nigger hoodie and short shorts?
captain swedens evil twin?
are you seriously going initiatepurityspiral.exe on a comic?
Niggers simply appropriated European hood-based fashion, Jarvis. Monks, ascetics, and celibates were the original rockers of da hood.
whats that screencap from?
looks like the guy from mr robot
Also Cargo shorts were invented by the brits in the 30s
>niggers steal everything
>then whine about appropriation
What a surprise
it's i shiggy diggy guy from /tv
Ironpill doesn't name the Jews enough.
Liberalism is created by Jews making it a foreign entity from a foreign people.
By not naming the Jews you are allowing foreignness to merge with the white EVROPEAN populace.
Also Blackpill needs his own comics.
He can be like a Völkisch Garfield.
If people weren't so easily influenced by pop culture and degeneracy, your jews wouldn't really have much power to fuck things up.
>If people weren't so easily influenced by pop culture
That didn't happen overnight. It's taken over two centuries of focused effort and they still don't have it down completely.
Are these pics for volkisch ants? So small.
The man depicted in your paganstronk image is a manlet
Bump pham
>defending being a manlet
>Ironpill doesn't name the Jews enough.
I can't get over how people are initiating purityspiral.exe on a web comic that you need to have studied latin for years in order to fully understand. it's the apotheosis of absurdity.
It's ok lanklet, there there, gotta be hard being that unaesthetic
pick one shortie
>he thinks looking like a slenderman is aesthetic
Oh sweetie
Small penis
>uses "mfw"
>dosen't post a image
what a tard
What can you expect from someone going to the danish equivalent of Berkeley?
Thanks Börje. Does anyone know what the symbol is on IPs hoodie?
narrow penis
Why do the Iron Pilled seem to be pagans or fedoras?
>Not taking the saved pill.
You. I like you.
Savedpill reading list?
What is a good stretching routine to supplement weightlifting, Sup Forums? (diagrams showing the stretches preferred because I'm lazy)
saved pill is best pill
There's somewhere a picture about many good books. Still searching it but, I know a few.
The Didache,
The Cloud of Unknowing
Turning the Heart to God
The Way of a Pilgrim and a Pilgrim Continues His Way
C.S Lewis has many good books too.
>A fucking kike on a stick.
Who are they?
Even if the red pill is a requirement, the iron pill is the best . Healthy and based asf
>statue mode and drops his hands
What a good fighter
It's the Odal rune
Also, I'd heard rumors that the creator of the Iron Pill was jailed for hate speech or some shit (he's swedish, I think). Any knowledge on whether this is true, and why the series just stopped?
Pretty sure that's not true, I think he just lost interest with making more.
Breddy gud
Thanks, OP. Needed this today.
Bump. Shills eternally BTFO
>mfw Saved Iron Pill
So I can suck her clit and no one would be allowed to stop me?
>has over 6 GB of Middle Ages chants on his MP3 player
This is epic