We are already praising kek on a political level. Step up your game burgers

We are already praising kek on a political level. Step up your game burgers
Proofs: mobile.twitter.com/RussianEmbassy/status/849931349972721664

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is this board so powerful?

What a wild world we live in

You have no idea just how many rusians are on Sup Forums at all times
Meme magic is especially strong in this country, and we are spreading it

hail putin, the chosen one

HOLY SHIT! My best get

Kek abandoned Trump, now we are a pro-Putin board


Welp, looks like Kek has chosen Putin

russian anglo portuguese alliance when

Is Putin the savior of this world?


>Trump evoked the Assad Curse
>Kek abandons Trump

>Russuan memebrassy, UK

I have great respect for RIDF. They have brainwashed lots of youth here.


is he /ourguy/?

an image worth more than a thousand...schlomos

Manlets are the most powerful race in the world.

Sure they can, the embassy hasn't had a (((gas))) explosion.

Sup Forums and many other internet places are run or manipulated by the Ruskies and the reason Trump won is because they distabilize america and the world by pandering to the scum on places like Sup Forums, not to mention secretly orchestrating "sjw" indoctrination by enabling the jews at israel to attack the west.
Sup Forums is an echo chamber that poisons the mind of people globally via the extensive use of memetics

Kek is just a tool for Russia, since the admins control and/or have bots in place for certain keywords or phrases that automatically grant digits to a certain post or it allows mods themselves to queu up posts that will have "digi.ts"

Kekism is a lie that we all swallow because we are weak and want to be able to change the world.
Russia allowed us to do this but in turn we change the world for their own good, not the world's.

I'm not saying America is the good guy here, all I'm saying is that there are currently two sides, and each of them will lose in the end since nobody cares for the world outside of what there is to plunder from it.

You will never admit it but we were always the bad guys without knowing it.
We've been sucking Russian dick all along and our memetics becoming compromised was the reason why this happend.

Make no mistake, you are all traitors...
We are traitors.
Not to our countries or governments but to ourselves for indulging in controlled psyop memetics and becoming (((their))) pawns, just like everyone.

We had the potential to avoid the coming bloodshed but instead we turned to nihilism and gave praise to the old and outdated.
It's too late now.
Ordo ab cao.

Best timeline ever, very comfy to see this Yvgeny. I hope in a few weeks they will be tweeting out Pepes and the libs will lose their mind because it is 'a symbol of white supremacy' or something. This is good PR for Russia, if they start tweeting Pepes a lot of people in the US will change their mind about Russia. Also congrats on the epic April Fool's Day troll, you guys are really doing it. Us in burgerland seem to have lost our sense of humor

Get a load of this edgelord

Not even a good troll. Go kill yourself faggot and get off this board. We praise Kek here and may Kek smite you for your disobedience and disrespect. Stop bashing President Trump and Putin, they are /ourguys/ and we will retake Constantinople whether or not you like it. Praise Kek, and may you realize the errors of your ways one day

>Russia is secretly controlling everything from the shadows
Y-yeah sure

Excuse me for that it's just that I'm just so sad about everyone here who can't see this.
We're obviously controlled opposition and we will never admit it.

We will all burn no matter on what "side" we are on or where we're from or whatever.


Top kek brother bear

Everyone say hi to RIDF

Maybe I didn't write that clearly.
I'm not saying Russia is behind absolutely everything "bad" that's happening it's just they are pandering to (((them))) more than America which hasn't been since the CCCP.
Something very terrible is happening.
A new weapon is rediscovered.

Do you even think about what you're writing?
You're a flesh drone.

I genuinely hope you are with Sharia Blue and this is a paid troll. If not you are fucking retarded. Could there be some social engineering on Sup Forums, perhaps, probably from people like you, but in comparison to every other facet of society (schooling, TV, facebook, MSM, etc.) it is much less. If you are genuinely that upset just FUCKING KILL YOURSELF ALREADY. Do the Ted Kaczynski thing if you feel like you can't hang, so sad at the world? Only one option , and that is to be an hero

You might be right but as much as some US government institutions can't or won't prove that Russkies are doing some weird internet operation, you can't either and as long as there isn't any evidence this notion will just get drowned out.

Lol flesh drone, did you just drop acid for the first time recently? And really gonna hate Putin , yeah he might be a kike but whatever he is still better than alternatives. And again if you can not handle reality and knowing the truth, go live in the fucking woods and drop out of society or just kill yourself. Stop bringing your misery here. Praise Kek


Putin' mom was devout Russian Orthodox Christian who secretly baptized him so that Communists would not notice when he was a kid.

