Oh Germany, why did you betrayed your own volk?
Oh Germany, why did you betrayed your own volk?
That's just because most German millennials are refugees at this point.
Brainwashing I guess.
>UK, France, USA, team up to occupy west Germany
>tell them they're the lowest of people for 50 years
>be surprised when they self harm
Huh, rmyt
German women are overwhelmingly pro-refugee. I don't think this is because they want masculine men, this is because they are childless and view refugees as vulnerable infants so maternal instincts are going haywire so to say.
Brain washing + Jerry genes
>Only city cancer girls are refugee
>Pol thinks the entire country is pro refugee
people literally get indoctrinated and brainwashed there since childhood into muh 6 gorrilion guilt. The youth doesnt even care usually. My gf is a kraut and she fucking hates those fish eyed niggers.
>your own volk
The majority of "german" millennials are immigrants, dude. No shit they are immigrant friendly.
This, the school system is designed to that effect.
Can Europe survive until the next generation? Will there be enough whites when the pendulum to swings back to nationalism and racism for Europe to purge the shitskins and halfbreeds?
>Can Europe survive until the next generation?
I don't know, can it?
I'm counting on Ukraine, Poland and Hungary to keep their soil a haven for white people.
this tbqh
>Ukraine a haven for white people
Are you fucking retarded?
Ukranians arent white theyre Tartar mongoloids. Even less white than Russia.
>Ukranians arent white theyre Tartar mongoloids
I lived in Ukraine a while and well, the color of their skin is white and their values are hard-working traditional Christian ones.
I don't know what's to hate in that.
Their medium IQ is 97, which is a white score.
Genetics aside, Ukraine has everything of a "white" European country and values.
>constant reminder of muh 6 gorillion
>take advanced history course at A-Levels
>study weimarer republic and ww2
>suddenly anti semitism out of nowhere goy
>take test and ace it
>analysing the speech of himmler at the wannsee konferenz
>best grade out of whole class
>still blue pilled
>go to Sup Forums years later
>read old books/papers about it
>hear speeches from the time
>can understand everything since it's my mother tongue
>suddenly everything differs
>the whole uprising to ww2 was very different
>((pure coincidene))
Nothing to see here.
>3rd world aids invested shithole.
East germany is cucked as well.
Oh and you are right we should have split germany like that : One part for each of us.
>Their medium IQ is 97, which is a white score
thats how i always felt about it.
as a burger, everything about germany blows my mind, it's the most perfect a country on this earth can get. i imagine that being german they're bored as fuck with the mundane well oiled machine perfect country and society that germany is and just want to spice it up
Not an argument.
kind of like the matrix where the humans couldn't take living in a perfect matrix
Today's France, US and UK has it lower than 97, you DO know that, right?
You know the amount of HIV and AIDS infected individual is the highest in Ukraine?
You know their GPD is lower than Greece's?
You know their IQ is way lower than you make it out to be?
Fuck off abdullah.
Being neighbors with Germany these days is like living door to door with a schizophrenic man who keeps on shitting on his own doormat.
You cant really stop him from doing so, yet everyday you grow more worried that he will start shitting on yours too.
Germans are under so much pressure from the good old jew hunting days, so they try to be better human beings now. Jews are controlling them the most.
You should look in your own house first froggy.
>You know the amount of HIV and AIDS infected individual is the highest in Ukraine?
Stupid Christian propaganda about condoms and misinformation about STIs. They should really do something about it.
Good thing a lot of AIDS ridden people are gypsies tho.
>You know their GPD is lower than Greece's?
Being double fucked by USSR and EU does that to you. Their previously corrupted govt is not helping.
>You know their IQ is way lower than you make it out to be?
Don't get me wrong, Ukraine is not a "good country" right now, this is why they're still white after all.
But they are good people, good values and ready to fight if necessary.
Beggars can't be choosers, can they.
except somehow feminism and male patriarchy coexists and male coworkers can hit on their female counterparts without the fear of being called a chauvinist pig, but that of course more directly relates to your social status and attractiveness and not living in a litigious sue happy society like america
>You should look in your own house first froggy.
France is lost, mate.
What do you want me to look at?