How is raiding Sup Forums working out for you? Didn't you learn the last 6.000.000 times that you can't win this fight?
Oh look, the lefty shills are back
Other urls found in this thread:
>but they make quality Oc
You're a redditor... aren't you?
>doesn't know what "quality Oc" is
Wrong patriotic Americans are fighting back half skull
Trump is part of the ZOG machine. Time to wake up and smell the roses.
Reminder that only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. Sage.
Working out pretty well. This is a Shareblue board now.
This was quality
So good
Aaand in comes ShareBlue
Fuck the shills
Assad is good boy he dindu nuffin
Somebody call /mlp/ we need chemo stat!
You smell of newfag OP. We know youre the controlled opposition.
Sup Forums is not inherently left or right wing. It has a sizeable population of right wing posters, but the entire point of this board is that there aren't the same restrictions to discussion (of politics) that most other websites have.
I do agree that if you can't handle actual actually discussing your views you wont last long, though. That's what happens when you have very strong, firm beliefs about things you never really put much thought into. People getting BTFO in debates over and over either ragequit or change their views to more logically defensible ones.
Im Not share blue
You guys are so fucking dumb, before you came it was pretty much an echo chamber. Now you gave us a new set of friends to play with. And you'll never change our opinion.
> if you complain about lefties derailing and sliding threads, you are a newfag
Divide and Conquer right here.
Do pic related every time when you get annoyed of trolls and shills.
>Mfw people calling out raids and "shills" are actually the ones invading from t_d
>Mfw I disagree with most of Trump's politics but view him as a step in the right direction, but still get called a "shill" even though I've been here for longer than Trump has been alive
Go away, plebbit faggots.
Oh the sweet sanctimony and elitism of liberals. It is so tasty I want more right now.
We are talking about obvious slide and derailing threads, not about people who want to share their opinion and join discussions.
Threads like
And i found this threads all just in the first column of the Catalog when you sort by Creation Date.
/leftypol/ is just angry that they're viewed of lesser value as furfags on 2x4chan
You aren't welcome here reddit trash. Go worship your kike where you belong.
Forgot the pic
No I agree with you, user. Problem is this place has been relentlessly attacked more than I have ever seen for the past month. It is incredible to see, and actually creeps me out.
Voices like Jimmy Dore are great to hear, even though I disagree with him on so many things.
Getting desperate?
A skillful shitposter can turn any shit thread into something worthwhile.
This is why.
Your pathetic. Pol fucking died and you don't even know it. The pol that is is different this time. Stop taking up the board with 2016 threads.
>A skillful shitposter can turn any shit thread into something worthwhile
> Hey guys! You should post and bump "White People BTFO" nigger dick threads! Because if you are skilled, you are able to make it into something worthwhile!
>falling for the Sup Forums is only for the right meme
Have you ever fucked with a scammer? It can be pretty funny and that's the kind of content I'm talking about.
Sup Forums (really Sup Forums as a whole) has the exploitable weakness of having a maximum number of threads with a maximum number of posts, but making threads die faster does not prevent people from posting whatever they want.
Instead of calling them "thought germs" he could have just called them "ideas".
The worst kinds of arguments seen online would largely disappear if they were done face to face in public. Internet communication kills empathy and increases solipsistic tendencies. The internet depersonalizes and desensitizes.
Shills never learn.
>Have you ever fucked with a scammer? It can be pretty funny and that's the kind of content I'm talking about.
Fuck Off!
Of course i saw Trolls trolling other Trolls in shill threads. Last week one "DRUMPF BTFO" shill got trolled that hard that he spent 2h and 45min in his thread and wrote >30 posts because he got triggered by people who are obviously trolling him. That was the most pathetic person i ever saw in Sup Forums.
But thats still not "something wothwhile", If you like such things, you should go to The absolutely WORST thing you could do with a shill thread is bumping it and keeping it alive. The best thing which could happen is if the thread dies immediately, like pic related.