When the elites gamma ray us to clear the cities for the microchipped mulatto slave race, yes we'll all burn. Thankfully a billionaire twitter troll and a gang of old spooks put a stop to that plan. Cheer up Progeria, unless you're a shill heading for the rope, in which case; mfw

>some social engineering on Sup Forums
Not really, this whole place is a indoctrination center.
A very complex and futuristic one.
In fact all mainstream social medias are tame compared to this place.
Why? Because here we mingle the truth with purpose, rather than lies like the (((media))) does.
And that can brainwash people much more thoroughly than any news outlet.
The internet itself is becoming a battlefield of political giants rather than a place of freedom and not just the net, everything we see, hear and touch is now someone's political agenda.

I guess freedom is overrated, or maybe people used their freedom to become slaves?

Makes me ponder...

Hehe xddddddddd

>go live in the woods.
While I would certainly like to live in the forest like a monkey I can't because it will be illegal since the forest is not my property.
>did you just drop acid for the first time recently?
No but I do like to overthink stuff sometimes, like possibilities and do calculations.
You'd be amazed how much crap I have in my brain.


He's KGB.
They used program guys like him very well.
Provided it's really the same Putin and the theory that it's actually different people wearing his face is true but I don't it is if you ask me.

All and all he's always loyal to the KGB or the people that ran it/were his superiors.
The reason why some people perceive him as "good" or "charismatic" is because he's a master manipulator and knows which string to pull to have a desired positive effect.
He's really a "good" politician.



>le putin is jewish meme

I'm not gonna debate you at this point but just some advice; if you choose to continue thinking like that, you will be miserable and you are choosing to be sad. You will be happier and your life easier if you stop being a pessimist and look at things differently. Instead of that just think that Kek is on our side and things will be good, we are in this thread to celebrate improved Russo-American relations and the tweet mentioning Kek. You will be happier if you start thinking things could be good and maybe Trump and Putin are good people and maybe we will take back Constantinople. May you have a blessed day and praise Kek, Shadilay! Always remember if you just can't give up the pessimism and self loathing and you can't handle your thoughts, there is a way out, just be an hero

>Putin' mom was devout Russian Orthodox Christian
And you know this from where? This just bullshit they make up to hide their real family members or childhoods.
Nobody will be as dumb as to allow people to know anything personally about them if they were in some high ranking place in the political sphere, less blackmail that way.

Osama for instance even used child actors to convince everyone that he had normal a family.
While Trump's son has autism and he does everything to burry that as "fake news" while seeking revenge on vaccine for some odd reasons.

Not one of those people who "run" shit is ever
truthful about anything, if they were they would be dead by now.

He could be, no other reason why he sucks Israeli dick so much and they love him back.


Almighty kek? This is the second message we don't understand. What is it you want from us?

>ce the admins control and/or have bots in place for certain keywords or phrases that automatically grant digits to a certain post or it allows mods themselves to queu up posts that will have "digi.ts"
...oh shit, it's the russians again. this brave soldier knows the truth....tl;dr, stoped reading at that

>self loathing
Not even close, I'm actually an optimist most of the time.
Like now for instance, I was able to come to the truth so maybe others can as well?
While you guys sit here and refuse to acknowledge your mistake and keep unknowlingy fueling some other (((people)))'s political warmachines with your collective wills like some cuckolds I will use mine to usher in a world of freedom.

True freedom, not (((freedom)))) or Freedom™ or Cвoбoдa

I know more will come and join me since I am not the first nor the last.
Things will probably not get better but it gives me hope that there is at least a 0000.1% or even less.
That's enough for me if it means that there's a possibility for a world that has true freedom... maybe even for everyone.

Who knows? Maybe it's the CIA/FBI?
But truthfully is it really whose behind it that makes you recoil like some brainwashed fanatic or the notion that everything you believe in is a lie?

Admit it, the thought that you and everything so far have been controlled by (((them))) is upsetting you so much that your instincts are making you close your eyes to the possibility of a lurking painful truth that you might discover.

You know I would like Putin and Russia a lot more if they didn't have so many people mysteriously dying. Putin is obviously a good leader but he needs to tone down the assassinations, it's uncouth for a man in his position

Remember, the anti-Christ will come from the East.

>automatically grant digits to a certain post
Can confirm. I always lag out whenever my posts have ebin digits combined with dank memes. I ain't even joking. I've noticed it countless times, and it seems to happen more often when I praise KEK.

Also check'em.


>Who knows? Maybe it's the CIA/FBI?
>But truthfully is it really whose behind it that makes you recoil like some brainwashed fanatic or the notion that ev...blah blah
>screeching intensifies

Yep, you're far gone.
I'm sorry.

Fucking Bush was head of the CIA for a while there yet no one ever pointed that out or grilled him for that. They targetted his shitty policy.

but Putin used to be *in* the KGB so thats so much fucking worse than leading and heading the western KGB equivilant.

Yes we can

Big Boss is still out there. That alone gives us hope.

Does it matter?
Both men and agencies are puppets for someone who wants to fragment the world in order to reshape it in (((their))) desired "perfection".
It might seem like Russo-American relations are getting better but a big turn about is planned to happen all because everyone was instructed to metaphorically pull the lion's tail until it wakes up.
I can't say more.

Giraffebros are secretly jealous of alpha manlets. Knowing they will never hold as much power as a 5'8" badass

Russian hacker!


Fugg. My best get too.

who the fuck can even challenge a russian-anglo-american hegemony

fucking nazi germany tried and had their peoples entire reason for existence guilt tripped.

Look at the replies here vs .

This is Russian propaganda trying to hijack kek for their own political agenda. Kek is not loyal to any nation.

When did Sup Forums surpass Sup Forums as the most hated/powerful board on Sup Forums?

It never did. It only thinks it did because that's what it was memed to think.

"Betrayal" is one word.

Think of it as building a tower of cards with the intention of knocking it over without telling anyone but your (((associates))) beforehand.

We're are now seeing the tower being built on an unstable service.
Collapse is inevitable and subsequently conflict and hatred.
Just as (((they))) have always conspired but have never executed on a grand scale such as this before.

Fragmentation is inevitable now.

well rome didn't fall in a day

Sounds like youre describing the CIA formed European Union

Sup Forums has been irrelevant for a while now.

my poocy is wet

True, but don't you want out of the cursed cycle that nature has imposed on us as sentient beings?
Don't you crave freedom not just from the tyranny of our mother but our inner selves as well?
No rules or timers = no limits when it comes to potential


Was about to say the same thing, all this praise for a quad? please...

Posts like this make wonder if liberation of bulgaria was a mistake

So proof that the mods are Russian or are you just another low IQ inbred shitskin Bulg-turk rapebaby?

>Posts like this make wonder if liberation of bulgaria was a mistake
You would rather we have fought alongside the turkroaches and made your war with the ottoroach empire more harder for the Russia of that time?
Think before you speak.

gas yourself

I've got nothing to prove to anyone.
I already told the truth now it's up to the individual to accept or ignore it.

>gas yourself
I'm too poor to afford that.

UK is such a Tsundere


where does Sup Forums fit in this?

Ever notice the amount of "1 post by this ID" you've been getting? Really makes you think.

>did the russian embassy just publicly praise KEK?
>what timeline are we even in any more?
mfw best timeline to be alive...
we are witnessing a sea-change in attitude in the world... Praise Lord KEK, and praise Lord JESUS!

Fuck you. I'm doing it out of my free will.


rusemb, what did they mean by this

Free Will doesn't exist... yet.
We are all controlled by something or someone in ways we can probably never perceive in during our lifetimes.
There always has to be someone pulling the strings as nature intended.

At last, the day has come.

It hurts them. Deep down they know there's a possibility for it to be true but can't bring themselves to ever seek out legitimacy because it would mean that they have achieved nothing so far it turns out true.
I don't blame them. I would react in the same way if I was in their shoes.

>Goes on a long rant about how we naively embrace ideals, and how you are the only one right
>Then throw in that you are going to change the world.

You are one shitty shill.

Fighting fire with fire.
Is it really so bad?


How new are (You)?

It's obviously loyal to the people who can pay enough shills and code enough bots.
It doesn't matter who made the (memetic) weapon but who uses it and how.


nope. portuguese... proof, photo of portuguese discount sheet of a supermarket (written in portuguese). timestamp written with my other hand so i don't get identified

putin used to be ugly as fuck, now he looks charming, guess he ages like wine. Unless he had plastic surgery or something

This is really spot on. The internet will never be like it was 10 years ago, it's a new era. The internet is like a physical place, it's only now that different entities are really getting their footing.